I can't read the BBC investigation. I'm already sick to my stomach reading this post. You used past tense in describing the sick bastard. Does that mean he is arrested, or hopefully, dead? I can't wrap my head around how people like that exist.

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I share same feeling as celeste k. I just can’t. I hope this monster gets (or got) what he deserves. Is he still at work?

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I cannot read this story either. I hope he is arrested and spends his life in jail

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

I can't read it either. But here's a NEWS FLASH: Anyone who still eats meat, fish, dairy, and eggs (not out of your back yard) and hasn't shifted to a (delicious) plant-based diet is supporting ongoing daily / hourly ATROCITIES against BILLIONS of animals that would be equally sickening. I could put up about fifty URL links and dozens of book titles to wake people up to how they are complicit with these horrors, but here's a 4 minute video that tells the TRUTH about the consequences of people's heavily conditioned "palate pleasure." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFnFEXqnG-4 (only about 2 minutes are gruesome). There's no excuse not to watch this, unless you've already gone plant-based.

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While I agree with the atrocities of the meat industry and that it needs reform desperately, it's ludicrous to associate omnivores with the people in this article. This is one example of why the liberal wing is so weak, there is too much infighting and tearing down for being "imperfect".

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

Lauren, i beg to differ. It's not "ludicrous" or "infighting" to point out that the industrial / institutional production and consumption of animals and their secretions is an ongoing horror for animals, these fully feeling sentient beings (the global numbers are up to 80 BILLION land animals confined, tortured and killed each year, not to mention hundreds of billions of sea creatures),. And the entire monstrosity is sustained by consumer choices 3 times each day.

Surely people have been aware of this horror for decades now, thanks to "tell all" / "show all" investigations by brave persons risking or enduring prison sentences (because of outrageous Ag Gag laws) to uncover what happens in feedlots and slaughterhouses. Photos and video footage have been presented to the mainstream public by all the animal rights groups (starting most famously with PETA) trying to expose the horror and educate consumers to shift their dietary choices.....

The only "reform" of the meat (& egg, dairy) industry will be when it is largely ended by people actually becoming more conscious and compassionate with their food choices.... which will also save the planet from a long list of eco-horrors (climate change, deforestation, habitat destruction, water overuse and pollution, etc etc etc).

Thank you for listening, hopefully with an open heart and mind.... I'm well aware that this topic brings up massive cognitive dissonance for people. We say we "love animals" but our consumer choices say otherwise.

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You are so right. And by going Vegan people will save themselves a host of illnesses.

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

That's right, Jude-- heart disease, diabetes, cancers, obesity, Alzheimers, etc. etc., are all far less prevalent among vegan populations.

By eating a whole-food plant-based (WFPB), low on the food-chain diet, they avoid ingesting all the toxins and diseases (heavy metals, PCBs, dioxin & DDT residues, e. coli, salmonella, campylobacter) that accumulate in animal bodies and secretions. Not to mention the inflammatory factors IGF-1 and TMAO, and carcinogens and suspected carcinogens in meat (especially processed meat) and in dairy (the whey & casein proteins, highly correlated with breast and prostate cancer, for instance).

For those interested, Dr. Michael Greger's bestseller book *How Not to Die* will give you the science. He hosts the world's most thoroughly science-based web resource, www.NutritionFacts.org

And see the now-famous study for PLOS Medicine journal early in 2022 which indicated tremendous longevity gains by going plant-based-- even switching in your 80s can add 3-4 years of life on average:


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I have Dr. Greger’s book and Dr. McDougall’s as well. In 2015 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I did the ADA diet for 3 years. I was on the highest dose of Metformin and my Doctor also gave me a medication that was administered through shots in my stomach. He then said if that didn’t work I would have to go on insulin. The stomach shots gave me terrible hives and cost a ton and did not work. So I found Dr. McDougall and Dr. Greger and followed their plan. I dropped 75 pounds, reversed diabetes and have now been diabetes free for 5 years. I take zero medications. My Doctor said he has never seen this before in someone my age. Yet he did not ask me how I did it. Doctors often have had no training in nutrition. Often people do not want to change to what they believe are restrictive diets. I am never hungry and enjoy great health. I raised my kids on a vegetarian diet. But I have discovered what dairy does to our bodies and the animals and the environment. When we know better we do better. I love the Vegan lifestyle.

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I can't read it either. Just reading the first few paragraphs of Steve's article has me shaking and in tears.

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I am with you....I cannot bear it.

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People who abuse/kill animals eventually abuse/kill children and adults. These perverted people defy explanation and are probably more numerous than we want to admit. So sick!!!

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Christie. Martina. Totally true it’s been researched that children who

Kill or torture animals are likely to harm others..very sick disturbed!!!

Hard to believe they aren’t all in super max prisons for life. Marsha

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Or, if they are children ... in therapy not prison. Right?

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Dana bless you for being compassionate for the children…

Have any studies done about kids recovering or are they like ???pedophiles don’t get better ???

You’re blessed to respond, Marsha

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They should check the criminal background of the individuals involved. Their closets are hiding something.

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As I read today's title and 1st paragraph, I debated whether I should read your entire column, as I knew it would leave me upset. But ignorance (as blissful as it may seem) is not acceptable. I am beyond upset! I need time to truly comprehend these subhuman acts and what it says about my fellow citizens/humans.

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Yes, Steve, KEEP IT UP - countless examples of man’s inhumanity and the growing mass psychosis - the Death Camps of Hitler and Pol Pot, the caste system of India and the USA, slavery, buying and selling children, slaughter on the high seas, world wide, daily mass killings in the USA, - as was said, We have met the enemy: it is Us.. we humans... mostly white. Linguist and brilliant Yale Historian Timothy Snyder, forgotten genius Hannah Arendt, her banality of evil... Teen Greta, The FACE of Global Warming... a Grade B movie, it’s as real... as all day long... “Joe Knows Us”... Whip James Clyburn... Partners on Earth and in Heaven... saved us from Trump... may they do it again.. Bless JACK SMITH.

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S B Lewis, Please don't write, "mostly white". Yes, it is "US, we humans". But every race is as capable of every other race of sadism, mass slaughter, torture. (One "small" example: Rwanda and Burundi.)

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I'm weeping over this article, but I've seen a great deal of animal abuse, mainly in Central America and Thailand, while living there. In Honduras I managed to recover two young rain forest Kinkajous from Honduran children (they steal them from the mother Kinkajous and sell them for entertainment in tourist towns)...and then I was eventually able to get them to a tropical bird farm -the owner there built a large cage for them and then let them go, later, into the jungles around Copan.

Years, later, I found a rare baby leaf-eating monkey called a Dusky Lemur at a closed down resort in Thailand. She was starving and tangled up in a short leash. I managed to find a remote Wild Animal Rescue Center in Thailand who agreed to take her if I could get her to their facility. I hired a van and off we went. She cried and gripped my finger with her tiny hands the whole 5 hour drive. She did well at the rescue center for a couple of weeks, but then perished, as the abuse she'd endured was too much to overcome. She is only one of many tragedies where beautiful creatures' lives are destroyed by heartless, hateful humans.

There are millions of animals on this planet that are being exploited and abused. What I saw on this video is definitely the worst of all -Evil.

Steve thank you for bringing awareness to this horrific 'entertainment' for money. Sickening, Horrific. We must continue to speak out and stop all of this torture of animals.

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These animal experiences you’ve lived and the poem written by your father are two things I wanted to respond to but no words came that could match the beauty of them.

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Your compassion and efforts to save these traumatized fellow Beings is truly appreciated by me. You know what I believe: your karma glows. Thank you, Lisa. xoxo

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I couldn't watch the video. Reading Steve's article was enough.

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In the United States to which I refer, I say, mostly white. I might say, exclusively white. And White Supremacy, the banality that is today’s MAGA Trump evil, is pure horrid unadulterated fascism.

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That’s a fact.

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S B Lewis agree with you totally!!

Also Bless Steve Schmidt and

Bless JACK SMITH …thank you

For your response🌹Marsha

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I like this idea, but also having raised teens and still have one in the house, their "I know everything and you know nothing" mindset can be deeply frustrating 😂

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Melody Annie, listen to your teen, teens are our the mirror of our discontent... and they know...

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Don't misunderstand me – I absolutely do listen to my teens, and they can sometimes have a wisdom that defies logic; I've posted in this forum before that the discontent of GenZ is palpable and absolutely understandable. They are the future and the older we get the more we will rely on them to carry democracy. My other comment was in regard to the fact that they also don't have a lot of real life experience and they're not always willing to listen to the voice of experience when reasoning things out. Some teens in particular think they are the *only* ones that know anything - lol. Parents of teens I'm sure can relate to this.

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Just when I think I’ve heard it all. A freakin’ network. My stomach churns and I really struggle to see an optimistic future. I’m not the only one among my senior friends who say we’re glad to be old.

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Wow! SBLewis great idea!!!!!

Very gratefully ty, Marsha

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Please continue ramping up your own show to retake the information space with human decency and dignity. It is right that you were one of the very first few people calling out Trump’s malicious and vile presidency. We are fortunate to have someone courageous as you with talent, wit and decency to help us salvage our humanity and political foundation here.

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If there’s a god where the f::k is he?

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God? God is here now showing the world in no uncertain terms how far from goodness we have strayed. It’s a wake up call.

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

Thank You God for showing us how far we strayed by torturing monkeys.

Time for another carpenter to be sent down, yet again, to repent for our sins and seek salvation.

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

This behavior is not fixable with a new and improved Jesus. Prayers for a savior are hollow. We need to fill the breach, right here and right now.

This is human free will. This is the result of individualism without accountability or responsibility fed by the narrative that one's "freedom" has no boundaries or limits.

This is a human being involved with a global group of humans who intentionally cultivate their human audience to embrace the cruelty of their animal snuff videos.

Make no mistake, where there is profit there are human traffickers and pedophiles ready to expand their business model.

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To me the God principle is the best any one person can imagine. It represents the most loving possibility. It can be used as a baseline to guide people should they want to heal themselves. I’m not religious in the way term is generally used.

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People can be sick monsters. Have these pieces of human garbage been found and arrested?

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Yes, they have. It's in the BBC report Steve linked.

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Thanks, Melody Annie, couldn't read it.

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I saw the headline and had to see what it could possibly mean. When I read the news item I had to face that our world is in grave danger in ways that must be fought against with every resource available to us. We must regain our sanity. We must restore an evenness in our world economy so all people can do productive work that pays a supporting wage. We must not allow the internet to provide ANY platform for such atrocities. This is the most heartachingly horrific symptom of decay and madness I’ve ever heard of. Many will look away. Most. We can’t look away. Every single person of decency must move now to change the trajectory of the human mind. Let’s also face this: We must not leave out our domestic food animals from our protection as well.

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Steve, that you chose to write about this tells me you are a man of uncommon strength and necessity. You could have taken the easier way by writing about something else.

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Education must be revolutionized. Schools worldwide must teach real skills, both physical and psychological. Teachers are not babysitters. They model how to give and receive kindness and acceptance for all the students. Kids need to learn how to be self sufficient at a much younger age for their self esteem. Their natural creativity must be developed. Their capacity for personal well being must be instilled. They need to be taught the truth about the nature of our world, not protected from it. Who will the children of the future learn to become? Let’s MOVE on that.

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Yes, Let's MOVE on that!

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How could any human being enjoy seeing adorable baby monkeys hurt. I hate the human race sometimes.

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Sick to my stomach in the first few lines. What is wrong with people. I.just.can’t.

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What the hell is wrong with people? I am sickened and disgusted by this behavior. 💔

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I can’t read anymore about this. Please tell me this man from Norfolk, Virginia is rotting in a cage himself.

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He will be, per the BBC report. It's important to read the report in it's entirety though. That man also became an informer and helped bust the ring long before law enforcement got involved. It doesn't excuse anything he did prior to that, but eventually he did turn on the group.

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I understand your point that we cannot look away, but there are some people, and I include myself in this group, who cannot absorb so much cruelty without harm to ourselves. I read a few lines and it was more than I could bear to process. I literally will have nightmares about these baby monkeys. I am grateful to Steve for shining a light on this atrocity so the world knows it is happening.

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Like Jenn Z, I can't read the report. Thank you for letting us know.

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Bless you Steve. I have supported animal welfare/anti-cruelty action since I was 8 years old. This kind of activity and its dissemination through social media for profit is some of if the most vile and wretched our troubled species is capable of. Everyone here supporting Steve and his message is self-triaged as kind, caring intelligent people who want the best for our country. This is horrifically disturbing, yes. Steve’s motivation to place it in this forum is to show that the individual involved in Virginia

is steeped in Trumpism and MAGA. All the worst behaviors

humans are capable of--as

described here or storming the Capitol on Jan 6 trying to harpoon police officers with American, Confederate and Trump flags all find a home in

MAGA. We must save our country and call out, expose and work to halt inhumanity

wherever we find it.

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He is probably out on the streets already.

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So we need laws and enforcement because...... omg

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Angry, yes but more importantly than angry is why there would be an international “bespoke cruelty” market

At some level animal cruelty has been with us for millennia. Roman circuses, bear baiting rings are in our history But this is more egregious than past pursuits

If there wasn’t a market and if it wasn’t profitable it would stop. The question is why now, and what is the root cause?

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First, despite it’s disgusting revelations, thank you (I think) for bringing this story to our attention. However, one can only be sickened and outraged by it’s contents. If an article such as this can induce PTSD, this one may have done it for me.

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