Jul 15·edited Jul 15

This post needs to be required reading for every Democratic operative in the nation. You do not achieve unity and peace by linking arms with fascists and those whose existential purpose is to undo what the rest of us are trying to uphold.

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Jul 15Liked by Steve Schmidt

Yes, we should buy the Biden WH and campaign team a subscription to The Warning!

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I appreciate this uncompromising leadership message. What is at stake is still the same.

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If the assassination attempt didn’t kill or injure people in attendance and perpetrated by a 20 year old registered Republican gun loving child, one would think that it could have been planned to help Trump. Look what it did…Trump gets to play martyr, gets an iconic photo with blood on his ear and a fist pump for t-shirts, coffee mugs and for fundraising. He gets to tell us that nobody has been treated worse than him, got Democrats to pray for his recovery from the glass shard ear wound, got the Biden campaign to lay off campaigning or to tone down its warnings about Trump’s assault on democracy and most of all get us to forget about the dangers of Project 2025. And today we get incompetent “judge” Cannon dismissing the stolen documents case hoping no one will notice. I didn’t think anything could get more depressing, but here we are.

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Your warnings ring true, and yet, no one really seems to know what to do about the coming storm, at least that I've heard about. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't. If Trump wins, this country is pretty much doomed. If Biden wins, the rightwing violence will consume us. Trump's a master at playing the martyr and his followers are easily suckered in by that whole "I'm a victim" propaganda. God help us all.

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I find it incomprehensible that the perpetually meek Democrats have unilaterally neutered themselves in the name of honor. The MAGA has NOT stopped its torrent of violent rhetoric and I feel that Dems are exposing their fear & weakness in the face of the coming storm. They better start on Friday as they've already wasted weeks on BS. regarding impotence of ads I was wrong as I naively assumed Dems could create ads like that of LP. Wasting 100M on ads is a body blow. I guess Dems must prioritize hundreds of rallies and public events with eloquent speakers who can make the case. Joe's a nice guy...but hasn't been a good campaigner since 1988 ...his initial effort for Presidency.

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I love her, just saying. I’m about to lose my mind, so please start each day with this little ball of sweetness! 🥰

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She lost her mind years ago

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She's talking about Steve's dog.

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Yes, MTG is one of Trump’s loyal pets.

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My bad I apologize Joanne. My mind was on another she. Miss Mabel is adorable.

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One of the things I found disturbing when watching the media images of the attempted assassination, was the image of Trump pushing away the secret service to put his fist in the air yelling "fight, fight" Also when panned to the audience, a few who were wounded, others standing giving the media the middle finger (?)- or that is how it appeared. All that, in the midst of a live shooting...

Did anyone else wonder about this? How did they know it was over and that more was not coming? Why did they all especially in the immediate area, scatter? In any other picture of mass shootings you see crowds disperse and run, When the victim is led away, the fist pump? Am I the only one that thinks this a most unnatural reaction?

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But then maga are unnatural.

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Hawley’s fist pump was a sign of his sexual preferences. I may be wrong butt……

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I think there was some announcement that the shooter was down before they even tried to move Trump.

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We MUST defeat and convict at the ballot box! Nothing has changed since Saturday. We're still in "clear and present danger". Every case against Trump is slowly being dismissed and the only way we can convict him is if we VOTE. It's up to us now no one else. I believe there are more of "us" who believe in democracy than "them" who want to take our country back to the past. As stated 'the choice is clear...very clear"! When he loses, sadly, we'll have to go through the same nonsense we went through in 2020...."the election was stolen".

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DJT will have a moment of calling for unity because that would be something a normal American would do. He has tortured this country for 8 years with his lies, rhetoric and dangerous, criminal associates. And now he will have a moment of "kindness" to secure his base with love & sympathy for him, while we all know his goal is desperate & the same if not worse- revenge, avoid accountability & jail, and be the tool for fascists around the world and for Project 2025 to take down this country, our freedom & our attempt at justice for all. He's a hero to his followers, but is the face of evil & corruption lacking a conscience and spitting on every American who has fought, suffered & died so that we may be free for 248 years. Pray for our country, vote for any & all candidates who have proven their respect for their oath to serve we the people and use the power of your vote to rid this country of this attempt to ruin our system of government.

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Steve, perfectly said and absolutely true. The hardest part of this whole episode is the invasion of Justice. The Donald Trump seems to embody. In a country where all we’ve heard about is the rule of law, for my whole life, to see someone skate in such a high profile is to grow nauseous and exhausted. And as an aside, anything you can do, any contacts you have, to get some effective ads going, please make it happen. Or talk to who can.

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In, not invasion, evasion. But Siri’s choice of words actually works as well. That’s what I get for dictation.

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"...the Biden campaign has responded to the assassination attempt by “pausing all outbound communications and working to pull down our television ads as quickly as possible” 113 days from the election.'

To what end? Is the campaign conceding defeat? If the campaign goes silent, does that mean the Fascist monsters will suspend the lies? Of course not. They know their supporters are gullible chumps and that undecided voters are mainly malleable Tik Tok twits that react to simpleton messaging.

The Democratic campaign should be pushing harder than ever instead of retreating.

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I agree. It’s time to take the gloves off and start playing hardball not softball. Our politics have changed and either we change to meet the challenges of the hard right or we lose. You cannot trust the word of a single Republican in the current Senate or House. This is now a fight for our democracy, our cherished freedoms, and most important the future for our children and our children’s children.

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I agree. Trump is now a martyr for the cause, and the Dems bow to his minor injuries by retreating. He has been given a free ride this morning by Judge Cannon, meaning he not only incited a riot to obstruction the peaceful transfer of power, he now has gotten away with keeping, hiding and sharing classified documents (treason). THAT type of person must be stopped! Putting our offense on hold will not win the election.

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More political malpractice. They clearly don't really see the risk - or the dire situation they're in. Shake things up, change the narrative and the momentum.

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A fierce opponent that might start unifying us...Kamala Harris and Adam Kinzenger a centrist ticket that governs from the middle.

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Adam Kinzinger is not centrist, just anti-Trump. We don't need to make our candidates Republican as well.

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I was thinking about these two as a ticket this morning and I think they would win.

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I have read 7 substacks and comment threads so far today. Your comment has been one of the few that gave me any hope. It's a wild longshot, but not impossible.

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Unfortunately, I didn't garner any hopefulness out of Steve's excellent analysis. My despair stems from an incompetent Democratic leadership. They need to take Grandpa's keys away and sell the car to someone who can stand up to growing populism and fascism for years to come and instill confidence without a teleprompter (that couldn't be read properly, e.g. "the former Trump).

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Sorry to say, Morning Consult/Bloomberg was not good for her. Joe is handling this situation as well as anyone could, except today is Monday so respectful retreat needs to end.


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She is so sweet. My daughter just lost her 2nd dog in five months. Have known them since they were puppies. Heartbreaking.

Steve, I don’t know what to say anymore. And then this ruling by Judge Cannon this morning. It is all a shit show, but so much more than that. Glad you have the words.

Dreading this week. Typically I don’t have the TV on until 4:00, barely had it on at all this weekend and when I did it was not turned to the news. Not sure it will be on at all this week. Maybe to watch old shows of Expedition Unknown.

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I agree, I'm not sure I can take much more, especially the convention. I pride myself in reading various newspapers and Steve's substack but not sure I can handle Trump 2.0.

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Try BBC for good coverage of news and maybe Animal Planet or Nat.Geo?

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One of your best pieces Steve. There is much at stake here, and suspending OUR message because Trump got a scratch will do nothing. Trump will be made a martyr by the right, and his numbers will go up, yet his message is the same - retribution, violence if he doesn't win, upending of our government and all it's agencies, and empowering himself to not be accountable for anything he does. WE HAVE TO KEEP FIGHTING AND DIG IN HARDER. Violence is not the answer, but TRUTH has to prevail. Let's get the message out in a fashion that will do something.

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David Frum wrote in The Atlantic about a willingness now for Americans to do “self-harm” to themselves and their country. Thus we are where we are.

A vivid example of this is the support for Mark Robinson in North Carolina. He clearly wants to make women second class citizens if he is elected Governor. There is no doubt whatsoever.

His supporters — male and female — are perfectly fine with that. He can win here.

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He also said, at a "church", that some people need to be killed.

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Brilliantly said. I am committed to democracy and the events of the last few weeks leave me wondering what can I do to make a difference? I think most of the US is asleep to the danger Trump represents. I believe we need to get the word out in Project 2025. I suggest the Lincoln Project release adds on 2025 comparing it to Nazi Germany. As a Jew and someone who speaks her mind I fear for the future.

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I too am losing my mind this morning. I had just committed to being all in with Biden, despite my worries--and despite Steve's great recommendation of a Democratic ticket, Wes Moore and Gretchen Whitmer (I don't have the spelling right, forgive, I'm writing in the midst of tears)--and then I saw how Biden was reacting, as if, SEE what a good guy I am?,--and how clever Trump steals the word 'unify' and all the Republicans proceed to incite violence while blaming the most visibily un-violent person, Biden, for any past and future violence.

You can't call it "hypocrisy" anymore. It's something more evil than gaslighting. It's killing the truth, in front of our faces, and blaming us for the murder.

And once again Trump gets off scot free.

How can we not cry?

WTF to DO?

Biden is simply outmatched in political wit. He's resolute all right but about the wrong thing. Of all unhelpful things, I find myself furious at Biden for

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Ruthy, I appreciate how you are processing everything. To me, we need someone who has the ability to fight for this country. Biden has been a good President and would be a great President if he would step down and help lead the transition by allowing democrats to select two candidates who could win and then campaign for them passionately. He could play a huge part in the process vs. giving half of the country anxiety trying to prove he is not 81 at these events that are weighing him down. It seems delusional to me.

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The crazy thing is, I just turned 80 in June. And I’m really energetic, healthy, etc-- but it’s different, believe me. The energy diminishes. I am DYING here, to see Biden do as you say. That’s what we need-- in the midst of all this hypocritical noisy nonsense-- to see a real statesman ((Biden) demonstrate selflessness/ patriotism - .. Oy!

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Ruthy, you bring up a great point. Perhaps I should not have just pointed out age only, but it is more of the strength and capacity needed to build confidence that this person could fight for us or what is important to us and the country. They can push back against bullies. I have several good friends in their 80s, but none of them think it is a good idea for them to be president of the United States. One of the great things about aging is that we get over the thinking that we have to prove ourselves to others.

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