For some this may be a freedom of speech issue, but I agree with your assessment. Surely major media outlets have a moral obligation to demand a standard of responsibility for those they (whether admitting it or not) give a prime time platform.

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It's only partly a freedom of speech issue . . .it's mostly a monopoly issue. Musk owns "X"; Musk is a hateful bigot who spreads lies AND doesn't allow any contrary opinion to Jones or any of the other hateful people he allows on the website he owns. I'm wiling to allow a bigot to speak because of freedom of speech, provided someone who completely disagrees has equal time to respond. Otherwise this is just deplorable propaganda (which it is.)

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Obviously, some have no standard of responsibility!

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Not if it 'sells' - as in gains audience share. Feh.

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Money, Money, and more Money.

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Agreed on the Bulwark’s list. This week’s House vote on an impeachment “inquiry” featured 100% yea votes from Republicans, which tells me that Democratic leadership from Biden on down should stop referring to “MAGA Republicans” as if they were a subset of Republicans. They are not. They are today’s Republican Party. Period. Call them Repugnicans (as I normally do), or fascists, or seditionists, or whatever, the fruit of decades of fear mongering.

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My news no longer comes from CNN. Of course, I never watched Fox. It's PBS and MSNBC and Substack for me. It's gravely disappointing CNN has fallen so far. Yes, I do enjoy my echo chamber, but am exposed to newspapers/magazines around the country and investigative reporters.

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I haven't watched CNN since Cooper made his silo comments. I only watch Nicolle Wallace, Maddow, Lawrence. I read plenty of news online. All that is enough.

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I am with you

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Yes, same.

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It's odd: I don't think I ever watched CNN or much of CNN. What did I miss in the early days? (I ask seriously.) I used to watch network news which I began doing as a child w/ Huntley and Brinkley and then Cronkite. I got tired of MSNBC tho' I do like many of those who are commentators. Yes to PBS. More and more to Substack. Am I too like those who watch only Fox and get no 'other' opinions? Should I be concerned? (This of course doesn't note what periodicals I read, in print.)

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I sometimes wonder the same thing, am I just the left version of the deep-diver right-winger hooked on Fox and worse?

Then, I remind myself, I also read the Bulwark a few times a week. Whew! Sane opposition that I can respect, even when I don't agree.

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The one thing left out of your story about "The Deplorables" is that Republicans wear that moniker as a badge of honor, rather than as an insult which it rightly is. The blame for this bad behavior is poor parental supervision and lack of discipline or perhaps the educational system in this country not teaching civics at the grade school and high school level. Whatever the cause of this deplorable behavior it is definitely not becoming of civil society or even illiberal society. It is just poor taste and lack of understanding of the truth. It is the misconception of thinking mean bullish behavior is strength. Unfortunately for us we are subject to the boorishness of their arrogance.

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The blame must extend to the media because it promotes sensation rather than truth, lies rather than truth, and bad acts rather than good ones.

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You are correct, there is plenty of blame to go around to all media outlets.

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Ratings are the number one objective! Ever notice how most media outlets play the “one upmanship” game? Of course, Fox News has never been objective!

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I agree, and add that invariably the media one-ups the most awful news of accidents or criminal activity or Trump rather than someone doing a good deed or a kind one (or whatever Biden does).

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I didn't look closely - most at the photo - and will later. Was the "charming" Virginia Foxx included? (I just read her background which, because I'm not in her district, I'd not read before. She's from the Bronx; has a Masters in teaching! She was an 'educator' and I wonder what she possibly taught.)

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Idiocy no doubt

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There is some disgusting information in that article, Steve. Know it is chilling to you, as well as, your readers? Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Alex Jones are anti-Americans who daily work against our country-plus are major supporters and loud voices for Donald Trump!

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Agree totally. The next 12 months will be, and is now, a defining moment in American politics and American history. Not since the lead up to the Civil War and the days immediately preceding Lincoln’s first inauguration have we seen this level of assault on American democracy. It will be interesting to see if Americans love democracy and its attendant freedoms as much as we say we do. Or instead, will we allow a populist demagogue, who plans to install he and his cronies as a dictatorship, to stir fears deep in our national psyche. Stirring those fears to the point where we become willing to hand over our freedom to self govern to this looming dictatorship to make all decisions for us while they turn our democracy into a kleptocracy. Fascism was much bigger in the U.S. in the 1930s than most Americans today realize (because our teaching of history is so incomplete and inaccurate). But, Japan’s attack and the Axis’ declaration of war on U.S. woke us up to the threat of fascism. Today the fascist threat is mostly from within (with help from Putin and Orban), so it is easy for us “to go to sleep” and believe everything is fine, that nothing is wrong with our nation. But, there is something very wrong and it’s right there in front us in plain sight. The question for all of us now is, do we love our democracy enough to save it?

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I agree that the next 12 months will be and are a defining moment in American politics and American democracy.

However I do not agree that “not since the lead up to Civil War ... have we seen this level of assault on American democracy”.

In actuality, Black Americans have been assaulted and excluded from American democracy since the beginning of American history --- first by being brutally enslaved, and then by being segregated and violently lynched by white Americans, and denied their hard-won right to vote by gerrymandering and threats of violence. And now they are subjected to massive incarceration and continued to be stereotyped as inherently criminal and dangerous.

Today Black Americans are America’s Underclass, excluded by systemic racism from social and economic wellbeing.

Today’s fascist White Supremacists are absolutely deplorable and extremely dangerous. However they are but the tip of the iceberg of America’s historical exclusion of Black Americans from American democracy.

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Perfectly stated Steve...may I add my summation: tis...Americanism vs. HateTriotism...real Patriots vs. the neo HateTriots, cause hates been around a long time. It's legitimization now just an oozing ulcerous symptom of the, years long, massively viral, propaganda/marketing campaign by anti-democratic fascist voices both here and over there. ME-lon (I'll stick it anywhere I want) Tusk is more frightening than the orange jesus himself...shields way up brothers and sisters. More bumps ahead.

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Steve, I see The Warning not as warning, but simply an ongoing recording of events documenting this country's end. I am one of the few remaining who were alive on the day World War II ended. I have seen much since, leading up to the present day.

As I think back and draw upon all my experiences to this day, I have concluded that no form of government is bad. It is the people that rise to lead the governments that become the problem. We have an exceptional government on paper, but despite the words written, it has been the people of good will and dedication who have made it exceptional, which was the intent of the Constitution, but this has only been possible by keeping the people of good will and dedication on a path of unity.

As soon as people become divided, things deteriorate and the government is reduced to the least common denominator, ranking it with all the other failed governments of the past and present. It is people who are the potential problem, and putting them in a position of self rule is always a risk. All that is needed is for someone or something to divide them on some divisive issue.

The politicians and the rich and powerful, to serve their selfish ambitions, have managed to divide this country. It is this division that threatens the country, because as said, unless there is overwhelming unity, a self governed people cannot survive. We have reached the midpoint of division. No matter which way each half goes, it will not be enough to prevent the destruction of our government and the country.

This is not something that has suddenly happened. It has been in the works for over fifty years. After World War II there was a complacency gap fueled by people wanting to move on, frustration levels being reached, and the feeling that evil of all kinds were finally defeated. All this created an opportunity for the people on the dark side to plant their seeds for the ultimate destruction. Motivated by the lust for power and greed, they began to chip a way at the weaknesses of human nature, which began the division we see today.

The people in this country are not pulling together, but in opposite directions. There is no trust and each are in their isolated space on social media and news platforms. There is no cross communication to flush out what is going wrong. There is no distinction between the truth tellers and false tellers. This looks like permanent division and ultimate self destruction to me. The end is not near, it is here.

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Totally agree: it's not the governmental idea that's bad, it's those who win or assume leadership that are the problem. It's the same with financial policies. It's the leaders who muck up the policies for their own gain, to exclude the people, Ex: capitalism. For a time, it worked okay for the bulk of Americans as long as good people did good things to benefit the "all". That was a brief window, we evolved to corporatism (not so) slowly over time, floating all wealth to the top. And here we are, in a Corporate Oligarchy, gravitating to an authoritarian state of the rich and powerful.

I wish there were a "god" I could cry to for help! Sadly, the American god is money and power.

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Thank you for your like. You make some good additional points in your reply. I wrote my original comment in the hope it would stimulate thought and conversation. It will be the collection of such thoughts and their spread through conversation that will open up the true problems this country faces. Only then will we be able to begin the repair. It is going to take more than bandaid solutions to get things back on track. Only then can, the country start to move forward again as was originally intended. Things are not that compicated, if we just get rid of the all the fortune hunters getting in the way.

If humanity can figure out how to navigate the universe with the precision it does, humanity can surely figure out a better way of living together in harmony and equality. Preschoolers get along better on the playground with no rules, than adults do guided by elaborated systems of government. When will we realize it is not the systems that are the problem, but the corrupt and greedy few gaming them to their advantage that makies the systems so complex and inefficently dangerous. It is all by design.


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I too was thrilled to read the Bulwark deplorable list. Very well done thank you Charlie Sykes. I’m glad you make mention of it because you may have a different audience than he does and people can go and read his list which I’m sure is incomplete but still top-notch. Thanks, Steve.

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Say what you will about CNN, it's journalists broke this exclusive today about Trump's efforts to steal, declassify, and distribute a top secret binder on Russia. Olbermann's coverage of the CNN exclusive is also outstanding. I strongly encourage everyone to listen: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/12/politics/missing-russia-intelligence-trump-dg/

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I don't seem to be able to correct that typo in the first sentence, and it's driving me crazy.

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I am glad you are continuing to call out names in the leadership of American media. I think these people need to be called out in the frankest and most robust language possible, obviously without degenerating into anything as obscene as their behavior - daring them to respond to the direct yet still civilized attacks on their gross ignorance, cynicism and malfeasance. If you can selectively ally with Charlie Sykes and The Bulwark to increase the volume I would have zero problem with that.

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When should we expect Putin to be promoted by Musk? He has already given these other thugs their airtime!

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Elon has already promoted Putin by turning off Starlink at a critical time when Ukraine was trying to attack the Russian Black Sea Fleet. He stopped it unilaterally by disabling Ukraine’s communications. He injected himself into US foreign policy illegally.

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Good point. Well said. Bottom line imo, this ship called “democracy” will survive and hopefully grow stronger. Or it sinks and we all go down with it. If it survey, imo, we need massive reforms to our democracy and we must address the inequalities that exist in our democracy. Our democracy needs reform badly for all people.

PS our nation’s track record in the example you give is horrible. My Cherokee ancestors traveled the Trail of Tears from Tennessee to Oklahoma after the government stole their land and kicked them out.

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This right here is the reason I stay away from any tv news.It's garbage.I would be chucking whatever my hands landed on at the TV and yelling unprintable words.Needless to say the TV would not survive.I like my TV,and I would rather watch cartoons or true crime shows.Anything but the trash that's passed off as"news".

These hell forsaken idiots are insane.They wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on their fat asses.

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Desperate Times, Desperate Measures..It is way over due to cut the head off the fish..and allow it to wither and die..

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Mainstream media clearly prefers Trump over Biden, these outlets are owned by rich republicans.

Trump is so much more entertaining and it sell papers. They constantly report that Trump is far ahead in the polls, and even ahead of Biden, this is all the proof Trump needs to say that he is winning. The militias are standing by and are ready to attack.

When Trump comes back there will be no more free speech, he will take over the media just like in Russia. No more peaceful demonstration, defunding the EPA lots of pollution, forget about protecting the National Park, logging, oil drilling, the end of abortion etc., more trade wars with China, Canada,

Mexico. ICE will be rounding up all the undocumented workers putting farmers and factories out of business. People complain about the economy but without low wage workers prices skyrocket.

I blame the Dems as well for letting it get this far, there is no united outrage , they are as afraid of the MAGA's as the GOP (death threats etc.) . Biden allows the right wing to attack, intimidate and bully the Dems, he has never bragged about his accomplishment so the media ignores them. All we ever hear is how feeble and old Biden is. Biden allows the witch-hunt of Hunter to go on and on , he does not come over as a strong leader. Trump and his kids cheat on their taxes, Don Jr. has guns and uses drugs ,so why are they not investigated ? Jared got 2 billion dollars from MBS probably for selling top secret documents, again no investigation. The rightwing dominates the media and we all know that the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

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