The lies are so transparent, but they just keep flowing. Letโ€™s stop them in their tracks. When a pundit refuses to answer the question, end the interview.

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Yea, but how about not asking the idiotic question in the first place? That would be better IMO.

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Only transparent to us non-cultists

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Sep 30ยทedited Sep 30

"Emmer: I think we should stick to the issues. The issues are, Donald Trump fixed it once. They broke it. Heโ€™s going to fix it again. That โ€“ those are the issues."

Lying liars with unlimited platforms to lie.

Years of messaging malpractice by the Democratic Party abetted by a we-repeat-you-decide news media has led us into a Twilight Zone "dimension of imagination" where Biden gets blamed for inflation while Trump gets a pass on cratering the economy with his what-me-worry approach to the pandemic.

The Harris campaign clearly understands this but playing catch-up in a compressed time frame. Democrats need to blame inflation squarely on Trump's extravagant corporate tax cut for the wealthy which incentivized price gouging, his mishandling of the pandemic and the subsequent supply chain shutdown. Not to mention Trump's dopey and inflationary pledge to be the "tariffs President". Do what the Republicans do and repeat this line of attack like the proverbial broken record, which is Trump's secret sauce.

"More than 400 economists and former high-ranking US policymakers are endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris and her vision for the American economy" according to CNN. Harris will be better for the economy according to the experts. However, the misinformed majority of American people beg to differ. (Maybe this is because the same furrowed brows at the network criticize Kamala for lack of specifics while shrugging off nonsense from her blustering opponent).

The Harris campaign needs to take a sledgehammer to the misperception that Defaultin' Donald and his half dozen business bankruptcies are the magic elixir for America.

I know we're not the same people, but still...Republicans are shameless about lying and they're masters of deflection. Why is it so hard for Democrats to weaponize the truth with the same ferocity?

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The whole reason Trump is still popular is that Biden never sat in the Oval Office and reminded the voters what a terrible mess Trump had created ,and how long it took to clean up.

When Biden took office,, it was chaos, 3000 people a day were dying of Covid, no plans for distribution of the vaccine. Unemployment was at 6.4%. Biden should have bragged about his accomplishments, instead of allowing the Trump show to dominate the airways.

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You are 100% correct. Biden should have screamed it out on the daily. Telling everyone what a huge catastrophe was left for him, and the ravages of the pandemic. Also never revealed: the contents of the traditional letter in the Resolute Desk left from one president to the next.

Iโ€™m sure it was profane.

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Absolutely, Marjo. I remember chuckling with an old friend (a news guy) about how quickly Trump took credit for the miraculously improved economy in the Spring of 2017. Obama's disaster became Trump's triumph. The gullibility of his cult knows no bounds.

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Trump will do it again if he comes to power, Biden has a great economy, crime is down etc. Trump is a master manipulator and a showman, never expect him to self destruct.

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I think heโ€™s in the midst of self destruction. His rally this weekend in Wisconsin had to be moved indoors and could only muster fewer than 2000 peeps. And true to his behavior, he blamed Biden for the paucity of attendees.

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Sep 30ยทedited Sep 30

Your post is spot on. Trump is a master of messaging and the Democrats (Biden especially) seem to think being quietly humble about achievements enhances their image. Biden's modesty was appropriate for an age that's long in the past. The media loves bling and energy, even when it's vitriol, both of which Trump's party exudes. Americans love a circus. Thank God we now have a candidate with vigor, good-looks, and a hook into popular culture--all are essential to get the message across.

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My biggest concern is that Trump has a much more powerful legal team than last time to challenge the outcome (if Harris wins). The extreme right will go all out to defeat a black woman as president. The white supremacists have all the dangerous militia's waiting in the wings, it will get nasty.

If all else fails ,"the Supreme Trump Court" can decide in his favor.

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I think that Trump's years long whine that the election was stolen was adequately disproven. Even Trump finally conceded he lost. I am more worried about violence when Harris wins than legal challenges. After all, if challenges to the election take as long to rule on as Trump's court cases, then her first term will drawing to a close.

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The same kind of boasting and self-congratulation wouldn't have played well for anyone else. The over-the-top, mean-spirited buffoonery and lies seem to be uniquely acceptable for Trump alone.

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I think it's too late for a reasoned economic argument. No one pays any attention to letters from economists and former policymakers. The reality - which Trump knows - is that fear and hate are better motivators. And when that side is willing to lie - shamelessly, outrageously, incessantly, defense is hard to execute.

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It may be too late for reasoned economic arguments, but never too late to hoist Trump on his own petard. The news media isn't going to do it, but a good "voice of God" super pac ad campaign peppered with Trumps own stupid pronouncements (i.e. drink bleach) can still go a long way in reminding undecideds that Donald Trump is not their buddy.

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I am beginning to feel like a cat on a hot tin roof, nervous as hell about the election. Will the anti-democracy forces, exploited by the greedy, bigoted Americans who don't like any competition from people who don't look like them, prevail? Will the Electoral College or the shenanigans being planned to steal this election work to put that maniac in the Oval Office again? Are we to endure more years of that hateful man? America should be a place of peace, of cooperation, of camaraderie, of opportunity,, of neighborly love, and it is so disappointing that we have to fight for those beautiful things against people who seem not to understand what 2025 means for us. Yep, I am very, very nervous!!!!!!

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Same. Iโ€™m depressed, anxious, and fearful every day.

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Same, and it won't be just 4 more years.

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We are witnessing something called "mass hysteria." It's something like what went on during the Salem Witch trials. Accounts of similar events at other times and places in the world can be found on the internet. After the death of Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah, a grieving woman was saying to a news reporter that for her Nasrallah was second only to God. In a similar way, when interviewed by reporters many of those who attend Trump's rallies say that Trump was sent by God. To me that surely is a sign of mass hysteria here in America

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So true, and promoted and amplified by algorithms. What an effing mess.

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After listening to each candidate for 5 minutes โ€ฆ.ask ANY 12 year old which candidate is mentally challenged!

The TRUTH is finally โ€œgetting to himโ€โ€ฆ.he WAS born mentally challenged.

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In Mary Trumps book "Too Much is Never Enough" she writes that by age 7 the entire Trump family was aware that Donald had some kind of learning disability and or mental challenge.

The bigger problem (imo) is that his voters don't see his obvious mental challenges, and or they do see the obvious. but just don't care.

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But how is he influential? What's wrong with our people?

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When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. The $hitgibbon somehow connects with those folks who are afraid of the future and pummels them into obedience and submission. I've seen it myself - relatives and people I know believe every eff'n thing TFG says. It never crosses their mind that HE is the one blowing smoke up their collective a$$es, not the Democrats.

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Well said. Even putting aside his politics and cruelness, I cannot understand how his supporters are not troubled by his inability to construct even one normal sentence. Is their ignorance so profound that they can't see the obvious? Yes, is the answer.

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The only media are certain Substackโ€™s for now. MSNBC barely. They are bought and sold. Over 4000 people have been let go of ABC. Itโ€™s an unspoken of happening. Thank goodness for your voice and service Steve.

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One of Trump's most brash lies is that he supports the working class. He is also too stupid to avoid proving this a lie. At his recent rally in Philadelphia he "admitted" that he hated paying workers overtime. In fact, he is well-known for failing to pay contractors for work done. He supports neither the working class nor small businesses. A Trump quote from that rally:

โ€œI know a lot about overtime. I hated to give overtime, I hated it. Iโ€™d get otherโ€”I shouldnโ€™t say thisโ€”but Iโ€™d get other people in. I wouldnโ€™t pay."

Not surprisingly, one of the goals of Project 2025 is the elimination of overtime pay. Shocker, right?

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Read Jeff Tiedrich today. He focuses on the farce of Trumpโ€™s allegiance to the working class.

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Thanks Julie, I really enjoyed reading Jeff Tiedrich's comments. He has a wry sense of humor and expresses so well his amazement at the fact that millions are fooled by this POS.

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Trump has never mowed a lawn, never changed the oil in a car, never painted a house, never pulled a calf, never punched a time clock, never split firewood or cleaned clinkers out of a furnace, never pitched $hit out of a barn door into a manure spreader with a pitchfork, never ever worked a day in his life at any of the usual menial jobs most of us have done. His hands are soft and tiny. When I look at my own hands I see my father's hands. He did all that manual labor and so have I. The only thing TFG has ever done with his hands is writing his stupid sharpy signature and fondling himself. I'll bet he has fondled himself a lot. And he has golfed but that doesn't count.

Farce indeed. Working class and TFG? My dying a$$...

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I was thinking along the same lines, but even more broadly.. Never cleaned a bathroom, did a load of laundry, washed a dish, ran a vacuum cleaner. He's probably never been in a grocery store to actually shop or balanced a checking account. He has no clue how the rest of us live. He's the master of the scam. But the poison he has spread is next level.

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The problem is that that neither Biden nor Harris ever defend the immigrants, they allow the lie about rapist and murders to go on. Immigrant communities are safer than other parts of the US.

Immigrants are the hardest workers ,they take jobs that no Americans will take; picking fruit and vegetables in 100+ weather, working in freezers/slaughter houses etc. In 2022 they paid 97 billion in taxes.

If the republicans (aka MAGAS) would approve the immigration bill we could finally fix the problems for undocumented immigrants and the border.

Hurricane Helene is another proof that global warming is racing havoc, Waltz should point out how much Biden has done for clean energie and how we owe it to our kids to clean up the mess we have created in the last 100+ years, it is an emergency. It is getting hotter every year.

It costs the tax payer hundreds of billions of dollars to rebuilt, on top of the death toll and emotional damage to the population.

Trump is a big polluter and will take down the windmills, block green energie programs.

I hope Waltz will call a lie a lie, instead of pussy footing around it, our democracy is on the line if Trump is re-elected democracy is doomed. Like he said "when I am elected you never have vote again."

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Well I'm sure Hurricane Helene and it's destruction will be blamed on Biden Harris, just wait for the right wing media to blame the Dems ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Already underway, with governors suggesting Biden refused or delayed help. Not true, but we're beyond that.

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Again, 100%.

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Saying immigrants are hard-working and law-abiding isn't as exciting or fear-inducing as saying they're coming into your kitchen to slit your throat. Even Hispanics have moved toward Trump. This cancer has metastasized, too late for conventional treatment.

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โ€œInstead, McCarthy insisted they focus on โ€œwhat was said before and what was said afterโ€ and rolled into Republican talking points about illegal immigration, flagging Immigration and Customs Enforcement data reported to Congress that said over 13,000 immigrants convicted of homicide in the U.S. or abroad are living outside of the agencyโ€™s detention facilities.โ€

Steve, I donโ€™t get it! Why does Manu Raju and others in the MSM community continue to ask McCarthy and other republicans the same question about Trump calling Harris mentally disabled? It does nothing to educate the voter, but it does continue to make the MSM out to be incompetent and clueless, and without any semblance of self-awareness. Ask the question once, and move on; itโ€™s not that difficult.

That said, why isnโ€™t Raju honing in on the statement that over 13,000 immigrants convicted of murder are living in the US currently?

The data is clearly being misinterpreted. The data goes back decades; it includes people who entered the country over the past 40 year or more, the vast majority of whose custody determination was made long before Biden or Trump for the matter, ever took office. It also includes many who are under the jurisdiction or currently incarcerated by federal, state or local law enforcement partners." Not to mention, the data includes criminals who entered during the Trump administration. Iโ€™m sure heโ€™ll blame those entries on Kamala as well.

This is my issue with the MSM; they focus on what Trump says, and for that reason aloneโ€”is one of the major reasons our citizenry is so ignorant when it comes to the candidates economic agenda, and all the other kitchen table issues. Enough said!โ€ฆ:)

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It's all crafted and scripted. Regardless of how he may feel personally, Manu and some others who may still have a morsel of morality left, are told exactly what to say and what questions to ask. The earpiece isn't in their ear for cosmetic effect. And dollars drive those decisions. It's pathetic. How many more examples are needed of deer in the headlights looks by those in the media who keep their mouths shut and don't push back with the appropriate level of force and disdain for the bullshit?

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One word: SAD!โ€ฆ:)

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I think you're actually giving them way too much credit. The reality is these folks are no longer the mainstream. Top 2 sources of "news" are social media and Fox. That's fatal!

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Those who repeat these lies and support Trump should be called out for what they are. They are traitors to our US Constitution. They violate the law and support a sexual predator and a criminal. They should be confronted regularly with this information regularly and held accountable. These are elected officials who have betrayed their oath of office. Confront them with fax. Not just empty questions.

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Sorry - dictated. That would be facts! Lol.

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Sep 30ยทedited Sep 30

And confront them with FACTS as well. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Iโ€™m hoping for a truth tsunami.

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When will someone in the media, congress or has any kind of bullhorn going to say the obvious:

Trump is mentally ill.

Trump is dumb as a rock.

That Trump is a Fascist .

That Trump is incapable of any success unless he cheats or lies?

That Trump is really anti working class?

That Trump is a racist and bigot?

That Trump is wanted by foreign governments because he canโ€™t keep a secret and can be easily manipulated to give America away.

And most certainly, Trump and his family are always for sale?

When those truths are echoed we can then say we have a free press and a functioning democracy.

Trump just admitted he cheats the people doing work for him out of their earned overtime pay. Why isnโ€™t that echoed in our โ€œfree press.โ€?

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All true, but there's no money in it for them if they do it. To maximize profit, the truth is tossed out the window and they're incentivized to keep this election close.

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And in CBS making sure there will be absolutely no fact checking for the VP debate

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I believe that my comment left at โ€œCivil Discourse with Joyce Vanceโ€ and "America, America" is the perfect response to this posting.๐Ÿ‘‡

โ€œHad Trump been properly dealt with over the past four years and more recourses went to dealing with this voter suppression issue, we would not be having this conversation..โ€

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True as that is, we can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. We are where we are today, and all the wish casting won't change that.

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It amazes me how easily these elected officials in the Republican Party manipulate data to protect Trump. That 13,000 convict number is over a 40 year period. In fact all the immigration numbers they post are aggregate yet they convince the minions that they are yesterday's recent numbers.

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"Kamala is mentally impaired!" Consider the source, who was intellectually crushed by her.

"They're eating the dogs!" He jumped the shark.

"Crooked Joe Biden." Says the convicted rapist thief felon.

"Police should beat up shoplifters!" From the cowardly bully.

"I won the golf tournament!" While cheating on every hole.

Please! Give us one ethical main stream journalist on CBS, NBC or ABC to push back.

Eric Engberg, Edward R Morrow, Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley. They would have called bullshit on all of this.

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But nobody would be listening to them in today's media smorgasbord.

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At his recent rally Trump said he began to call VP Harris a Communist because people did not understand the term Marxist. The damn fool doesn't realize calling her a Communist or Marxist proves he doesn't understand Communism. My bet is he doesn't know Karl Marx, a German, wrote "The Communist Manifesto" and "Das Kapital," books that explain why he felt a victorious revolution of the world's working class was inevitable and would result in a "dictatorship of the proletariat." That dictatorship would evolve into a classless utopia, with all working to their ability and taking according to their needs. What are the odds that he knows the meaning of "proletariat?"

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Equivalent to Bluto's GPA - 0.00.

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They're all just labels he throws out to try to hit one that people respond to. Since most voters wouldn't really recognize their definitions either, it works for him. What they do "know" is that all of them are bad.

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