We also need to give generously to the down ballot races as well: Alsobrooks, Gallego, and all who are challenging the MAGA reps who taint the Capitol. Harris has raised a phenomenal amount of coin, and has OHJB’s war-chest as well. It is a shame that so much money is spent on campaigns, but that’s the world we live in. I donate to offset the funds my mom and my brother donate to Republicans and MAGA.

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I predict that politically ambitious opportunists like Sefanik, Cruz, Graham, Rubio and other converts to MAGA will soon begin to denounce Trump, MAGA, and Project 2025.

However, they should be voted out of office because of their sycophancy and obvious willingness to put their own interests ahead of the nation's and world's well-being.

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Agree! All those invertebrates who harshly rejected tRump only to become first class sycophants have shown that they have absolutely no principles at all, just shameless self promotion. Vance is another master suck-up. Got him the VP nod.

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Yup, good observation. The one's to flip first should be the first to go.

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Wow, that never occurred to me. That's a fascinating prediction and a hopeful one. Thank you!

Steve, what an incredible piece of writing... AGAIN. One topic I hope you'll tackle is the MAGA electors in place in 22 red states who are prepared NOT to certify the election if Harris wins. As Rachel Marrow observed the other night, Trump keeps saying that his followers don't even have to vote for him (or at all) at this point, which is a seriously creepy thing to say. And he keeps repeating it! Clearly, he believes he will be saved by these MAGA elector officials

Are you aware of any plan in place if this happens? The former Republican electors who saved the 2020 election have all been voted out and replaced by the MAGA weirdos. What do we do if this happens? Or perhaps I should say... WHEN it happens.

Thank you!

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For the first time in my personal history I am making calls for a presidential campaign. I start today! To the swing states. I've committed to 5 hours a week. I'll learn the ropes later today. Thanks for all your inspiration, Steve! Thank you Joe Biden for stepping aside for this freedom-loving ass-kicking woman. Go Kamala!! Here is the link I was sent to to sign up: https://txt.democrats.org/609s/

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What a great job you did on that message! One of your BEST! Keep it up, Steve.

Very positive and encouraging! Should make every voter stand up and say - what can I do?

Yes, can hear the whistle!

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EPIC! Simply Epic! Thank you Steve.

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The Trump cult really doesn’t get it. They Trump will get them the retribution they seek. In reality, Trump is really using them to get his retribution. They won’t have to vote again… because he won’t need them anymore.

Once in power, the corruption swings into high gear. Tax breaks for the wealthy. Deregulation and the removal of the EPA, who is going to pay for government if the wealthy pay less… whose health and wages/benefits will be the most affected…his cult.

Trump is always about Trump. Look what he did for his first wife that recently died. This billionaire volunteered to bury her and pick up the expenses. A noble act? Nope. He got her a cheap coffin and buried her one of his golf courses so he could claim taxes credits for designating it a cemetery.

A fraudulent University, a fraudulent charity, fraudulent business , cheats at golf and every wife, a stable genius with all the best words but threatened to sue any school that releases his transcripts, bankrupt 6 times including 3 casinos, and even destroyed the USFL because of his “business practices “. That’s who you want to run the country? You really think he wants to make the better for his cult or himself, each being mutually exclusive.

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Yes first line should read: They think Trump…

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Last line should read…Do you really think he wants the cult lives to get better or exclusively his, each mutually exclusive

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Hey Eric. Good comment, but you can edit typos without adding a correction. I know because I do that from time to time.

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What’s the secret?

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The 3 dots to the right of the like/reply/share line.

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It's amazing how blind his followers are. His whole life is just a textbook example of someone who has no regard for anyone else, has never sacrificed anything, has no concept of any cause or principle bigger than him, and is a user, through and through. A user first, last, and always.

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Trump is truly mentally ill. He is by definition a malignant narcissist.

He is incapable of empathy loyalty or other qualities that make us human. He is full of hate and self loathing. He knows he is flawed but try’s to cover it up with his cruelty

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Nothing reminds me of MAGA more than a picture of the signers of the Tripartite Pact of 1940 arrogantly waving from a balcony. What a collection of clowns. It took five years of horror and bloodshed to bury these clowns. Hopefully we can bury another collection of clowns at the ballot box in a few months.

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Italy and Japan were monumentally stupid to go down the Hitler Fascist rabbit hole. It got so many of their people annihilated and their countries bombed to shit. Idiots

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I keep expecting in reading your posts that you will simply run out of gas re your most excellent metaphors, your compelling flow of diction, your compelling articulation, but you do not. Out there, no one is better at this enterprise than the veteran Schmidt. And this precise gift serves the greatest cause possible in these chaotic times. Thank God for you and your gift.

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Thank you, Gerald!


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Yes, a well developed Gift....and sheer Grit, too! Take 'em down, Steve!

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Are we at risk of becoming the Schmidt cult? 😄

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You see how perniciously Trump cultism has affected everyone's gestalt? ;-)

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Cultism has always been a potential existential threat, laying dormant. I see Trump's cult as only a variant of the virus. Religion, as proven by its virulent history, has periodically erupted into it's destructive metastizicing impact, trying to take over and control all the body's functions, interesting only in its rapid growth, ignoring the destructive impact on the health of the whole body.. The rapid spread of tribalisms promise a kind of quarantined protection from the virus, people in numbers members wearing the same silly mask. But in reality, the failure of the immune system that protected us from the ravages of financial insecurity is no longer dormant. That threat has become epidemic, with no cure apparent.

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Haha. Facetiously funny. We who follow Steve are too realistic, and he is not the cult leader type, otherwise he would still be a big wig in the GQP machine

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Thought you were being serious! Some of us are ratcheted way too high :-)

Good one! We drank the Schmidt Cool-Aide! 😄

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Cool-Aide instead of Kool-Aid? Very clever, Lisa!

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Not me. I have often disagreed with Schmidt and have said so. My specific observation was about his articulation. I have admired George Will's writing talent, but agreed never with his harshly rightwing sentiments. Homage must be given. Reading on and on, you randomly come across Schmidt, a "the-corn-is-green" moment.

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George Will is a political hack! His “opinion" column this week - “Progressives’ abortion fearmongering turns, ridiculously, to Comstock” is exhibit A - for Atrocious belittling of the right-wing agenda. Don't know what even prompted me to consider his "logic" and will simply ignore him going forward. He makes me ashamed to be a WaPo subscriber…

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Yeah. Agree. He is a rancid right-winger. My post was not to celebrate his politics, but to acknowledge his writing skills only. Talent should receive homage or what are we. MAGA would disagree, of course.

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“from JD Vance, Stephen Miller, Boris, to thousands of others walking through the gates of the White House making decisions, ever” Ain’t that the truth? Beautifully put together 💕

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Steve, your line, “The bloated duffer dropping mulligans like he dropped the ball during Covid is alternately incoherent, insane, nonsensical and deeply menacing,” is beyond precious. Let’s all meet up at the 19th hole -- Kamalot.

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Agree 100%! The day my middle brother died of coronavirus after putting up a valiant fight of 7 days in the ICU on a ventilator on April 9, 2020, the insane Orange Idiot was urging Americans to pack the church pews for Easter 2020 because the virus was a HOAX! Some hoax as over 1,250,000 Americans have died of Trump’s HOAX virus!!!

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My heart goes out to you. Trump’s response to COVID was a criminal act. I am so sorry for your loss.

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Thanks for your condolences. I also lost a cousin later due to coronavirus.

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I’m so sorry. It’s heartbreaking and enraging at the same time. We lost our veterinarian and two family friends who believed the toxic and dangerous BS spread by Trump. We must rise up and landslide this fetid stench of a “man”.

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The irony of the whole coronavirus pandemic is that for 25 years I was the director of the Lung Injury Laboratory at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. I worked with a Chinese scientist in my lab for 16 years and assisted him getting his USA citizenship. During the week between Christmas and 1-01-20, I contacted him and asked him about the rumors of an unknown respiratory virus in China. He told me his medical friends in China told him that an unknown respiratory virus was spreading like wildfire from Wuhan. Alarm bells went off because in 2005 at the Avian Flu International Conference in Paris, I met the Chinese scientist who was the Director of the Wuhan Virus Research Center and we talked for 45 minutes at my poster. I do not know whether the coronavirus originated at her laboratory or the Wuhan animal market, but I do know that she was a very smart scientist!

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That is intense! Thank you for sharing your incredible experience!

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I am so terribly sorry that your brother died from Covid and enraged at the role Trump’s wanton sociopathy likely played in that tragic outcome. We must repeatedly remind our fellow Americans of psychopathic Trump’s human rights crime of default pandemic democide against those fellow Americans. A shonda and barbarity of catastrophic proportion.

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Thanks for your condolences Ken!

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One of Harris’s ad strategies has to be reminding folks over and over of how Trump botched the handling Covid. The benchmark of a good President is how they respond to a crisis and how he botched it said it all!

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I agree Michael. All the Orange Idiot had to do was turn to Dr. Fauci and state he was in charge of the response to the pandemic and he would move heaven and Earth to get Fauci everything he needed. But, no Trump thought he was smarter than everyone and also cast doubt on his scientists by hawking hydroxychloroquine and drinking bleach! Total insanity!!

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The way that the MAGAs have turned on Dr Fauci is shameful and infuriating. An impeccable career and character are smeared by conspiracy nuts who don't know the first thing about science. GQP congress members insinuating that Dr. Fauci had a hand in creating the virus. WTF

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Yes, and millions of cult-indoctrinated people will always believe Fauci is the bad guy. They drank the kool-aide and some probably drank the bleach. Idiocracy!

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Ya know, I used to refrain from thinking this, but not anymore. It would be poetic justice if all the kool aide drinkers got a chance to "sample" the non-existent or Fauci created virus for themselves

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TFG didn't want anything to affect his 'winning', so he lied, denied, and LIED!

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And tried to weaponize his own near-death experience with Covid on behalf of his own repellent and grotesquely ignorant, malignant narcissism.

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That anyone stands for this 'grifter-in-chief' idiocy is just mind-boggling!

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Especially easy to do, since the Obama administration left them a playbook on how to respond in a pandemic after their experience with Ebola.

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Very sorry your brother died. We knew about 11 people who died from COVID. Recently, while shopping with my husband, the shop owner started telling me no one should get the Coronavirus vax because it’s killing people!! I was struck by her audacity to think I may agree with her and also by her complete disregard for the families who have lost parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles. Needless to say, I won’t be visiting her shop again anytime soon and will also share this story with others.

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Many of these get their "news" from social media and lack any grounding in reality. Add in a dash of anti government mania and abundant disinformation and here we are. RFK Jr, Joe Rogan, and all the other well known figures who contribute to disinformation bear some responsibility too

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I have a cabin in a small rural town in Montana. 4 out of 5 people weren't wearing masks at the height of the pandemic in the U.S. post office. Their kids were wildly running around. The percentage of people here who think the 'vax is killing people' is just astounding. I have an auto-immune based lung condition. The people were scarier than the pandemic, really. I can't fix stupid, unfortunately. I know that is harsh, and I understand cult brain-washing, because I was raised in a cult...but anti-vax? Trump calling vaccines a 'hoax' when people have been benefiting from life-saving mumps, measles, polio, etc. vaccines for such a long time! Mind-bending!

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So many Americans still think it's a hoax. Unfuckingbelievable

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My deepest condolences for your loss. It’s no consolation that it was his egregious mishandling of the pandemic that tipped the election against him.

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Mark, I'm so sorry for your tragic loss, and for what your brother and your family all went through. I hope there is a way for TFG to be held accountable for what he did someday.

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My condolences on your loss.

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Well said Steve, but we also need to keep the senate, and retake the House. Get involved, and vote down ballot. We need a mandate to destroy the MAGA cult once and for all. It’s a ZERO-sum game.

That said, this smooth transition from being on life support, to waking up the next day and competing in the Ironman Triathlon is one for the record books.

Never in my 59 years have I watched as a party and other groups, coalesce around a candidate so quickly, and without the usual resistance from the base. Democrats, independents, some republicans, and the never Trumper’s are amazing and deserve a Mic drop.

I feel rejuvenated like never before. Go BLUE!!!!! …:)

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And I do not want our olympic athletes having to compete or stand on the podium listening to the national anthem with Trump as President of these United States.

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I enjoyed this piece, Steve. The power of positive thinking and words can never be underestimated. I enjoyed the blurb below. Weirdo Vance strikes again:

Yesterday Josh Shapiro addressed criticism that he talks like a “bad impression of Barack Obama” by Vance. Shapiro noted that the former president is a “gifted orator,” so “it's kind of a weird insult.”

“I'll say this about J.D. Vance: It is real hard being honest with the American people when you're not being honest with yourself. J.D. Vance is a total phony baloney. He is the most inorganic candidate I think I have ever seen on the national stage.”

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Wow! Was that second quote Shapiro's, too? He sure hit the nail on the head there!

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Yes, that was his quote. Nailed it.

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Wonderfully refreshing on this steamy August morning! The fever appears to have been broken at last. Dangers lurk as it becomes ever clearer that the poison in our public life dissipates. Trump faces a stark choice: victory or jail. We know him well. He will seize any chance, undertake any action, however vile, destructive, or dangerous, to dodge the dismal fate that awaits him. Old maps labelled unchartered waters with the warning, "Here there be monsters". On January 6, 2020, we saw one such monster emerge from the swamp. It is certain that Trump is conspiring for another. The utmost vigilance is required if we are to be victorious.

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Powerful! I'm sharing this everywhere.

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Feeling “when hope and history rhyme…” these days.

VP Harris is meeting the moment at hand.

It won’t be easy but, as she says, if we do the work, we win. I’m doing the work!

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Great essay today Steve. Your list of “ I don’t want to” is begging you to allow Harris to use some of them in her advertising blitz. They are short, to the point and gutsy. I hope you will allow her full rein in their use. The younger generation will love them as much as seniors. Well done!

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GREAT Idea, Carol! Steve, if you're reading this, please send this "I don't want to" list to the Harris campaign staff, asap. Everyone else, who knows people in those places, too, please :-)

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Thank you Lisa.

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