So - is it too much to ask that we have someone of that caliber as President and not the next racist dictator trying to ruin our lives + country? Oh yeah - we already have Joe. I just hope he makes it through the next term. And trump burns in hell

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And Trump burns..........for eternity!

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Anthony & Martin, There is no burning in hell for eternity, because there is no hell. No loving God/Father would do that to his children. Either you grow a soul, which gets to leave this mortal realm, because you have embraced truth, beauty, and goodness in your life, which is the spiritual food that grows our embryonic souls, or you cease to exist. I don't see Trump as having a healthy soul of survival status, so this material life may be the end of his journey. It is his choice, and our choice is to not vote for him.

We are the free will children of the God of free will. That's the rules, that's reality.

Rev. Marian Hughes

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Can you give me your background which enables you to arrive at your opinion? Maybe a scriptural basis!

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Aloha Anthony, Thanks for asking, I was a truth seeker most of my life. Even as a young child I could not accept the idea that a loving God would demand to see the cruel death of his son in order to forgive all of mankind. As a mother I would never make one of my children pay for the "sins" of another one of my children. Therefore a loving Creator would be much more merciful than a mere mortal. Plus the biblical "original sin" story never made sense to my scientific mind, since I knew that we evolved.

So I kept reading and seeking the truth. Then at 24 I discovered a 2,097 page tome titled the Urantia Book. This book has an amazing origin, which is a bit too complex to go into now and besides the book should stand on it's own, without that interesting story. Basically this book is a synthesis of science, history, philosophy, and religion. It claims to be The Fifth Epochal Revelation given to help this strife torn world. That is a big deal for anyone to believe, unless they are attuned to The Spirit Of Truth, that was given to us at Pentecost.

We do also have a number of scientists that study The Urantia Book, because it contains many scientific facts that were not yet discovered when the book was finished in 1935. The book has been translated into over twenty different languages and has sold over 1,000,000 copies by word of mouth. It is probably several hundred years ahead of it's time of general acceptance. Part 4 of the book is the complete life and teachings of Jesus as it was recorded by beings that are referred to as Midway Creatures.

You might say that we consider ourselves Jesusonians, rather than Christians. Christianity is Paul's teachings about Jesus and the Urantia Book (which by the way is the name of our planet) is the teachings OF Jesus. There is a difference. I became an ordained minister to fill the void to officiate weddings for couples in our movement that wanted a Urantia based wedding ceremony. I also do pastoral counseling for people that fear death. The Urantia Book is published by the nonprofit Urantia Foundation in Chicago. Dr. William S. Sadler and his wife Lena Kellogg (of the Kellogg Corn Flake family) played an important role in the reception of this extensive history book. We are not a cult, we are just a group of individuals who believe in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man. For more information click on www.urantia.org

I hope you are not sorry that you asked. Feel free to find me in the Big Island phone book and call if you need more information.

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Thank you! I’m afraid many people say they believe things, but have no clue why! 😁

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Well Anthony I can tell you that after spending 55 years studying my deep esoteric text, I know exactly why I believe the truths and facts about the universes as stated in that remarkable book. What it teaches us mere mortals is either true or it is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon the human race.

Most people throw the word soul around, without really understanding exactly what it is, how it is formed, how it grows and where and how it will be re-personalized after the body dies. I have seen the brochure, and I am dying to go.

The soul is our cosmic baby that we conceive with the Divine fragment of God the dwells in our super-conscious mind. We can have an eternal adventure if you so choose.

People that believe all the Qanon crap have no idea where it originated and what it is really all about. People that believe Trump's lies are of the same mind set as the Germans were in 1933. Their Weimar Republic was destroyed very quickly. By drawing together the fringe nationalist parties into his Nazi Party, Hitler was able to gain a sufficient number of seats in the Reichstag to make him a political player. Eventually, conservatives, hoping to control him and capitalize on his popularity brought him into the government. However, Hitler used the weaknesses written into the Weimar Constitution (like Article 48) to subvert it and assume dictatorial power.

Will our USA Constitution hold up? It is being tested as we speak.

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...in a fire stoked by orangutan dung.

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I just now re-read your first post again… AH, now I see that it was too early for me to be trying to read accurately. This is my “egg face” ;0

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deletedDec 29, 2023·edited Dec 29, 2023
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Joe = Harry Truman

Trump is the Nazi fascist dictator who wants to ruin our country.

Sorry if this wasn't apparent in my initial post.

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Thanks for your response. I thought that's what you meant and I fully agree with you that Trump is Hitler reincarnated (even though I don’t believe in that either…lol). Stay safe my friend. :)

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Truman had that plaque on his desk that said “The Buck Stops Here” and when I hear that — all that comes to mind is when Trump said that he was not responsible at all.

When someone tells you exactly who they are— believe them.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

I was 8 when Harry and Eleanor had that conversation. This reluctant haberdasher from Missouri surprised everyone, both with his 1948 victory over Dewey, that had been declared prematurely for Dewey and the excellence of his presidency. And that was when a buck was worth a buck. Notwithstanding race relations, the U.S. was a brash, ambitious and innovative country, savior of the world, coming of age in its very own century. {a personal side note: One day, 1960s, I was a nervous flyer en route to Washington, DC from NYC and the plane was all over the sky. I was terrified. I took some solace in the fact that the man next to me was calmly reading his paper as if we were gliding smoothly home. That man was Thomas E. Dewey.} I digress.

So where are we 75 years later? The shockingly corrupt, incompetent, criminal ex-president sees his popularity go up with every idictment. The every-bit-as-effective a president as Truman sees his popularity slide with every benefit he provides to the American people. This does not look good. Rachel Maddow profoundly exclaimed, based on her rigorous study of history, that a Donald Trump only rises in a country that is ready for him, even desires him. So where are we right now and what can be done? People need to be educated and there is not enough time to send them to school. On the one hand they need to be powerfully shown the terrible future a Trump return promises. And, on the other, they need to know what the actions of the recent past and immediate future, in Biden's capable and compassionate hands, mean for the improvement of American life. That is a huge challenge and as JFK so succinctly put it, "First, you have to get elected." So this is a massive communications challenge not yet undertaken. It needs respected and beloved surrogates to carry the message to the appropriate constituencies that are bored by Biden. There is nothing like sticking your finger in a hornet's nest to get people's attention. Trump has ALL the attention, as in, "I don't care what you say about me, just spell my name right." When the automobile is moving along smoothly, without incident, passengers fall asleep. We need to set the alarm for NOW AND WAKE PEOPLE UP! We need to cover his noise with noise of our own. America is really in a very good place right now structurally. She just needs to know it and protect it from the goons. Times a wastin'.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

As a Vietnam Veteran 69/70, we have to get all our friends and family to vote for Democracy nationaly and locally.

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Key West is a beautiful place and my wife and I enjoyed our time there. However, I didn't know the presidential history of the place so I never visited the Southern White House. I will have to put it on my ever growing list of places to visit since I started reading your column. You have introduced me to more wonders of America I have little knowledge of and I am grateful for your travels and writing. All the best to you and your family in the new year

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Yes! I never knew it existed, either. I've visited the Hemingway House and loved it. Had I known the Little White House was there, I would have visited it, too. Like you, I've added it to my very long bucket list.

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It is a wonderful place and I love that it has the original furnishings, which have been carefully preserved.

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Very good essay and, being from Missouri, we're very proud of Harry Truman. But, when I read your essay I couldn't help but see the privilege of white men. I don't think this was at all intentional but that's also part of the reason that it persists. "It's a tale as old as time," and not nearly enough has changed. It's a large part of MAGA. There were no women or people of color "in the room where it happens", no one who was openly a part of the LGBTQ+ community, and probably no people who were not Christians, and there are still very few. The few that are in those rooms are constantly bombarded with insults, mansplaining and threats, direct and indirect. It would really, really be a good thing if the white Christian men who don't agree with these exclusions would constantly, and consistently, speak up. Had this essay been only about a trip you took I wouldn't have mentioned this, but it's also a political statement.

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"in the room where it happens" Patricia, I felt the same way you've described here while reading this, although I'm happy for Steve that he's on vacation doing what he enjoys. There was such an absence of representation of women and minorities in this history that the reality of the struggle for equality, which goes on today, was not easy for some of us to toast.Thanks.

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Seems to me that there is a huge bunch of Christian White Men who are part of the problem.

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Yes, and I don’t think Jesus had this crap in mind.

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Patricia and Lisa, you anticipated what I just said about MAGA.. Nice to hear fellow travelers' voices..

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Good article thanks. Truman was a real man, soldier, businessman and diplomat for our nation. Pretty sure he is pissed off at present....what with the Putin wing of the GOP, along with the Bible worshipers.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thanks for this. Feel like a total dunce having been to Key West a couple of times unaware this place existed. And I consider myself a Truman fan since I read his biography at age 15, ironically on a long overnight train ride to Florida. I will definitely go to this little corner of history the next time I’m down that way.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

I love, love, love Harry! He was president when I was born, so I have no memory of his tenure, but have read just about every book about him. We also visited the Little White House when in Key West in 2001. I was like a star-struck kid seeing his poker table and the rest of the original furnishings of that time. Truman doesn't get enough credit for his accomplishments. He should rightfully be called the father of medicare, since he tried to get something like that passed, but was unable to. Thankfully, Johnson had the success. We need more Harry Truman's in the White House.

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The band Chicago wrote a song called America Needs You, Harry Truman, and the lyrics are more relevant today than ever. Also, a personal anecdote: I was in the Missouri National Guard when Truman died December 26, 1972. He was laid in state at his library in Independence, MO and the governor activated my unit to stand honor guard on the steps and into the lobby of the library. It was bitter cold and the wind made it even worse. I had the luck of drawing outside duty, and we were ordered to stand at attention for thirty minute spells with five minute breaks at parade rest, for a two-hour shift. Although we'd been issued long underwear to wear under our dress uniforms it was near impossible to stop shivering from the cold. I was on duty when Bess arrived as we were standing at attention. As she made it up the steps and passed us, noticing how cold we were I heard her say, "Either get these young boys inside or send them home, This is ridiculous." We got to go inside. Both of them were class acts. America needs you, Harry, now more than ever.

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Wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it with us!


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Plain spoken just like her husband. No word salads for the Trumans.

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We seldom hear much of President Truman, especially this kind of peak into his private life. Thanks.....I enjoyed it.

History is infinitely fascinating and enlightening, and it's good that we continue to learn its' lessons. It is such a rich and endless mine to study and glean lessons from. So let's continue our search for its' treasures.

None of us know the future, which tends to make predicting it pretty much of a fools endeavor anyhow. To my way of thinking, that includes what will happen this coming year. With all the possible unexpected situations that could throw us a curve, and land us in a totally unexpected place a year from now, it all is still anyone's guess as to what will actually transpire. Let's not panic, just be diligent, purposeful and positive in our efforts to bring about desired our outcome and trust the Universe to do the rest.


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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

I had no idea of its existence. It looks quite cool, and of course, so do you Steve, sitting in the stetch Limosine. We are so fortunate to have had great leaders like Harry. I will be sure to visit there the next time I'm in Key West - I've never been, but want to go in '24!

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thank you for sharing. Enjoyed.

Loved the playing cards and the bow they came in. Key West it's on my 🪣 list. Definitely want to see more of that limousine you were pictured in. Loved to tour this beautiful "Little White House".

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Although I was only 3 years old when Truman became president, I lived through his presidency, and I was well aware of newreels about him.. Thus at 8, I associated Harry Truman with a fantastical world of a garden of Eden, and I see more clearly now what we are. That 1945 world is a world that seems completely out of kilter with what it has become. Who WAS that nation Mr. Schmidt is talking about? It has been called the Best Age of America, with enormous tycoons and industrial wealth and power-it was the Golden Age of "our" nation; I use "our", meaning the whites.

Wasn't it also the nation where the wealthy paid 91% taxes and also still was lynching blacks?

The taxes seemed better suited to what a fabulously wealthy nation's obscenely rich ought to still be paying. As for Missouri, they voted to support slavery and secede, and yet no one mentions it in relation to Harry Truman.

To me, Harry Truman's America is a like falsely remembered, sentimentalized happy childhood, blissfully unaware of philosophical questions about who we actually were .

To me, Harry Truman's America was a splendid Ignorance that fits in with MAGA's views; the white man's happiest of times-- unaware of the coming regrets and melancholia. It reminds me of the characters in Oneill's "Long Day's Journey Into Night."

I agree that Harry Truman's America was the best place to make money, and the most lighthearted nation in the world, full of promise and dreams. But, as anywhere else in the world, we whites had to wear blinders and be philosophical. "Porgy and Bess" was not just a Broadway show..

A comparison can be made between O'Neill's dead serious classic play and Truman's America and what it has become,;

The play is based on the Greek notion of fate and the idea of the past controlling the future. That Greek notion of fate and destiny is also true for Truman's America and what has happened to it; We learn over the course of Long Day's Journey into Night how events in each character's past made them into who they are.

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We need a Cemocrat that can give them Hell. The Democrats look like capitalists while Trump pretends he is a populist. That image has got to change.

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The whole nation IS the archtype of Capitalism, and we have never changed ( except in the 1930's when we had a chance to become socialist & almost succeeded,, and except for FDR's New Deal). We are THE bastion of Capitalism---the biggest one, most unrelenting one, the world has ever known.

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I can't endorse socialism. There is nothing wrong with seeking to make a profit - that results in improvements and advancements. Socialism tends to stultify that. There was not only the New Deal, but also the War on Poverty and trust-busting - what is needed is honest politicians to control capitalism. Uncontrolled capitalism along with allowing corporations to vote has led us to where we are now.

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Hello Alan,

I agree. No ISM works. Instead, and I would like to hear your thoughts on this- There has to be a continual (daily, using TV as a platform) dialectic between the people and its leaders on a forever changing balance of a mix of socialistic concenrs ( humanism) and of what is called Capitalism, and by capitalism I mean that pucuniary system of economiics which allows FOR THE PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS OF HUMAN CREATIVITY, COMBINED AUTOMATICALLY WITH HUMAN GREED, VANITY AND REACHES FOR DOMINION AND POWER OVER OTHERS, I.E., the opposite of humanism.

Stalin failed because he did not understand Freud.

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Tracy, thanks for your response. I agree that psychological considerations are important to consider in balancing social and economic concerns. Aung San Suu Kyi: It is not power that corrupts but fear of losing power that corrupts those who wield it and the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.

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Great Vacation! I love Key West! Have never been to this spot there! Next time!! Enjoy!!

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I love Karl Hiassen's books on Key West

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