If not Biden as the Dem nominee then who? Whitmer or Warnock perhaps. I doubt that Harris would fair any better than Humphrey in ‘68. After seeing Biden in action in Kyiv, Warsaw, and the State of the Union I am less concerned with his age - especially against a corpulent Trump.
Humphrey actually came very close in 68, and likely would have won had Nixon not committed treason with his intervention in the Paris Peace Talks to prevent progress before the election.
I don't think Trump has a prayer in the general election-- more of his elderly white GOP voter base will be deceased 4 yrs after his loss to Biden.
And i do believe that a few million diehard GOP-voters who turned out for him in Nov. 2020 will have second thoughts after the Jan 6, 2021 atrocity and all these lawsuits coming after him-- not the least of which, IMO, is E. Jean Carroll's rape lawsuit.
I think there are at least 1 million elderly Republican females across the land who wouldn't vote for Trump after this rape-case becomes more widely-covered news.... Maybe some outraged Republican males, too, if their "family values" posture isn't complete hypocrisy.
And finally, if special prosecutor Jack Smith achieves what i believe he can do, Trump may be sitting in prison for his felonies of trying to reverse a lawful election and incite an insurrection.
Wishful thinking, I’m afraid to say. Your comment assumes an informed, intelligent electorate able to overcome the tremendous barriers of gerrymandering, voter suppression and intimidation (to name a few). I’m cheered by the assumed collapse of DeSantis, but if the Dems don’t come up with a charismatic candidate we’re doomed.
Dear Debigail, I am well aware of the terrible injustice and ongoing danger of voter suppression. That dynamic was obviously a factor in the 2020 election, and still Biden won.
I do agree with you and Steve that Dems need a more charismatic candidate, even though i continue to think that Biden would once again beat Trump, by an even wider margin in '24 than in '20.
I really do wish that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer would run. She'd be amazing, and no doubt win in a landslide, gaining a massive amount of the "independent voter" segment.
But i just saw this blurb from 5 weeks ago: Mar 12, 2023 'Throwing cold water on rumors and speculation, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer tells CNN's Chris Wallace that she has no interest in a 2024 presidential bid. When asked by Wallace if she'd run if certain circumstances presented itself, Whitmer, 51, without hesitation said: "I am not running for president in 2024."'
Questions: Would Biden dare replace Harris with Gretchen Whitmer? Someone else?Doubt it?
The chances of the VP being sworn in during the 2nd term of Biden are greater than ever. Age? Health? Whatever? His age is high risk? Mental sharpness?
Is Harris prepared? Does she win, or lose, many votes for Biden? A fresh, new candidate would possibly increase the votes for Biden? Voters are nervous about Biden’s age and present/future mental capacity.
These are very important questions. I personally supported Amy Klobuchar as my ideal for the 2020 VP position. I was sorry to hear about her cancer later and have always liked her straightforward approach to politics, so eloquent and driven by pure grit and determination, a forceful Senator and with a future ahead for us all. Governor Gretchen Whitmer has the same drive, as she moves her state to a better place along with two other amazing women. And then there is a rising star to watch, also in Michigan.
Yes, Biden has been amazing and often surprising. However, those of us who have lived with loved ones over 75 into 80+, know that the pressures and business of living can become very stressful. There are way too many overwhelming medical, daily health, mobility, and mental issues!
I agree with most aspects of your statement. However, Biden may be the only candidate who could defeat Trump in 2024. He paces himself well, presently has good health and his mental acuity less the occasional difficulties with his acknowledged stutter. He has hope, belief in his mission and an excellent track record in taking back our Democracy from the MAGA cult of Trump to date. His understanding of foreign relations is based on years of experience no one else can match. I understand completely the fears of ageism and am somewhat concerned that he might not complete a second term if he could pull it off; but every year he is on the job is another victory lap with the exception of climate decisions like Willow to which I am greatly opposed. But I can’t help believing he has a vision for climate that will reveal itself in due course. There remain two big issues in my mind, assuming a Trump vs: Biden rematch in 2024. Will Trump finally be held accountable for his crimes and incarcerated, my fervent wish for mankind all over the
earth 🌎 ? And can the voting electorate get behind an out of the park vice President to pick up the mantle should Biden be incapacitated during a second term? I don’t understand objections to Kamala Harris but she was handed the impossible problem of immigration which she will pay for in the minds of the American people no matter her efforts on that issue or other fronts. Failure to resolve has not been her problem but she will bear the brunt of criticism. An alternate stellar pick like Pete Buttgieg or Amy Klobochar or ADAM SCHIFF could make such a ticket workable. I’d vote for Biden with Schiff without reservation! Or either of the other two. And I’d give kudos to Mamala Harris who has not had the opportunity to “strut her stuff” in the current administration. ❤️🇺🇸🕊️🌎
Thank you, Elizabeth. I love Kamala Harris and she was my pick to be VP with Biden. She has through no fault of her own, fallen on the sword of immigration, the hand that was dealt her. I wonder if it was a strategic move to remove that failure from Biden’s plate. The issue is HUGE and the solutions will be a long time coming. I read her posts on Facebook and she is crucified in the comments. I think a Biden-Harris ticket would lose as a result of immigration and ageism. What would you think about Hakeem Jeffries? Did you watch the 15 votes for speaker of the House in which he was supported by all Democrats there? Would that be a viable alternative? I love the man. Not sure about his past credentials but could Google in no time. What I see of him is very appealing. By the way, I am a voter in blood red GOP SC and I am in agony over our state “going first” again. We have Jim Clyburn.......
Judith, Harris doesn't have the ability to pick a top-notch staff to help her succussed. All that is written about her "lack of success" has to do with all the infighting going on with her staff. And how her staff fights with Biden's staff because they think they are being set up for failure. I don't think she is capable of being the president of the US because of this. Alot of success in any administration is as a result of the people you choose to be on your team. Harris has proven she doesn't have that ability.
I was suggesting an alternative to Harris; was not aware of the staff issues but think an alternative veep for Biden in 2024 would serve the nation best. And he/she should appeal to younger generations, Blacks, so many “tribes”. The Democratic National Committee has a big challenge in working with Biden who will select his running mate. The politicians who come to mind are already in positions of importance where they are. Hakeem Jeffries for example could be marvelous but we need him in the House. One day, one news cycle at a time; the answer will present itself. And the candidate must be strong enough already to pick up the reins in the unlikely event that Biden becomes unable to serve. I do not endorse ageism at all but at 75 years of age myself perhaps I have a better understanding of how stamina wanes. The risks to longevity increase each year. And two more years of a presidency coupled with candidacy will be taxing to anyone going into a second term at 82. ❤️🇺🇸🌎🕊️
So sorry to be so taxing to everyone today. Weighs heavily on my mind as I’m sure it does all other patriots. Enough this day! Thank you for indulging my thoughts.
Donald Trump has yet to actually win the popular vote in any election. He isn’t adding to his support, and I don’t see a scenario where he will given all of his ongoing legal woes. Democrats are always their own worst enemy, but I really believe they have learned their lesson after the Clinton loss in 2016, and the situation at the Supreme Court. The elections post-2016 show that to be true. By no means should we sit back and say there is no way Trump can win, but I see reason to be hopeful that our electorate can handle this. Each year that passes, more children who have grown up in the “active shooter drill” society will come of age to vote. They will not be voting Republican. We must stand behind Biden, or whomever our nominee will be. I think we should stay the course with Biden and I hope others running for the nomination do not do too much damage. We are witnessing the death throes of the Republican party. Let’s not get in the way of that.
I am happy to read Steve’s written words and happy to see and hear him as well. Steve has one of the most powerful and distinctive voices and presence of any political commentator I have ever heard. I hope and pray that all of Steve’s gifts will be read, seen and heard loud and clear throughout the impending campaigns. We need all the wisdom, seriousness and strength we can muster no matter who the Democratic nominee is.
I also think it is very important to take seriously those who support Trump and MAGA. Thousands if not millions of them truly believe we are in a holy war and they could not care less about the sins of the leaders as long as they get the far right agenda they want. A “Christian” Theocracy that will deny the rights of any of the lessers in their view ~ LGBTQ, all people of other faiths, women’s reproductive choices, all “unbelievers”, “illegal immigrants”, young voters who lean left, black voters who lean left, anyone who stands against weapons of mass destruction in the hands of all who desire them.
They may want all of this, but they will be repudiated for all at the ballot boxes. I foresee a non-violent revolution in the country. To think freely is a most blessed act, when good comes of it. The Universe Watches and Smiles.
Steve, Thank You for helping to take Desantis down! Now go after Trump, relentlessly, as you are.
Mainly, thank you for mentioning the CHILDREN several times, what they're experiencing with all this madness, and that we must be responsible and leave them in the future with a fair two-party Democracy, and a code of ethics. Keep at it -you're batting 1000!
Steve - with your background in election campaigns, I sincerely hope you are working behind the scenes right now to form a coalition of like-minded people to find and develop a candidate to run in place of Joe Biden. It is going to take someone with your knowledge and skill to turn this around or at least put things in motion. There are tens of millions of us who are hoping for something more than business as usual this time around. We support Joe Biden as our current president, but we all know that what you are saying is the truth. We need to put a new candidate in place now, before it’s too late.
This has been some of your finest work. I’d love to see a whole book on this. I would buy it for everyone I know. Thank you so much for sharing this in a egalitarian format first. 💙🇺🇸💙
To try to make sense about the Republican Party's aspirations for the American nation is like navigating the nonsensical little breaking news, bit by bit, around how extreme right courts handle the legal framework that has targeted women and girls to live lives in misery. This is the legacy of wars fought to defend human rights? A return to the Age of Darkness when Religion ruled hypocritically? Opposed to such darkness are words reread from a soldier of World War I: "Kat turns his eyes to heaven, lets off a mighty fart, and says meditatively: 'Every little bean must be heard as well as seen.'" The cleanliness of truth!
Trump would read such words and follow it with a barrage of rants against the Constitution, the American institutions, the American justice system, the American law enforcement, the IRS, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, his posse, in brutish mumbo jumbo concatenations of nonsense. He will strip all the money he can from those who believe that he and only he can protect the rights of common women and men where he to be in jail for his acts, because if it happens to him, Lord Almighty, it can happen to anyone. Such women and men are so brainwashed as not to see that this is the reality of so many Americans since memorial times. They are now paying to self-gratify their innermost worries which, by the way, had they the right information and were guided to understand professional advice and investigative acumen, would now be searching elsewhere for the leader we all deserve.
DeSantis would read such words and give himself a pat in the back, because he is so lost in his own Plan For America, a plan founded on the centrality of sexuality. No, we do not fart towards the heavenly skies, much less have intercourse, babies are born all from lo-o-ove, girls are girls and boys are boys and Mickey Mouse is sexless, fantasy is not allowed, free thinking is incomprehensible to men in white boots (Puss In Boots wears them better). I might just as well say it, Theses Boots Are Made For Walking and They'll Walk All Over You. His obsession with Sex is dumbfounding, in a country with so many therapists, sexologists, psychiatrists. Professionals. He needs help. And, obviously, he comes through as self-righteous in front of Floridians, a little autocrat signing BS into directives that do such harm, not unlike his comments about horrific acts of extermination for neo-Nazis in Florida, not to mention the brutality of torture which ensued by his very presence and vacuous statements around human rights.
But what most concerns me is the following. We are faced with an extremist Congress, incapable of discerning Truth when it is given to them in such a forceful manner. So much evidence, evidence that only the brainwashed can not understand. There is a viciousness that threatens default on America's credibility in the world, brought on by a group of Trumpists who can not distinguish between the criminal acts of a president and the Wisdom of another, a group so riled with hate and vengeance that they will do all to take anyone around Joe Biden down, Joe Biden the man, like any one of us
I am not as optimistic as others that Trump will be defeated (in the general election). It will be very, very close, and even worse than January 6th will happen if he loses.............and even worse than THAT if he wins.
The end piece of this article is profoundly important and I hope you will elaborate on your thoughts in at least one more iteration , in fact this subject is of such import I hope you would consider a way to make it available to as many people as possible .
President Biden alluded to being a one term president when he ran the first time , it wasn't a promise but he appeared to appreciate his age
That was 2019 . The 2024 election is it , either the US constitional democracy survives or it dies .
TCinLA, I was so confused by all the cheering that when on AFTER it exploded, and its bits and pieces were falling to the earth. Last time there was such an important explosion of a space vehicle I remember gasps and sadness. Granted, there were actual astronauts on board, but to cheer in such away reminds me of yet another Orwellian "double speak" moment.
I agree with Sam. I too worry about Biden, but if not Biden, then who? I don’t think anyone should disrespect Biden if they can’t put forward a viable alternative! I think we should support a loaf of bread for president if that is the Democratic nominee. My hope has always been that Trump will be disqualified under the 14th Amendment. If he’s been indicted for espionage and engaging in a conspiracy against the United States...?
As an independent and fool-me-once Trump supporter in 2016, it still amazes me that factions of the Democrats’ party still trip on each other and can’t come together; even to defeat Trumpism aka autocratic oligarchy in the making. It took the youngest voters, willing to battle through suppression and a pandemic to save our ass last time. Please, come to the middle, win over the Independent vote, keep the Senate and the White House then retreat to your corners and fight amongst yourselves.
IF Hillary Clinton had been elected, our country would never have the present MESS on the U.S. Supreme Court! The ultra conservative TRIO would never have been appointed! The Court would look very different from what it does today. Furthermore, abortion would not have been banned!
There is a documentary on Netflix called 'The Great Hack' about how 'data points' for millions of people gained from Facebook and other social media sites were used to significantly influence the 2016 election and other elections around the world. It is important that we understand what is going on. Cyber warfare is here.
So I guess his comments about Mexicans, his ridicule of a disabled person, his affinity to Russia weren’t red flags to you at all, huh? You liked his television show. Awesome.
People change. Times change. 2016 the issues for me were more in line with conservative fiscal policy. I was caught off guard by the horrific extremest social leanings of 45 and his crew until I heard that crazy inauguration speech. I was not a big consumer of the news then. It was pretty blah blah blah. Lesson learned. Glad people like you have always been involved.
Thank you for your honesty. We are glad to have you in the middle/part of the coalition. It’s the middle that will help save this country. 👊❤️ (Feel free to reach out anytime.)
Jeff, what would "com[ing] to the middle" look like for an independent? Seriously asking, what is a turnoff to independents that is part of the Dem Party to you right now?
You can get the podcast for free if you don't mind the ads, as far as I understand this. For those who can afford to support an important cause, 'The Warning' would be good one.
I strongly feel that the videos Steve is doing will appeal to many more people than the written word. He has videos on Youtube with thousands of 'likes'. Hopefully some of those videos can get into the social media algorithms and the viewership will grow exponentially. Some of Steve's video work could also go viral. I hope so. Thanks.
If not Biden as the Dem nominee then who? Whitmer or Warnock perhaps. I doubt that Harris would fair any better than Humphrey in ‘68. After seeing Biden in action in Kyiv, Warsaw, and the State of the Union I am less concerned with his age - especially against a corpulent Trump.
Humphrey actually came very close in 68, and likely would have won had Nixon not committed treason with his intervention in the Paris Peace Talks to prevent progress before the election.
Accompanied by Reagan's treason with the Ayatollahs in 1980.
The collapse of DeSantis is just fine! Not suited for the White House, anyway. More on . . .
I don't think Trump has a prayer in the general election-- more of his elderly white GOP voter base will be deceased 4 yrs after his loss to Biden.
And i do believe that a few million diehard GOP-voters who turned out for him in Nov. 2020 will have second thoughts after the Jan 6, 2021 atrocity and all these lawsuits coming after him-- not the least of which, IMO, is E. Jean Carroll's rape lawsuit.
I think there are at least 1 million elderly Republican females across the land who wouldn't vote for Trump after this rape-case becomes more widely-covered news.... Maybe some outraged Republican males, too, if their "family values" posture isn't complete hypocrisy.
And finally, if special prosecutor Jack Smith achieves what i believe he can do, Trump may be sitting in prison for his felonies of trying to reverse a lawful election and incite an insurrection.
Wishful thinking, I’m afraid to say. Your comment assumes an informed, intelligent electorate able to overcome the tremendous barriers of gerrymandering, voter suppression and intimidation (to name a few). I’m cheered by the assumed collapse of DeSantis, but if the Dems don’t come up with a charismatic candidate we’re doomed.
Dear Debigail, I am well aware of the terrible injustice and ongoing danger of voter suppression. That dynamic was obviously a factor in the 2020 election, and still Biden won.
I do agree with you and Steve that Dems need a more charismatic candidate, even though i continue to think that Biden would once again beat Trump, by an even wider margin in '24 than in '20.
I really do wish that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer would run. She'd be amazing, and no doubt win in a landslide, gaining a massive amount of the "independent voter" segment.
But i just saw this blurb from 5 weeks ago: Mar 12, 2023 'Throwing cold water on rumors and speculation, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer tells CNN's Chris Wallace that she has no interest in a 2024 presidential bid. When asked by Wallace if she'd run if certain circumstances presented itself, Whitmer, 51, without hesitation said: "I am not running for president in 2024."'
--Maybe in 2028?
Questions: Would Biden dare replace Harris with Gretchen Whitmer? Someone else?Doubt it?
The chances of the VP being sworn in during the 2nd term of Biden are greater than ever. Age? Health? Whatever? His age is high risk? Mental sharpness?
Is Harris prepared? Does she win, or lose, many votes for Biden? A fresh, new candidate would possibly increase the votes for Biden? Voters are nervous about Biden’s age and present/future mental capacity.
These are very important questions. I personally supported Amy Klobuchar as my ideal for the 2020 VP position. I was sorry to hear about her cancer later and have always liked her straightforward approach to politics, so eloquent and driven by pure grit and determination, a forceful Senator and with a future ahead for us all. Governor Gretchen Whitmer has the same drive, as she moves her state to a better place along with two other amazing women. And then there is a rising star to watch, also in Michigan.
Very astute observations, Timothy. 👊❤️
RFK Jr won’t even be a ripple on a pond.
Robert Kennedy, Jr., seems very unstable and fluky! Many in his large family will NOT support him and have said so!
Says a great deal, huh? The Kennedy family has sacrificed so much for this country, and they feel it is unwise to risk anymore, again!
Yes, Biden has been amazing and often surprising. However, those of us who have lived with loved ones over 75 into 80+, know that the pressures and business of living can become very stressful. There are way too many overwhelming medical, daily health, mobility, and mental issues!
He’a a lunatic and everyone knows it. I can’t see him being a problem at all. I think Newsome will run.
I agree with most aspects of your statement. However, Biden may be the only candidate who could defeat Trump in 2024. He paces himself well, presently has good health and his mental acuity less the occasional difficulties with his acknowledged stutter. He has hope, belief in his mission and an excellent track record in taking back our Democracy from the MAGA cult of Trump to date. His understanding of foreign relations is based on years of experience no one else can match. I understand completely the fears of ageism and am somewhat concerned that he might not complete a second term if he could pull it off; but every year he is on the job is another victory lap with the exception of climate decisions like Willow to which I am greatly opposed. But I can’t help believing he has a vision for climate that will reveal itself in due course. There remain two big issues in my mind, assuming a Trump vs: Biden rematch in 2024. Will Trump finally be held accountable for his crimes and incarcerated, my fervent wish for mankind all over the
earth 🌎 ? And can the voting electorate get behind an out of the park vice President to pick up the mantle should Biden be incapacitated during a second term? I don’t understand objections to Kamala Harris but she was handed the impossible problem of immigration which she will pay for in the minds of the American people no matter her efforts on that issue or other fronts. Failure to resolve has not been her problem but she will bear the brunt of criticism. An alternate stellar pick like Pete Buttgieg or Amy Klobochar or ADAM SCHIFF could make such a ticket workable. I’d vote for Biden with Schiff without reservation! Or either of the other two. And I’d give kudos to Mamala Harris who has not had the opportunity to “strut her stuff” in the current administration. ❤️🇺🇸🕊️🌎
Thank you, Elizabeth. I love Kamala Harris and she was my pick to be VP with Biden. She has through no fault of her own, fallen on the sword of immigration, the hand that was dealt her. I wonder if it was a strategic move to remove that failure from Biden’s plate. The issue is HUGE and the solutions will be a long time coming. I read her posts on Facebook and she is crucified in the comments. I think a Biden-Harris ticket would lose as a result of immigration and ageism. What would you think about Hakeem Jeffries? Did you watch the 15 votes for speaker of the House in which he was supported by all Democrats there? Would that be a viable alternative? I love the man. Not sure about his past credentials but could Google in no time. What I see of him is very appealing. By the way, I am a voter in blood red GOP SC and I am in agony over our state “going first” again. We have Jim Clyburn.......
Judith, Harris doesn't have the ability to pick a top-notch staff to help her succussed. All that is written about her "lack of success" has to do with all the infighting going on with her staff. And how her staff fights with Biden's staff because they think they are being set up for failure. I don't think she is capable of being the president of the US because of this. Alot of success in any administration is as a result of the people you choose to be on your team. Harris has proven she doesn't have that ability.
I was suggesting an alternative to Harris; was not aware of the staff issues but think an alternative veep for Biden in 2024 would serve the nation best. And he/she should appeal to younger generations, Blacks, so many “tribes”. The Democratic National Committee has a big challenge in working with Biden who will select his running mate. The politicians who come to mind are already in positions of importance where they are. Hakeem Jeffries for example could be marvelous but we need him in the House. One day, one news cycle at a time; the answer will present itself. And the candidate must be strong enough already to pick up the reins in the unlikely event that Biden becomes unable to serve. I do not endorse ageism at all but at 75 years of age myself perhaps I have a better understanding of how stamina wanes. The risks to longevity increase each year. And two more years of a presidency coupled with candidacy will be taxing to anyone going into a second term at 82. ❤️🇺🇸🌎🕊️
Judith, "'tribes'"?
Just other groups of voters, no reference intended to indigenous peoples.
So sorry to be so taxing to everyone today. Weighs heavily on my mind as I’m sure it does all other patriots. Enough this day! Thank you for indulging my thoughts.
Donald Trump has yet to actually win the popular vote in any election. He isn’t adding to his support, and I don’t see a scenario where he will given all of his ongoing legal woes. Democrats are always their own worst enemy, but I really believe they have learned their lesson after the Clinton loss in 2016, and the situation at the Supreme Court. The elections post-2016 show that to be true. By no means should we sit back and say there is no way Trump can win, but I see reason to be hopeful that our electorate can handle this. Each year that passes, more children who have grown up in the “active shooter drill” society will come of age to vote. They will not be voting Republican. We must stand behind Biden, or whomever our nominee will be. I think we should stay the course with Biden and I hope others running for the nomination do not do too much damage. We are witnessing the death throes of the Republican party. Let’s not get in the way of that.
Well said. Thanks.
I am happy to read Steve’s written words and happy to see and hear him as well. Steve has one of the most powerful and distinctive voices and presence of any political commentator I have ever heard. I hope and pray that all of Steve’s gifts will be read, seen and heard loud and clear throughout the impending campaigns. We need all the wisdom, seriousness and strength we can muster no matter who the Democratic nominee is.
You are so right.
I also think it is very important to take seriously those who support Trump and MAGA. Thousands if not millions of them truly believe we are in a holy war and they could not care less about the sins of the leaders as long as they get the far right agenda they want. A “Christian” Theocracy that will deny the rights of any of the lessers in their view ~ LGBTQ, all people of other faiths, women’s reproductive choices, all “unbelievers”, “illegal immigrants”, young voters who lean left, black voters who lean left, anyone who stands against weapons of mass destruction in the hands of all who desire them.
Oh, and don’t forget they want to get their rights to ban books.
They may want all of this, but they will be repudiated for all at the ballot boxes. I foresee a non-violent revolution in the country. To think freely is a most blessed act, when good comes of it. The Universe Watches and Smiles.
I so hope you are right!
Right On! Thanks.
Thanks Lisa! ❤️
Steve, Thank You for helping to take Desantis down! Now go after Trump, relentlessly, as you are.
Mainly, thank you for mentioning the CHILDREN several times, what they're experiencing with all this madness, and that we must be responsible and leave them in the future with a fair two-party Democracy, and a code of ethics. Keep at it -you're batting 1000!
Steve - with your background in election campaigns, I sincerely hope you are working behind the scenes right now to form a coalition of like-minded people to find and develop a candidate to run in place of Joe Biden. It is going to take someone with your knowledge and skill to turn this around or at least put things in motion. There are tens of millions of us who are hoping for something more than business as usual this time around. We support Joe Biden as our current president, but we all know that what you are saying is the truth. We need to put a new candidate in place now, before it’s too late.
This has been some of your finest work. I’d love to see a whole book on this. I would buy it for everyone I know. Thank you so much for sharing this in a egalitarian format first. 💙🇺🇸💙
To try to make sense about the Republican Party's aspirations for the American nation is like navigating the nonsensical little breaking news, bit by bit, around how extreme right courts handle the legal framework that has targeted women and girls to live lives in misery. This is the legacy of wars fought to defend human rights? A return to the Age of Darkness when Religion ruled hypocritically? Opposed to such darkness are words reread from a soldier of World War I: "Kat turns his eyes to heaven, lets off a mighty fart, and says meditatively: 'Every little bean must be heard as well as seen.'" The cleanliness of truth!
Trump would read such words and follow it with a barrage of rants against the Constitution, the American institutions, the American justice system, the American law enforcement, the IRS, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, his posse, in brutish mumbo jumbo concatenations of nonsense. He will strip all the money he can from those who believe that he and only he can protect the rights of common women and men where he to be in jail for his acts, because if it happens to him, Lord Almighty, it can happen to anyone. Such women and men are so brainwashed as not to see that this is the reality of so many Americans since memorial times. They are now paying to self-gratify their innermost worries which, by the way, had they the right information and were guided to understand professional advice and investigative acumen, would now be searching elsewhere for the leader we all deserve.
DeSantis would read such words and give himself a pat in the back, because he is so lost in his own Plan For America, a plan founded on the centrality of sexuality. No, we do not fart towards the heavenly skies, much less have intercourse, babies are born all from lo-o-ove, girls are girls and boys are boys and Mickey Mouse is sexless, fantasy is not allowed, free thinking is incomprehensible to men in white boots (Puss In Boots wears them better). I might just as well say it, Theses Boots Are Made For Walking and They'll Walk All Over You. His obsession with Sex is dumbfounding, in a country with so many therapists, sexologists, psychiatrists. Professionals. He needs help. And, obviously, he comes through as self-righteous in front of Floridians, a little autocrat signing BS into directives that do such harm, not unlike his comments about horrific acts of extermination for neo-Nazis in Florida, not to mention the brutality of torture which ensued by his very presence and vacuous statements around human rights.
But what most concerns me is the following. We are faced with an extremist Congress, incapable of discerning Truth when it is given to them in such a forceful manner. So much evidence, evidence that only the brainwashed can not understand. There is a viciousness that threatens default on America's credibility in the world, brought on by a group of Trumpists who can not distinguish between the criminal acts of a president and the Wisdom of another, a group so riled with hate and vengeance that they will do all to take anyone around Joe Biden down, Joe Biden the man, like any one of us
I am not as optimistic as others that Trump will be defeated (in the general election). It will be very, very close, and even worse than January 6th will happen if he loses.............and even worse than THAT if he wins.
The end piece of this article is profoundly important and I hope you will elaborate on your thoughts in at least one more iteration , in fact this subject is of such import I hope you would consider a way to make it available to as many people as possible .
President Biden alluded to being a one term president when he ran the first time , it wasn't a promise but he appeared to appreciate his age
That was 2019 . The 2024 election is it , either the US constitional democracy survives or it dies .
I don’t think President Biden wants to run for office again. I just think he doesn’t see an alternative.
I'm with Charlie Sykes: at least Elon Muck's starship exploded AFTER it left the launchpad.
TCinLA, I was so confused by all the cheering that when on AFTER it exploded, and its bits and pieces were falling to the earth. Last time there was such an important explosion of a space vehicle I remember gasps and sadness. Granted, there were actual astronauts on board, but to cheer in such away reminds me of yet another Orwellian "double speak" moment.
It's an interesting question - I personally had a smile on my face when I watched, since it was such a gut-punch to Muck, who I detest.
I agree with Sam. I too worry about Biden, but if not Biden, then who? I don’t think anyone should disrespect Biden if they can’t put forward a viable alternative! I think we should support a loaf of bread for president if that is the Democratic nominee. My hope has always been that Trump will be disqualified under the 14th Amendment. If he’s been indicted for espionage and engaging in a conspiracy against the United States...?
As an independent and fool-me-once Trump supporter in 2016, it still amazes me that factions of the Democrats’ party still trip on each other and can’t come together; even to defeat Trumpism aka autocratic oligarchy in the making. It took the youngest voters, willing to battle through suppression and a pandemic to save our ass last time. Please, come to the middle, win over the Independent vote, keep the Senate and the White House then retreat to your corners and fight amongst yourselves.
Really? Fooled? Trump looked better than Clinton huh?
IF Hillary Clinton had been elected, our country would never have the present MESS on the U.S. Supreme Court! The ultra conservative TRIO would never have been appointed! The Court would look very different from what it does today. Furthermore, abortion would not have been banned!
I will never get over her loss. To this day I have been unable to watch her concession speech. Such a tremendous loss to us all.
There is a documentary on Netflix called 'The Great Hack' about how 'data points' for millions of people gained from Facebook and other social media sites were used to significantly influence the 2016 election and other elections around the world. It is important that we understand what is going on. Cyber warfare is here.
He promised to surround himself with the best and brightest so.....and I used to like the original apprentice.
So I guess his comments about Mexicans, his ridicule of a disabled person, his affinity to Russia weren’t red flags to you at all, huh? You liked his television show. Awesome.
People change. Times change. 2016 the issues for me were more in line with conservative fiscal policy. I was caught off guard by the horrific extremest social leanings of 45 and his crew until I heard that crazy inauguration speech. I was not a big consumer of the news then. It was pretty blah blah blah. Lesson learned. Glad people like you have always been involved.
Not that I needed convincing, but he had me with mocking the disabled! He’s a little man with no decency!
Thank you for your honesty. We are glad to have you in the middle/part of the coalition. It’s the middle that will help save this country. 👊❤️ (Feel free to reach out anytime.)
Jeff, what would "com[ing] to the middle" look like for an independent? Seriously asking, what is a turnoff to independents that is part of the Dem Party to you right now?
I’m I confused or is Steve moving away from written word to podcast?
We like the written word, Steve. Most of us do not want to pay for joining the podcast!
You can get the podcast for free if you don't mind the ads, as far as I understand this. For those who can afford to support an important cause, 'The Warning' would be good one.
Lisa-you mean on YouTube? I often watch Steve on it! Very good!
Yes, maybe on YouTube! He's certainly getting out there in the world -Yay!
I for one signed up to read the written word, not listen to it. I get my fill of pundits on cable news shows!
I strongly feel that the videos Steve is doing will appeal to many more people than the written word. He has videos on Youtube with thousands of 'likes'. Hopefully some of those videos can get into the social media algorithms and the viewership will grow exponentially. Some of Steve's video work could also go viral. I hope so. Thanks.