“Another question that should be asked, but won’t is “who won the election?” Our entire society is built around the concept of elections that require the willingness to lose on the part of the party that lost. It is an important question.” ---Steve Schmidt

Excellent, as always Steve! As to asking, “who won the election?” It’s Fox News, since when do they ever ask any of the the right questions? I was taught to believe there are no stupid questions, “just stupid people asking questions!” And Fox, proves my point.

That said, we may be surprised and Fox may ask “who won the election?” Of course, the answers will be, “well, Joe Biden is president, but there were many issues with the election that still haven’t been resolved.” No follow up, of course. Although, the obvious next question would be, “like what specifically?” Like I said, no follow up!

Of course, they’ll continue the obfuscation, and pivot to how Biden’s radical left agenda is destroying the very fabric of this great nation, and we need to take back this country before the godless, radical democrats destroy our way of life. Or something to that effect. Exactly how the democrats are destroying the nation is irrelevant.

DeSatan’s message will be more like, we need to make America, Florida again! Living in Florida, as I do, then he’s essentially telling us that he wants to turn this nation into a insolvent, ignorant, authoritarian kakistocracy. Seriously, Florida is headed the way of a religious, dystopian future.

Vivek, will talk about how he intends to make an alien held at Area 51, a member of his cabinet; he’ll be in charge of cutting the federal government workers by two-thirds. And Vivek may take off his shirt. I don’t know why either; perhaps he feels more comfortable that way....sometimes. Plus, aliens don’t wear shirts. I don’t know this for a fact, but Vivek does. Either way, It’s up in the air.

As for Christie, he’s not really running for president. He’s running on behalf of all the morally bankrupt republican leaders who don’t have the guts to speak honestly about their collective hatred for Trump; and how he took over their beloved party in a hostile takeover. Christie needs to tread lightly, since a total evisceration of DeSatan or Vivek, only helps Trump. My guess, he’ll take a few pot shots at them, but focus on Trump’s crimes and misdemeanors.

As for the rest of the clown car, it’s anybody’s guess since they have no where else to go, but up. Haley will speak about her roots and how divided this nation has become, before lashing out about Biden and Hunter. Same for Scott. Or at least, something to that effect. But ultimately, who cares? They won’t be the nominee.

That said, Happy Wednesday all...:)

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I’m looking up swarmy, Steve...the Substack writers are sharp today..the villainous beware ...the geese are unanimously AND royally cooked ...what a great day , mark it folks 8/23/23! ✔️


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Now I’m talking to myself...smarmy , and I’m wrong Steve , and it’s a new thing, smarmy, smarmy, smarmy🤣🤣🤣 you’re good , Steve!!!!!!

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eh-- tomato, tomahto--- no worries Patricia!

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Ramaswarmy. Oops. Slip of the tongue.


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Oh clever Forrest, classic improve....Tom foolery! ...we oughta be ashamed of ourselves.....NOT 🤣🤣🤣Bad Pat Bad Pat😬

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Thank you. I hope they ask the 14th Section3 question I hope they ask each of them to define “woke”, socialism, communism. I would ask whom they support:Russia or Ukraine. I would ask but them about voter suppression

But Fox will not ask those.

Looking forward to your post debate commentary

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Here is the question I’d like to see asked:

“What is the threshold that would disqualify a candidate from running for president of the United States.”


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Question for Vivek: "What's it like going through life as a walking Powerpoint deck?"

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Ouch...does he carry a laser pointer at all times?

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Sure wish you were asking the questions Steve.

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Great piece, Steve. What is needed for our democracy is laser-focused, withering follow up to the question: Will you vote for Trump IF he is the nominee? As Nicolle Wallace & David Jolly masterfully skewered Hutchinson a couple days ago. Watching his pathetic squirming & refusal to simply say: DJT is unfit, unqualified and I will not vote for him.

Every single one of them MUST be asked: Will you vote for him should he (God forbid) prevail. Fox won’t ask, and none of these impotent, farcical clowns will say it.

Here’s the sad truth: The republicans all know DJT is dangerous & would end our democracy (as would DeSantis), but rightwing media has so poisoned their adherents, they believe anyone--even Trump is better than a democrat. Sad state of affairs.

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Exactly right. I heard Judge Lutig on Nicole Wallace’s show - I wonder if a blue state official will actually file that petition soon. He said it needs to happen soon.

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And Judge Luttig when asked about the Republican Party said there is no Republican Party. He is a brave man and one who represents the Republican Party I knew and at least respected when I was growing up. So glad I saw that. Leaders of that party met with the disgraced Nixon after Watergate and told him he had to go. Their respect for their party then would never have allowed a disgraceful scandal tarnish their party. Though I’m not a Republican we had smart and civil debated with my Dad, a Democrat, at one end of the table and my Mom, a Republican, at the other.

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I disagree with Luttig about there being no Republican Party. There still is, but it has moved to the right much further than 10 years ago. So the problem is more that Pence, Haley, Scott, Hutchinson, and Christie are running for the nomination in a party they no longer belong to. They THINK they are, but they're dead wrong.

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With the exception of Chris Christie, and maybe Asa Hutchinson, I'm fully expecting tonight's debate to be an absolute clown show, as all but those two fall all over themselves to show their slavish fealty to the Orange Asscactus and avoid antagonizing him or his cultish base. It will be a pathetic display of servile behavior that will bring shame to their political party.

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You've nailed it--a clown show. Minus Bozo, who'll be chatting with Tucker...

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Orange Asscactus. <-- grade A

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Another question that won't be asked - "how much were you paid, and by whom, for your purity pledge/promise to support whomever becomes the Republican nominee for President?"

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It always involves MONEY.

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Yep, you nailed it as to the questions that SHOULD be asked.

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FYI: For those who refuse to watch this debate because it will be carried on FOX (who's hosting the debate) know that it's also being carried live on CNN.com.

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I only hope that a few drops of sanity from Christie will shine through and effect a smattering of people watching. One person missing from this motley crew of eccentrics and nuts is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. He could be side-by-side with Vivek on the debate stage spewing more ridiculous nonsense.

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RFK Jr should be on that stage with the MAGA Republicans, instead of running as a Democrat!

I much prefer the Town Hall style over a debate, to impart more information to the viewers; of course, as we saw with CNN & Trump, it all depends on who's asking the questions and how much BS they let the candidate get away with!

There's no way I could watch this MAGA lie fest tonight! 🤬

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The whole show will be like watching the "Three Stooges" without the slapping around antics, which should be allowed. I'll try and watch? I will certainly look forward to your follow up this evening.

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Christie, we're counting on you. Hit back hard at the man who knowingly exposed you, with your underlying conditions, to Covid, which you caught and almost killed you. No mercy.

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Interesting cast of characters. Some, like Christie, should have some fun at the expense of others. Those others will be quite tarnished and wonder what hit them. (Shhh, it was Christie)

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Although Ludig and Tribe seem to think otherwise, I think SCOTUS, being as far right as they are, will require a criminal conviction to find Trump ineligible to run. Time is of the essence for trial proceedings. You never know. Maybe, just maybe, SCOTUS will have an interest in saving democracy, if only to preserve their power within it.

It's excruciating to watch the GOP/MAGA candidates try answer simple straightforward questions without really answering them. Steve is right, of course. The answers, if not also the questions, will be about how to stick it to the "woke" people. They will talk about how to save our republic by actually killing it. Limited regulation to preserve people's right to kill other people with guns and dodge as many taxes as possible, while at the same time taking money out of the economy by making the middle class pay the bills and poor people go without food, shelter, education, healthcare. They will talk about religious freedom by controlling women's bodies, determining whether, how, when and with whom they bear children; controlling who people can love and marry, how they express their own identities. They will talk about educating our children properly by banning classic books and teaching a new/false version of history.

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Yes, only a couple will speak the truth! Christie & Hutchison will. Hurd isn’t there! Trump apologists is exactly what they are! No telling how Fox will cover it!

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I too saw Nicole Wallace interview Hutchinson. He spoke half truths and signed onto a pledge and upheld his decision to vote for Trump if he were the nominee. It was nauseating to watch this coward squirm.

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They will speak the version of the truth their sugar daddy's approve.

They are all con artists.

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I think calling these low-value people "con artists" is too kind. They're weak-minded traitors to this country. They're spineless, idiotic, power-hungry cockroaches. It's time for us to take the gloves off, and call these creatures out at every turn.

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