No pity for the rubes who put that fool back in office. I pity our country. My TV will be off all day tomorrow. I am using King Day to practice community service by volunteering to assemble care bags for fire victims.
I dare say you have not walked a mile in the "rubes'" shoes. much less know what kind of shoes they are wearing. To allow Trump to turn you to contempt and hate for your fellow Americans is to magnify his power. If, by hating MAGA, you're supporting the status quo that has developed in America, I don't know who is more foolish, you or MAGA. I don't agree with MAGA, and I will work against MAGA the best I can, but I will never assist Trump in his divide-and-conquer scheme by detesting MAGA people. Hate the militias. Hate the white nationalists. But know that you have no idea of who the bulk of MAGA is, except they made a devastatingly foolish choice.
I didn't use the word "hate" in my comment. Nor did I say "contempt." Those are YOUR words. I just said I don't pity them for making a horrible choice.
I just saw a group of MAGAts in Silver Spring, Maryland. They were very well dressed. They were wearing bright red MAGA baseball caps. They are staying at the Hilton. They have lost nothing. Thanks to them, other Americans are going to lose everything, including their lives. F them.
Give it time. I have no doubt that those who can will try to hitch a ride on the fast moving gravy train, but the train won't stop for them and only a very few will be nimble enough to snag a ride. I will reserve my contemp and resistance for the ones on the train, and militias and white nationalists. Out of 73 million Trump voters the number of grifters is small.
Wow! You nailed it! I guess I had no idea of how people were getting their "kicks"! And since there's a word for it, it's perennial. My world is darker today - for a lot of reasons. But maybe it's just that the wounds are too fresh.
I didn't see any hatred in this comment. “No pity” means that when they wail at the loss of their government services, their medicaid and medicare, and their affordable healthcare act, no tears will be shed for them. The bulk of MAGA did indeed make a “poor choice”.. and their lack of critical thinking,and excitement over a racist, xenophobic ,homophobic, misogynistic, anti- semitic boor deserves contempt. Richly deserves it.
Re-read Cheryl's comment. The word hate is never mentioned or implied. Perhaps you should follow her example and volunteer to aid our fellow citizens instead of jumping to conclusions and making unnecessary judgements.
Be real! The usage of "rube" is to demean and insult. Yes, it's one of the more moderate of insults, but if the nicest person among us is demeaning the people who oppose us, what hope is there for saving America? We can't save America without saving MAGA- not the white supremists, or the militias, or the hustlers, but a large part of the American people who have screamed out for a major correction in America's course.
Maybe our wounds are still too fresh to allow for any wise reaction to MAGA - or any strategic thinking about MAGA. But I hope that is a space we can develop into for America's sake.
Oh please, just stop with the BS excuses. MAGA has ZERO interest in compromise or understsnding any viewpoint that does not align with whatever flotsam is floating across trump's brain and spilling like sewage from his mouth. I'm tired of people making excuses for the MAGA movement. It is not a monolithic culture, but make no mistake it IS populated with dictionary definition rubes that are truly clueless thanks to their bubbles, diehard Republicans that vote for anyone with an R after a name, even when the person is a rapist/embezzler/fraudster, the cultists that truly believe in trump the same way those at Jonestown believed in Jim Jones, the racists and misogynists that want to believe their lot in life is due to non-whires and women rather than the 1% and greedy corporations and lastly the scared as sh*t oligarchs like Bezos/Musk/Zuckerbag that will do anything to hold onto their power and graze at the trough of tax payer dollars.
Pity is not hate Lynda. ... These "rubes" were told by trump himself what to expect if he were re-elected. When they become subjected to trump's promised deprivations, and inevitably whine and complain about it, they deserve no pity for being stupid enablers. To answer your question Lynda, Cheryl is not foolish. The fools are clearly the MAGAts. Or, perhaps you for attacking Cheryl for something she did not say or imply.
1.One can only wonder, then, about what Cheryl does or does not know first-hand about what MAGA people are like.
2. Why would someone as nice as Cheryl not feel pity for people who are losing everything, because of their own doing. I did ask.
3. With elected officials of both sides in America's politics selling out to the highest bidder, and acting in other totally dishonest ways, who's getting the wool pulled over their eyes? I think it is both sides. So before you compromise your humanity over the plight of about half of America, you should be able to see that we have all been "had". And that should be able to moderate our views.
I cite the Dems taking money from Ms. Adelson to support Israel's genocide of the Palestinians (as found by the UN and the world court.) The only defense to that is: Biden's policy would have been the genocide even without the money. hmmmmm.
Biden's core group of people hid Biden's mental disability from the American public for over a year, until the disability burst out onto our tv screens at the "debate". Did your mind not instantly ask, "Who's been running our Presidency all this time?" And answered," Not the person we elected." Does that sound like our Democrats are people who are respecting our right as American citizens to be governed by the people we elect? I hope that's important to you. Otherwise J6 doesn't matter.
Life is much easier if we can keep the choices down to black or white, good or bad. But even very nice people have the responsibility as citizens to go deeper than that binary choice. Like I said, I voted for Kamala. But that's not because she and the Dems are perfect.
What Cheryl doesn't know about MAGAts is not relevant to this discussion. What she does know about them is that they voted for a lunatic who is not remotely qualified, as he demonstrated in his first term, to be president of the United States of America! They voted for him knowing, as he in no uncertain terms told us, that he was going to pursue policies that would not be in the best interests of average Americans. It is well within reason to choose not to pity these MAGAt voters if, and more likely when, those detrimental things occur. Voters who knowingly vote to bring hardship on the entire country hardly deserve a moments pity.
It's the Hatfields and the McCoys all over again. Surely each side had reasonable gripes against the other side. But where does it end? No one wins. Only it's more insideous than that. It's someone instigating the feud for his own purpose and it's the families who will lose.
I'm not talking about appeasing MAGA. Obama drove me nuts for the first part of his administration, holding out his hand as a gesture of friendship, and nearly losing it each time. We need to fight Trump with all we've got. But we don't have to demean and villify his followers who were hoping for better from him - reasonably or not.
I think it is relevant to the discussion what anyone of us knows about MAGA. If for no other reason than you should know your opposition, not conjure images of them out of heaven knows where. Do you want to save our country? To do that we need to save MAGA, too. Do we have any other choice?
Hi, who needs or wants “perfect”? What one should expect from all citizens is
a tiny bit of respect for fellow Americans. What I would hope in our rich and varied nation are people who support each other. People who should know right from wrong,
or at least strive for that in their leaders.
What I personally find abhorrent are citizens who have no problem
supporting a candidate who specializes in bigotry, misogyny, racism
and fascism. Who support a man who speaks like a
foul mouthed juvenile delinquent. Who adore him because his
sordidness makes them feel good about themselves and their
I don't think he said he hated them. The MAGA supporters. He said he pities them, I think. I don't know how to feel about them, to be honest. To believe garbage lies when the truth is out there.... jury's still out.
lies when the truth is out there is spot on. As Citizens we have a duty to discern fact from fiction, truth from falsehood. To quote Billy Shakespeare, "Therein lies the rub." Here's a quote from Abe Lincoln, "If it's on the internet, it's true!" That last quote would be funny except for the fact that a certain number of people would believe that Lincoln actually said that. That's what we're up against.
"I will save my pity for the easily conned and manipulated who fell for the MAGA lies because no one gave them anything better to believe in."
To say "no one gave them anything better to believe in," is simply untrue. They were offered the choice of Kamala Harris as president who would have fought against climate change and the concentration of wealth in the hands of the privileged 1% and they chose Trump, knowing full well what he believed in. They were aware of his felony convictions for fraud and "conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the 2016 election"; of his failure to deal effectively with COVID because he feared the political implications; of his outrageous greed and constant (sadly successful) pitches to sell junk to Americans for his own aggrandizement. They knew of his eliticism, racism, bigotry, and misogyny, yet they chose him. They bear far more responsibility for the bleak future that confronts us and the world than all "feckless" Democratic leaders combined. They voted for him.
As your hero, Winston Churchill said, in a democracy people get the government they deserve.
Trump said, "I'm a crook, but I'm a better crook. They can't get me. Watch!" Take a guess at what happened next: the "outlaw hero" emerged as revenge for all the lowly schmucks who couldn't escape. Try to tell me there is "justice for all" in the face of overwhelming evidence the poor(er) citizens of our country are consistently, casually squashed by the power of government and money. Try to impress me with the fact he is a grifter and will cheat you too, in the face of elected officials' running for office just to hop on the gravy train, parlaying power into money like a magician's trick. I voted for Kamala, but she represented the "status quo" which was already in the clutches of consistent corruption.
Trump is transactional, he is not principled. Whatever he can do or say to put money into his own pocket is what he does. His followers didn't see that for a fact, and, I fear, his opponents don't either. Just for one morning, take out a mirror and have a clear-eyed look at yourself with the same eyes you use to look at your opponents.
Thank You ! I couldn't of said it better .. Yes They bear far more responsibility for the bleak future that confronts us and the world. Yes they do... they know who he is.
I don't know if I piety the people who voted for Trump-twice-as I feel that they have been victimized. Not the "hard core" MAGAs, who yes, know better. I'm talking of our many friends and family. They are victimized by "conservative propaganda". And, that comes in many forms. Religious upbringing is one; but I won't go there. The mainstream media is another. For decades the American media have elevated the "rich and famous, the celebrates". For decades, Trump was the greatest real-estate hero. We were told of his wealth; and with that wealth, he could commit adultery, or lie and cheat; but who cared-he was successful at what he did! People wanted to be like him! And then, came FOX-TV, you could watch TV, and see and hear Trump, his kids, Republican senators and reps., spewing lie after lie, and tearing down the opposition, all in the comfort of your living room! I guess, what I am trying to say is that if you only heard from one side, and craved to be better off, it would be so easy to fall into the trap of MAGA! I know "friends/family" who did exactly that! They grew up Republican, and would not vote any other way, no matter what! They watch FOX-TV to get their "news". They heard on FOX about the "silly, giggling woman", running for POTUS. OH, by the way, did you know, that not only is she a woman, she is a half black AND half Asian woman! We can't have THAT in the White House! As a child, living during the "Cold War", I would hear of Russia propaganda. Well, as far as I am concerned the people who voted for Trump (who are not hard core MAGAs), are just victims of the Trump, MAGA, FOX, and ultra-right propaganda! They don't know any better! If they did, they wouldn't have voted for Trump a second/third time!
At the same time, they think that WE are the ones to be pitied, the victims, the ones to be hated; because we believe in the ultra-left propaganda!
Among other things, you said "We were told of his wealth; and with that wealth, he could commit adultery, or lie and cheat; but who cared-he was successful at what he did! People wanted to be like him!" In that description we have part of the problem: He could do those things and more or less get away with them, and "People wanted to be like him!" The other part of the problem includes the evangelical supporters among those who "wanted to be like him" and the law and order voters who "wanted to be like him." Both groups _should_ have cared.
As the anti-hero, slime-bucket he is, it turns out that about half the voters also wanted to be like him and get away with the most outrageous lying and theft-while-we-watched ("I guess it was ok, 'cause he didn't try to hide it...?) and to be rich 'n famous, too! As one voter said spontaneously into the camera "I'm voting for Trump because he's just like me."
Awe, shock-horror? No!, "rube" truth while-we-watched.
Many knew as much about what they were doing as do partners staying in/returning to abusive relationships. It’s what they “know” from their early family experience, that a strong man bully rules the roost, even if it hurts.
I do have pity for people who are unable to understand what will hurt them, who make such disasterous choices. I figure it’s up to us to keep showing a better way by how we treat each other.
I do agree Friedrike, the Stockholm Syndrome is alive and well. And some of Trump's supporters are sad people locked into devotion to the man who looks down on and exploits them. However, many others, and sadly some of those locked into the Stockholm Syndrome, can only gain temporary relief from their tormentors by finding people "beneath" them to torment and abuse.
Is there a way out of this labyrinth of human emotions and shortcomings? I don't know. Most organized religions promote a domination system, a hierarchy that perpetuates a system, from the family to the corporation to the government, based on exploitation.
Perhaps we should all feel sorry for each other, that as members of a species with so much potential, we chose domination and exploitation rather than partnership and cooperation.
Did you know that 10% of the troops that stormed the beaches on D Day were Canadian? 14,000 soldiers from a country of 12 million at the time. Juno beach was ours and the remains of 3000 of these brave men lay at Bene Sur Mer above the beach. Maybe someone will remind Trump of our efforts as allies before he attacks us while kissing the ass of Putin and other dictators.
I am a life-long Democrat. I did vote for Biden and am proud to state that I never voted for the Orange Monster with his FAKE tough guy pose in his official portrait! However, as late 2023 I wrote many emails to the White House asking Biden to honor his pledge to be a one-term president! Trump would not have beaten the Democrat primary winner!!!
We had some defeats, but we did unload Mark Robinson as Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina. Effective January 1, 2025, we have had Rachel Hunt as Lieutenant Governor.
Thanks to you Steve, whom I’ve followed for the last 5 years, I have lost neither strength, nor resolve nor hope. For as long as there are strong courageous men like you, tirelessly fighting the forces of selfishness and hatred in this world, I’ll follow where you lead us and keep my flag flying high next to yours.
Steve, your prowess has me in tears. I, too, have faith America will one day become the country it once was. But I fear it will take a beating and many will suffer until that day comes. How many families will be ripped apart? How many Americans will become homeless? How many states will suffer bc of trumps wrath? Furthermore, what will it take for MAGAs to wake up & realize that Trump was never going to make America better for them? I surely hope Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries can lead the Democratic Party to fight back against the Republican loyalists in the senate and house. This will be a very long, hard fought battle for everyone.
My Flag, along with my Ukraine Flag will be safely stored away. When the ones that have caused all this are finally gone, I will once again bring it out to Salute our Nation, and to spit on the graves of the ones who have driven a wedge into the very soul of our Country!
Some people were indeed conned by MAGA, and we can pity them I guess, but most of them are MAGA to the core and are now drunk with the agenda promised by Trump. They have become fascists, and in doing so have earned my undying enmity and contempt. I will neither forgive nor forget these ultra MAGA goons, I don't wish them well, and I don't seek to justify their treason.
I’m not in favor of the inverted flag thing. From Memorial Day to Election Day, I had to pass an inverted American Flag on the property of some MAGA moron in my neighborhood. He told us neighbors the flag would stay like that until Trump was elected. He got his wish and it was abysmal for some of us to pass that flag every day.
Thank you Steve for all of your words and warnings. I have known we were in serious trouble for a decade at least. In recent years Ive basically lost my church home and been called ugly things and my daughter’s family was threatened horribly when she was Chairman of our City Democratic Committee. I live in a blood red area, so all of my neighbors voted for trump.
I love this country and my relatives, even daddy served under our flag.
My problem is I believe Trump has no right to touch our flag. It crossed my mind that every flag should be hung upside down until we save “her” and our democracy. In all of my 71 years I’ve lived through so much. Much of it by the hands of Republicans, however; I never believed my neighbors and friends would fall for a monster. And who will protect our “suckers and losers”? You know, our brave young men and women volunteering to protect and defend us by joining a branch of our armed services. So much more….
Tomorrow I will rejoice and celebrate Martin Luther King Day.
Keep the "troops" bouyed up that we cannot give up...TFG invited the Fascist leader from Germany and the Chinese are sending representatives to the inauguration of our very own Fascist Pig! I fly a flag in front of my home in Fire Island just because it doesn't belong to the shit birds in the GOP.& MAGA idiots...all Dems should reclaim flying the American flag.!
No pity for the rubes who put that fool back in office. I pity our country. My TV will be off all day tomorrow. I am using King Day to practice community service by volunteering to assemble care bags for fire victims.
I dare say you have not walked a mile in the "rubes'" shoes. much less know what kind of shoes they are wearing. To allow Trump to turn you to contempt and hate for your fellow Americans is to magnify his power. If, by hating MAGA, you're supporting the status quo that has developed in America, I don't know who is more foolish, you or MAGA. I don't agree with MAGA, and I will work against MAGA the best I can, but I will never assist Trump in his divide-and-conquer scheme by detesting MAGA people. Hate the militias. Hate the white nationalists. But know that you have no idea of who the bulk of MAGA is, except they made a devastatingly foolish choice.
I didn't use the word "hate" in my comment. Nor did I say "contempt." Those are YOUR words. I just said I don't pity them for making a horrible choice.
What words would you use to elucidate your lack of "pity" for people who have lost everything at their own hands?
I just saw a group of MAGAts in Silver Spring, Maryland. They were very well dressed. They were wearing bright red MAGA baseball caps. They are staying at the Hilton. They have lost nothing. Thanks to them, other Americans are going to lose everything, including their lives. F them.
Give it time. I have no doubt that those who can will try to hitch a ride on the fast moving gravy train, but the train won't stop for them and only a very few will be nimble enough to snag a ride. I will reserve my contemp and resistance for the ones on the train, and militias and white nationalists. Out of 73 million Trump voters the number of grifters is small.
But the number of idiots is 73 million.
Wow! You nailed it! I guess I had no idea of how people were getting their "kicks"! And since there's a word for it, it's perennial. My world is darker today - for a lot of reasons. But maybe it's just that the wounds are too fresh.
I didn't see any hatred in this comment. “No pity” means that when they wail at the loss of their government services, their medicaid and medicare, and their affordable healthcare act, no tears will be shed for them. The bulk of MAGA did indeed make a “poor choice”.. and their lack of critical thinking,and excitement over a racist, xenophobic ,homophobic, misogynistic, anti- semitic boor deserves contempt. Richly deserves it.
Agree. They love the racism, that is it in a nutshell.
Re-read Cheryl's comment. The word hate is never mentioned or implied. Perhaps you should follow her example and volunteer to aid our fellow citizens instead of jumping to conclusions and making unnecessary judgements.
Is "rube" a term of endearment?
Definition of rube: "1. an awkward unsophisticated person , 2. a naive or inexperienced person"
There is nothing "hateful" about describing someone as a rube.
Be real! The usage of "rube" is to demean and insult. Yes, it's one of the more moderate of insults, but if the nicest person among us is demeaning the people who oppose us, what hope is there for saving America? We can't save America without saving MAGA- not the white supremists, or the militias, or the hustlers, but a large part of the American people who have screamed out for a major correction in America's course.
Maybe our wounds are still too fresh to allow for any wise reaction to MAGA - or any strategic thinking about MAGA. But I hope that is a space we can develop into for America's sake.
Oh please, just stop with the BS excuses. MAGA has ZERO interest in compromise or understsnding any viewpoint that does not align with whatever flotsam is floating across trump's brain and spilling like sewage from his mouth. I'm tired of people making excuses for the MAGA movement. It is not a monolithic culture, but make no mistake it IS populated with dictionary definition rubes that are truly clueless thanks to their bubbles, diehard Republicans that vote for anyone with an R after a name, even when the person is a rapist/embezzler/fraudster, the cultists that truly believe in trump the same way those at Jonestown believed in Jim Jones, the racists and misogynists that want to believe their lot in life is due to non-whires and women rather than the 1% and greedy corporations and lastly the scared as sh*t oligarchs like Bezos/Musk/Zuckerbag that will do anything to hold onto their power and graze at the trough of tax payer dollars.
To Lynda Proper re sympathy for the Maggots:
Oh please….self-righteous ignorance & adulation results in its just reward.
You can’t deprive us of our only glee!
Pity is not hate Lynda. ... These "rubes" were told by trump himself what to expect if he were re-elected. When they become subjected to trump's promised deprivations, and inevitably whine and complain about it, they deserve no pity for being stupid enablers. To answer your question Lynda, Cheryl is not foolish. The fools are clearly the MAGAts. Or, perhaps you for attacking Cheryl for something she did not say or imply.
1.One can only wonder, then, about what Cheryl does or does not know first-hand about what MAGA people are like.
2. Why would someone as nice as Cheryl not feel pity for people who are losing everything, because of their own doing. I did ask.
3. With elected officials of both sides in America's politics selling out to the highest bidder, and acting in other totally dishonest ways, who's getting the wool pulled over their eyes? I think it is both sides. So before you compromise your humanity over the plight of about half of America, you should be able to see that we have all been "had". And that should be able to moderate our views.
I cite the Dems taking money from Ms. Adelson to support Israel's genocide of the Palestinians (as found by the UN and the world court.) The only defense to that is: Biden's policy would have been the genocide even without the money. hmmmmm.
Biden's core group of people hid Biden's mental disability from the American public for over a year, until the disability burst out onto our tv screens at the "debate". Did your mind not instantly ask, "Who's been running our Presidency all this time?" And answered," Not the person we elected." Does that sound like our Democrats are people who are respecting our right as American citizens to be governed by the people we elect? I hope that's important to you. Otherwise J6 doesn't matter.
Life is much easier if we can keep the choices down to black or white, good or bad. But even very nice people have the responsibility as citizens to go deeper than that binary choice. Like I said, I voted for Kamala. But that's not because she and the Dems are perfect.
What Cheryl doesn't know about MAGAts is not relevant to this discussion. What she does know about them is that they voted for a lunatic who is not remotely qualified, as he demonstrated in his first term, to be president of the United States of America! They voted for him knowing, as he in no uncertain terms told us, that he was going to pursue policies that would not be in the best interests of average Americans. It is well within reason to choose not to pity these MAGAt voters if, and more likely when, those detrimental things occur. Voters who knowingly vote to bring hardship on the entire country hardly deserve a moments pity.
It's the Hatfields and the McCoys all over again. Surely each side had reasonable gripes against the other side. But where does it end? No one wins. Only it's more insideous than that. It's someone instigating the feud for his own purpose and it's the families who will lose.
I'm not talking about appeasing MAGA. Obama drove me nuts for the first part of his administration, holding out his hand as a gesture of friendship, and nearly losing it each time. We need to fight Trump with all we've got. But we don't have to demean and villify his followers who were hoping for better from him - reasonably or not.
I think it is relevant to the discussion what anyone of us knows about MAGA. If for no other reason than you should know your opposition, not conjure images of them out of heaven knows where. Do you want to save our country? To do that we need to save MAGA, too. Do we have any other choice?
Hi, who needs or wants “perfect”? What one should expect from all citizens is
a tiny bit of respect for fellow Americans. What I would hope in our rich and varied nation are people who support each other. People who should know right from wrong,
or at least strive for that in their leaders.
What I personally find abhorrent are citizens who have no problem
supporting a candidate who specializes in bigotry, misogyny, racism
and fascism. Who support a man who speaks like a
foul mouthed juvenile delinquent. Who adore him because his
sordidness makes them feel good about themselves and their
lack of character.
No, I do not “feel sorry” for them at all.
I don't think he said he hated them. The MAGA supporters. He said he pities them, I think. I don't know how to feel about them, to be honest. To believe garbage lies when the truth is out there.... jury's still out.
Sorry, anyone who voted yet again for that felon is repugnant, poor or rich.
Your statement that they believe garbage L
lies when the truth is out there is spot on. As Citizens we have a duty to discern fact from fiction, truth from falsehood. To quote Billy Shakespeare, "Therein lies the rub." Here's a quote from Abe Lincoln, "If it's on the internet, it's true!" That last quote would be funny except for the fact that a certain number of people would believe that Lincoln actually said that. That's what we're up against.
Sorry Steve. I have no pity for those “conned” by MAGA and voted for Trump. They knew exactly what they were doing.
"I will save my pity for the easily conned and manipulated who fell for the MAGA lies because no one gave them anything better to believe in."
To say "no one gave them anything better to believe in," is simply untrue. They were offered the choice of Kamala Harris as president who would have fought against climate change and the concentration of wealth in the hands of the privileged 1% and they chose Trump, knowing full well what he believed in. They were aware of his felony convictions for fraud and "conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the 2016 election"; of his failure to deal effectively with COVID because he feared the political implications; of his outrageous greed and constant (sadly successful) pitches to sell junk to Americans for his own aggrandizement. They knew of his eliticism, racism, bigotry, and misogyny, yet they chose him. They bear far more responsibility for the bleak future that confronts us and the world than all "feckless" Democratic leaders combined. They voted for him.
As your hero, Winston Churchill said, in a democracy people get the government they deserve.
Bravo, Anthony 100%!
Trump said, "I'm a crook, but I'm a better crook. They can't get me. Watch!" Take a guess at what happened next: the "outlaw hero" emerged as revenge for all the lowly schmucks who couldn't escape. Try to tell me there is "justice for all" in the face of overwhelming evidence the poor(er) citizens of our country are consistently, casually squashed by the power of government and money. Try to impress me with the fact he is a grifter and will cheat you too, in the face of elected officials' running for office just to hop on the gravy train, parlaying power into money like a magician's trick. I voted for Kamala, but she represented the "status quo" which was already in the clutches of consistent corruption.
Trump is transactional, he is not principled. Whatever he can do or say to put money into his own pocket is what he does. His followers didn't see that for a fact, and, I fear, his opponents don't either. Just for one morning, take out a mirror and have a clear-eyed look at yourself with the same eyes you use to look at your opponents.
Thank You ! I couldn't of said it better .. Yes They bear far more responsibility for the bleak future that confronts us and the world. Yes they do... they know who he is.
I don't know if I piety the people who voted for Trump-twice-as I feel that they have been victimized. Not the "hard core" MAGAs, who yes, know better. I'm talking of our many friends and family. They are victimized by "conservative propaganda". And, that comes in many forms. Religious upbringing is one; but I won't go there. The mainstream media is another. For decades the American media have elevated the "rich and famous, the celebrates". For decades, Trump was the greatest real-estate hero. We were told of his wealth; and with that wealth, he could commit adultery, or lie and cheat; but who cared-he was successful at what he did! People wanted to be like him! And then, came FOX-TV, you could watch TV, and see and hear Trump, his kids, Republican senators and reps., spewing lie after lie, and tearing down the opposition, all in the comfort of your living room! I guess, what I am trying to say is that if you only heard from one side, and craved to be better off, it would be so easy to fall into the trap of MAGA! I know "friends/family" who did exactly that! They grew up Republican, and would not vote any other way, no matter what! They watch FOX-TV to get their "news". They heard on FOX about the "silly, giggling woman", running for POTUS. OH, by the way, did you know, that not only is she a woman, she is a half black AND half Asian woman! We can't have THAT in the White House! As a child, living during the "Cold War", I would hear of Russia propaganda. Well, as far as I am concerned the people who voted for Trump (who are not hard core MAGAs), are just victims of the Trump, MAGA, FOX, and ultra-right propaganda! They don't know any better! If they did, they wouldn't have voted for Trump a second/third time!
At the same time, they think that WE are the ones to be pitied, the victims, the ones to be hated; because we believe in the ultra-left propaganda!
If I could have given you 5 likes I would have!
Thank You!
Among other things, you said "We were told of his wealth; and with that wealth, he could commit adultery, or lie and cheat; but who cared-he was successful at what he did! People wanted to be like him!" In that description we have part of the problem: He could do those things and more or less get away with them, and "People wanted to be like him!" The other part of the problem includes the evangelical supporters among those who "wanted to be like him" and the law and order voters who "wanted to be like him." Both groups _should_ have cared.
As the anti-hero, slime-bucket he is, it turns out that about half the voters also wanted to be like him and get away with the most outrageous lying and theft-while-we-watched ("I guess it was ok, 'cause he didn't try to hide it...?) and to be rich 'n famous, too! As one voter said spontaneously into the camera "I'm voting for Trump because he's just like me."
Awe, shock-horror? No!, "rube" truth while-we-watched.
Many knew as much about what they were doing as do partners staying in/returning to abusive relationships. It’s what they “know” from their early family experience, that a strong man bully rules the roost, even if it hurts.
I do have pity for people who are unable to understand what will hurt them, who make such disasterous choices. I figure it’s up to us to keep showing a better way by how we treat each other.
I do agree Friedrike, the Stockholm Syndrome is alive and well. And some of Trump's supporters are sad people locked into devotion to the man who looks down on and exploits them. However, many others, and sadly some of those locked into the Stockholm Syndrome, can only gain temporary relief from their tormentors by finding people "beneath" them to torment and abuse.
Is there a way out of this labyrinth of human emotions and shortcomings? I don't know. Most organized religions promote a domination system, a hierarchy that perpetuates a system, from the family to the corporation to the government, based on exploitation.
Perhaps we should all feel sorry for each other, that as members of a species with so much potential, we chose domination and exploitation rather than partnership and cooperation.
And the abused often returns to the abuser, unfortunately.
Or choose a duplicate
I wonder if he was as cruel to his children as he is to everyone else.
Thanks. And incredibly well said!
Did you know that 10% of the troops that stormed the beaches on D Day were Canadian? 14,000 soldiers from a country of 12 million at the time. Juno beach was ours and the remains of 3000 of these brave men lay at Bene Sur Mer above the beach. Maybe someone will remind Trump of our efforts as allies before he attacks us while kissing the ass of Putin and other dictators.
Hear, hear, Mr. Reid!
Keep writing man!
You got the gift— we’re here cuz BOTH Parties, the Biden enablers, and the Trump criminals have created this moment.
Keep writing like you see it, cause you’re seeing it as it is.
I am a life-long Democrat. I did vote for Biden and am proud to state that I never voted for the Orange Monster with his FAKE tough guy pose in his official portrait! However, as late 2023 I wrote many emails to the White House asking Biden to honor his pledge to be a one-term president! Trump would not have beaten the Democrat primary winner!!!
I second this!
Those who voted for Tr*mp, or failed to vote for Harris, get no pity from me.
Me either! They deserve everything that’s coming their way! Enjoy!
John Lewis also said 'if not us, then who? if not now, then when?' It is us and it is now.
We had some defeats, but we did unload Mark Robinson as Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina. Effective January 1, 2025, we have had Rachel Hunt as Lieutenant Governor.
Thanks to you Steve, whom I’ve followed for the last 5 years, I have lost neither strength, nor resolve nor hope. For as long as there are strong courageous men like you, tirelessly fighting the forces of selfishness and hatred in this world, I’ll follow where you lead us and keep my flag flying high next to yours.
Steve, your prowess has me in tears. I, too, have faith America will one day become the country it once was. But I fear it will take a beating and many will suffer until that day comes. How many families will be ripped apart? How many Americans will become homeless? How many states will suffer bc of trumps wrath? Furthermore, what will it take for MAGAs to wake up & realize that Trump was never going to make America better for them? I surely hope Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries can lead the Democratic Party to fight back against the Republican loyalists in the senate and house. This will be a very long, hard fought battle for everyone.
I don't think the MAGAS will ever admit that they might have made a mistake. They will find a way to
blame the Dems.
I believe most of them knew exactly what they wanted when
they voted and it may come back to bite them
My Flag, along with my Ukraine Flag will be safely stored away. When the ones that have caused all this are finally gone, I will once again bring it out to Salute our Nation, and to spit on the graves of the ones who have driven a wedge into the very soul of our Country!
Some people were indeed conned by MAGA, and we can pity them I guess, but most of them are MAGA to the core and are now drunk with the agenda promised by Trump. They have become fascists, and in doing so have earned my undying enmity and contempt. I will neither forgive nor forget these ultra MAGA goons, I don't wish them well, and I don't seek to justify their treason.
I’m not in favor of the inverted flag thing. From Memorial Day to Election Day, I had to pass an inverted American Flag on the property of some MAGA moron in my neighborhood. He told us neighbors the flag would stay like that until Trump was elected. He got his wish and it was abysmal for some of us to pass that flag every day.
Thank you Steve for all of your words and warnings. I have known we were in serious trouble for a decade at least. In recent years Ive basically lost my church home and been called ugly things and my daughter’s family was threatened horribly when she was Chairman of our City Democratic Committee. I live in a blood red area, so all of my neighbors voted for trump.
I love this country and my relatives, even daddy served under our flag.
My problem is I believe Trump has no right to touch our flag. It crossed my mind that every flag should be hung upside down until we save “her” and our democracy. In all of my 71 years I’ve lived through so much. Much of it by the hands of Republicans, however; I never believed my neighbors and friends would fall for a monster. And who will protect our “suckers and losers”? You know, our brave young men and women volunteering to protect and defend us by joining a branch of our armed services. So much more….
Tomorrow I will rejoice and celebrate Martin Luther King Day.
I do not have a president.
Good trouble. Make it , live it, fly it!
Keep the "troops" bouyed up that we cannot give up...TFG invited the Fascist leader from Germany and the Chinese are sending representatives to the inauguration of our very own Fascist Pig! I fly a flag in front of my home in Fire Island just because it doesn't belong to the shit birds in the GOP.& MAGA idiots...all Dems should reclaim flying the American flag.!
oh HELL yes! I fly my flag and refuse to give it up to the MAGA bastards!
I totally agree with you, Steve! Keep doing what you do so well!