Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson are Russian assets or useful idiots. I'd guess assets. Don Jr. is a useful idiot, maybe an asset. I could not bring myself to watch Strickland. He's doing the work of our enemies for sure, but probably more a product of home grown extremism mixed with psychological manipulation via social media coutesy Russia/China and their allies here, like Jones, Bannon, Carlson, Flynn, Kirk, Prosebic, etc.

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Well said! Although, I have to disagree about Don Jr.; he’s not a useful idiot; just an idiot, and definitely a Russian stooge, like his dad....:)

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Ok. I know hate is a big word, but I hate this stuff. These men make me nauseous.

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They are not men.

They are brute animals with little intellect or humanity. They are at the lowest of the Maslow survival pyramid believing brute force and thuggery is dominate over a society of 320M citizens. They aspire to nothing except to rule the trash heap they create.

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I knew of an abused dog that has Strickland's disease - it wasn't fixable. He has a strong voice, and people who have been bullied in their youth wish they had that strength - they want to be mean too. It's antisocial, and the only thing it's good for is to be in a dog fight. Is it Mad Dog, or Maga Dog - maybe the same thing. I hope the disease doesn't spread.

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I would, however, love to hear what he’d have to say on Dexter’s table.

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OMG!! Once again I think of a comment my mother would say "A poor excuse for a human being!"

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My grandmother would say “he’s so bad even the devil doesnt want him”.. same for Trump..

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They're spawned from Satan. Think about it

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In the first few seconds of the video you see all you need to know.

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I couldn’t listen to the whole thing.

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I hit the like button but not because of the video Steve, which was sickening, I had no idea who that cretin was. I was privileged to spend 2 weeks working with Ali in the early 80’s when he was in his prime, he was a class act, a true gentleman, the polar opposite of the POS in the video. There was a time when the cameras would have been turned off when the rant started, not anymore, like Mike Hammer the first few seconds would have told me everything I needed to know about strickland, I did watch it all against my better instincts which just reinforced that I was right in my initial assessment. The fact that there is a forum for people like that should disturb all of us, what kind of business looks at a creature like that and thinks we can make money promoting him, that’s where the real problems lie. The fact that there is competition to promote him, there are after all several different entities that compete with each other in that sphere, is even more troubling.

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I couldn't agree more with your statement. Very disturbing that there is a platform for this kind of trash.

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Because, of course, it's all about the money since the mid 80s. Ali had principles and he stood up for them. The fact that we have spawned several generations now influenced by this garbage is heartbreaking. I heard an interview with Ian Brennan, and he said that the combination of the breakdown of nuturing in the home and the uptick on algorithms driving messaging is one of the things that has got us to this place.

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Back in those days just remember the hustlers - Atlantic City, Trump, Vegas, Don King - all exploiting the Caligula/Gladiator fight extravaganza.

I met Ali and have an autographed napkin from him. He was in his early days of Parkinsons but one heck of a kind man. I can understand more as a much older adult the challenges he went through. The boxing world and its successors of MMA, FC, WWF, etc. are all decedents into a physical hell for many.

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There’s “a piece of shit”.

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Homemade dog shit, yes

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And apparently, an endless supply...:)

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Turned him off as soon as he spoke stupidly which was within 10 seconds. Big foolish roid man! Trump has allowed this to be the norm. I blame all our world being off kilter in Trump. He has allowed the cra cra to come out of the closet. Those are the folks that need to go back in. Everyone else is just trying to get by and enjoy our lives. I’m not religious but I pray Trump loses. He should have been gone already!

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Holy cow. Watch the video and then read the comments. Your head will explode. He has an unbelievable amount of supporters.

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The comments disturbed me the most. "We need more men like this." Sick.

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Unfortunately breeding grounds of masculine toxicity are way more common these days.

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I wasn't and am not interested in any comments of "supporters".

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Except to note that each comment had hundreds, some almost 1000 likes. Of course, likes might be generated by a serious group of highly motivated hackers but not a single thmbs down to be seen.

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Ohhh my.. ughhhhhh

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Disgusting. Further evidence of my theory of what drives MAGA people, unresolved trauma.

Strickland needs a psychologist and probably a regimen of psychotropics, not a platform to spew fascistic propaganda.

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Max, I wish it was as easy an answer as unresolved trauma, but when you see the number of seemingly "normal" citizens still supporting Trump, I think the the prevailing problem is racism. In 1933 Germany, it was long nurtured hatred of the Jews and anyone not Aryan. Hitler had his unofficial army of Brownshirts to rough up people to create fear. Trump has these lowlife types like the Proud Boys and the ignorant a-hole on this video. These creeps hate the blacks, gays, Muslims, and the Mexicans, just like the German minds were programed to hate the Jews & Gypsies. Trump's raised right arm with his clenched fist, that he is always holding up when he speaks, resembles the Nazi Sieg Heil to me. It is time to get the kids off TikTok and back to the real world. I sat my adult grandkids down at Christmas and talked about how important our next election is and how we are facing this new rise of Republican Fascism. I live in a Blue state on an island, so there is not much else I can do as there are few doors to knock on. I am part of a spiritual movement the reads The Urantia Revelation, so I just had pins made the say Urantians Against Fascism. I plan to give them out at our International Conference in March. I doubt that I will have many takers, since we are not supposed to discuss politics in our organization. I say the hell with that! Because these times are not just about Democrats versus Republicans, "these are the times that try Men's souls."

It is such a tragedy the we have Rupert Murdoch and Elon Musk ( neither born in the US) who have been able to pollute so many minds in our country who are now ready to toss out our Constitution in favor of Fascist Trump.

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Hi Marian, I'm always willing to throw out my theories, or expand them, as the facts dictate.

I've always been curious about why people think and act the way they do. I've had the opportunity to talk to several of my trump-supporting friends. (Once they calm down and really start talking.) To a person each has been subjected to serious trauma as a child, some for years, at the hands of a parent or a sibling. None of them - save one - has taken steps to address the trauma via professional help. And these friends belong to every strata of society. A few of them quite intellectually and artistically gifted.

Regarding racism, I always ask, "what's driving the racism?" I grew up in a German Irish Catholic home. My German grandparents were overtly antisemitic. A few in the Irish side were racist against blacks and Hispanics.

The best I can tell, the Irish side felt the way they did because back in the early 1900s as they arrived in America they faced discrimination and had to compete for jobs against Black/Hispanic people. But by the time I was talking to them about this, it was the 70s. There were no "Irish Need Not Apply" signs in windows, and none of us had accents. The racism had become a tradition, a bad habit passed down from the prior generations.

My eldest sister once confronted my grandparents about their antisemitism - a brave move - and was shouted down. She was in tears. The best I can tell, I think antisemitism exists because the Jews have never bowed to idols and never assimilated into other religions. Authoritarian leaders hate that.

But still, why the hate? It probably starts with fear and lack of critical thinking, and an intrinsic human need to scapegoat

At any rate, I accept what you're saying. Ultimately, we have to beat these people through the blunt trauma of superior numbers at the ballot box.

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As one of the songs in "South Pacific" stated, "has to carefully taught". I never considered my dad a racist, until his godchild married a black man-she was dead in my dad's mind. Racism is carefully taught and it creeps out of its cage when you least expect it.

Trump, a puppet of both Bannon and Miller, made it possible for Pandora's Box to be opened. I'm listening to Joy Reid, she is interviewing the co-founder of Moms for Liberty (what an oxymoron), and listed some of the books being banned in schools and libraries. She has the woman backed in a corner-good for Joy! However, books like the "Diary of Anne Frank", and "The Story of Ruby Bridges", are being banned across the country! Once again, it is a handful of parents who are speaking out and making decisions for the majority of the parents (and teachers). Some of the books being banned are books that I had in my own classroom library, "The story of Ruby Bridges" was just one of many. This is sad, this is sick! Where are the other parents? Why aren't they speaking out?

Yes, racism has and is carefully taught; but what was once hidden is now in the open! God help us all!

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I guess in one sense all this is good. At least we're finding out who people really are. The only event that may unite the country again is WWIII, which is looking more likely every day unfortunately.

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I share your curiosity. "It probably starts with fear and lack of critical thinking..." These are people that subrogate their brains to a higher authority, either because they're not capable or not willing to think critically. Life is easier if someone or something does the thinking for you.

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It is fascinating, because I know a man who is a Doctor. He is smart and educated. He has helped people his whole life, and yet when I hear him speak about Trump it is as though a different person is speaking. He becomes aggressive and vindictive. This man was mercilessly beaten by his brother for years.

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Yes, Max of course what you have encountered is very true about trauma, that reason and probably a dozen other reasons are involved. My mother was also an Irish immigrant in the 1930, along with 10 of her brothers. That era wasn't quite as bad as the early 1900s were with the anti Irish and anti Italian prejudices which prevailed so strongly in WASP America.

Your sister was brave to confront your grandparents about their antisemitism. The Evangelicals of the past and the present, are so misguided in their attitudes about Jews.

This is what my favorite book (The 2,000 page Urantia Book) has to say about the antisemitic problem this planet faces.

2. Status of Individual Jews

175:2.1 (1909.1) The fact that the spiritual leaders and the religious teachers of the Jewish nation onetime rejected the teachings of Jesus and conspired to bring about his cruel death, does not in any manner affect the status of any individual Jew in his standing before God. And it should not cause those who profess to be followers of the Christ to be prejudiced against the Jew as a fellow mortal. The Jews, as a nation, as a sociopolitical group, paid in full the terrible price of rejecting the Prince of Peace. Long since they ceased to be the spiritual torchbearers of divine truth to the races of mankind, but this constitutes no valid reason why the individual descendants of these long-ago Jews should be made to suffer the persecutions which have been visited upon them by intolerant, unworthy, and bigoted professed followers of Jesus of Nazareth, who was, himself, a Jew by natural birth.

175:2.2 (1909.2) Many times has this unreasoning and un-Christlike hatred and persecution of modern Jews terminated in the suffering and death of some innocent and unoffending Jewish individual whose very ancestors, in the times of Jesus, heartily accepted his gospel and presently died unflinchingly for that truth which they so wholeheartedly believed. What a shudder of horror passes over the onlooking celestial beings as they behold the professed followers of Jesus indulge themselves in persecuting, harassing, and even murdering the later-day descendants of Peter, Philip, Matthew, and others of the Palestinian Jews who so gloriously yielded up their lives as the first martyrs of the gospel of the heavenly kingdom!

175:2.3 (1909.3) How cruel and unreasoning to compel innocent children to suffer for the sins of their progenitors, misdeeds of which they are wholly ignorant, and for which they could in no way be responsible! And to do such wicked deeds in the name of one who taught his disciples to love even their enemies! It has become necessary, in this recital of the life of Jesus, to portray the manner in which certain of his fellow Jews rejected him and conspired to bring about his ignominious death; but we would warn all who read this narrative that the presentation of such a historical recital in no way justifies the unjust hatred, nor condones the unfair attitude of mind, which so many professed Christians have maintained toward individual Jews for many centuries. Kingdom believers, those who follow the teachings of Jesus, must cease to mistreat the individual Jew as one who is guilty of the rejection and crucifixion of Jesus. The Father and his Creator Son have never ceased to love the Jews. God is no respecter of persons, and salvation is for the Jew as well as for the gentile.

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He needs a lobotomy

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Btw he would make a good VP for Trump...it would certainly ensure Trump losing in November. But I have another question, why is Alex Jones even mentioned? That lowlife scum still hasn’t paid his judgement.

Why are liars like Jones still being quoted for anything

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Alex Jones? Who can respect a man who suggested that the kids murdered in the Sandy Hook school shooting were actors? Trump supporters seem to be okay with this.

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Steve, point well proven. The idea of weakness being associated with people who support the most marginalized groups in this country, is ludicrous on its face.

Is the school bully strong? No! He’s an insecure ignoramus who never got the attention from his parents he needed. Or maybe the guy just lacks any sense of self-awareness or confidence. Either way, if the idea of strength is to be associated with hate and bullying, then maybe that person is living in a state of denial.

I used to compete in full knock down fighting in a Japanese style called Oyama karate (much younger), and it was a disciplined sport like boxing. I agree, MMA is just the logical manifestation of WWE. And the fans; even worse and more delusional.

Is it any wonder that WWE and MMA fighters and fans tend to be Trump supporters? I guess they’re used to believing WWE is real. No different from Trump being a self made businessman, or J6th being just another tourist day at the Capitol building.

America needs to wake up. The hateful rhetoric is out of control. And I’m not leveling blame, but most of this nonsense started with Bush’s manufactured war; the Great Recession and the rise of the Birther movement. Oh, and electing our first black president of course; that really galvanized the Confederacy of Dunces.

Nothing manifests itself in a vacuum. This chaos and nonsense is decades in the making.

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Agree. While not kyokushin, I embraced two Okinawan martial arts--the mother of all Japanese martial arts, the child of all Chinese martial arts. The keyword is arts. Stressed in all of them was decorum demanding respect and humility. American MMA is disappointing but not surprising. Nothing more disdained in American redneckery than the word "art". Art is sissy, art is weakness displayed. Respect, humility, personal accountability, self-control? More weakness. There are several adjuncts to MAGA like Rogan and MMA, well organized and lucre fed and all will be needed to be recognized, separated, defeated to maintain an already weakened democracy. Defeating Trump at the polls is only the beginning. Pick out one one by one and organize against. MAGA is now only the front of the foe. Time to bow in and fight as though your life depends on it, because it does.

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Well said...:)

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That is grotesque! Why was that allowed to continue? Whoever was in charge of this should have shut it down immediately. Why do they continue to give a platform to such hate?

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My question is why give these people any “airtime “? I’m not for censorship but not all speech is allowed ( inciting an insurrection for one). The people who will listen to this lowlife are other lowlifes. The problem is that there are so many of them. Failure in the home , churches, schools to teach tolerance, civility, and the media that gives these people airtime allows this mentality to grow.

This young man is lost with a moral compass that just doesn’t work. Instead of celebrating these idiots, expose them for what they are and make examples of them to show others how dangerous to society their ideas are. Confront them

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I watched, not long as it made me physically ill. I closed it out , its essence understood.

The capitulation of such I truly believe has one ( maybe both?) of two reasonings: hatred or money period. These are the means by which draw that type set/crowd/people. The advertisements cloaked in getting more of the audiences money or the other inciting the blood lust of hate.

“Human cockfighting”..a chuckle in disgust/nail on the head accuracy...as is without doubt one of your ( Steve) succinct abilities to underscore boldly.

Watching the Zoom between Steve and Adam K. last night ( so grateful 🫶) enforced my hope I have in America’s people. The short span of growing , helping, mistakes, triumphs run a gamut as we stand naked , in another perilous moment the richest country , the most looked up to country in the world. But acknowledged is the trouble by far too many lackluster- not lust I add- privileged . Notably compounded by those who have fallen prey to their selfish goals, their influence.

So much wisdom and honest concern stating hope but not having any solution except STFU vote...vote the harbingers of Nazi thinking out .

I admire both these men, in what I hope -at least appears a growing number of our US population who ‘get’ it...

There is this movement -planned execution of Democracy...and HERE I underscore the repetition of “trust me’, whine and complain, lie,cheat, and promise ..not deliver..mind you and some better plan? That would best be likened to...Throw the baby out with the bath water symbolism ...that’s what comes to my mind.

Thank you Steve and Adam for an hour ( and wonderful writing near daily) for such portrayal of gentlemanly candor, for continued messaging how important it is to LEARN from truth and abide duty ( voting) the least costly action to stay our American helping hand and weather this storm successfully.


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And that is an Ugly face!

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Giant Gaping Analpore. That's all I've got. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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