It is hard to believe that Trump holds any kind of lead regarding the economy. Are we as a people so forgetful that we cannot remember the history of the past forty years? Every single time a republican holds the executive branch the economy goes to hell in a hand basket and the democrats have to come in and pick up the pieces. Look at the economy under Clinton, Obama, and Biden…in each case they inherited a bogus economy and it recovered under their administration….Trump has economic acumen…he bankrupted a casino, his father gave him over 600 million dollars and he squandered it! Wake up America!

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I know Chris Saunders- it’s baffling. Is it because of Fox? Or the MSM too?

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It started when republicans would bleat that “Democrats are big spenders.” Of course, nothing could be further from the truth and in the last forty years…Democrats have stabilized the economy while republicans have spent like crazy on all sorts of things but mostly on “defensive wars” like Afghanistan and Iraq.

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Was just about to say the exact same thing, which economy does he lead in? Surely not the American one, it went to hell under him and under Republicans generally it’s usually a smash and grab, and the only ones who benefit are the ones at the very top. And then when the Democrats come in and fix it, they get blamed for what the Republicans did, while the GOP takes credit for the recovery 🤦‍♀️

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From a wide economic perspective, most of today's inflation is due to the serious interruptions in the supply chain during Covid. Even at the time it was being said these interruptions would have long-term negative effects on consumer prices.

And which orange fake messiah admitted to downplaying the pandemic, and had some people literally drinking bleach?

Just all too much too much.

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Agreed, except for HW Bush. He inherited a recession and the last year in office the economy rebounded and he and Clinton would have the longest economic expansion in US history around ten years before it was eclipsed by the Obama/Trump economic expansion of 10 years and 6 months.

And Trump always claimed that he inherited the worst economy in US history, yet is responsible for the longest economic expansion in US history. Again, you would have to suspend disbelief to even consider his logic.

Only in Trump’s America!…:)

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But HW followed the republican gold standard…R Reagan

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True, but he was a sane president. Remember VooDoo economics? That was what Bush’s reaction to Reagan’s economic plan of “trickle down-economics. Tax cuts, tax cuts and tax cuts. They claim a lot could be attributed to his increased military spending. But Star Wars and the other military spending combined, only added an additional $108 billion in military spending over his eight years in office.

This was the reason Bush never had a second term. He promised not to raise taxes (“read my lips”), but he understood Reagan’s tax cuts were causing massive deficits and debt.

Bottom line: Reagan tripled the national debt from $759 billion to $2.7 trillion by the time he left office: Enough said!…:)

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After 4 years of everyday, hypnotizing rhetoric even when the DOW breaks 40K and NASDQ 18, unemployment at 3% etc, etc, etc the low information (most of the country) voters and MAGA weave a spell. It is a slumbering population in the throes of a mass hypnosis event.

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Trump's economic policy is Tic Tacs. Trump supporters heard him say it. Is there something actually wrong with these people? Large pack of Tic Tacs, and a small pack of Tic Tacs!..... That's frightening. I suppose Trump's handlers are truly responsible - they must know they're dealing with crazy talk.

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Amen, Chris. This is the biggest WTF of our time. I'm not sure where the Schmidt-Show drop box is, but I'd love to hear ideas for the campaign and the Democratic Party collectively to turn this perception around. After all, reality is on our side.

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They only care about "the debt" when a Dem is in office. Then when they are in office, they spend like drunken sailors, handing out tax cuts to their rich buddies. This has been going on since Reagan, or maybe even before.

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You misspelled Biden and Harris.

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It's funny ... we are taught to be polite and respectful. To think that we are in the midst of such derision of a former president would have been unthinkable just eight years ago. There are several presidents that I disagreed with and did not like. However, I never would have been as disrespectful as I have been with Rump. I call him The Orange Turd or Cheeto. What is funny, though, is that he has encouraged this. He has set an example of being completely despicable and gross. The way he has taunted opponents, the disrespect he's given former presidents and our servicemen, the bragging about only he can make things better, and the list goes on and on and on. I will continue to disrespect his a$$ until he has crawled back into his gold encrusted hole or he is sitting in prison. I have never hated anyone as much as I have hated him. This is a pretty strong statement for me as I've always tried to be kind to people. I just can't with him. Go Kamala and Tim ... I think there are only 79 days to go.

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18

Inasmuch as Donald has no visible redeeming humane qualities, I find it hard to hate him personally. He's too pathetically needy.

On the other hand, his cons and lies are so transparent that I have far more contempt for his angry, scaredy cat, weak-minded followers. Without them, Donald would be hawking fake jewelry at a summer carnival in some jerkwater town.

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Agree with you Susan Woodruff. Thanks for speaking for me too!

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Me too!

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Me too

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You expressed my feelings about trump. I hesitate to use the word hate but I have such strong negative feelings about him that I find it difficult to even look at him

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I actually feel my blood pressure go up

when the Orange Turd comes on television!

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“The hour of MAGA’s Waterloo has arrived. The beginning of the end is finally here.”

Well said Steve! Kick that charlatan while he’s down, and then kick him a hundred times more to finish the job. We can’t give this cheap snake-oil salesman any quarter, for he deserves none!

And thankfully, Trump is doing most of the work for us….:)

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18

It's all very similar to Hitler whose success was mainly due to his early element of surprise.

NO ONE thought he would do the things he did until he did them. However, when the forces of good finally caught on, the Nazi demise began.

Sound familiar?

In the end Hitler became a full-blown mentally-diseased shadow of his former self, and such a liability with his crazed strategies for the Nazi battlefield that he was--for all intents and purposes--the most perfect inside operative the Allies could possibly have hoped for.

Sound familiar?

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Well said, it definitely sounds familiar…:)

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It’s simply fun to watch Donny Demento’s persona losing its glow if not its color, and all this as he does it all by himself at the sight of an intelligent, astute and articulate female candidate changing the rhetoric and his appeal in a real race.

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Agreed. Humor and sarcasm are his kryptonite. He can’t take a joke or criticism, and it eats him up alive. Losing against an intelligent smart woman of color is the most demeaning thing that could happen to him. He’s such a misogynistic racist, and he can’t help himself…:)

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Oh, Robert, that was beautiful. Kick him while he is down. To be honest, I have underestimated Kamala, while I liked her. However, I sit here now knowing that SHE WILL WIN! (But, (always a But with tfg) he IS and HAS so many NASTY CORRUPT people. The ones left that won’t come to any sense of TRUTH, make me afraid.

Kamala’s / The Democratic Convention has given me hope, it was long, but had me glued and emotional (at times) it felt good to feel proud to be an American. Like everyone, I just want tfg to go away and SHUT UP, BE DONE WITH HIM. He is so dangerous (and stupid?) though smart enough to be on the tv for (9 GD Years) ENOUGH… I am ranting, sorry. 😣. 🇺🇸🙏🥰

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Not at all. I wholeheartedly agree..:)

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All this fuss about the economy, all the while forgetting how atrocious the Trump economy was. The MEDIA needs to get its s**t together. They prop up Trump while beating down Biden. Harris/Walz is the new game in town. Instead of vilifying Democrats, it is high time to laud and applaud them. Anyone who thinks "Project 2025" is a good thing should check themselves into a mental institution.

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I wouldn't say "atrocious." But there were definite strong rumblings that the economy was headed to a recession. And if the orange fake messiah should get his tiny grubby hands on the wheel again, atrocious woule be left in the dust.

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You may be right. "Atrocious" depicts more the man. But, it is difficult to separate the two.

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Hurrah for Kamala! Lots of work ahead by everyone to assure that the Dems have a BIG win! Will not even mention her opponent since he is in our faces too much. Kamala and Tim have an important week ahead in Chicago, in front of millions around the World! Go Harris-Walz! We have your backs, and you will get our votes! VOTE!

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When he loses the election, along with all the other R's, I want to see him imprisoned for the 34 felonies and prosecuted for his other crimes. And I want to see the politicians who supported the 1/6 insurrection held accountable in court.

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Donald's press interviews are fodder for late night comedians. They are otherwise worthless and provide nothing new just his same old tired schtick. Trump complains more than an over indulged teenager about having to spend time and play with his little sister or brother. He is so spoiled that when he plays with other kids his age they see him for what he is, an unliked bully who takes his ball home when he doesn't get his way. Donald has had many failed ventures including steaks. He should put his millions into whine production. His vineyards are full of sour grapes and aged with just enough acid to sharpen the bite. His whine is not for everyone, I agree. However, there are many unfortunates who have gotten drunk on his bitter whine. They will need a lifelong self help group, like AA in order to return to a society that respects others rights instead of trying to dictate them. Take your ball and go home Donald. No one cares anymore, you have become the problem not the solution. The music is over, turn out the lights.

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Has anyone every noticed that the mainstream media actually leaves out much of the worst Dump ramblings? You need to watch the late night shows to see the truly incomprehensible shit.

It's almost as if the networks are intentionally leaving the best/worst fodder for the comedians.

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Millions of MAGA followers drank the whine-aide. Well put, Patrick!

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I grew up in El Monte, Ca in the 1970's and had to fist fight in a bully-ridden high school several times. Never let the bastards up once they are on the ground. Forgive the coarse tone here but Trump has taken us all back to El Monte.

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What's with this " He maintains an edge on handling the economy". He destroyed our economy as TFG and will tariff it to hell if he gets another chance. The Biden/Harris team built the strongest economy in seventy years. Kamala Haris is, as we live and breathe, still a significant part of that team. Does the MSM and Joe Schmoes of the land have their heards up their asses? Or are they pullin' for Putin?

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The idiocy of an undefined plan to fight inflation is redoubled when you take into consideration that Trump is calling for much higher tariffs and even considering ending income taxes and funding the federal government with increased tariffs. We would suffered an economy crushing inflation coupled with economic contraction, i.e. stagflation.

At times, I feel the word that best describes Trump is "JERK."

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Not strong enough!

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Is their a strong enough word? Probably not. How about stupid, ignorant, self-centered, gaping asshole?

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“Trump deserves every bit of the mockery, humiliation, laughter and derision coming his way. He is entitled to no consideration or respect. Trump is a punching bag, and should be viewed as one this week. Trumpism should be torn to shreds from the podium. The lies, division, insanity and corruption must be called out, described and exposed.”. Steve Schmidt

Every.single.day. You lead the charge by such emphatic and articulate example. I hope the HarrisWalz campaign is seeing you every single day getting Trump into the ring and not letting up on him for one minute.

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Frankly, the only reason Trump still leads in polls about Immigration and the economy is because MSM continues to repeat and amplify those long held erroneous beliefs.

In reality Republicans refused to vote on a very strict Immigration Bill that they helped draft. They refuse to do the very things that would ease problems at the border, then blame Democrats.

And the old saw that Republicans are better on the economy begs the question - for whom? It’s usually the wealthy who Republicans give tax breaks to in the debunked theory of “trickle down economics”. Then they insist on reducing social benefits for the rest of us and blame the deficit on Democrats. And the MSM reports this nonsense as factual.

If only the MSM reported the facts instead of partisan opinions, we might be able to revive trust again.

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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Oct 2017: "He's a fucking moron."


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And Rex would say something like, “ I never said he was a moron.” Parsing the words b/c he really said he was a,

f—-ing moron.” So funny - and true.

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Aren't there plenty of Trump sketch artists? You can find them in courtrooms, Donnie.

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Trump complaining about Time covers? This boy has his priorities right, eh? Doesn’t he have fake covers including Time all over one (or more) of his palaces? It’s time to put this guy out to pasture (or Ryker’s). VOTE folks!! We all deserve a return to normalcy!

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Trump holds a unique place in America's history. He is a former president who has forced millions of lifelong Republicans to vote for a Democrat, often for the first time. His words and actions have also caused tens of millions of us to hate, deride, castigate and wish ill on him. What a sad fact.

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My friend in The Villages dropped me a note. She and her friends attended a Big Kamala Festival today.

A Big Blue Voter Drive deep in the heart of enemy territory — it sounded like my uncle’s Third US Army smashing the Nazi’s to pieces.

Great turnout and she said “wild enthusiasm” for Kamala and Tim.

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