Your articles Steve are not often beautiful because they are gut wrenching and filled with terrible realities but......this one was in humble opinion certainly beautiful and ended ss it should by focusing our hearts on a great human being who tried so hard to keep our eyes on the prize!!

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Our nonprofit's motto is LOVE. COMPASSION. COMMUNITY. I find that whenever things seem topsy turvy, if I go back to this motto, all will be well. That MLK's final speech has endured as a classic speaks to how it touched our souls. I often wonder how this world would look if MLK and RFK can not fallen to an assassin's bullet.

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Well said. Thank you.

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Perfectly contextualized, Steve. I do wish we Americans would get to the other side of that mountain and make the place where MLK awaits. Hearing his words again does -- at least -- tantalize with that possibility.

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Long path ahead but we will get there

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As they always have. and always will.

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While kids in TN walked out of their schools, protesting because they don’t want to die in history class and the GOP in TN was trying to remove elected Democrats from office, MSNBC was showing all the details of the Trump plane coming in for a landing. Shout out to Michael Steel who talked against the split screen coverage on Deadline Whitehouse.

I am a big fan of Nicole Wallace. About the only news show I watch. But yesterday I ended up turning it off.

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I too am a fan of Nicole and it’s the only such show that I watch but yesterday I was stunned by seeing this OJ Simpson style cavalcade/chase. Stunned but so grateful for Michael Steele’s response. Sadly what I learned that resulted from this was the fearful reaction and defense of the corporate network who’s choice (orders) it was to show this. Never mess with the big boys even when you might think they could be the good guys.

On the plus side I would never have come across Steve way back when if I hadn’t watch that show.

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I want Micheal Steele to have his own show. He doesn’t believe the bullshit including his own. Sharp mind with great sense of humor.

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Michael Steele has grown on me over the years. Despite some differences in opinion he always makes me smile.

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I am not worried about NYC. They know how to do mob trials and are good at crowd control. Anyone who has seen pictures of Time Square on New Years Eve knows when it comes to unruly celebrants they excell. I do worry about some misguided follower of crazy doing something stupid at a later date. Lone wolf attacks are impossible to prevent 100 percent of the time and as we all are becoming too familiar with can be very deadly.

What gives me hope is yesterday, I saw young high-school children marching in protest to the State Capitol for meaningful gun legislation. There needs to be continued coverage of all news outlets for these protest marches. More children lose their lives to gun violence in this country than they do in car wrecks, cancer or drug overdose. We need to support and promote more protest marches to every State Capitol and to our nation's Capitol until all assault weapons are banned.

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April 21st- National day of protest/call for reinstatement of the assault weapons ban

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Fantastic, I hope the pressure to hold Republicans responsible will get them to change their positions.

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Mia ..great news ty, Marsha

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Patrick P …you nailed it KUDOS!!!

Thank you for every word …🌹.

Blessings and gratitude, Marsha

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We have to keep the focus on banning assult weapons. We know how fast the news cycle changes in this high tech world.

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Assault weapons are weapons of war..

BANNING AK-15 weapons should be

ASAP full stop .. thank you, Marsha

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Absolutely, all assult weapons should be banned. There is no reason to have them outside of the military or police department.

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Patrick P I’m totally 100% with you

Only military or police but must be active duty! Ty Marsha

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I 100% Agree! Thank You! XO

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Patrick, Right On! Thank You.

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Steve’s perspective here is so helpful. Today’s arrest and arraignment of an ex-president is no where near the level of importance the media is giving it. It’s important, but not paramount. It’s the perfect example of what former NY Senator Patrick Moynihan (who was also a social scientist) called defining “deviancy down”. What had been considered unthinkable is now normalized. That’s grifter Trump’s only accomplishment as president- he defined deviancy down to its lowest form.

The real story today, in my opinion, is the obstruction of justice performed by Trump’s former attorney general Bill Barr. Barr clearly interfered into the Michael Cohen case and made sure Trump’ name was changed to “individual one” in the indictment.

Ask yourself this, how is it that the guy who paid the hush money to the porn star was found guilty, but the guy who ordered the payment and ultimately paid the hush money was not? Obstruction of justice clearly took place. Read Berman’s book Holding the Line where he describes his time heading the DOJ office for the Southern District of NY. It’s well documented.

Oh, and let’s not forget Barr’s interference and obstruction of justice in the Mueller Russian investigation.

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“What day is it”, asked Pooh?

“Indictment day”, replied piglet.

“My favorite Day”, said Pooh.

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Thanks for ending on a note of hope. I needed to hear it. What sordid news reimerging as justice and accountability start their slow roll forward. Likely illegal payment to a porno star for covering up a fling shortly after the birth of his son, and that's the least of his crimes, for which he'll also be charged. Yet, this dangerous lowlife is worshipped by the religious right. Something is very wrong. A former president, now criminal defendant, courtesy reality TV, mainstream media, the Council on National Policy, and the Kremlin. The media is the message. The message I'm telling myself is don't despair, don't give up. Freedom and Democracy are worth fighting for, not only for Americans, but for people worldwide.

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Not to worry, you can now carry a concealed weapon in Florida without a permit...

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…which is getting far too little attention.

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Which was signed behind closed doors flanked by NRA lobbyists

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Thank you for speaking about the wonderful Martin Luther King Jr. this morning. It warms my heart to start this day with a true, kind American on my mind. It's going to be a fine day, and hopefully the sparks of a start on the road back to civility, harmony, and democracy. I truly have faith in that.

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I’m so sick of the media’s focus on BS. Then they make it worse by repeating that same BS all damn day, hour after hour. There are more that a few stories that are newsworthy. I’ve stopped watching.

I’m still looking for a reliable news source that doesn’t sensationalize or create their own news.

As for you know who, the less I see and hear him, the better. But for god’s sake , let’s get second by second updates. Can you say “dumb stuff the media did in 2015, and have yet to learn from it?”

Their lust for ratings and “scoops” knows no bounds. Don Henley was right...

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From an early age, I marched and wrote letters for civil rights. The night Dr King was shot, my best friend called to tell me, wanting to share a life-shattering event on the phone, we now living miles apart. This day holds that importance and will be quietly observed without a look at whatever happens in NYC. (Here in DC, near the FBI, I can se no greater police, Federal or local, presence.)

As I noted in another post: in addition to today’s events of 55 years ago, current events in WI’s vote will be much on my mind.

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Today is the first day of the rest of our lives, it’s my sincere hope that it’s the beginning of a true awakening, the building blocks we need to build the shining city on the hill are all there, we just need the collective will to use them. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights need our implementation to fully realize their potential. The predicament of the pathetic clown who decisively lost the presidency to the will of the people will loose it’s ability to titillate us as we loose interest in his fate which, like all of us, is entirely of his own making. As a human I can feel sorry for the fate he created for himself, but that is tempered by the realization of the immense harm his narcissistic needs have perpetrated on not just Americans but humanity as a whole. The sublime balance of the universe will be restored and the aberrant wobble that he introduced will play out, we just have to trust in it happening. April is going to be a very interesting month. 👍😎🙏

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Welcome to Toronto!

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

I have to say Steve, your words today are just magnificent. Thanks.

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The trail is always there. Here is a better way to make it real. It is within us. Heard Martin Luther King speak this morning on Morning Joe. Quiet is the best form of understanding for me. Quiet is reverence for the Truth. Today is another day when criminal charges face a criminal. Real charges, not virtual, not vengeance, not fake news. Today is a day to watch the results of a Fifty Million Dollar Campaign in an important election. Today is a NATO 31st. Humbly added to the Moonwalkers. Today is a turning point for how we find accountability, both towards cherished allies and for criminals who would take us all down. Today is a historical day. May Peace flourish ahead.

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… please keep writing and encouraging N.Zampierollo…you and Steve BRAVA & BRAVO.. today truly remembered MLK .. praying the dems

Are able to win in Wisconsin against the Koch brothers dark money…

Praise the Tennessee children who

Walked out of class and protested

The guns … the ex president deserves

Nothing respectful on tv he’s being

Fingerprinted ..trust Manhattan

Feel positive NYC will stay safe..

May Peace Flourish Ahead was the

Blessed way to end ty🌹m

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Yes, I agree with you. And the most wonderful news yesterday, dear Marsha, truly touching, immensely effective because lived by our young citizens across the country, was the massive youth demanding their right to live in peace and in trust that the educational system that welcomes them and which they choose to educate themselves in be secure. If ever there has been a show of courage in the nation it has come from young people. Who will ever forget the little ones in Uvalde calling again and again 911, keeping the outside 'brutes" informed, playing dead for time that is just almost eternal under duress, but which was recorded as the time if took for a failed state and the failed coordination of so many resources to finally do the job. Yesterday, children protested. What I found most incredible is that they did it on their own, not pushed by elders who, by the way, are the ones who really protect the children every time we hear about a school shooting, the teachers, the administrators, the janitorial staff. What a lesson in heroism without the demand for it, for it always comes from the heart and the responsibility of those who truly care and care about children in their care, for too many the ultimate sacrifice, especially if mothers and fathers themselves. Peace to us all.

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Beautiful, Hopeful -Thank You!

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Marsha, Thank You! XO

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Lisa we can be grateful for the win in Wisconsin…graTeful for the children in Tennessee showing the adults how they should be getting rid of assault

Weapons and staying positive about

Our Democracy surviving healthy and

Freedom and Lady Liberty in NY

Harbor welcome immigrants…we

Are able to help Steve Schmidt and The Warning & together protect our

Justice Department & Laws ..we Can

Together We Can 🌹Marsha

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We Can Together - We Can and We Will! Thank you, Marsha! XO

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Daniel Kunsman thank you for your kindness gratefully, Marsha:)

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Justice. All equal before the law. Yes the right wing loony clan is running in circles as they have no answer to Justice.

Today a private citizen will be arranged, yes there may be some protests and some may result in injury, but there shall be the start of Justice.

We should expect more justice to come from other sources; today is the first step. Be prepared and resolute, we March forward from here

Thank you Steve, looking forward to this PM

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