Steve, I agree with almost everything you wrote EXCEPT for the sentence, “This is a country that doesn’t have much tolerance for preening popinjays like Piers Morgan.”. My opinion is this country has too much tolerance for preening popinjays like Piers Morgan. We allow him and others like him, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Joe Rogan, Marjorie Taylor Green, Mike Lindell, etc, etc, entirely too much of our attention and public presence.

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I totally agree with your assessment

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I totally agree with this comment. Good point.

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Excellent point.

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You forgot the most dangerous preening popinjay of all.

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Now with that Correction being

made,truth reigns!!!

I wish them so much happiness and Love 💕

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Pleased you took the time to reflect on all of this. So many have blown off their concerns and fears, so much so they often made the rest of us feel like silly gossip mongers. The story is about racism, classism, and media uncontrolled cruelty. Down with Pierce Morgan at the very least.

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

Thanks for putting into words my own displeasure of the treatment of these two at the hands of disgusting human beings posing as journalists like Morgan or Clarkson. Princess Michael of Kent represents the very dark side of the Royal family support of the Nazis. That is a story that needs a little more attention...

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My god, I am stunned by this absolutely crucial defence of Harry and Meagan - I could not ask for more really - if I sensed your basic decency and moral underpinnings early on, my feelings are reinforced by this piece. Thank you so much. Would that your passion would bring results and more justice in these matters.

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The UK press and the palace are both deplorable for their treatment of Harry and Meghan. Why would they ever want to go back to the UK now? Harry saw the destruction of his mother from the same quarters, is it any wonder his decision to leave that toxic life behind forever?

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Although our country's hands are far from clean, it is worth viewing the Harry and Meghan story in light of the British legacy of colonization. It is a history of suppression, brutality , genocide and slavery. It is not over. It is a living history that is felt in the very bones of the oppressed. https://time.com/6212772/queen-elizabeth-ii-colonialism-legacy/https://time.com/6212772/queen-elizabeth-ii-colonialism-legacy/

The deceased Queen Elizabeth's legacy is wrapped in this history. Perhaps out of respect for her, this reign of oppression has not been fully discussed. But it is fully felt. William and Kate were not especially well received on their recent visit; the sentiment is that reparations are due for the what has been described as "the greatest human rights tragedy in the history of mankind" https://thewire.in/world/the-british-royals-trip-to-jamaica-has-backfired.

One has to wonder how the UK might have employed Meghan and Harry to be healers of the breach both in Jamaica and across the "British Empire". I rather doubt they would have ridden around in some British version of the popemobile. The "firm" had a crown jewel and they were too stupid/racist/blind to recognize her.

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Finally! It’s about time and of course it would be Steve Schmidt who would articulate exactly my response to the whole Meghan and Harry thing. First, eff Piers Morgan and Jeremy Clarkson. Second, I think it’s sweet that H and M would use the American media to fight against the UK Monarchy Media Industrial Complex. Third and finally, you know what? She’s American. I’m on her side. Eff the British press and eff them who can’t tolerate what we in California hold precious: smart, self made, people of all colors, many of us with nut jobs in the family. Harry, welcome to the great State of California. Here, it’s not about who your daddy is, it’s all about what you can offer.

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Decided to open my mind and watch their new Netflix series . I came out thinking better of them, proud for Harry to protect his loves and life. I hope their love will keep them strong. One needs a lot of skill and love to navigate this world!

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Thank you for this sensible take on a tragic story. I’m with you in wishing happiness and peace for this family.

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Thank you for this. I remember the Princess Michael of Kent picture. I was disgusted then and even more now. I hope H&M have a happy life.

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I love this column so much. I find it so odd that people are so nasty about Harry and Megan. It’s such a terrible reflection on the people throwing stones.

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Thank you for taking the time to tell this story. I am glad that Harry and Meghan have decided to make a life here, and see their split from the British Royal family as not so different from the men and women who came here to escape the confines of an oppressive king so long ago. I hope they can avoid the trappings of celebrity, and enjoy the freedom they so deserve.

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Megan dearly craves celebrity-hood.

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Does she? And you know this how?

I think you enjoy hate. I don't know you, but I can say this with the same certainty with which you say Meghan dearly craves celebrity-hood.

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Such a relevant topic to our own troubles that skew the conversation. I saw the series recently and m big take away was the heinous attack virtually. They both seem like genuinely darling lovely people and even if they weren’t, their treatment seems literally criminal. The horrid treatment by nonexistent bots, artificial intelligence I believe, controlled by a human should be a crime punishable by fines and prison.

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Though I care not one whit about the royals, I do care about cruelty and the media’s complicity in perpetuating it. Right on Steve.

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I wavered on my assessment of Harry & Meghan, but finally settled on the facts as you describe them. Your explanation is much clearer than their own interviews!

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Good for you. Silence is betrayal.

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