Steve, as much as you might believe I disagree with you, because I sometimes do; we mostly agree.

I particularly liked your “police flag” newsletter. However, that said, you are a prolific and deft writer, and an accomplished historian. Perhaps a professorship awaits you at one of our most elite “woke” universities in the future...:)

However, should Trump win, I hope you have a plan B. I think you definitely made the “LIST!”

And although, many of us who also criticize Trump, and find him to be an egotistical, narcissistic, sociopathic scumbag; destroying our very fabric of democracy and institutions, it will take him a while to weed us out.

You and many others from democrats, RINO’s, to other undesirables, will suffer the brunt of his anger first. So there’s that!

That said, wishing all at The Warning, especially you and your family, a happy and wonderful Holiday season....:)

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Happy holidays, Robert! I so appreciate your contributions to our community.

We, together, will beat this man in 2024. If we don’t, I’ll be standing in front of a tank at whatever base he orders them to roll out of!


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Robert, I appreciate all your postings here. I always look forward to your response. The very best to you in 2024.

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Thank you Susan, and I you, as to responses. Have a wonderful holiday and best to you in 24’ as well. Although, you’re not getting rid of me that easily. Looking forward to more discussions next year...:)

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Thank you Steve for bringing us the Warning throughout the years. Merry Christmas to you and your family and many happy returns in the new year.

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Sometimes I feel like we’re all just preaching to the choir, but what choice do we have? Perhaps we’ll affect enough voters to pull off a democracy saving victory in 2024! Steve, your work is excellent!

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Thank you brother. We love you, respect you and appreciate all you do to keep us informed. And you’re right; we don’t always agree. In the old days friends, family, even strangers got together and debated the important topics of the day. Kinda like basketball where would go out there, push and stove, curse at each other, argue every action, then afterwards go for a beer and laugh about it. It ain’t like that anymore but we must stay in the fight. There’s no other option. You and others help us do that. Thank you for the ongoing history lesson. I learn something new from you everyday. Stay strong, you’re in the spot light, it ain’t easy.

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While all are brilliant, I especially liked America Needs a Vision. Thank you for your commitment and may your holidays be the best ever!

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This is a country in transition. It is a transition controlled by a vocal minority. It is their demands to the majority adhere to their petty whims. When they don’t get their way or are told they can’t do something, like a petulant child, they resort to name calling and threats of violence. They want to destroy not build.

Our mainstream media has simply echoed the nonsense rather than pushed back against it. The politicians that know better and that are in a position to know better, coward and whine but aren’t vigilant in their defense of our democracy.

So we enter 2024 on the edge of the abyss. Biden, like Hillary in 2016 are not the strongest candidates needed to fight back this tide of authoritarianism. Will the majority allow the minority to continue to rule this country? End the electoral college! End the filibuster! One person, one vote.

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Sorry for the grammatical mistakes. It was written in the heat of the moment and I didn’t what to reread it.

Happy Holidays

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Gerry Manning

Writes Gerry’s Substack

Steve, The homage you pay to the Lincoln Memorial, to all it represents, to the courage of one very mortal man who chose to persist in the face of withering opposition is inspiring. The ignorance, the venal ignorance of whoever chose to defile it stands as a reminder of the opposition Lincoln himself experienced during his life. They painted him with every ugly caricature they could. And he prevailed.

You ask how our Park Police missed this desecration as it was being carried out? I can only imagine that they were comfortably secure in the notion that the monuments were safe, were revered, were "sacred" to us, so much so that they would never be defiled.

Alas. They were wrong. Now they will have to be on heightened guard against similar acts against the symbols of our nation's pain and triumph over it.

To the point of the vandal(s):

The "Free Gaza" in blood red scrawlings, assumes that the USA can free Gaza, that the USA is engineering Israel's military ferocity, supporting the massive displacement of Gazans, and it is patently wrong and grossly ignorant.

One only has to look at the cartoonish Russian and Chinese propaganda on TicToK, X, and other on-line media to see how Joe Biden's role is painted.

The past two evenings, my wife and I watched "Hotel Europa" a PBS Masterpiece Theater production. Not only is it an historically accurate fiction of one hotel's struggle to remain viable during the French occupation of the Rhineland after WWI, but it also provides an intimate look at how Jews were singled out for "removal" by the growing popularity of the Brown Shirts and by an ascendent Hitler himself.

So, the vandalism of the Lincoln Memorial is symbolic of the same "populist" ignorance that has painted Jews as the cause of social inequity, of self-dealing, of stealing the wealth and opportunity of the downtrodden.

Thus, once again, it is the Jews who are responsible for the Gazan pain and suffering, not Hamas, not Iran, not Russia, or the surrounding Arab nations. No. To the people who paint the bloody defilement, it is the USA that defends Israel's right to exist, to nationhood, to peace and security amongst it neighbors, that is responsible for Gazan's plight.

Imagine what might happen to Israel if the USA did not stand by her? Who would come to her aid?

Yes, Netanyahu is a beastly man, a man driven by all manner of conflicting loyalties and ambition. He is not, in my view, a "friend to America." And he may well be held to stand trial in the World Court for committing atrocities during Israel's campaign to obliterate Hamas. He has cozied up to Putin. He has designs on oil and natural gas deposits off the Gazan coast. He has allowed illegal settlements to spread, ever encroaching further on the West Bank.untry He will be tried for corruption in his own country. But he commands Israel in a time of war for its survival.

Did he engineer this war?

We shall see, hopefully, what machinations took place amongst the various military and intelligence sources, allowing Israel to be so "unprepared" for the Hamas invasion horror. It is possible that a terrible truth may emerge, one in which Netanyahu's goal to destroy Hamas was in conflict with Israeli's safety. We shall see.

But to assume that the USA can abandon Israel is simply wrong.

However, just look at the effort the USA is making to constrain the Israeli war machine's "dumb" bomb campaign. We are doing what we can do to influence Netanyahu's command, to rein in his saturation destruction campaign. Yet we are all too aware that Hamas wants Gazans to die, to be starved of food and water, of safe havens, in order to further its own ends, those being the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews.

So, free Gaza? Sure. But free Gazans from the strangulation of Hamas and the manipulations of Iran.

Yes, that is something that, perhaps, Lincoln himself may have championed.

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This community is a blessing. Thank you. Best wishes for a season filled with love.

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Thank you Steve.

I read and listen to you everyday for the knowledge, insight and moral clarity you provide. All of this has been tremendously helpful to me, even when - or perhaps especially when - I disagree with you, which is seldom.

A blessed holiday season to you and yours.

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Steve, I can’t thank you enough for The Warning. I have learned so much and so many times what you have written has made me think and rethink. I truly do wait each morning for the “ding” that tells me your new edition has arrived. The very best to you and your family in the approaching New Year.

Also thanks to all who post on here. Just a wonderful experience.

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Hey Steve, Happiest of Holidays to you, your family, and adorable pups! I’m counting on your words of wisdom, truth, and straightforwardness to help me get thru this year. It going to be rough, but I’m here all the way thru this thing!

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Happy holidays and thank you for putting yourself out there everyday for the things you believe in. In a world where opinions are being influenced and managed by AI, it has been a great comfort to have a base where someone genuine is worrying for the real things that matter most. You have been a great champion and a rare honest one. Willing to fight and take the consequences. You would rather be safe than sorry later. May be there is hope but listening to you daily, I realize that we all have to do our parts.

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the best to you and yours Steve - we'll be back at it on January 2!!!

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Thank you for your essays and talks. I can always count on learning something new, either historical, current, or most importantly, about myself. When raise an issue for which I may not agree, I make myself understand why. I look in the mirror and see myself a little differently. Your writing ability is a tremendous gift. I look forward to The Warning 2024. Thank you for sharing.

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Steve. I appreciate your thoughtful approach and vast historical knowledge. Thank you and here's to a Happy New Year.

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Thank you Steve for all that you do. I have enjoyed reading all of your posts. I hope that you and your family will have a wonderful holiday and a very good new year.

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