At 90 I'm limited to postcard and letter writing. Frankly I'm fearful that there too many people who are turned off by the turmoil and are abandoning the fight. Hopefully you can post comments about those who will realize that the GOP must be defeated and while accepting that Pres Biden is not perfect he is the only last bulwark defending against Trump who surely will carry out his promise to end America as flawed as it is and create a dictatorship.

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I so admire you for still staying connected and alert to what is going on. I’m 70 and finding all of this extraordinarily stressful and my poor body is feeling every bit. I look forward to making it to your stage of life and being involved in any way that I am able. And a big thank you to Steve Schmidt for his beautiful, articulate writing. I hope it will make it into the history books while I am still alive to see it.

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Postcards are very important. Keep up the great work!! Wish I had time to do them. Thank you!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Each of us must do whatever is within your ability and available time, but we must honestly face up to challenge facing the world at this time I believe our only practical option is Pre. Biden uncommitted is not an otion.

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Amen Charles!! I am 64, disabled, in Recovery and caring for my 84 year old Mother too. The rest of my time and money is spent fighting for our Democracy. It is worth it!!! Doing nothing is not an option. Some days I'm so exhausted I can barely think straight but I keep going. Days like June 6th and seeing President Biden give those Speeches and reading everyone's stories help keep me going. We all love this country so much. I know everyone is working hard to save it!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Thank you for that Mr. Theisen.

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Tim Scott has lost his mind. He has fallen into the Trump mode. Talk over people, denigrate, refuse to actively listen. Sad for sure

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The Republican party has morphed (metastasized) into a party of Trump. They pledge allegiance to their 🍊god — not to the constitution or the country. They’re okay with him installing himself as emperor or king. History will not be kind to magas or the GOP.

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It depends on who’s writing the history. If Trump wins, there may not be many non-partisan history professors left.

As Napoleon once said, “history is a series of lies; Agreed upon!”…:)

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And that’s what Bill Barr said.

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It’s exactly what he said when he was interviewed during the latter part of the Trump administration and asked about ending up on the wrong side of history. He answered “it depends who writes it.”

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Would we expect anything different from the man who authored the Mueller Report Summary of lies, and fairytales…:)

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I am reminded of Churchill's response to the question how history would treat him - "History will treat me kindly, for I intend to write it." I believe this was when his history of WW2 was in progress.

The contrast with Barr is stark. He may well write a self-serving history of the Trump years, but no one will bother to read it unless they are paid to do so. His name on the cover will be enough to discredit it.

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The republicans party folded faster than the Afghan army.

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Putin is behind all this. He got as far as getting his puppet elected once, he’s not letting go. All the threats are being made my putin trolls and men he pays to join the white supremacy groups.

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Some of them undoubtedly are Putin-paid trolls. But I suspect that an even larger number of the threat-makers are native-grown, the lamentable product of our own soil.

Tangentially relevant, I just learned that Rupert Murdoch, at 93, has just married a Russian asset, making his somewhat covert relationship with the oligarchs overt.

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He’s one immigrant I’d like to see deported.

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Not to mention death threats from their own constituents.

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Who have hundreds of Russian assests living among them putin can’t take Ukraine, Poland and ither countries without trump in office. WTF has the CIA and FBI been?

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Mode? It is more like a TRAP! Trump is brain washing many, and it is harming our great country. These deplorables cannot recognize the good and positive leaders and their actions. They strive on the TV entertainer who knows zero, and they think Trump will do something for them. He is only centered on himself! They have not seen the light, yet! It may be too late??

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Oh Steve. You've done it again. Beyond magnificent!! After a brief celebration after the conviction then seeing and hearing all the threats, I've been so disheartened. Then reading Hoosier comments and talking to an old H.S. friend in Texas who said we might need a Revolution left me even more exhausted and afraid.

Then I read Heather Cox Richardson's essay this morning on Margaret Chase Smith as she faced down Joseph McCarthy. Talk about brave!! Another of my Substack friends Jess Piper, a woman who is running for Office in Missouri, is fighting hard to change their ugly Red culture as well. Things can only change if we work to make them so. So I will dust myself off, get back up and will keep going.

I have two stickers which I keep on my mirror. One says "Persist" from the Elizabeth Warren campaign in 2020 and the other one says "Rise, Resist, Repeat." Those are my fighting words every single day!!!

Meanwhile Voter intimidation tactics have begun in Texas. I will not let it deter me. Thanks for all you do Steve. Keep fighting. I am with you every step of the way!!! I am not going to let these crazy MAGA MF's win. Not by a long shot!!!



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Well stated, Lisa! Steve is GREAT at expressing truth. Hope you are doing well - at least as well as possible in all of this madness. I will NEVER understand why any sane and intelligent person could support Trump. :( . :)

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Hey Maria!! So good to see you!! I sent you a private message on here. Did you ever get it?! I didn't even know they had this feature for the longest time. Lol Hope you're doing well too!! Like you said as well as can be expected in this insanity. Check your Profile page and look for the Message tab. Lisa Beardsley and I have talked a lot that way. Hope to chat with you soon!! ❤️😘

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Welcome, Maria!💙🇺🇸💙

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God bless you, Lisa. Your words encourage me.

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Awww thank you Shirley. That means a lot!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Right On, Lisa! 💙🇺🇸💙

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“The most significant political event of my lifetime occurred last week, and I think most people missed the story. It’s not the verdict; it’s the reaction and the explosion of calls for violence.”

No doubt Steve, these MAGA maggots are full of projection, and victimhood, and will stop at nothing to win this election; the ends, justifies the means.

That said, MAGA mob is extremely galvanized and has many smart people trying to convert the politically ignorant, as well as the mentally challenged to the MAGA camp.; with great success. No one, not even the most loyal Biden supporters are extremely enthusiastic about a second Biden term. Not to mention, all the ignorant influencers on social media and podcasts with millions of followers (think the Joe Rogan’s of the world).

This is one of the many built-in advantages for republicans in this election cycle. While the MSM was focused on the rule of law after J6th, the impeachment and whether Trump himself was responsible, 25 red states have used the controversy of a rigged election, to passed voter intimidation and restrictive laws for this election.

At least 15 red states have left ERIC; the non-profit system that helps states identify voters who are registered in two or more states, helping them to remove duplicate voters from their rolls. This will allow for even more voter fraud.

That said, MAGA is as relentless, as they are ruthless. They already have a federal judiciary in their pocket, which will gladly contort itself into a Picasso like knots, in order to justify any outcome conducive to republicans, so don’t expect any help from the courts.

And these people will cheat. Ironically, if democrats find them cheating, republicans will just say it’s pay back for 2020. They’ve been successful in the past being able to deny 25-40% of mail in ballots in heavy democratic districts in red states, by claiming signature irregularities. It will be worse this election cycle.

Bottom line: we need to win handedly if we want a legitimate outcome, because even if Biden wins, we can only expect more violence and plenty of lawsuits.

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You're right Robert!! That's what worries me. But Keep fighting the good fight. There are way more of us than than there are of them Simon Rosenberg says!! People are getting tired of the anger and violence of Maga. I truly believe that!! 💙💙💙

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I'm so frustrated right now I can't stand it. I was just posting Steve's link in my Facebook Group "Nasty Women of Madison County" and Facebook f'ing Fact checkers keep labeling my post "False information" because I also included a link to FieldTeam6!! I'm trying to motivate these women to get involved. Grrrrrrrrr.

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Dear Tim Scott: 1) The highest unemployment rate since post WW era was 13% in early 2020, Trump was President, the lowest unemployment was last year at 3.2% guess who was President? 2) FY21 there were 1.6M ENCOUNTERS at the Texas border, only 400k in FY20, FY22? 105k, FT23? 47k, Trump ran on building a wall in 2016, when he left office due to his dismantling of immigration and import and export trade policy, people were trekking from Central America to avoid being killed or starving to death, and 3) IF CNN’s ratings are falling, it’s only because they are letting jerks like you on. Your parents must be so ashamed of you, I understand people that lie all the time in the name of “debate” while attempting to gaslight a younger black woman will likely be okay with your audience, and then post some scripture on your social media to hide your bombastic neo-Nazism behaviors; but here’s #4) most Americans are worried about people like you getting reelected, the fact that cameras are rolling and giving you, Trump and many others a stage to lie, threaten, spread fascist nonsense to our young people. You sir, have no clue what Americans really think, you’ve lost touch with common attributes of truth, love, respect and above all else Freedom.

You will never be our Vice President. You are the ranking Senator over the Banking Committee, and a Jr. Senator from Charleston, So Carolina, whom we hope loses his next race. VOTE 🗳️ 💙💙💙💙💙

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Scott went to the B.S. University of Kellyanne Conway, didn't he?

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Hey Gayle - I'll respond, at least in part, on behalf of Tim Scott: "Hey now, don't go bringing actual facts into this discussion." Of course, he'd be talking over top of you, but maybe you can sneak a few in when he takes a breath??

This is the party of alternative facts. Like the current rounds of BS and the recent 100k rally in NJ and the 20 or 30k in NY. They used some form of logarithms to get those numbers, but like Scott, simply repeat them as facts.

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Maybe CNN can hire you. But if they do, I'll bet Tim Scott will not come on.

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Thanks Gayle

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Christians have made a pact with the devil in order, in their minds, to survive. Unfortunately this turns off the very people they want to attract. 1 Corinthians 10:21

You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.

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So we are facing an army of Christian soldiers who will stop at nothing to keep America’s white majority. Even holy + civil war.

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I don’t know about Christians fighting. My friend who is MAGA also claims to be a Pacifist. Likes for other mothers’ sons to fight the wars.

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Many have come to grips with race, but fear the takeover by Muslims most.

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Tragically, Abby Phillips ended up giving Tim Scott yet another platform to articulate his lies. He spoke right over her and rather than shut him down or insert factual corrections after each of his lies, she allowed him to finish his rant. This is how they are gaining momentum, by steam rolling over the truth. We must do better.

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Which she (CNN) does because "access" is the currency of journalism. You want Tim Scott? You have to allow this. Lookit---some of them are fighting back. Most not named Bill Maher will not entertain Kellyanne Conway or Ronna McDaniel. But it's a tough argument to make. Basically the tenets of free speech are leveraged against those trying to protect it. What you do is bring in Tim Scott, agree to the rules, and then cut his ass off when he violates them. So Biden is trying to do this for the debate. We'll see how it goes. I think TFG will just bellow constantly and loudly enough to disrupt the debate still.

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Yea, been a fan of Mahrer's for years, but over the last few, he's lost his way and his moral compass. More recently, he's mostly trying both sides-ism and appeasement so people buy his book. And he's not a journalist by any definition.

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You’re right. Bill Maher is not a journalist. He’s a stand up comedian that lucked into a tv show that is barely watchable at this point. I know, because I used to watch it. Now, I know the cringe factor of Maher’ self-righteous display is not worth the effort of reaching for the remote to switch the channel to watch it.

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Hey Lisa - I agree with your assessment. I still watch from time to time, but it's just painful more often than it should be. He hasn't gone full tilt Dennis Miller, but he has definitely shifted. And he's gotten extremely lazy. His interviews up front used to be decent and he was prepared. Rarely these days. Same with the panel discussions; it's almost like he's disengaged. And he almost never pushes back with any conviction at BS. Case in point over the last year or 2, Bill Barr, Russell Brand, and Piers Morgan.

Unfortunate to see it happen as it used to be "must see TV" for me. Not anymore.

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I agree with your clarion call, but have been aware of this fascist group for some time now. Are Republicans somehow taking the position that felony conviction on a job application is irrelevant? That everyone who is unhappy with a trial verdict is innocent?

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Just like with the 2020 election, it's rigged only if they lose. So, he's found guilty, of course the "logical" conclusion is that it was rigged. I mean, TFG lost his shit that Hillary won the popular vote and created a voter integrity commission under much fanfare to get an accurate count of the popular vote and eliminate the 5 million illegal votes cast for her. Less than a month later, that commission fizzled into oblivion.

It's heads I win, tails you lose. Fuck every single one of these liars and vote them out of office. The threat is real.

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Are Republicans somehow taking the position that felony conviction on a job application is irrelevant? No, their position is the conviction is invalid. And that this power to invalidly convict shall be turned against the oppressors when the Republicans gain the Presidency, as it is only right and righteous for the victims to use the same weapons used upon them.

That everyone who is unhappy with a trial verdict is innocent? No, their position is a trial verdict of guilty against the leader is a verdict of guilty against the followers. And the followers are innocent. And retribution shall be theirs.

It's all projection of what they plan to do. Not some kind of policy or logic argument.

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They cannot think that far ahead.

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I couldn’t watch the clip. I can’t listen to Tim Scott as his face contorts and bullshit spews out of his amoral and soulless mouth. I saw him doing the Trump dance on the day of the verdict. I can’t unsee it and I’m not watching him speak again. I’m disgusted and enraged every day. This is the last summer before the shitstorm that will unfold on 11/5, no matter the outcome.

I have always wanted to visit Normandy, where all the crosses face west, toward the nation our soldiers gave their lives to defend and protect. Do you know why I haven’t? Because I can’t afford it. But next week, our tax dollars will be used to send our feckless and treacherous members of Congress to Normandy to “honor” the anniversary of the Normandy invasion. They will see what I have always longed to see as they plot and plan to destroy our nation from within to honor the desiccated and vicious Donald Trump, who didn’t attend when it was HIS turn because the rain would have messed up his “hair” and he denigrates our war dead as “losers and suckers”. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Mike Johnson. Chip Roy. Lauren Boebert, et al. We are paying for THEIR trip.

I feel bereft.

My great uncle couldn’t speak of his time in Italy during WWII without tears streaming down his face.

I feel bereft.

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Jun 2
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Absolutely. Thank you for your response. I really can’t believe that we are here. After nine long years of rottenness.

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Still wondering how these wrestling-watching, junkfood-eating, gun-loving people got hooked on politics. Could it be that people who identify as MAGA have an out-sized interest in the political fortunes of the man they have made their idol because of on the illusion they will be swept into some fantastical future in which all the people they fear will disappear and they can be left to enjoy the spoils of their hate? Do they want a country devoid of new ideas, ingenuity, invention, contrasts, culture, frozen in the past, wedded to ignorance and violence, and where they can be imprisoned in the darkness of their denial and lies?

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We have to remember that many of these people of whom you speak were considered to be deplorables. Many of us have looked down our noses at them and they finally found someone who they think can stick it to us. Their hopes will be dashed early on in Trumps next term, should he get there. His plan is to amass a huge amount of $$$$$$$$$$ and real estate on Americas dime.

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Although I agree, his plans are much worse than just amasssing wealth and real estate. Those are the least of our concerns should he win in November.

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How ironic that the party that propagated the war on terror is becoming a terrorist organization itself. The “Christian” Nationalist are the American Talaban and the o

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What Trump has accomplished is to dupe a huge swath of Americans, hundreds of millions of them, who can no longer see the truth through the lies.

Everything spewing from his mouth is now either bald prevarication or preposterous hyperbole.

Worse, he has strong-armed an entire political party to do the same, and they cravenly or in many cases enthusiastically comply.

Think about this. If his allies fear his retaliation for even the slightest deviation from his warped dogma when he doesn’t hold presidential power, how will adversaries like us be dealt with, if and when he does?

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I hear people, myself included, threatening to leave the country if TFG is elected. And I think to myself. That’s abandoning the fight. I am not giving up my country without a fight. At 82 not sure what I can do but god knows I’ll try. Give me a gun an ax a baseball bat. I dare they come for me. VOTE GOD DAMMIT VOTE. DRAG EVERYONE TO THE POLLS BUT GOD DAMMIT VOTE

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Living in a blue state and city, where all my friends and most of my family have been celebrating the verdict this past week, I am feeling reassured and upbeat. Not only has the rule of law prevailed, but also it's good to see that no one is above the law in this country.

But in reading your comments here about what it is like to live among the folk who do profusly spout and believe like Tim Scott is disheartening. Their fear and anger is indeed worrying. We hear their hue and cry on the news but somehow it feels distant and removed from reality.

All of you in those situations have my utmost sympathy. All I can do is reassure you that this is a large country and there are literally millions others of us who are not crazy and value our democracy and its' values.

There are seven million more of us who voted for Biden over Trump last time, and will surely do so again. So keep up the fight. And as the Bible says "And let us not be not weary in well doing, for in due season you will reap,if we faint not". Galatians 6:9.

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It is incredible that a gross underestimation of the stupidity of the American people continues among those who comprehend the full extent of the global impact a Trump return to power will have. Where are you living??

Decades of an inferior education system, the cancerous growth of social media, and the pro fascism expounded for decades by Fox News and its despicable offspring have produced the present tipping point. And the complicity of the weaklings in the Democratic Party establishment who have conspired to nominate a candidate who is past his sell by date are co- conspirators in the destruction of our democracy.

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Dems have this stupid idea that some how if you hang in there long enough it is your turn to run.. we made that stupid mistake with John Kerry and here we are again.

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Well said!!

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Jun 2Edited

Your post is a sterling mix of perspicacity, passion and prudence, Steve. At bottom, it is a clarion call to a nation riven by moral confusion and contestation over both secular and religious notions of good and evil and by psychological polarity between the sane and rational Americans and increasingly psychotic cult members who pose an imminent danger to others and ultimately themselves.

Resisting the MAGA gaslighting and discombobulating of objective reality is the inescapable precondition for preserving the freedoms of this nation whose looming 250th Anniversary now stands in doubt.

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Well said too!! Everyone is on it this morning!! I love how Steve inspires us to do our best writing. You all put me to shame though I walk among such intellectual giants. It is quite humbling. Love it!!!

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