I'm feeling a sense of relief for the first time in a while. The speech made me feel like I was living in America again. An historic speech. A most impressive and admirable American president. Joe has our backs. Between now and November, I'll do whatever I can to help him get over the finish line victorious. Steve, your analysis gave me such a sense of relief that I had tears in my eyes. Strength can be kind and good, and we saw a shining example of that last night at a much needed time

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Many are relieved. He said what we all needed to hear and more. Now we have to get back to work saving our democracy.

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POTUS Biden is not intimated by TFG/MAGA/Putin or the SCOTUS. His powerful presence and riveting speech exposed the weakness of Johnson cowering behind him. Fantastic. Inspiring.

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Biden was competent and confident - years of experience allowing him to be brave. He knows the issues, and the statistics behind those issues, normally not loudly stated. That rebuttal was sure odd. Smile on, smile fade, smile on, then look of concern with words that need explanation. If Britt gets honors, then it shows that acting classes need to be part of the public educational curriculum. Fake it until you make it - and then it might become real.

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Galvanizing up front—groundling down below.


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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Excellent SOTU! I think one of the better parts is when he called out the Supreme Court and apparently was looking right at them. It needed to done, great job.

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Agree! Wow! Whole, compound sentences that actually made sense unlike the scrambled eggs for brains other guy. Be still my heart. Joe hit it out of the park..spot on, confident, challenging the MAGA's with dignity and intelligence, attributes they do not possess. The crude MTG showed how

truly low life she really is in her MAGA hat. MAGA Mike looked like a 3rd grade dunce sent to the corner.

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And all the MAGAs could say was that Biden talked too fast!

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President Biden killed it last night. It was a sight to behold. For far too long the Dems on the ground, the ones doing the work have been complaining the President and the communication's machine were ineffective and way, way too timid. In essence they kept bringing a knife to a gun fight. Last night President Biden came fully armed. He left no doubt he's ready to fight for us, for our country, for our future and the future of our planet. And wasn't it fun to watch as he publicly bitch slapped the congressional Republicans and the Supreme Court's majority of arrogant christo nationalists? Bravo, President Biden and thank you!

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It was sooooo much fun to watch!

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Bitch slapped!😂

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Like a cat flinging a mouse around by the tail.

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Love it. ❤️

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Steve, I hate to say I told you so; but, I TOLD YOU SO.

So much for polls, social media and MSM memes!!!! GO JOE!!!!! ;-)

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I watched some of Katie Britt’s reply. Where do they find these menacing evildoers?

I would remind the Maggots that this woman supported a child predator during his run for the Alabama Senate Seat. Yes, that kitchen table setting is but a prop.

Perhaps she can come to my state of North Carolina and say a few words in support of the Holocaust Denier running for Governor.

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The part of Britt’s message that stuck with me the most, is the kitchen table setting.

It’s a perfect analogy for Alabama and the MAGAverse. Women belong in the kitchen: end of story!….:)

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Women belong in government, organizing, collaborating, listening, assimilating, imagining, saving our asses,undercutting the stupid hubris. Just sayin’

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I had enough of Alabama when their Other Moron Senator was disrupting the lives of military families.

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But Alabama brought us Joyce Vance.

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The only fully developed brain in Alabama!

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Thank goodness for that!!!!

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Say it loud!

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She was probably barefoot too.

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What cave do these MAGA women slither from? They are not normal women. They sell out their birthright for some misogynist's approval and grovel adoringly at his feet, selling out their sisters' freedoms for a pat on their pointy little heads. BTW I have it on good authority that a certain blond shade of Miss Clairol is kept stocked by the MAGA's as part of their tribal color.

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And the cross necklace shown prominently. Good grief.

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Surprised she didn’t have an AK-47 enhancer dangling from the cross, so au courant in Alabama….

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It was like she was auditioning for a soap opera part….Show us all your emotions Katie, happy, sad, mad, scared, defiant, tiger mom. I wanted to hurl by the end (which I thought would never come)

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Exactly. They picked Katie Britt because she was the antithesis of Joe: (Fake) Young GOP Woman. AI would have been more convincing, sadly. Especially hilarious that she tried to claim GOP took the lead on supporting IVF, oh and like they give one flying fig about the cost of child care. The GOP could not care less about the struggle to find and pay for good safe childcare, and Trump the germophobe hates any children that aren't his own. (Actually some of them too, we see you Junior.)

The GOP didn't move a muscle on IVF till Trump pulled their string. Nor will the GOP ever, ever do anything long-term to help working women with childcare, because bottom line, they look down on them.

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So glad I didn’t watch. Thanks for the recap. 🤣

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Okay, I just watched a replay on YouTube…. Dear Lord, someone should have taken pity on her and stopped her…

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I could not watch any of the BS speeches after the SOTU. I was on such a "high" after it I didn't want to get my blood boiling. You are more courageous; I know we need to know our enemy and what they're thinking, but I was feeling too good after our President's speech!

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I couldn’t either so I didn’t.

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On the eve of International Women's Day, to see her in her kitchen, pretending to cry! She is a disgrace to all modern women! That speech alone, should nail Trump's coffin!

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Is it me, or did anyone else notice that Britt’s decision to use her rebuttal in a kitchen table setting? This epitomizes the MAGA movement: women belong in the home, raising babies unless they have to conceive by IVF.

At least she made a great case as to why she shouldn’t be anywhere near the Capitol building….:)

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I think she does what she thinks she has to do to "win." Lady Macbeth said it

Thou wouldst be great

Art not without ambition, but without

The illness should attend it

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Lady Macbeth, the perfect description!

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She was probably barefoot too.

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I'm surprised that she didn't have her crying children surrounding her, with one at her breast, just like the in the song "Lady MaDonna", by the beloved Beatles!

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Great minds...

See my post above.

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It’s a good start, but the campaign begins today. This speech will be forgotten by Monday; and we all know the right-wing media ecosystem is in full crisis mode.

If Biden continues with the fighting spirit, then we’ll be reading the mango morons epitaph come November and rejoicing for years to come…:)

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Unlike traditional SOTU speeches, I'm not certain THIS particular SOTU will be forgotton by Monday.

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Fair enough; how about next week? It was one of his best and a good start. Now the war of attrition begins…:)

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I agree, the speech was powerful, and Biden knew he nailed it! I think that the adrenaline Biden received last night will carry him to the speech he will give today; and the adrenaline he will receive today, will carry him to the next day-and so on and so on, until November!

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I’ve got the perfect epitaph:



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"Here LIES Donald Trump."

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Excellent, with lies in quotation marks…:)

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Bold. Italic. Underlined. And hyperlinked, too.

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Im sure he will!

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Biden took threw some power punches in his SOTU and showed many facets of the gem he truly is, undeniably showing us why he is POTUS and can LEAD us forward at this critical moment in time.

Steve, it seems your 'Warnings' about Biden needing to call out Fascism, hit hard against MAGA, may have helped to encourage this SOTU in the ways we needed most. Biden can command a room and spar with people, call people out to their faces (the insurrection deniers!), joke about himself, connect with people. Thank you Biden, and you, too, Steve Schmidt for your devotion to the people -freedom!

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I felt hope. Have not felt that for many months. It is a good feeling.

Going after SCOTUS was what every woman in this country needed. Joe understands that women are mad and being horribly mistreated. It was time for those words to be spoken.

Speaker Johnson needs to remember that cameras are on him and learn to school himself. Although pretty sure his mannerisms and facial expressions were on purpose, but what an idiot. I’m calling his office today, we all should and tell him to bring the border bill to the floor. This nonsense has to end.

I know it is not over and we have long days ahead of us, but this bit of light I feel today, I hope many of us feel, was exactly what was needed.

Oh and Truth Social went down? Hahaha.

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Exactly how I am feeling too.

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As someone who grew up in North Jersey, my history with Chump is longer and painful than the average American.

I watched him run the USFL football league into the ground forty years ago. If I was hiring back then, I would have lined the birdcage with his resume.

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A reflection on those who have been whining from the start and not having the confidence many have deservedly put behind this superb president while shakIng in their boots about the criminal turd from Queens. T’was a Tour de FORCE!

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Biden's speech was very good, but the most reassuring and inspiring moments were his spontaneous and unscripted responses to heckles. Proof positive that the man has all his wits. Let's hope that his minders were reassured, and that in the coming weeks they will let Joe be Joe.

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This was always there within President Biden and some of us knew this all along. This was the same steel and sense of purpose and dedication to American democracy that caused him to run in 2020. A great man and an incredible president, particularly given the very difficult hand he was dealt.

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Yes I also felt that he stepped up to the plate in 2020 because of the higher purpose of his calling. But he is not the one who likes to make himself the centerpiece and it will never be talked about. He basically made a U-turn in 2020 from 2016 by deciding to run for president, because he worried about what Trump was doing to the country.

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Could not agree more!

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The old ideas of Trump outweigh the age of Joe Biden. Trump brings retribution and exclusion to send us backwards to a time when some where in chains and the rest in disgrace. His ideas are as old as time to take away the rights of some and pay homage to him, as if he were God, himself. President Biden brings hope of the future to restore the rights we lost under Trump and his right wing Justices. This generation is the only generation to have to live with less rights than the previous generation. The Republican party wants to take away rights and send us back into the dark ages. The Democratic party wants to protect your rights and expand them. The Democratic tent is large enough to include everyone including an old former Republican like me.

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Yes Steve, I agree 100% that President Biden gave what the American people must hear today and from here on! I went in with absolutely no expectations. I admit to have prayed the President would be fierce, and I was relieved, and joyful, believe it or not. We can do this, we must carry on! Carry on, carry on!

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Never doubted him, but I do pray he has a good delivery whenever he speaks. The words may not flow out as smoothly as for others but the heart and mind, wisdom and experience are all there.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Steve, thanks. I agree with you completely. In my opinion, it was the best SOTU I’ve ever heard. (I’m grateful to all the hecklers who tried to throw the President off his game, they did a great job of helping the President make his point). President Biden is the best President in my lifetime. I know I’m a little biased because I’m originally from the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area, President Biden’s hometown area. But I really mean it. I’m in awe of the people he has appointed to his cabinet. The best and the brightest. I feel proud of my country whenever I see Sec. Blinken, Sec. Austin, Sec. Yellen, Sec. Pete, and all the rest in action. But whenever I would say this to someone that President Biden is doing a great job, they would look at me like I was nuts. I would cite some of his accomplishments, tell them to watch the whole interview, or why don’t you watch his entire speech. The reason why they were dismissive and surprised by my enthusiasm is because they were influenced by Fox and the right wing echo chamber who were on a mission to destroy the President and create the narrative that he was senile since day 1 of his administration. Whenever the President made one mistake in a speech or interview, or mispronounced something, the right wing media would play it over and over and over again. And then the MAGA crowd would tweet or post it. The right wing media was so effective that the senile narrative seeped through to even Democrats who voted for the President. But you are so right, the President obliterated the narrative and reset the clock. And your advice is spot on- that the President and his team can not let the narrative take hold again.

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Biden has battled against a horrible stuttering, since he could talk. His determination has helped conquer his disability, but it will never fully go away. Trump-what is your excuse?!

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Biden is POTUS despite a speech impediment....because he is that good at this job!

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