“I’ll leave it to better minds to answer the question of why a CNN anchor was interviewing a wife beater about a rapist who defamed his victim, and didn’t ask him about the coincidence.”

Honestly Steve, I’m not sure “better” minds can answer this question. To do so, we’d need to answer why CNN gave a rigged (audience) and welcoming town hall, to a man who actually raped the women in question, to which White was referring to.

The easy answer would be that a news corporation’s true god, is the all mighty dollar. Yet, that would be the simplistic answer, since we also live in a Bizzaro world, where up is down, and down is a meaningless and empty, bottomless pit.

My guess, it’s a combination of greed, incompetence and the patriarchy…:)

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The picture of The MAGA Fascist Candidate with Katie Britt and Joni Ernst elicited a terrible reaction in me. Here are two women — Katie the Mom of the Year wannabe, and Joni who has spoken emotionally about being raped in college — standing beside and supporting such a man. Have we really fallen that low in self esteem as a society?

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Like I said, “Bizzaro” world…:)

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And the MAGA men like Tom Cotton are debasing themselves, too. If I were to meet up with any of them, I would be unable to look them in the eye because of my utter contempt for them.

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My thought exactly when I saw Britt and Ernst with him...

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Yes. We have. We are still doing this after NINE YEARS of misery and debasement.

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I wish I could be more optimistic about things, but, unfortunately, I don’t like what I am seeing now and I don’t like what lies ahead. And it has nothing to do with Biden’s performance. It’s everything to do with the people in my state and where they are casting their lot.

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Why yes, yes we have. Not the majority of us, but an organized minority -- read "cult" -- hell-bent on destroying everything the United States has stood for for nearly 278 years. It's an unthinkable tragedy.

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We haven’t…..and not going to. If you succumb to that level…they’ll lower the bar.

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Steve - What do you think about the news program Democracy Now? It’s on public stations and not government funded. I have a hard time with the main host’s voice, but I’ll make do with it if you think of it as a viable solution to reading the two newspapers (WaPo and NYT) that I have read my whole life. Would the news we are receiving be somewhat less skewed on Democracy Now?

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Although I appreciate being informed about the media, I still view our theocratic issue as the elephant in the room.

I have written about Mark Robinson, MAGA Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, with a good chance of being elected Governor of this state in November. Last year he spoke to a network of churches in this state and said that the goal should be a Christian society where men rule. Those were his words.

And after saying that he was nominated to run for Governor. He has good poll numbers. He may win. I must be behind the times because it seems like everyone around me in this state is pushing for a theocracy led by men with women as second class citizens.

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I have no doubt that what we have now, John! But then I live in WV! Enough said?

No, enough is not said. It’s been the status quo forever. With the representation in our ‘system’ , the ration of upper management of women representing is barely ever above 12% yet we are 52% of the population, all men jury in the latest fiasco of Dobbs, and what does Sotomayor , Cagen, Jackson and (not sure about Barrett yet) think their input gains us? ZERO? To be elevated to that position and have no clout, negated ,dismissed wildst standing heads and shoulders in integrity above the sorriest excuses for Judges..their ‘colleagues’

Friday’s PBS Newshour was absent Johnathan Capehart…I’m concerned and suspicious…he is brilliant! I wouldn’t be surprised…he left! 🗣️We NEED you , Johnathan!

Congress is the only entity that can change this SC fiasco, *but it has to be BLUE!


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What concerns me most these days is that fringe lunacy has gone mainstream. The support that lunatic candidates like Mark Robinson receives in my state astounds me. He is what used to be a fringe candidate receiving one or two percent. Now he has two million supporters in my state. Frightening does not do that justice.

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Oh I hear the concern, same as I hear ‘do they know something we don’t?’ ‘100s of people working FT writing 2025 ‘ , ‘the used to be 60 companies of dark money people now number over 100’ are the 100’s back by thousands?

What happens when the fooled all of a sudden realize the ploy, as the plan turns into a police state of gargantuan atrocity….and ITS. TOO. LATE.

All I can do now beyond doubt their figures as just more lies printed…because I see different polls that they project ….is emphasize repetitively


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What do you believe subscribers should do about the Post, Steve? Continue to support the paper, or cancel? I am torn.

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I canceled my WashPo subscription after Biden won the presidency. I canceled my NYT a few months ago when I realized they were not going to tell the truth about T💩p. More than justified when we found out recently that Sulzberger felt snubbed when Biden refused to be interviewed and has taken his childish retribution out with negative coverage.

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I'm still a subscriber because of the stable of good opinion writers.

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Cancel and you lose terrific input from outstanding writers. The POST is not what it used to be yet neither is the world of journalism. Many so-called writers are merely interested in high visibility, high salary, and time off early on Friday! All of this from the well-connected new generation! Either adjust to that generation or cancel your subscription! NO happy choice, presently!!

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Power is intoxicating, like the gold dust in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, or so I'm told. Exactly what drives and motivates the Murdoch's of this world is both fascinating and mystifying to me. The same questions can be asked of their on-camera subordinates, some of whom are surely smart enough not to actually believe the alternate universe nonsense they are spewing. They fidget-spin reality as if they won't have to inhabit the same world as the rest of us.

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I concur with your thoughts. What do these people think their world will look like? If it gets as bad as I think it could get it will be just as bad for them as you and me, except they will have the luxury of leaving the country. I laugh a little bit, because I hear people and especially the news talk about how bad the economy is, well if things go to shit, what they see in the economy today will be wishful thinking. They think things are fucked up now, just wait.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

I started to copy and paste online comments from Fox News viewers recently. (I take them at face value and go under the assumption they are sincere). These comments are valuable reminders of how contaminated the well of infotainment-water has become. "For the life of me, I can't understand how anyone can vote for Biden after the last four years". That's a typical comment from someone evidently living in a fake reality and thinks the Murdoch's and their cabal of well-paid carnival barkers are their friends and allies. This is the old tactic of pitting the middle class against the poor to the benefit of the wealthy. They now have the technology to implement this strategy in a far more insidious way. A generation ago, Donald Trump could not have been elected Mayor of Howdy Doodyville. Times have changed in a hurry.

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I hold a firm belief that the root of all evil is greed, in its many forms.

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Why didn't the CNN host ask Mr. White some hard questions like' "Do you believe Trump is guilty of the 34 felony accounts against him as decided by 12 American jurors?" "Have you ever listened to the 'Hollywood Tapes'?" "Do you believe Trump or E. Jean Caroll is lying? The same question should be asked about Stormy Daniels and other Trump victims. "Do you agree that Trump scammed people with his phony University?" "Do you think the $25 million judgment was just?" etc.

The only honest news sources left are MSNBC, Daily kos, Propublica etc.

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We are living in , One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest. Where US sane people are inevitably appearing as INSANE because we are living in an environment where Insanity is becoming the norm.

Nothing is normal about any of what we are Hearing, Reading - NOTHING ..but there seems to be a real urgency to get this insanity into Motion . And There is very big money behind it .

Whats the payback??? what is the Pay off for all of this?

Publishers or Writers have the opportunity to now only report in an unbiased way. They have an opportunity to teach. In a very real way. In a clean way. Filling in, where school has failed .

The Majority is being taken over by a very well funded Minority. Why and what can we do?

These issues are not just mere policy differences. These issues appear to be a complete make over of a country that we have grown accustomed too. Will we fight? Is our vote enough?

I don't think so .

our 2a is designed to protect and defend ourselves from a tyrannical government.

(don't start your alarm ..as if you have a nut case writing on your subtrack) but its true.

if trump comes for me or anyone in my family based on me not supporting him?

he will find out that AR 15's are not for Classrooms .

We are fighting against the very wealthy who want a country that none of us will recognize.

Why are these people so angry? What is it about this country that makes these rich folks so angry ?

they have more money than they can spend in a life time...they should be enjoying themselves ...politics be damned . And then their followers and supporters who haven't a pot to piss in ...cheering them on - do they not know, that their lives too are about the get worse?

What is going on with the Media is todays; Hitler on a loudspeaker ...when everyone is exhausted and just plain tired ..Hitler knew that when the people were at their lowest, just keep hammering them some more.

A friend of mine and I were talking ..he just came back from a trip to Scandinavia -

Socialism ...

He said they are a Happy People / a Respectful people/ their quality of life is terrific -

we are being taken down this road to fucking HELL ..and its 2024 ...

We have rich aspberger Elon with a lot to say about everything .

We have dumb ass trump who has a lot to say about everything . gibberish .

We have OLD supreme court folks who are making bad decisions

We have OLD white men telling us what to do with our bodies




SO ...???


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It appears to be increasingly likely that violence will occur following the 2024 presidential election, regardless of who wins. I have never purchased a firearm for "sport," hunting," which I find appalling, or self-defense. But, I have written letters outlining Trump's and his enablers' threat to our country and its most cherished values monthly to my local newspaper. I am, regrettably, considering buying some sort of firearm to protect my household following the election. Thusfar, I have been unable to overcome my deep-set belief in pacificism as the only way to save us from our primitive nature, encoded in our genes, tendencies to violence, tribalism. and hierarchy. However, it seems the reptilian part of most peoples' brains is more engaged than the rational intelligent frontal lobes.

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You must defend yourself !

I’m not a violent person -

But from a young age - I learned - in order for me to be truly free -

I must learn self defense -

I’m martial arts trained

And fire armed trained

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Thank you, Magdalena. And following is more reason to use whatever means we can to defend ourselves:

From Newsweek, June 2024:

"While appearing at Turning Point Action’s (TPA) convention on Saturday, conservative media personality Steve Bannon issued a Make America Great Again (MAGA) battle cry to a cheering audience when he said, 'Ladies and gentlemen, it’s very simple: Victory or Death!'”

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I started looking for a good AR type weapon with a bump stock. My nephew is a gunsmith specializing in machine guns. He said he would hook me up with a dependable weapon.

And I will be keeping it close…..

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For a few pieces of silver..

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For the _promise_ of a few pieces of silver, knowing T💩p’s penchant for never paying folks.

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We have been deceived by the corporate world for decades. And they’ve gotten trickier than ever. I began to notice biased journalism in the era of Barack Obama. I have since canceled mainstream corporate newspapers. I’ve been a newspaper reader since I was twelve-65 years ago. Next to go is my hometown paper the Philadelphia Inquirer which I now refer to as a pamphlet. They are on the Trump bandwagon often blatantly. We are a Democratic city whose population is a grand array of backgrounds and this paper does not reflect that.

I also ask why is Rupert Murdoch never referred to as an immigrant? You know the group TFG boldly and repeatedly calls animals.

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Steve, great post. To answer your question as to why this is happening in America and what we should do, here's my article: Without New Fairness Doctrine Chaos Engulfs U.S.https://helensplacenet.com/without-a-new-fairness-doctrine-chaos/


Robin Carpenter

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Yes Fairness Doctrine..I believe it was Reagan? Who gutted it. Can it be restored? After all these years of news entertainment? If it bleeds it leads, etc.

How would it look in the age of fifty-seven channels and nothing on? To speak nothing of the foreign actors meddling as well?

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The Washington Post, being the single entity that that brought down pre-coup Watergate and pre-MAGA Nixon, which includes all other media and American political agencies, became for Americans the true shining star--it earned trust and restored hope. The fact that it was the only thing that did so gives clues to the progression then of what threatens us all now was well in progress. The sights were set on the Post. If any Americans wealthy enough on the Left had stepped forward and bought the Post and maintained its trusted integrity, it would be a great warrior against today's encroaching fascism. Instead, predictably, anti-Christ Murdoch moved in. I have always wondered why any of the wealthy progressives have failed to buy and own media sources, which could have levelled the battle field considerably. I wonder if it is too late now.

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It isn't just our country I am worrying about. We've been in Europe for two weeks and the EU just had its election. I was ignorant about the whole EU parliamentary thing until talking to a Cafe owner this morning. So I did what many of us do, consulted the Google machine. Seems the body has lurched to the right and once members are seated, will hold elections for its president and make appointments to committees. Keep an eye on this. The whole world is in a scary place.

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We need our own version of the BBC or CBC, perhaps expand NPR and PBS to take on this duty. I can hear the objection that this would be an organ for government propaganda, but I would respond that the BBC and the CBC, for all their faults, have a long, successful track record as reliable news sources. The main reason for a public news service is that our present news media are under the thumbs of their corporate owners, who are focused on turning profits whether or not the truth is served.

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I have an online subscription to WaPo and am seriously thinking of cancelling….

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What can be done about these "journalists" and "news and social media corps" fabricating and misleading the public and the moral and ethical assaults on the public at large? Are there any equivalent remedies?

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If Trump wins in November, the Washington Post has no more conflicts. They will simply report what they are told by Trump or his press secretary. If not, they will be gone.

The WP has trade in their integrity for a Clint Eastwood movie, “A Few Dollars More”, without seeing the bigger picture, they have 5 months to take in money before they are run out of town.

They have betrayed the people they pay them with their subscriptions and more importantly their duty to truly inform.

Money over integrity. Greed wins out again.

They have sold us out for a hand full of beans ( and there is no magic in those beans).

The Washington Post has failed to stand up against the tyranny coming…which makes them a coconspirator for what’s about to happen.

The Democratic Leadership is another coconspirator in their inability to get their message out. Moreover, the inability to pick a more viable candidate and or give any meaningful help to a floundering Biden campaign.

CNN having the likes of Dana White or Tom Cotton without challenging them and their views simply are echo chambers for Fox News. Perhaps this is their “survival strategy “ for the coming dictatorship. Capitulate rather than fight for those that otherwise have no voice in this fight for the continuance of our democracy including freedom of the press.

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Sorry for the poor grammar

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Democracy dies in darkness and when the media no longer reports the truth.

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