May 20Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve - I really appreciate your candidate spotlight series. I live in Florida and am sick and tired of crooked Rick Scott. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is a former US Congresswomen from Florida and running to take Scott's seat. Florida is in play this year with a ballot amendment to retore the rights of women in the state to make abortion decisions without interference from politicians. Unlike 2022, when 2 million Dems didn't turn out to vote, the ballot amendment has attracted support from every political persuasion. Scott only won by 11,000 votes and has earned his reputation as the Voldemort of the US Senate. Debbie's championing of women and this amendment can propel her into the Senate.

I hope you will consider a candidate spotlight with Debbie.

Dennis Rees

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I will reach out. Thanks for the suggestion.


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Colin is talented and so impressive! Cruz is a rude, crude animal! Hates women, too!

Texas has a chance to do itself a favor - vote for Allred and clear the rat out of the building!

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Cruz is a miserable lo swamp creature. I believe he’s trying to clean himself up to compete to replace McConnell when he steps out as leader.

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May 20Liked by Steve Schmidt

Please feature Josh Stein who is the current attorney general of NC. He is running for governor of NC against a disgusting racist antisemite Mark Robinson who claims the Holocaust never happened!

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Yes he would be a great one too!! I've been sending him money when I can.

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Assistance to defeat Mark Robinson will be appreciated. It is already bad enough that this ignorant hateful man is the second highest ranking public official in this state.

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This interview is outstanding. Allred is a remarkable person and Texas needs him. It's fascinating to read how Cruz is bending in so many directions to appear to 'moderate' who he is and what his positions are on issues.

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It's as if you wrote this like you were reading my mind. Here's to helping Texas get rid of that cancer. I will be making my donation to defeat him.

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May 21Liked by Steve Schmidt

I live in southern CA & I gave a small donation to Mr Alfred!

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May 21Liked by Steve Schmidt

Kat C, that's great. I don't have a lot of money, but also want to do what I can to help rid the nation of the slime in our government. It's fortunate that Steve shares this information so that those who can can help in some small way.

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May 20Liked by Steve Schmidt

I have donated to Collin Allred. May I suggest highlighting Adam Frisch for Colorado 3?

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I interviewed him late last year. I will republish it too. He’s definitely worthy of further promotion and exposure.


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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Steve Schmidt

We must keep Jon Tester from Montana!

Donated $25 to Collin!

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May 21Liked by Steve Schmidt

Excellent Steve. I recall Ted Cruz not wanting to help New Jerseyans who had suffered greatly from Hurricane Sandy. Go Colin!

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I remember your chat with Colin Allred, Ruben Gallego and Lucas Kunce. All of which I am supporting monthly as best I can. In large part due to your having them on The Warning. I need to add Adam Frisch to that list soon as well.

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May 20Liked by Steve Schmidt

Money sent! Thank you for these blogs on candidates we can help.

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Excellent choice! I already give to his campaign and will continue to make sure he beats Cancun Cruz!….:)

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Steve Schmidt

Just thought, all the major Substack writers should devote at least two of their daily newsletters a week to highlighting good Blue candidates. I bet Steve, you just raised some substantial money for Collin.

So all of us, including the writers should stop our bitching and outrage and help the candidates that we can. Actions, not words should be our mantra till we beat the shit out of the magas in November.

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Yes! I’d love for others to join in this effort.


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will suggest it on Jeff Tiedrich's newsletter tomorrow. Rick Wilson should be another. Rosenberg's Hopium does every day.

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Maryland US Senate seat is a huge concern. I believe we haven't had a Republican senator since 1980 election. This year, Angela Alsobrooks, Prince Georges County Executive, beat out 3 term congressman David Trone in the Democratic Primary. However, she's going up against the very popular former governor, Larry Hogan, who won the Republican primary. Hogan won 2 terms as a centrist and touts his anti Trump record. Different being a governor and anti-Trump in a solidly blue state vs. being in the Senate and the pressures of your caucus. I fear this is almost certainly a lost seat in the Senate - and that's regardless of who wins at the top of the ticket.

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I heard that Allsbrook doesn’t have much money but has been working very hard going door to door. She feels she can win doing what she is doing.

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Yea, good luck with that. I mean, she beat Trone, so kudos, but Trone doesn't have the name recognition that Hogan does. 2 term governor vs a US Rep from D6, which is mostly sparsely populated Garrett, Alleghany, Frederick, and Washington Counties, IOW, the panhandle, and a small portion of Montgomery County. His biggest endorsement was from Anthony Brown, former LT Gov under O'Malley who lost to Hogan. Also, IOW, no one knows him outside of those areas in D6, so she easily and convincingly won PG, Balt County and City, but very narrow wins in Montgomery and Anne Arundel Counties. The DNC will not want to lose this seat, so they will sink a ton of money into the race now that the primaries are over. But the RNC desperately needs it, so they will sink a lot into it as well. No one - no one - thought US Senate seat would be competitive. Acknowledging that it is competitive and very possible an R gain is an absolute understatement.

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Mr. Potato Head Hogan is a dyed in the wool Republican that was held in check only by a Democratic legislature. He shouldn’t be popular….he should instead be sent packing. Get rid of this phony.

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Although I agree with you, he's very popular, although Brown was an awful candidate in 2014 and Hogan squeaked out a victory with 51%. Brown did nothing to convince voters to support him. In 2018, Ben Jealous was a hugely unknown and Hogan won with 55% of the vote.

His only thing that will appeal to many is his relative "success" as governor, and people are too ill-informed to understand the legislature kept him in check or simply don't pay attention. And his stances against TFG. I like Alsobrooks, but she has a very steep uphill climb. She'll win PG County, Baltimore County and City, and do well but likely not win Montgomery County, but with smaller margins than she needs. I fear that won't be enough because Hogan will do better everywhere else and stronger than most other prior R candidates in the places mentioned above.

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Hogan is strong. I voted for him for Governor once. ( im old enough to remember his father as PGc Exec and congressman) This year, and for the Senate, not a chance. It’s math —any Republican contributes to a toxic majority or minority hijacked by the Nutcase caucus. WaPo endorsed alsobrooks, though with good words for Trone.

Easy to overlook the need for support for a Democrat in deep blue md.

Introducing Alsobrooks would be most helpful.

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May 21·edited May 21

I agree. I just think Alsobrooks has a HUGE and STEEP uphill climb. Hogan is still in his former governor honeymoon phase. That's going to be a problem for Alsobrooks, which is all I mean. I met Hogan's father when he was PG County Exec, so right there with you. 😉

And Maryland as a whole is deep blue, but breaking that down and it's not. It's heavily blue in the 4 locations I mentioned. Everywhere else is red. Of course, we count votes, not acres, but my concern is Hogan's popularity, deserved or not, will result in her winning by smaller margins in those very strong blue areas. That may not be enough.

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Agree with your analysis 100%.

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May 20Liked by Steve Schmidt

May I suggest Adam Frisch for Colorado District 3.

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May 21Liked by Steve Schmidt

I am so happy to see your article today bringing forward Colin Allred. Ever since I heard him speak I’ve liked him. He is smart, knows the issues, is friendly, wants to serve America. He speaks to the people not at them. I am not a Texan but an Arizonan and I like that you mentioned Ruben Gallego along with Allred. They seem like the same type of people. We have another great candidate for the House in Kristen Engle. She will be a good match for Arizona, Congress, and the United States. Thank you also, for the scoop on Cruz. I was amazed at his change in appearance and now it makes sense. This is one of the things that helps me make decisions about who to vote for. The first time I saw Cruz on television he was trying to scoop up one of his daughters and hold the other next to his leg. Both girls scowled, went stiff, turned and tried to get away from him until he put his daughter down. That told me all I needed to know. Thank you for highlighting the excellent candidates that are out there and mentioning the rotten ones.

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I have been donating to Colin in Texas and Reuben in Arizona for awhile now. They would both make great Senators!! Ted Cruz especially is a disgusting, hypocritical POS who has needed to go for a very long time!! I'm praying hard this will finally be the year!!! 🙏🏻💙🇺🇸💙

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