Spent two days in DC with grandchildren. Most moving experience was the changing of the guard at tomb of the unknown soldier. The dome of the capital building is visible. I was struck by the juxtaposition of the orderly process of the changing of the guard. The precision, the solemnity the heart stirring reason for this ceremony when my mind’s eye saw flashes of Jan 6. The disgusting display of deliberately misinformed terrorists, dressed in all manor of costume, screaming, clawing, totally disrespecting the system we are trying to maintain.

We now are going to see 149 well dressed terrorists who should have known better, than to show any credence to the claims of “rigged election” be honored by taking an oath that they have already broken.

61 cases brought to various courts claiming election fraud, 61 cases reviewed and 60 cases thrown out of court, many from Republican judges.

The honor guard at the Tomb of the unknown soldier and all Americans were slapped in the face by the mob, which was brought to the capitol by a deranged minority president.

The new house majority has one agenda, revenge. One helluva goal. Shame on anyone who voted to elect these representatives and who voted for the Terrorist in Chief.

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Rave on Steve Schmidt, you are spot on with your writing. Many thanks for your insights.

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Hope Hicks, serial dater of abusive, married men. I don’t feel bad for an unethical woman who used her sex, or trafficked her own sexuality to get ahead in TrumpWorld. Not a role model. And if she is truly struggling to find employment? The hospitality industry always needs staff. I’ll bet she’s a top knotch Server.

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Could we the people bring a class action suit against those traitorous members that seeks to have them barred from office under the 14th Amendment. I certainly want to see them in the glare of brightly lit truth for the next two years. No day should go by that they aren’t questioned about their dereliction and nothing else.

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Chaos is the point, isn’t it? The Far Right hates the Federal Government and many of the representatives ran for office to destroy the Federal Government so they could return to the days of pre-Civil War/Jim Crow days. They will then be able to mistreat people in their states under the “States Rights” ideology.

Last night I was re-watching the series, “The Men Who Built America.” That series so succinctly describes the “Robber Barons” of the time. The comparison to the Billionaires and grifters of the ‘Gilded Age,” to billionaires and members of Congress today, is stunning. Blind ambition and ruthlessness is as old as time. It may be a new millennium but human ambition and ruthlessness never ends. Sadly, It just morphs to fit the times.

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Wow, Steve, you've hit another whopping home run here. These traitorous Republican congresspersons will only reveal how craven, corrupt and crazy they are over the next two years, starting on day one today.

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Ms. Hicks was profoundly concerned about her own employment prospects while Capitol Police were being beaten and assaulted. My heart goes out to her. /s

But she did get one thing nearly right - they didn't all just "look" like domestic terrorists; they actually were.

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We can either suffer this moment in dread or apply critical eyes of moral judgement with a commitment to the common good. The latter will make America better. The former is just lying down and taking the beating. Thank you for being one of the right voices at the right time, Steve. Helping people stand up and have their say in the world we all live in.

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Good morning For those not in DC the roads are a nightmare as new members and staff are trying to find their way to the Hill. First day on Campus x1000.

Steve, excellent article on what to expect. It is a nightmare and if it wasn’t for the national/international impact might be theater of the a absurd

Most interested in how successful this Congress will be with returning material already at Archives and how DOJ will address members swearing their oaths today with what they did on Jan 6 2021

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This is good, Steve. The only good thing to come out of this, as you stated, will be an awakening (my hope) by the American people. In the end it will destroy the current members of the Republican Party and change how many vote. It probably has to happen, although I wish we could avoid this disaster. We will be taught many lessons over the next couple of years, lessons we should have learned or never have forgotten, but I guess there are times when we must learn again. It seems to be a human characteristic.

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Thank you for your posts! I have been watching the documentary you recommended about John Adams! It is fantastic. I’m very interested in the Freemasons and how that may have affected the founding fathers. Do you have a recommendation for a good book in this regards? Thank you again for your thoughts and perspectives !

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Today maybe remembered as The Day of the Long Knives with backroom dealing and and back stabbing. You are absolutely correct in your assessments regarding timid Kevin being among tigress and tigers. They have been circling him for months salivating building their appetites. He knows he has already been beaten and is lookingfor an ally in thefaces of those about to consume him. He has no more cards to play and he will be devoured and remembered by history for the feckless, sniveling coward he truly is. They have taken his manhood and revealed it for the embarrassment it is. Too bad Kev, you were given an opportunity to do the right thing on January 6th and you chose poorly and sided with insurrectionists. There are no rewards for traitors, just punishment. Your crimes have been recorded and the world sees you for your true coward self.

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It is soon to be seven years that the United States has been living with the disaster of DJT. When do we ever recover from this nightmare, can we recover and still be a United States? I keep thinking about our young people and what we are handing over; A broken government filled with corruption, A planet that is on the edge of total collapse. It breaks my heart to watch this decline of a country that was the beacon of so many people wanting freedom and a better way of life.

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Once again your insight has captured the truth behind the current Republication thirst for power. It is frightening indeed ….

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We are all domestic terrorists now. What a line. I have a sick feeling that certain members of this congress would proudly wear a t-shirt emblazoned with those words.

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As Steve has observed before, culture determines politics. The civil war in the Republican Party today is a continuation of the civil war that never truly ended. To become a mature democracy, the US must thoroughly defeat the retro faction. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/why-the-us-is-not-headed-for-civil

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