Can’t wait for Bill mansplaining to all of us plebeians why he, of noble stature, is voting for a vulgarian, felonious, addled, demented, rapist.

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Oh, I can wait and wait I will without hesitation.

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So, what does Putin have on Ackerman? Epstein circle? Or is this simply about tax breaks?

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All the billionaires who support him only do so because he promises tax breaks…they all know who he is, but do not care as long as they get to pay less in taxes. I doubt any of them are on Epstein’s flight logs like TFG…I suspect they find him as revolting as so many others do

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Outstanding and appropriate use of adjectives Chris. Love it! Mint!

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Bill Ackman is a case study in stupidly, and is a one or two issue voter. Having worked on Wall Street for many years, I know many pseudo real estate billionaires, and dealt with guys like Ackman my entire adult life. I know what he means when he says his has thought this out rationally; using as much empirical data as possible.

Bottom line: He cares about two things: unfettered support for Israel, and tax cuts for himself and his hedge fund. He couldn’t care less about the average American, or America for that matter.

Ackman is the rich man’s version, of “doing your own research”; concluding that Trump is the best option. He’s the epitome of putting his own interests above Americas. End of story!

The good news is that one: no one knows who Ackman is outside of Wall Street. And two: like Musk, no one actually gives a shit what they think.

If and when I want his opinion, I’ll make sure to give it to him!….:)

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Rich hedge fund opportunist Ackman has accomplished one thing unanticipated to my own paradigm: I view Rogan more favorably than him, because supporting a wacko conspiracy-theorist dead-bear dumping twice divorced alleged sexual assaulter brainworm victim is actually less unforgivable than supporting trump. At this time in our nation's history, there is nothing worse than supporting trump.

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Well said, and when it comes to Rogan, he’s a self-admitted moron, so what’s Ackman’s excuse? It’s a rhetorical question. No need to answer…:)

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Beautiful, Robert!

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Thank you…:)

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It infuriates me that these right wingnuts assume my opinion of Trump comes from the MSM. Everything I ever needed to know about Trump happened on the day that he mocked the disabled reporter. If you still supported that cruel would-be dictator after witnessing that, then there is something terribly wrong with you. End of story.

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My dismissal of Trump came after my daughter's Public Relations club @ St.Louis University went to a PR convention in NYC and Trump was the keynote speaker and all he talked about was his sexual conquest. She was appalled as were her mom and I. This would have been in 2006 or 07.

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Remember he owned a beauty-pageant and could just go back stage and see the girls, under age 18, undress any time he wanted (he bragged loudly about this)? ALL of this, along with the Epstein-circle (he was involved, and accused), his infatuation with his own daughter ETC should come to light again and be hammered over and over again.

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Holy crap. Just when I think I couldn't be any more slackjawed...

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I followed Trump's shenanigans when I lived in Manhattan in the 70s and 80s. He was always a buffoon and anyone with taste knew he was a narcissistic clown always seeking attention. He was all entertainment all the time, not serious ever. And he ascended to the presidency in 2016? This must be a bad dream I cannot wake up from.

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This super rich dude forgets we’ve seen and heard Shitler for years with our own eyes and ears but he’s going to explain to me…

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He'll "mansplain" it to us, as Chris Saunders so aptly put it, above.

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Ridiculous! He writes a loooong post to say that he doesn’t have time to “explain” to us why he endorsed Trump. We have eyes and ears, buddy. Do you like the retribution talk? Or is it the racism, misogyny, xenophobia, fascism, and plain cruelty? Or is it the billionaire tax cuts and deregulation? Can’t wait to read your next load of bs.

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This rich parasite wants to hang out with the Orange Idiot’s best buddy, Hannibal Lector!!

They are all cannibals!!!

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Judge Mr Ackman by the company he keeps! But, why doesn’t just say he is for Trump due to promise of one more Trump tax cut? Be up front, Bill. You want what you can get from Donald, and plan to give nothing more! Sham man!

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He has nothing constructive to say about DonOld, therefore his twitter song and dance.

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Mr. Ackman’s critique of the M$M is amusing. An American billionaire Tr*mp supporter complaining about corporations (aka “people”) whose sole interest is money. It’s past time to hold a funeral for irony.

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M$M. Great alteration! With your permission, I will use it going forth. Captures symbolically the true essence.

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You are encouraged to use it to your (and my) heart’s content.

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Yes, "M$M" should be used far and wide, until responsible reporting happens....

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I never heard of Bill Ackman and looking at his fatuous post, it has been a good thing.

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He's obviously a self-consumed narcissist and possibly a sociopath. Who care what he says!

Yet, let's keep in mind the Mob-aspect...people "own" people; who "owns" him? TFG? Putin?

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Ackman is so lacking in self-awareness, he cannot see that he is another version of Trump himself, but with the kinds of filters and disciplines to become a billionaire who hasn't faced multiple bankruptcies and criminal felony convictions. They share a diminished soul. What makes him think anyone cares about his announcement/explanation? A five paragraph announcement about the announcement? Another narcissist perfectly aligned.

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"They share a diminished soul." I might challenge you on whether they have a soul at all, but your words are just too poetic. I love every sentence of this entire comment.

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I never expected the macho MAGA duo of trump & jd to wear more makeup and hairspray than Kamala.

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Great observation!

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Yeah- 3 out of the 4 candidates wear makeup 😂😂

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They're 'air-heads' and they should be called that.

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Great catch noticing an important factor in this election. True. So true.

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Ackman states in his looney tunes post that we don't have to care about his opinions. According to Forbes, Ackman is worth about 9 Billion dollars. How much can 9 billion buy? About 90,000 people earning $100,000 a year. That's one hell of a lot of opinion to spread around. How could we not worry about such a powerful man. Peter Thiel is almost that wealthy. In his spare time, Thiel has created one JD Vance. You might not admore this accomplishment, but you must acknowledge such power. Or try this one out: It would take 25 Ackman's to reach one Elon Musk. I suppose Aclkman should tell us that we need not care about what Elon Musk thinks.

What is my point? The impact of billionaires on Earth's human species is proving to be as damaging as Global warming. We have allowed our financial systems to be so manipulated that they are allowing a tiny minority to accumulate enormous wealth. And that wealth is killing us. Would we have a Trump without a Murdoch? Would we have today's Supreme Court without Koch brothers; Richard Mellon Scaife Foundation; and the Mercer family? Trump is a minor league rascal compared to the oligarchs that are stripping us bare and burying us.

What can be done? In the near term, we must begin to sound the alarm about the evils inflicted on us by individuals using their wealth to harm us. Frankly, in the long term, their wealth must be stripped from them or its use drastically restricted. As bad as the world's largest yacht is to the environment, it is nothing compared with the gift of a billion dollars to Leonard Leo so he can further damage the integrity of the Supreme Court. The least we can do is make pariahs out of the Bill Ackman's using their wealth to damage our society. Poor meathead Ackman's is so tucked inside his financial cocoon that he doesn't realize that many think of him as an evil man. He is a pariah, an outcast who is to be despised and avoided. Tell him so.

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See Autocracy, Inc by Anne Applebaum. And Bill Browder's books. And the Magnitsky Act. It's not paranoia when they are, actually, out to get us.

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Yes, and dumbing down the education system is part of their plan to bamboozle people.

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Why does one become a hedge fund manager? Acquisition of wealth, to the exclusion of other pesky details. While smart in the nuances of markets and trends, these people are obviously greedy and narcissistic. They live extremely privileged existences, in the cocoon you mentioned. And worse, so great is their self interest that they back a candidate who is clearly unfit. Do they need any more money? Their avarice overrides any semblance of common sense, propriety, and what is right.

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We have to fight the techbro wanna be overlords as much as we fight the orange peasants with their pitchforks.

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Martin, this comment is urgently important -I hope you'll submit this as a "Schmidt Storm" Q.

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thanks for your comment. I'm not sure what the question would be. If you can derive one, you are welcome to submit it.

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Dark money in politics is possibly the biggest threat to keeping our Democracy....?

A "Schmidt Storm" would address this topic.

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Is the billion given to Leonard Leo "Dark money"? We all can agree that money in politics is a major, major problem, but it might not be "The Problem". The Problem is more likely to be too much easy money going to irresponsible people. Billionaires are a dime a dozen nowadays. Multiplying billionaires gives too much unregulated power for a democracy to be successful. In the jargon of the day, a system that generates too many billionaires is not sustainable. Cryptocurrency is a symptom, but what kind of system enables a kid like Bankman-Fried lose 15 billion dollars in a 24 hour period? His was a minor scandal, unlike the mortgage crash of 2008, which affected hundreds of millions of people, but they are related. Elon Musk doesn't like how Twitter is being run so he buys it. Thiel doesn't like how Congress behaves so he creates a JD Vance. If Trump didn't exist, some wacky billionaire would create him. And probably do a better job.

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Yes, so this is the topic to be addressed. Are Harris/Walz addressing this?

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Probably more effective addressing the immediate problem of “money in politics”. That should be among the first issues dealt with by a solid Demo Congress. It’s a broad, deep area and could benefit from a substantial study.

Gosh, they will have a lot to do getting the country back on track.

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The best statistic about these billionaires is that, even with all of that material wealth, they have the same number of votes as the rest of us. Just one. VOTE like your life and this country depend on it.

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If only that were all it would take. If only there were not 40% of the voters in our country with minds so poisoned by social media and the spread of disinformation by sources like Fox News and the Sinclair family fake news stations that they would use their precious vote to put Donald Trump in office. Or refuse to be vaccinated against a Covid that was killing over a million of their fellow citizens because they were misinformed. Or would go to war because they were told an election was stolen from them.

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The entire thing is beyond frightening ... Kelly Ann Conway lurking in the wings is a big OY !

What can make me crazy is her saying there is such a thing as alternative facts...The press never really went after her ...There is no such thing as alternative facts ...there is only facts..Can you imagine if Kamala or Tim were to say that at a press conference the press wold go crazy ... It's insane ,you know how many people think such a thing is true now. I blame the press. And the idea that these billionaire's support Trump makes me very sad...Had they been born in a third world country they might be sweeping the streets instead. Where is there love of country ?

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There is zero rationale by anyone, to cast a vote for a deranged, mentally diminished, felon. The suckers at his teat, better known as MAGA campaign operatives, will go down hard with the sinking ship. We can taste victory now, as Democrats, and we are happy.

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FFS. He writes a long post to say he's going to write a long post? WTF is wrong with this guy? Oh, that's right: typical white privileged person who thinks everyone needs or wants his opinion. Lovely how he says it will be based on "empirical data", so his opinion, not facts or reality. Awesome. More bullshit to ignore. The only thing I'm sure he won't mention is the continuation and expansion of tax benefits under TFG to wealthy POSs like him.

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Your first few sentences elicited an audible chuckle from yours truly. Indeed, guys like this have zero humility, thinking themselves special because they have lots and lots of dollars. Ya know, there are those of us in this life who actually made a choice to not be a slave to money and debt, although it meant having less. I'm not bragging...just saying that people like him can't fathom choices like mine. These Project 2025 psychos think their wealth means they were chosen by God... for real. Please watch the new documentary ​"Bad Faith" by Alex Gibney, which is a 99-cent rental on Prime. My mind was blown.

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They cannot take a nickel, nor a single penny, with them when they die. They only 'took'.

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Ah. Poetry, my love. :)

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Remember those business leaders who supported Hitler? They had their reasons, too. Money and ego.

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He doesn't pay his bills (not news). Trump couldn't land his plane in Bozeman because he owes the airport $12,000 and the police department $58,000 from 2020.



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Robert, thank you for posting these articles. I'm writing from rural Montana (the family homestead is near Bozeman, and I lived in and taught school in Bozeman for many years). We are a Red state, but one thing I can tell you is that Montanans will NOT like that TFG blew off the expenses he owes for rallies here. He will lose voters in this state over that. Hooray!

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If they get the information & then actually believe it. Some in his fan club refuse to believe anything that anyone says about him. They only believe his denials.

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Yes, true. They're plugged into Faux News, etc. and are nearly brain dead... : -(

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I live in NM & he still owes the city of Albuquerque many 1000s for the rally he held there during the 2019-2020 campaign cycle. 🤬

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Oh yes Bill please enlighten us uneducated rubes as to why you are supporting a sexual abusing, con man and insurrectionist. Of course it's the MSM that has clouded our minds and only your great wisdom can help us to see clearly. We eagerly await your explanation why we should not believe our lying eyes and ears.

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