May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023

I would never entertain a Christie presidency, but would love to see him wipe the floor with the orange traitor. Then, we could get rid of Christie, too. (the stench of all that ass-kissing lingers)

I didn't know anyone didn't know what a shiv is.

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Re: the shiv. This is what our “street wise” education has come to! Shiv-ignorance is a real surprise. Maybe because I grew up in Phila and spent 30 years in Chicago!

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meryl selig Or someone who’s spent time in prison! :)

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Likewise. I don’t like him but I give credit to Christie - he’s smart, incisive, impressive. Oh, a ‘shiv’ is well known to those of us who play scrabble or do crossword puzzles.

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Steve, I’m sympathetic to the idea of pulling in an ass-kicker to kick Trump’s ass. But beware of what you ask for. Remember the short story, “The Monkey’s Paw”? I don’t doubt that Christie could whomp Trump (unless of course Trump knows things about Christie that Christie does not want known), but Christie strikes me as the sort of man who might relish the taste of blood and get off on the cheers of the mob egging him on to more brutal heights. Perhaps I’m wrong in my reading of him, but I’d prefer someone with a little less corruption in his political veins. I suspect you and Michelle Cottle are thinking, “Best to fight fire with fire and corruption with corruption. But I’m a Lincolnian and a Rooseveltian-- I want a fighter who can stomp on devils both known and unknown while appealing to our better angels. I want someone who can challenge the greedy and the corrupt and the brutal. I want someone who can do this AND also reassure us that our own fears pose greater dangers to our civic well-being than phantasmagoric boogey-men like communists and fascists and Blacks and Jews and immigrants amd homosexuals. I want someone who doesn’t think he (or she) is necessararily the best choice but genuinely wants to be better and to save this country from itself. I want someone with a spine of steel and a heart of compassion. A sledgehammer to shatter the shivs (both domestic and foreign) and the milk of human kindness to console the grieving and the dispossessed of all races and religions.

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Yes, but if the unicorn is unavailable or doesn’t exist, we may have to make do with an ass-kicking mule and hope for the best.

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Lol. There IS precedent in our history to believe in unicorns. They are rare, but have proven to be non-mythological. I worry, however that too many of us do not simply want to “make do with an ass-kicking mule” but are a little too aroused by seeing some “ass kicked.” Everybody is so angry, good sense may be lost in the anticipatory fever of seeing their opposition kicked in the teeth. If good sense is regarded as a unicorn, we’re in even bigger trouble than we know. Come to think of it, “good sense” is pretty much what I’m looking for.

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So am I. Good sense is what I’m looking for too. Girded by intelligence, a kind heart, a will to fight for the right to lead us out of the nonsense that has become mainstream, and a fearsome, uncompromising demeanor.

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Oh wait, we’re talking about Republicans. Sorry.

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Yes, I agree. There seems to be an under current of rage and frustration that is fueling many, many people right now. I hope it doesn’t turn into a rip tide that drowns us all. Good luck with your search! I think it may have been Mark Twain who said, “Common sense isn’t so common.”

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023

Right, Kenrick. We need leaders to lift up and inspire the masses with "our better angels." That's why i try (not always successfully) to remember Mahatma Gandhi and his "satyagraha" (moral truth force) principle & applied practice, and Dr. King Jr and his colleagues and their peaceful campaigns for justice, and Thich Nhat Hanh's engaged Buddhist principles of Interbeing, and so forth.

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This is perfectly said. I want the same as you!

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This is EXACTLY what is needed to go up against Trump and all of them. Many Republicans who dislike the ugly and are tired of the hatred would back someone like that. People are sick of the open corruption and power plays using “we the people” as their pawns. Most recently with the debt ceiling but in Christie’s case with the construction bs.

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What you are describing doesn’t exist in the GOP, Christy is as close as it gets..

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You could be correct, though I would point to figures like Steve himself, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, who could garner significant support among both the GOP and independents. I grant you that none has the same pugnaciousness as Christy. I wonder, however, if the real dearth of viable candidates in the GOP isn't due to fear of appearing too independent from both the money-men and the base...? What so many don’t seem to understand is that Trump is adored precisely because he appears independent enough to forge his own way. Perhaps this displays my own political ignorance, but isn’t it possible that many of the MAGA crowd would support an ethical, informed and compassionate voice if it were sufficiently independent?

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The way to determine this is to remove Trump from the equation..This is something that should have been done long ago..What I simply don’t understand is why we were not put on a war footing in the aftermath of our seat of national government being attacked..It seems to me that it is being dealt with as if it were a bank robbery..

People inside the Congress assisted in the effort along with Trump..they all should have been arrested, held without bail along with the architects of this inside job..Every single Congress member involved should be sitting in a jail cell facing Seditious Conspiracy and Treason..

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Right on. Until the seditionists, the domestic terrorists, who are IN Congress are held accountable for their crimes against the United States Of America, this pretend game of politics as usual will go on and on. I agree with what Kenrick is saying here, but until DJT is prosecuted and removed from the equation, it seems the new act at the U.S. Prime-time-News-Colosseum is the heavy-weight match: 'Cristy vs Trump' -an all out bloody and pathetic brawl. Yes, a number of us would possibly enjoy seeing that happen, but where will that really leave us? It seems the rationale w Christy is that he can take Trump down. Yes, many of us are furious, but where are the adults in all of this? Globally...how does this appear? It weakens us! I personally feel that MAGA is a 'cult' -maybe Christi can de-throne the cult leader? Doubtfully. If we back away from this 'who's running in 2024' and get some perspective, we need, as a priority, JUSTICE, as Sam is saying, and then we'll need a powerful leader and team to take back the GOP, as Kenrick is saying. Thanks.

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Sam says: "What I simply don’t understand is why we were not put on a war footing in the aftermath of our seat of national government being attacked..It seems to me that it is being dealt with as if it were a bank robbery..

People inside the Congress assisted in the effort along with Trump..they all should have been arrested, held without bail along with the architects of this inside job..Every single Congress member involved should be sitting in a jail cell facing Seditious Conspiracy and Treason..”

Kenrick replies: Emotionally, I agree with you and Lisa B. Realistically, t’ain’t never gonna happen. Too much power is embodied in those who supported Trump on January 20. 147 GOP members who advocated overturning the election results. Back in the 1930’s none of those identified as involved in the “business plot” were ever prosecuted. Heck, few of those involved in the Confederate secession were either. In the matter of January 20, to do as you suggest, to “arrest every single member of congress involved” would too easily be cast as "Democratic tyrants persecuting sincere Republican patriots.” It would have felt satisfying in the seconds before an explosion took place. After that, I’m afraid it would have unleashed the blood lust which seems to have taken hold of so many. I think Lincoln, my “beau ideal” (his own term for Henry Clay) of a statesman would have rejected arrest and prosecution for the same reason he prosecuted the Civil War: to hold the Union together. In our times, both the Republicans and the Democrats seem to have forgotten the Union and the importance of preserving it in order to preserve its principles. I also think Trump’s removal from the political scene will not have as dramatic an effect as you and Lisa believe. It will end the most florid manifestations of Trumpism, but not the more subtle ambitions to be above the law and to enable corruption.

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Perhaps we remember the Munich massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympics, and the response to bring those responsible to be held accountable..

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I am constantly being reminded that the wheels of justice turn slowly towards accountability..

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Sam and Kenrick, I agree with a lot of what you're both saying. I do, though, feel that DJT is a cult-leader with millions of followers. When he is essentially de-throned from political office, by one means or another, the MAGA-cult may largely fall apart. (I grew up in a violent 'Christian' cult, so I'm partly projecting what I've experienced and have seen with cults.) There will be sub-groups, as there are with cults and cult-indoctrination.

It is going to take time, education, and dedication to preserve Democracy.

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I'll say it: I don't want a Chris Christie presidency. But I would accept the possibility of a Chris Christie presidency if it comes about because of the existential threat that is Trump's candidacy being obliterated and MAGAfascism being smashed into dust.

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Oh and I sure as hell know what a shiv is and what would happen if you took a sledgehammer to it lol

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I understand what you’re saying! Oh how we long for “Republican-lite!” Remember when we thought Mitt Romney was an existential threat? The good old days...

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Very astute observations made by Michelle Cottle and Steve this morning; but, don't over-think it. It's clear to me that neither Michelle or Steve are suggesting that Christie would beat Trump and then win the general. Taken that as a given, what's left IMHO is a simple, two-step scenario that has a very real possibility/probability of taking place.

Step 1: Christie beats Trump in the primary as already stated.

Step 2: Biden beats Christie in the general for all/many obvious reasons.

I'm not a betting man; but, I'd be willing to place a small bet (a six pack of beer or a bottle of wine) that this is a VERY REAL scenario. I'm hoping it plays out this way too! ;-)

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The mind-numbingly dull GOP primary cotillion would make for must-watch media if Christie has it in his capacious gut and really opens up against Trump

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Christie would be a hero.... not President but someone with cojones who deflated the giant orange Macy’s parade balloon

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It's the proverbial case of could've, would've, should've. We'll just have to wait and see! ;-)

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"If you come at the king, you best not miss." Best use of a quote from The Wire!

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Here’s hoping -- and that DeSantis gets cut up a bit too by NJ Brawler for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong guy.

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Sorry, but this is wishful thinking/fantasy. While it would be “fun” to watch this death cage matchup, the MAGAverse has one and only one god and that is Trump. And the MAGAverse is the GOP base. It’s a cult. The only person who could displace Trump is the one he personally designates as his heir and successor, no one else. Because his cult will accept no one else. They trust no one else but Trump.

Christie ran in 16 and got nowhere. There is no savior who can set the GOP right; short of deprogramming millions, the only hope we have is to thoroughly defeat them and get large enough majorities in Congress to pass the laws we need to strengthen our democracy and prevent these authoritarians from taking a sledgehammer to it. Sadly, the MAGAverse isn’t going away anytime soon and they will not abandon their god.

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Christie as action figure who deflates Trump will serve to push undecideds and Biden-hesitants away from voting for Trump. The hard-core Trumpies would not be the target. They cannot be persuaded...they will deify Trump even if he is shivved. The target are those voters who are currently fence sitters

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That’s the problem with Americans. We are not serious people. That there are voters who would choose Trump who aren’t in the MAGAverse. The man said he’d rip up the Constitution to retain power. He led an insurrection. He embraces dictators and has said he will use the power of the govt/state to hurt his “enemies.” But we have, “Oh, Joe’s too old. Guess I will go back to Trump.” Illogical and unserious.

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MAP, I'm glad to hear somebody talking about the cult-factor here. Unless we get a grip on how cults work (The reality: MAGA is a MASS-CULT movement with millions of followers) and a significant increase in U.S. CITIZENS taking their duty to preserve our Democracy seriously, we're on a path over a cliff.

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"taking there duty seriously"

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For this cage match I would buy popcorn for the neighbors.

But, as my dear husband asked, if Christie knew he was a schmuck, why didn’t he call him out in 2016.?

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He was hopeful of getting the VP nod. He was canny enough to see early-on that Trump was a juggernaut but got unceremoniously dumped for tepid Pence.

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Yeah, Jared Kushner despises Christie because of his role in prosecuting his criminal daddy and insisted on Pence.

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Christie said today he missed his moment in the campaign. He missed his opportunity and was out. Said he wouldn’t make the same mistake.

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Sycophancy and he had nothing to gain by doing so. Christie will be inscribed in History for taking down Trump. That is heroic

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I love this, Steve. Love it.

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Funny thing. Just before I read today's THE WARNING I emailed a friend and told him that of all the pols running for the republican ticket only Christie has a chance because only he has the balls to kick ass and that I was pretty sure he could destroy Trump. I don't think he would make a great president and would not beat Joe. So, from my perspective, go Christie go! The rest of the field are no more than copies of Trump or lemmings heading for that cliff. One more thing, if Trump refuses to debate, Christie will just do it to him on Fox. Repeatedly.

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Forget Ruth’s Christie.

Gimme Liz Cheney. Especially if she summons her inner Dick.


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Yah, regretfully you are right. Us never trumpers would love to see him bloodied, having to get hauled off my the medics. How sad we have become. Now we want MMA as our governing selection process. Nothing like a good cage fight to get our blood up. However, we are looking for a political leader, one who can and will reach across the isle, much like our current gentle leader. A leader who steps back and smiles whenever his mug opponent takes a swing and then smiles wider as the punches never land and the mug is breathless and defeated. Unfortunately, the judges/voters might not see the unbloodied smiler as sufficient for their lust..... such can be our sorry state. I hope I am wrong

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Christie has to be motivated to take his place in history as Trump-slayer. He will be celebrated around the world who took down an autocrat and prevented the US from sliding into an abyss

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My thoughts exactly!!

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Steve, thanks and I agree. I hope he takes up the challenge and I do think he is capable of brawling, and I would love to see it. Trump is a chicken shit bully and if really confronted will wilt, it's the reason he cuddles up to strong men, he admires them because he knows he is weak. All the rest of the challengers are week as shit too and have no business of running unless they can confront the orange menace, but instead they dance around him like he doesn't exist.

Jump in Chris and land a punch!

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I appreciate the way you bust our chops....My dad, born in Hoboken and raised in Jersey City, was the most fearless man I have ever known. An Army private and merchant marine, he met my mom in Yokohama in 1946. They were both 18. His parents hit Ellis Island from East Brandenburg/Berlin in the nineteen teens. I was born and grew up in California, but always had one foot in Jersey. Bravo again, Steve. You are dead on....Yes, even being a mushy, soft, wishy-washy, tree-hugging and female Californian, I know what shiv is.

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Just what America's voters need. More "Mad Max" style political discourse aligning with reality show entertainment style politics.


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Great column! And although I’ve lived in the Midwest for over 50 years, I knew immediately what a shiv is. I’m from Plainfield, New Jersey.

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LOL I've lived outsie of the US for over 50 years and even I know what one is!!

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I absolutely loved this column!

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