Steve, two points:

1. I disagree with James Carville's opinion that Biden would be an underdog if the election was this November. I respect (and usually agree with) Mr. Carville; but, on this point he's wrong, and

2. I'm disappointed that you keep talking about Biden's age. You're proliferating the MAGA talking point on this issue. STOP. Focus on the tremendous things the Biden administration (led by Biden) has done in the 2 years and 8 months they've been leading.

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Steve: please keep fighting MAGA as a priority and let go of trying to be a campaign strategist for the Democrats. Biden has a strategy! He's surrounded by a brilliant high quality team!

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If it weren't for the electoral college and No Name third party, I wouldn't be concerned. But No Name can destroy this country at this junction in our history.

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I agree about the Electoral College being a problem. Until it's revamped or done away with, we'll just have to keep outvoting the opposition in large enough numbers to win any way. As to the No Name issue, I think that movement has some work to do before it's any kind of serious threat. ;-)

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That's what media said about Trump, and yet here we are.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

There's enough money behind it to be a real threat. They just need to be on the ballot in enough swing states to play spoiler. It's backers were Trump backers before. They haven't seen the light as far as making democracy work goes.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

We'll see. DeSantis had a lot of money behind him too and look where he's gone.

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Wouldn't Manchin looks centrist compared to that field?

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Anyone doing the bidding of big corporations looks centrist at this point.

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Vote with referendums, like France does--become a democracy at last!

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They won’t do it. They don’t like Joe and are wedded to this line of attack. Nearly all of them. I’m sick to death of it.

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You're probably right but I keep holding out hope they'll come around. ;-)

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Me too!

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I’m ten toes down for Biden, but I see Steve’s point. Biden appears very fragile. Very fragile. And for many people in this country, who don’t remain apprised of what is really at stake here, looking fragile isn’t a desirable characteristic in a leader. And I worry that Biden will have the strength of a Gavin Newsome to combat the gutter politics of Donald Trump.

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You are as wrongheaded as you can be in thinking that jettisoning Biden means we beat Trump.

it does Not.

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There is a good chance that the majority in the House will be regained by the Democratic party, and retained in the Senate, in the 2024 election. Then, focus can be placed on his replacement in 2028. I don't think you're 'too old' until you're actually unable to perform the duties of the job you hold. It is clear that President Biden is well and mentally fit, and in my view, doing a great job. I do not see a clear replacement for him at this point and frankly, I don't want him to step down. I wish everyone would stop calling him too old and start showing some confidence in a man who has shown he's up to it, and who clearly loves America and it's citizens...ALL it's citizens.

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Agree with you. The messaging machine of the anti-democracy is very powerful. This can be seen by the negative and repetitive rhetoric of people around the country. People are repeating the same petty arguments that don’t define a person’s ability to function and lead policy makers.

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all it would mean is the biggest nastiest fight you have ever seen in the democratic party.

and it wouldn't heal. Even in the face of Trump.

you are advocating suicide.

Trump may win.

But Biden DID beat him in 2020. By seven million votes.

He seems to know what he's doing.

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You have hit on the NUMBER ONE problem in America...The Electoral College!

Full stop.

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Steve, I agree with you in principle; Biden should have been a one term president and spent more time developing an experienced bench of young democrats, ready to take the party to the next level. Yet here we are.

At this point, what good would it do to change horses mid-stream. It will cause chaos within the party and a fight that would leave the party weaker in the general election.

Whether right or wrong, no one stepped up to the plate, so we go with the military we have, not the military we wish for (not to quote Rumsfeld with any admiration). Biden may be old, but he’s not crazy. His advisers are solid and experienced.

From what I can recall, didn’t Nancy Reagan run the Whitehouse and the country after Ronny got shot and lost his cognitive abilities? And her closest adviser was a psychic/astrologer. Yet no-one complained.

Bottom line: Biden has lost a step or two, but he’s still far more preferable than Trump. And if you need any reassurance, just look at how dysfunctional the House is right now. They can’t even pass a continuing resolution for the military budget and they’re about to shutdown the government; again!

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10 years ago I thought the D bench was thin. Now I think with the Governors in Michigan , California and Pennsylvania, the bench is strong.

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Very much agreed. Honestly, I think Whitmer would be a good fit because of her Union credentials in MI. And Newsom and Shapiro are also good leaders.

Yet here we are. Time to turn some Lemons into lemonade...:)

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

Awe, another essay by Steve about the only Democrats he likes - the dead ones that no one can vote for. And fawning over Joe Scarborough as a font of wisdom. He's such a wise man...

Say what you want about Biden, Steve. He apparently wasn't too old to pass some of the most consequential legislation in American history. Oh, yeah, and remember when we were dying from the Trump Covid disaster at the rate of hundreds of thousands a day? He got us out of that too. You're welcome.

I'm getting really sick of this...

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I'm sick of the Biden bashing, too. I was a dedicated member of this community for over a year while Steve was brilliantly fighting MAGA. Now he's working against Biden instead of the needed focus on exposing and fighting MAGA. Steve has failed to grasp and credit Biden with recovering our country from an ongoing attempted autocratic take-over, a pandemic, and Biden's already history legislation and diplomacy domestically and internationally. Thanks.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

Yup. Maybe Steve would like to lower the odds for Chris Christie and he can be his campaign manager? If I were a Republican I'd be voting for Christi too but still I'm very glad I don't have too because he was a Trump sycophant until he got covid. Steve has been enjoyable for the last six years, kept me hopeful and his Lincoln Project was brilliant. I think he did what he was born to do. Didn't Biden run through a field of candidates last time? Pick one Steve and tell me which he/she you think could win the presidency?

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And Joe Klein!

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Biden is fine. He’s not senile and he’s in good health.

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Mental and physical health matter more than birthdays.

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If you saw him running around in Rehoboth Beach (we do) he's in very good health.

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Good morning from the Central Time Zone. I see no clear path to an alternate Democratic candidate. About the best thing to be said for doing what you suggest, Steve, is that the nuts haven't had the time or focus to undercut any one of them as effectively as they did Hillary. There are so many good potential candidates out there but I don't see it happening. I see Biden as one of the greatest presidents in our history who was born just a bit too early, as it turns out. As long as he's the candidate I'm on board.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

I'd go one step further and say the election is about how approximately 25% of Americans are now on their knees in unquestioned worship of a clinically sociopathic, purely narcissistic orange fake messiah dictator-wannabe. No matter who wins, that isn't going to change. Go America, eh? Add to that at least 50% of all Republican voters are apparently ready, willing and able to back up the 25% while at least 75% of Republicans in government are literally terrified of upsetting either one of them. And not much of that is going to change either.

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Excellent summary of the madness.

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I do not agree with you about Biden , he has been a great President! His lack of popularity is a result of MSM negative bias , the MSM floods the airwaves with negative news only ! #VoteBlueVoteBiden 🇺🇸

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Steve, please get off that bandwagon. I am supporting Biden and the team. They have done well, actually much better than well. When the opo side is yelling (MTG) that he's finishing what FDR and LBJ did, that's great. When Nikki Hailey is yelling about how he supports Unions, that's great.

I look at the UN not pool reports. I look at the meeting with Zelensky this week, not the FOX brand, I look at the work that is happening beyond a totally dysfunctional House. We have a candidate, he has experience, maturity, and vision. I will go with that. Yes, the D's actually have a strong bench, and if we can hold on to our democracy in 2024, I expect we will see this great group of governors, and senators step forward (even a Cabinet Secretary or two).

I will use Biden's phrase--don't compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the Alternatives. I can live with Biden as the candidate--actually whole heartily-support him.

Back to writing Virginia registration post cards. Steve, might I ask if you would write about the upcoming Virginia Elections and what this could mean for the country. Youngkin keeps being touted as a Trump alternative much as DeSantis (now crashing and burning) was. I think it might be good to consider who he is.

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I'm 54, in Bucks County, PA. I have the Biden Campaign setup in autopay in my ActBlue account. I can't wait to vote for him again.

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The Republican Party is no more. Steve is right & we should not fool ourselves into believing anything other than the fact that we are up against a Maglican movement akin to the confederacy. It makes me ill. I reached out to my propagandized 84 yo mother today to “check-in”. She told me her blood pressure is “under control for now until those immigrants start pouring in again”..... This from a woman who was once the most nonjudgmental, strong, savvy, intelligent and kind person I’d hoped to live up to and be like one day.

Thus, here I sit on my couch with unforgiving insomnia brought on by this madness. Anyway... good morning y’all from the west coast. It’s gonna be one long ass day.

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Fearmongering works with so many people.

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Someone recently said there are a lot of people that want it to be 1965 again, the time before Civil Rights passed. I guess that includes some people's momas, uncles, etc. Disappointing, I know. Let it pass and see her for all her good qualities. I might ask her if she thinks we have too many doctors or nurses? Did an immigrant take her job? Does she think there are no Anerican drug dealers (Sacklers?). Why doesn't she like immigrants? I really don't understand why the Republicans keep beating that drum.

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Try 1900, before Women had the right to vote.

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We can get through this if we work together.

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The argument you are making against Joe Biden are actually telling us we need Joe to run again. My reason being is, if not Joe who? I do not see another viable option who can lead us out of the darkness that is the Republican party. We need Joe to survive another Trump insurgency. If Trump wins our Constitution will be a worthless script and will be grounded into dust and scattered in the wind. We can not survive a 2nd Trump presidency. We need Joe Biden, we want Joe Biden, Joe is our Joe. Remember our options, Joe or Trump. I choose Joe.

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Right On! Thanks.

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The irony of Steve quoting the youngest president ever elected whose ambitious two terms... oh wait. America’s youngest president was tragically murdered by an assassin.

The point is anything can happen to anyone. The racism and sexism aimed at Kamala Harris-- because really, this is what all the pundit and media handwringing is about--is vile.

Why would we jettison one of the most effective presidents we have ever had for a younger guy--most are pushing governors--who have never had federal experience? I look forward to seeing my governor, Josh Shapiro, eventually in the Oval, but he just got started here in PA and we have important elections ahead of us as does Whitmer, who I don’t believe most people have ever heard of outside of these circles.

All of you former GOP brought us to this point. Except for Stuart Stevens, very few own up to the part they played coddling the Christian right (a huge part of the Trump base) and accommodating the loons because it meant their votes. You could have pushed back against Rush, Fox, etc and you did not. So give me a break.

I was a Biden supporter in 2020 and am totally behind the president now. Yep, columns like this are absolutely the way to ensure Trump doesn’t win--heap crap on the sitting president and divide the electorate. Heck of a job!

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Let’s all listen to Joe Scarborough who thought Trump was such a lark he gave him endless free airtime for his presidential launch. And let’s keep echoing Fox News talking points about Biden’s senility. This will help. We hear again and again that the American people don’t want Biden vs. Trump. They are not happy with the choice. When exactly have they been happy with the choice? I’m old enough to remember Nixon vs. Kennedy. Or as Americans then griped, Too Shady vs. Too Young. Were they happy with the Peanut Farmer vs. The Hollywood Actor? Or the much younger Hillary Clinton vs. Trump? Or Bushveegore—the Airhead vs. The Stiff? American people are never happy with the choice of two specific candidates, not when two unnamed dream candidates would be much better. The problem comes when you name them. Newsom vs. Ramaswamy? Trust me, Americans won’t like that choice. Stick with Gramps vs. Mussolini.

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