Let’s clean the house and senate of all MAGAs. Their agenda is to please the orange man not the American people.

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Again, my sympathies for Teddy, he was an amazing pup…:)

As for all three Democratic hopefuls; I’m with you 100% Steve. Debbie is from my state, and I’ve given to her, and the other two candidates as well.

They don’t need thoughts and prayers; they need votes and financial support to overcome their battles against the foes of democracy and decency. So please give generously.

Go Blue!!!!!!…:)

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Thoughts and prayers haven't done anyone any good. Doing the right thing is what works. Speak out and take action.

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Vote for Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for Florida senator.

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Your commentary gives me hope. I understand your profound loss in your wonderful Teddy. There is something so precious between a dog and its owner. Pure love. I am sorry for your loss and have felt that pain.

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For years now, I’ve been grateful for your insight, righteous rage and truth telling, Steve. This morning, I’m also grateful for your willingness to share your very personal story of losing your beloved Teddy (and for the wonderful clip), and it doesn’t bother me one bit that I’m now fat faced from crying.

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Ditto. Tears running down my face.

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Steve, do you believe there can actually be free and fair elections in states like Florida,Texas and any other state that have Republican Secretaries of State and complete control of the legislatures?

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Ted Cruz is the most disliked, despicable 'Senators' in the Congress. If Texans cannot see that they can do extremely better by electing Colin Allred.

Oh wait, if they are voting for Drumpf, then Cancun Ted is actually semi-functioning. It's just that he's such a huge Asshole

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"Rick Scott, the Medicare fraudster"

Boy, and how! $1.7B, the largest healthcare fraud case in US history.

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Thinking of you and your family. Teddy clearly was an amazing pup.

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Teddy is, indeed, watching over you! Much luck to Debbie as she’s attempting to defeat the ever-crooked Rick Scott!

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Good interview. Superstar Senator when she defeats Crooked Rick Scott. I live in California and donated to her.

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Rick Scott is cut from the same cloth as Mitch McConnell: both would push their grandmothers over a cliff for power and more power.

The senior population in Florida is addled with unfounded grievance and misguided hatreds. Thus you have people like Scott and DeSantis. I hope Debbie is successful in getting them to change course.

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She can win solely on the issue of preserving Medicare and social security.

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As a resident of FloriDuh I’ve given to Debbie several times and will continue to give. We definitely need her in the US Senate!!!

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I am so so sorry to hear about Teddy's passing they just don't live long enough but they take up a space in our hearts forever. They are all playing together and waiting for us to join them - that would be heaven to me

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Fingers crossed 🤞

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Really appreciate her for running. I sent my donation.

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Steve, thank you for featuring Debbie Mucarsel-Powell today. She is our hope for this country!

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