12 hrs agoLiked by Steve Schmidt

In some ways DeWine is the worst of all.. he covers for and enables the arsonists who are burning down the truth in Springfield.

I hope he’s spending a lot of his time in church on his knees asking forgiveness.

He had the chance to do right by his State, his city and his constituents. He chose to do the opposite. Shameful in any elected leader.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Steve Schmidt

The only answer I have for DeWine and the many other appeasers is that they are cowards. There is no other word I can think of for what they are. Frightened and weak men and women. Too many to name. Hopefully history is not on their side.

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Governor DeWine knows that it was the Trump/Vance team that spread the vicious rumor. He heard Trump say, "they (the Haitian immigrants) are eating the dogs." He knows how the rumor originated and was proven false. He knows social media spread the rumor because of Trump and Vance's continuous repetition of it as fact.

He knows that it was Trump, Vance, and supporters who spread these rumors and cited them as facts. They would not be spreading on social media were it not for the Trump campaign. I can think of only one reason why a man his age would be afraid to speak out. He fears, not only for himself, but for his family. I think this is true of many high level, formerly rational GOP supporters of Trump. As Steve wrote, "viciousness is the only virtue that matters within a party led by a rapist and criminal promising retribution, revenge and violent mass arrests and deportations against his many enemies."It is sad that Gov. DeWine is too frightened to name the origins of the claim that "they (Haitian immigrants) are eating the dogs.

What they are missing in their frightened state is clear thinking. Backing down to fascists might give DeWine, his family, and others a brief reprieve. But, if through your cowardice Trump/Maga gains control of this country a far worse fate awaits you, your family, and all except those in Trump's favors. To gain his favor they must give up their honor. Even then they will be far from secure. Backbiting and lying to attain the leader's favor is endemic within a fascist state. Read about the fate of Ernst Roehm and other loyal Nazis killed during the night of the long knives.

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Everything you said hits the nail directly on the head - a hundred times. Bravo.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Steve Schmidt

As an Ohioan, in our local Columbus newspaper DeWine said he will vote for the GOP candidate in this election cycle. He could've gone out of public service with a good legacy, yet he's squandered it for Donald Trump. I'm truly scared, as a member of the Jewish community

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I suspect that the governor knows he will be excommunicated if he attacks what he surely knows is the source of Springfield’s turmoil - the Republican presidential ticket. After all those years in politics my guess is he still wants to be welcomed by the party after he completes his term. In short, he simply doesn’t have the strength of character to do the right thing here. He should be ashamed

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No matter the cost...he will sell his soul to stay in Trump's favor.

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The Republican Party, with the exception of the late John Mc Cain who corrected a woman at his event who alleged that Barack Obama was an Arab, and then corrected her, is dead and gone. Those who have fled the party to join Democrats are to be noted for their integrity. Anyone now who is left in the party, led by a demented felon and grifter are to be soundly criticized, as Steve has done in his essay. Let us call out and shame all those who continue to support the far right Trump Party.

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Yes, Steve. DeWine is a perfect example of the poison Trump has unleashed in this country, and the seemingly decent people who have willing drunk it. Absolutely pathetic. Everyone should watch the two minute clip of the reporter trying to get him say he will call Trump and ask him to stop. It was embarrassing and humiliating and sick. Shame on him. History, if honest decent people get to write it, are going to eviscerate, and rightly so, the Mike DeWines and Lindsey Grahams of today. It is obscene and evil, it really is. Thank you for your eloquent expose of this moment.

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I read about half and thought that, clearly, this man is not going to be Republican much longer but no, wait! After all that he continues to support those who created the nonsense. Unbelievable

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Precisely! Dewine is the Franz von Papen of the current gop. He joins a disgraceful cast of Trump apologists such as Chris Sununu. Chris Christie, if he fails to endorse Kamala, is circling the same drain that has already swallowed the Mike Dewines of this world. But Dewine will read his essay and pat himself on the back.

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Gov. DeWine’s essay was a perfect rebuttal to the lies and defense oof the good people of Springfield, the long-time residents and the recent arrivals. All he had to do is finish with, “Despite being a life-long member of the Republican Party, I can no longer support the party’s candidates for president and vice-president.” No need to say he’s voting for Harris, just say he no longer supports Trump and Vance, without even mentioning their names. That would have taken him into retirement with his character intact, a minor “profile in courage.” Unfortunately, he failed that test.

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The Governor of Ohio is yet another coward whose gutlessness underscores the remarkable fact that so many Republicans are willing to do the right thing and support Harris.

The problem is that there are simply not enough.

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If you follow substack posts by David Pepper, you'll see DeWine is up to his eyeballs in Republican monkey business in Columbus. Including misdeeds regarding state board of education.

He and LaRose are part of the problem of subverting the will of the people to install their agenda.

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Dewine has been very convincing, for the gullible, that he is a more rational form of Republican Pseudo Fascist. Some have bought his con job. Others have been much more accurate in their assessment of his moral cowardice and intellectual duplicity.

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I would like him to study up on the Hitler enablers. He has much to learn.

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He could start with chapter 3 of Madeleine Albright's book: Fascism A Warning.

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I've seen the word "hoax" used my multiple people to describe the bomb threats in Springfield. This is the wrong word to use as it implies these acts are pranks or jokes. Using this language trivializes the fear and disruption caused and downplays the seriousness of the threat. Choose different words like "false alarm" or "deliberately false report". Words matter. DeWine's message further confuses and trivializes a horrific act meant to dehumanize a community of immigrants. It is disgusting.

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Audrey: My dictionary defines "hoax" as follows: To trick into believing or accepting as genuine something false and often preposterous (verb). Also: An act intended to trick or dupe; something accepted or established by fraud or fabrication (noun).

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Been waiting for this piece about DeWine. Another coward afraid of his own shadow, and cowering from his master. Good grief......grow some, you're 77 years old. Nice job Steve.....

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Thank you Mr.Schmidt. I was under the delusion that Mike DeWine had reformed himself from the right wing nut job he was in the Senate.

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Seems straightforward to me that if you can’t help a community then get out of the way.

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I just sent Mike an email. You can too!

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