When the USS North Carolina was scheduled for the scrap heap, a young kid wrote a letter and started a drive to raise money to save it. Today it rests proudly in Wilmington, North Carolina — dedicated to the memory of 11,000 North Carolinians who gave their lives during World War 2. Some are buried in Normandy.

We resolve to do three things in tribute to this great ship and what it stands for:

1. Defeat a MAGA Holocaust Denier running for the Governor of North Carolina.

2. Defeat a MAGA Fascist running for President.

3. Defeat the MAGA-supported tyrants in the world who seek enslave humanity.

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John, tears came to my eyes reading your wonderful thoughts! Thanks.

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Right On, John -thanks! 👍👍🇺🇸

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The 2 Presidents maybe from different political parties but they are both patriots. Unlike Trump who thinks of himself first and only gives lip service to the country. Trump doesn't have a clue what it means to honor those who have given their lives in service to the country. He called those who served fools and losers. That does not honor veterans it is disgraceful. America is stronger when we stick by our allies and not abandon them. Trump admire Tyrants like Putin because he thinks that is strength. It is not strength, it is fear and true Americans do not give into fear, they overcome it and defeat fear.

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Sorry, Patrick, Trump is NO patriot! He should not be in the same sentence with Biden!

Trump takes as much as he can grab. He gives ZERO!

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I think he was referring to Biden and Reagan as patriots.

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Did consider President Biden!

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I never called Trump a patriot. I was referring to Presidents Reagan and Biden. Sorry for the confusion

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Patrick was referring to Reagan. The felon Trump begged out so he could have a good hair day.

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Did not consider Reagan.

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Steve, the downside of this celebration is the shear number of young Americans who cannot relate to the sacrifice these men and women made to assure they have the rights they take for granted today. I shed a tear when I saw those still alive after this mind-blowing assault spoke about it during their visit to the site. I am so proud!

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I never knew that Congress voted on the draft (was it a renewal?) to send troops to Europe and was passed by one vote! One vote saved the world! Think about that for a few minutes, incredible.

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Talk about elections having consequences!

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Biden is such a Statesman. He knows how to handle himself always when on the international scene.

Today was a fine example of the respect Biden has from leaders of the World. Every move is for our country and includes what Biden thinks of our place in the World! What a Patriot!

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The President was exceptional today. He both honored the sacrifice of 80 years ago and tied it to our present situation. The most important part of his remarks was:"Let us be worthy of their sacrifice." This should stick in our minds from now until Election Day.

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Your writing and speaking today and yesterday is some of your best. Moving, and of course, perfectly pointing to defeating evil in this world and especially in our own country it calls for our sacrifice, which is small compared to the sacrifices made by the soldiers of D-Day and WW II. Thank you, Steve.

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STEVE, I have been in tears all day, watching the President’s speech, watching the vets on television. My father tried many times to qualify for the armed services, but he was always rejected because of his asthma. I probably wouldn’t be here if he could qualify because he was a very quiet person, but he was a hero type – he would always defend everybody around him. He went into aircraft mechanics and taught young mechanics how to build & repair the planes.

Watching all this, thinking about it deeply, it comes to mind that Trump is TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED not only to occupy the White House but how can we possibly allow him security clearance?

? This man couldn’t qualify for a job that requires even low level security Clearance.

This point must be raised immediately to disqualify him from even running!

Never mind that he’s a white collar felon. He’s a rapist, a liar, and he Created and supported an INSURRECTION to overturn the peaceful transfer of power to the new president. installed top security government papers, as everyone has seen, stored in his bathroom! Seriously?

he I have not heard anybody say this, but isn’t this TREASON?

How can he possibly be allowed any kind of security clearance in our government? How can he be briefed on the most highly secret and controversial, vital information that only top level intelligence people can handle – and he’s hardly a man of even mid level intelligence! The man is completely ignorant and un educated.

I have not heard one person, not one journalist bring this up. This must be brought up and must be dealt with immediately. Trump must be Immediately disqualified for running for office! Any office. Even dog catcher!!!

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Thanks Steve, for a statement about what is wrong today and what was right about so long ago. This upcoming election won't be about party, it will be about what is right for America, our democracy, and the world we live in today, tomorrow, the next, the next, and so on down the road.

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I agree with all the above comments and then some. My worry is that many in the U.S. will pay scarce if any attention at all to Biden’s heartfelt and moving D-Day speech and are instead being saturated with the seemingly endless loop ad (appearing online and on network TV) about how terrible the economy is under Biden and how wonderfully Trump ran it when he was president. And I am dismayed to say that Trump’s ad though full of lies is targeted on a topic that worries many people. The Robert DeNiro narrated ad for Biden in contrast attacks Trump more as an unhinged individual which he certainly is but the ad does not address the economy at all. And I live in an important state, PA, where I see the Trump ad every five minutes it seems. Where are the attack dogs on the Democratic side?

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I honestly do not know what to make of polls. East Carolina University released a poll showing the MAGA Fascist leading by five points in North Carolina. Down ballot impacts would be horrendous. We’d end up with a Governor who thinks we were better off when women could not vote, and a QAnon Homeschooler running the State Public School System.

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Suckers and Losers. NEVER FORGET.

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Pure Powerful Excellence, Steve (and your team). We could SEE our veterans and President Biden in the full light of the highest aspirations of what it means to be an American. This is what we need!

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The speeches today and your comments are forceful reminders of the right and value of our vote.

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What a contrast! On one side there were brave soldiers, sailors and airmen fighting against a fascist regime. On the other side there is a coward, a convicted felon and wannabe fascist who knows nothing about history or the sacrifices these heroes made to preserve our form of government. And this orange menace thinks he deserves to be President again!

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Great post Steve, thanks.

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