Let me add that W. Bush was one of our worst Presidents but was not a malignant narcissist or sociopath like Trump is.

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I am increasingly wondering whether there is _any_ outrage--however horrific to however many (including the most privileged)--that will wake enough of our fellow citizens. We all know the Hollywood fantasy that, when the Martians invade, suddenly we are "in it together." Is it still possible in America for enough folks to feel "in it together" and act accordingly? Besides requiring even a glimmer of hope, such action requires organizing, solidarity, and potentially enormous courage. Can there be an "American Spring"? Or are we ready to drown in the rising seas and suffocate in the toxic air? I suppose there's only one way to know.

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I don’t understand the point of all this finger pointing and consistent blaming. You are right but it does nothing to empower anyone to act differently. It’s time for making suggestions and reaching out to the people you know.

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Agree, Ellen. But what does? I work with Indivisible, and they focus on specific action steps on every level--local, state, fed. One organizing success has the potential to motivate and lead to others. And organizing itself means change. Is that the kind of thing you imagine? Thanks.

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@Ellen Grabowitz it isn't finger pointing nor blaming. This is identifying what the problem is in the first place, because it has not been clearly identified in the past given how nothing has been done to address it. And the suggestion given is to not capitulate, to not obey in advance. The suggestion is to define what it is you stand for, and uphold that no matter what - until your the last person standing.

Do not give yourself, your energy, your thoughts, your soul, to obeying or otherwise capitulating to tyranny. It will be difficult. But the alternative will be even worse.

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Indeed, Richard. In fact, one of Steve's other posts says that today will be the last day he will mention Biden's name. I'm not surprised he was one step ahead on this.

But you're right. There is a time for analysis, and as Steve said, that often comes with a harsh dose of truth.

Also, when the essay theme is broken promises, one does have to take names and point fingers. :)

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Maybe the problem is that we think in terms of political parties too much. The D's blame the R's and the R's blame the D's. Actually, there were political parties long before there was a United States. The founding fathers studied the histories of those other countries in order not to repeat their mistakes. Apparently, those parties often degenerated into hostile gangs. And that might be why the mention of political parties is absent from our Constitution. Yet they arose anyway. We need to think in terms of individual people coming together regardless if what (if any) political party they belong to. We've done that with religious affiliations. Europeans still have some political parties which have names that include a particular religion.

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How you can compare anything that Biden did to what Trump has done is beyond me!

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How can one tell that trump is lying? His mouth is moving. SERIAL LIAR! I wouldn't put Biden in that category by a long shot. I think Biden simply changed his mind. Maybe he didn't realize it might come across as a lie; maybe he should have explained the change in his original thinking, etc etc etc. Totally different things. Waste to time to continue beating this dead horse. It is what it is. We need to move on and focus more on banding together to deal with the oncoming challenges.

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What needs to happen is a groundswell of resistance to Trump and the R’s in support of Democrats specific house races that are in the works to take back the house asap. Same for any senate races. The sooner the better. Then what needs to happen is 1) overturn Citizens United and make it no dark money, 2) Ban stock trading by Congress, 3) Constitutional Amendment to reverse Supreme court ruling that Presidents can commit any crimes they wants with full immunity as long as it involves something related to the job (what a crock!)—that must be reversed and made to never be allowed ever again! 4) pass an individual and corporate income tax bill at 75% Max tax rate on billionaires, and 50% on Multinational Corporations, 5) regulate social media heavily towards truth and facts, 5A) reign in AI with regulation 6) with a renewed sense of purpose, cccomplish the following: a) Reverse Climate Change by any and all means possible b) subsidise universal healthcare, c) higher education for Americans who volunteer regularly for the peace corp, community serve, civil conservation corp, etc., provide job training and placement in all types of work, etc. and 7) pass the vote intelligently act: Require continuing adult civics education as a prerequisite to vote.

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I like it Joseph! Add to your fine list expanding Media Options that verify facts, expand positive engagement, and support citizens to love being involved in something bigger than themselves - our common good. Cultivate a renaissance of the ideals and inspiration for character and for the great power of the ideals of democracy for both our country and for the future of the world. Substack and YouTube have many incredible voices that include Steve, Thom Hartmann, Timothy Snyder, Robert Reich, Heather Cox Richardson, Joyce Vance- and many more who are an inspiration and a beacon of hope. Let's embody the courage of people like Alexi Navalny, Maria Ressa and rise to this moment to ignite a powerful movement to lead the future towards the best in us - a movement that inspires honesty, decency, expands empathy, and fosters our love and faith in our human community and to promise our protection of the beautiful tapestry of life on earth.

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Well written. And a wonderful expression of a future waiting to be chosen. Gonna take commitment and stick-tuitive-ness, likely some rich road ahead.

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Broken IS the word of the day. Thank you , Steve.

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I can't say that i share your optimism about getting through this and rebuilding. It's all going away, it's been foreseen, it is happening now, and make no mistake it will result in complete annihilation of the status quo, and of vestiges of this beleaguered world order. What remains afterward will usher in a new dark age. There will be next to nothing left to rebuild from.

But the entire point of all of this is not to despair, but to resolve to resist and stand up and die for something we hold more dear than the comfort of our otherwise meaningless little lives. This is the one chance to stand up and be counted for something noble in the face of utter and complete treachery. If you've ever wondered about the meaning of life, well this is it. This is the meaning for you at this time. Roll over and submit to suffering for no reason, or stand up and be ready to suffer standing for something, however terrifying that may seem.

It ends the same either way. Will you suffer and die a meaningless little coward, or will you suffer and die standing for something good, with integrity, with dignity?

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"The ODI office isn’t closing because of corruption, like Trump is claiming in all caps on Truth Social. It’s likely closing for the same reason Walmart, Meta, McDonald’s, and others are reneging on DEI policy: Trump is back. Either they’re caving to Trump in advance, or they’re excited to go mask-off again with their everyday bigotry. 'I feel liberated,' one top banker told the Financial Times on Tuesday. 'We can say "retard" and "pussy" without the fear of getting cancelled.… It’s a new dawn.'”


It is no wonder we face all kinds of trouble when dismantling the Office of Diversity and Inclusion excites a top banker because he can once again call people retards and pussies, just like his hero Donald Trump.

This is a broken promise also, a failure to live up to our values, to judge people as individuals and not smear them with derogatory names for groups of people, including women, the fascists look down on and belittle.

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Today's NYT interview with Marc Andreessen is revealing. Apparently CEOs driven by the goal of being a `good person' are prepping for F-Jimmy Carter Day on Jan 20.

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The Supreme Court is another desecrated entity now. It will work in lockstep with Trump.

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There will be a draft, warrior ethos, what the fuck is that, what is hegpig talking about. To make us into sparta, stupid.

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Responding is superior to reacting.

“All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honour, duty, mercy, hope.

War is a game that is played with a smile.

If you can't smile, grin.

If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

— Winston Churchill

As for the Pam Bondi confirmation hearings:

“Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room.”

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This is why the midterm elections are so important. Trump will surely prove his ineptness and corruption. One of our biggest battles will though will be the right wing disinformation machine. It needs to be called out constantly in a big way or we may be swallowed up by the Billionaires takeover.

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Has anyone paid a price for breaking a promise! Anyone? Anyone?

Katherine Foster

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Nothing , nothing they do has any consequences, nothing they say means anything.

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