Without posts like this, the very best candidates could, and often do, fly under the radar. I look forward to Mondays to know more worthy candidates running to do the peoples business. I am happy to chip in to help, even though my donations are not monumental. Every little bit helps, and helping gives me hope.

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Trump will not accept any result that is a loss. His supporters are likely to ignite clashes that may be mostly contained, but will result in significant death and property destruction.

This is what happens when you elect the worst of society, as exemplified by Trump, Gosar, Boebert, Gaetz, Greene, and others.

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Thanks Steve. Identifying and encouraing support for stellar candidates is a great new feature of your newsletter

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I started supporting them since.

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“Last week, a Rasmussen Reports poll found that 41 percent of likely voters believe that the United States is likely to experience a second civil war within in the next five years.”

Steve, excellent points, but please don’t quote Rasmussen; they are not an impartial polling site, and frankly, I hate when people bring up polls to convince us what most Americans think.

Personally, most Americans are clueless at best, and complete, ignorant morons at worst. At least 50 million Americans believe in Flat Earth Theory, or Trump won the election. I bet even more believe that Jesus was white and spoke American. Can anyone say Megan Kelly or MTG?

That said, thank you for sharing your picks for Congress. I’ve been supporting Abigail Spanberger, Colin Allred , as well as my democratic nominee for senate in Florida; Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, against everyone’s favorite Medicare fraudster, Rick Scott.

Please keep them coming as I plan on supporting as many anti-Trump candidates as possible.

Save democracy; VOTE BLUE!…:)

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Thanks for pointing that out about Rasmussen. They are a joke - remember when they had TFG's approval rating at 50 percent when he was languishing in the mi-30s? They are not a reputable organization.

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As a career civil servant, now five years retired, I appreciate your description of the current state of that noble profession. I was lucky in that I served with an outstanding group of people who were smart, hard-working and dedicated to our mission. I was even more lucky in that the vast majority of the people we directly served appreciated what we did. The work was politically sensitive, and there were always detractors, even in high places, but we persisted and eventually succeeded to the greatest degree possible. But we were not ourselves political and did not have to put ourselves forward every few years to continue in our positions. As you note, it's hard to get good people to do that. Such people are indeed patriots, in the best sense of the word, but I'd be reluctant to use it to describe them, since it has been widely appropriated across the board by people and groups who are anything but.

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Two things. I looked at Kara’s ad and I honestly couldn’t tell if she was a Democrat or a Republican. Why isn’t there some hint of her party affiliation on the ad? What’s up with that?

I couldn’t suss out what party she was but when I did, I saw she was a great example of the caliber of our Democratic bench. How I wish President Biden had announced he wasn’t running for a second term, and was throwing the nomination to a good old primary fight. Let our bench scrabble for the nomination (whoever’s interested) like we did for many years. Let the best candidate win, state by state. I’ve heard people say that Republicans can use the dirt exposed during the primaries against our candidates in the general election. Well, that’s always been handled in the past.

The point is that if we had thrown the nomination open, we’d probably get a Mikie Sherrill, a Gretchen Whitmer, an Eric Swallwell… A new, younger generation who would bring fresh energy and wisdom to our increasingly complicated government. We’d have someone who knew how to fight the Republicans because they’d had a primary fight already.

I also think that a primary fight would unite Democrats behind one candidate, no matter how counterintuitive that may sound. I’m looking hopefully at this year’s race and hope Democrats see the grave necessity of supporting Joe Biden.

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All fair points, but usually, not always, any time an incumbent from either part runs for a second term, there is very little in the way of an "open primary" from their party.

I will 100% vote for Biden, but my concern is that he may have RBG'd the democratic party and voters, believing only he can beat TFG. That said, our electorate is and at least in our lifetimes, has been a superficial group. How someone looks, their hair, their clothes, their skin, their physique. Qualifications often are secondary, if a consideration at all. And Biden looks awful. I fear that doesn't bode well for those of us who care about democracy and look beyond appearances. He sounds fine, his accomplishments are many, but what keeps me up at night and will until the election, but that may not be enough. TFG clearly states his objectives and plans if he wins, but considering this election is going to come down to 10s of thousands of votes in 6 or fewer states, ill-informed people who don't care about the future of democracy will vote. Eff SCOTUS as they have sold out the country...we need to get out and vote and support the candidates up and down the ballot.

And going forward, the DNC needs to do a helluva lot better job at succession planning, because they truly suck at it and that poses a real threat, as much as TFG and his minions. If there are no viable candidates on our side, it makes the possibility of awful, anti-democratic authoritarians, seem like a more reasonable choice.

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You sum it up quite nicely. I was thinking about RBG in regards to our situation with Joe Biden. And very true about the DNC.

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Ballotpedia lists Ms. Jenkins party affiliation as NP.

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Steve, thank you for this. It’s too easy to identify those we should vote out of office, harder but more important to know who we should vote for. I contributed this morning.

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I donated to Kara this morning because I too believe in the adage "all politics is local". As you say, many of us know nothing of these candidates but do know what type of person they are running AGAINST. Thank you for letting us know about Kara Jenkins, Steve.

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I love that you are going to start doing this on Mondays. It's brilliant. I'm grateful for guidance on how to help the rubber meet the road.

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I donated Steve. I respect your opinion and though I am a retired RN, I am doing fine and fear for this country, as do you. I am not sure I can donate every Monday but will see what I can do. There are so many causes…

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Our collective cynicism makes it easy to stake a declaration of the lazy, which is that the whole thing is broken, rotten and not worth being involved with. While this may be true at many levels, it yields the levers of power to people who shouldn’t have it.

I hear this too often from friends and family. It really irks me!!! Of all that's transpired, now is not the time to ride that pony! Your right, their lazy and uninformed or misinformed. There is a power grab going on to rob us, we, the people of our democracy. We have to root out the takers and players at every level of government. Thank you for the great article, Steve!

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Steve, Good recommendations from The Warning will encourage a look see, from others. Making it popular to research candidates! Thanks for promoting this. Love it.

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So happy you are doing this I will be happy to send in my small donation

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Sorry Steve. Ms. Jenkins identifies as Non-Partisan and Christian per info on her social media pages. No can do.

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Like many cities, the office of Las Vegas Mayor is non-partisan, meaning candidates run without party labels. Ballotpedia says she’s NP, because all of the candidates are in this election. As far as being a Christian, most Americans are. She’s not touting her Christianity on her website, so she’s not fishing for right-wing Christian votes. I don’t see either of these things as a strike against her.

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We are all entitled to our thoughts and opinions. Thank you for yours.

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Done, donated, thanks.

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