I agree with every word here, Steve.

I am very concerned about Biden’s ability to win. This is based upon what is occurring with food and necessity pricing. Every single person I talk to is absolutely fed up with getting gouged and feels helpless about it. There is a sense that Biden is doing nothing about it.

Trump will not do anything about it, either, but the “discontent register” is terribly rough on the incumbent. It is a huge concern I have and it may ultimately be the deciding factor this year — Trump’s issues notwithstanding.

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In whose purview is curbing price gouging ? The President? The Congress? The purse strings are in the hands of Congress. The utter lack of an understanding of how our government’s three branches operate, both independently and in consort leads to people assigning blame for the free market capitalism that defines our economy solely to Biden , which results in uninformed voting. So many voters are undereducated and susceptible to lies and propaganda. They are a source of deep concern to me.

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Exactly. It is a huge problem. I remember George Carlin talking about the dumbing down of America, and this was over 30 years ago. A generation has passed and he was absolutely correct. For example, what reasonably intelligent and educated person would vote to send someone like Paul Gosar to Congress?

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Without proper education in history, civics and critical thinking skills, we're doomed.

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What the world needs to see is the American people repudiate an American fascist. When we do, the whole world will breathe easier. 

Then why exactly is Merrick Garland left in his role as Attorney General? He is hardly General material. Do Generals take orders from the Commander In Chief or DC publicists? There is no Blue Line inserted into the American fabric if it cannot hold water to the Rule of Law and Justice for all.

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Yes, our patience has been tormented, but accountability will not be denied.

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Same conversation different day.

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What a brilliant idea to return to the scene of the crime, now, to illuminate the potential for the next crimes against humanity, should evil return to power.

Thank you, Mr. Schmidt.

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This is my goal. Thank you.


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Thanks Steve. Such an eerie beauty at places of horror: one can hear the silence. Peace.

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As usual, cogent, heartfelt remarks. The Orange One is indeed a fascist, not so much out of ideology, per se but because it serves his need for control and the grift. What’s really scary is the glassy eyed minions surrounding him is the doers ie Miller, Patel, Bannon, Mannafort, etc. developing plans for day one and beyond.

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What might the Biden/Democrats plan be for their DAY ONE?

Everyone seems to be “back on their heels.”

“ME-worry” attitude? Points out complete Biden ineptness!

Is it too much trouble to show determination to succeed and to WIN? Or desire to be aggressive? It is not going to happen without some push and fortitude! Voters are looking as wimpy as Biden appears? Or is it total indifference?

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The inmates are running the asylum!! Thank you Steve for your always brilliant take on matters seemingly out of our control! I am currently in Portugal, and when I read the news, I really don't think I want to come back to America-it has become a total s---t show!

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I have been to Poland and have wept at Auschwitz..your beautifully written messages speak for me..

I met my father when I was 14 months old..it was the day in Dec. 1945 when he returned to his home in Mt Vernon ny where I was born..my grandparents sent their only 2 sons to the war, my father to Europe, my uncle to the Pacific..I have also been to Normandy where my father, US Army Capt. landed on Utah Beach a few weeks after D Day in charge of 90 ambulances..can you imagine what he and his men saw and experienced during the 16 months they spent in France and beyond? He never spoke about the war but he shined his dress boots for many years..

Now this is what I call the greatest generation and it is with that American spirit and commitment to Democracy at all cost that gives me hope every day as we head closer to defeating fascism and trump in November..

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I really hope that there will be another great new generation this November to put an end to the fascist malignancy in America.

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If you follow Joyce Vance's Substack column (Civil Discourse), you'll remember her closing line to every post: "We're all in this together." It will take an effort by all of us, members of every generation currently alive, to expel this foulness from the American body politic.

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“only a fool believes that America is insulated from it.” Lot of fools around this country. But there are also so many who have been contributing to stop this evil. How could anyone with one brain cell come remotely close to believing the evil past president should hold that office again. Have you no pride? All the evil is out there for us to see. It is no joke. He means what he says and has greedy, billionaire, trillionaire wanna-be backers working to make this plan happen.

Food costs? This is corporate corruption but all living costs have gone up forever. Can you still get a load of bread for 5 cents? Fight the problem. Don’t throw the whole country to these horrible evil wolves. I am humiliated at what some so called Americans would do to our country.

Thank you, Steve, for reminding me of the words and deeds of the brave Americans who fought in many ways and in many years that we might have a better country and world. This keeps me on the side of those working in big ways and little that we remain a free country. The alternative is that none of us will be free. I’ll buy anyone in need many loaves of bread while my money lasts. Our freedom is worth it. It will be lost to your children and grandchildren possibly never to be gotten back.

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Watching Ukrainians fight everyday makes me appreciate the sacrifices they made in the Revolutionary war, Civil war and WWII to protect the idea of freedom and democracy here.

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May, yes very difficult to watch how hard the Ukrainian daily life is, and has been for months.

Why wouldn’t the United States give them the goods to WIN this damnable war? We stand and watch, assisting in limited ways! Disgusting! Help them help themselves!

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Yet school libraries in many states including where I live have removed The Diary of Anne Frank. When I was a child it was required reading in school. Forgetting the past is dangerous.

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Why are WE the People allowing these minority groups to rule and control our lives?

Stand up and be heard!

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This is very ominous.

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Thank you for reminding us of the dark side of mankind. We have a responsibility to stand for the light.

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Steve, I've long admired your work, not only your elegant writing, often literary if not poetic, but equally important your passionate advocacy, the 'warning' you signal await us if we continue to ignore the realties the country faces: The end of the longest experiment of democracy in history.

I have one abiding request. Please, please stop calling him a "fascist. " That's too simple. The illegitimate, illegal president is a dictator. Pure and simple. He himself names himself as much. Let's jujitsu that to rid this dictator once and for all, please!

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> "The evidence that the lessons from this madness have been forgotten within the human lifespan of survivors of this place is the simple fact that the US Congress is allowing history to repeat itself by cutting off Ukraine from the weapons it needs to stave off annihilation."

Yes. And also the Republicans in the US Congress are either actively or passively backing a dangerous unhinged fascist as a nominee to the presidency of the United States.

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Putinism in Ukraine is the revival of fascism in Europe and that is why it is so dangerous.

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Thank you, this is what every Democracy loving citizen, reporter, human being must acknowledge. Trump and his followers are Fascists.

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I cannot thank you enough for all you have done, are doing and will continue to do to try and save our country. This is what patriotism looks like. I am voting for Biden to save a nation!

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My vote will be for Biden. However, wish the voters in the country would see some Biden excitement and enthusiasm. Where are the Cabinet members? Where are the members of Congress who are Democrats or independents? Their silence is deafening! Even the VP is barely seen or heard?

Our electorate is holding on and pushing themselves to vote for Biden! But, so what! We know the alternative and consequence. So dangerous yet feel no reward for the Democrats. All of us are frightened to the core over what it might be! Rumors roam and they are not good! Biden needs to get out there and be seen and heard and not traveling to DE or Camp David from Friday to Monday morn! At least act as if Biden has a plan to win and a foot in the door? Biden space is filled with the UNKNOWN!

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There are so many people in our country who have not read history or who have not been exposed to the education some of us had. Maybe some of us just naturally read and picked up more information or our families provided knowledge. The tragedy of having a dishonest and unethical person run for president of a democracy should never happen. What would our fathers and grandfather's who were overseas in World War I.I. be thinking about now?

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