With Tesla being overrun by protesters at dealerships, Donald Trump made sure to support Musk's company by making the White House into a Tesla showroom.
When I think of the caliber of people getting elected these days — in some Southern states there is not an elected Federal representative with a brain — it is an absolute horror.
Is it possible for T**** to debase the office of the presidency any further? Meme coins, cryptocurrency, T**** steaks, water, university, perfumes, sham charities, and now this: car sales on the White House drive. How much further can he go (I actually do NOT want to know the answer to that question).
https://gettrumpguitars.com (I think this is for real. It only cost an extra 10K for DJT to sign a guitar -which is probably a scam, too. But maybe he just signs these all day and sends stuff out on Xitter all night?) I know you didn't want to know...yet...guitars!🤪
While Trump and depraved Musk are desecrating the front lawn of the White House by filling it with Tesla's, in Ohio, Republicans are preparing to eviscerate their Universities and educational system not to mention their economy by passing a sweeping DEI bill called: S.B.1.
Students and faculties, across Ohio demonstrated against this bill before. Now it has been revived after being killed once. Discussions and statements were scheduled for this bill, intentionally over spring break, when the government knows students and instructors will be away.
This action is just the first of many yet to come for our schools where critical thinking, all
safe discourse among a diverse community of thinkers will not be allowed to gather, will not be allowed to be taught ideas or the power of thinking outside the box, and will not be welcome in any of the Ohio higher education systems.
This bill threatens the very idea of the right to free speech and the right to be certified in certain healthcare careers because of the licensing requirements of DEI standards.
This is JD Vance's state. A Red state that is going to eliminate any form of DEI in schools.
Eliminate any chance for these schools to be funded, endowed, or supported by anything that doesn't meet the bill's requirements for the stamping out of DEI by this state's Red politburo and the Project 2025 playbook.
Steve, I hope you will mention this. Every state's education system is in peril. And Ohio
is the canary in the coal mine right now. They need support and a rallying call.
We cannot give the emergency powers to Trump. No shape, form, or fashion. That is what President Paul Hindenburg gave to Hitler in 1933. That was the death knell of democracy in Germany. Fascism resulted. The CR must be shot down for that reason alone. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/dictatorship-is-choreographed?r=3m1bs
Whatever Trump sells goes bust. Remember Trump Steaks? Water and wine? In early 2016, when pressed to provide his tax returns, as presidential candidates have traditionally done, he showed empty file folders, and a pile of meat. The folders were purported to contain a clear view of his business acumen and tax history. Empty. And the steak business died, like every other great deal he had for the public, like Trump University. The meat business flopped. The huckster remains. He will sell no Teslas. His next ride will be in a paddy wagon.
Selling Cars on the White House Lawn like the smarmy Used Car Salesman he is!! Actually that's an insult to Used Car Salesmen. Just when I thought he couldn't go any lower. Un-f-ing-believable. WTG To Congresswoman Shaheen. Hope a few others get the message too. Lord what a clusterfu@#. The Washington Post is reporting that DOGE is planning on cutting off the phone system for Social Security. How insane is THAT?! No reply needed. 💔🇺🇸💙
I'm thinking that the two of them share a secret that will keep them intertwined for a long time. I don't mean to sound like an election denier, but I believe there's more than a non-zero chance that (F)elon may have had a hand in Chump's "victory."
I agree. It may not have been Elon -- or JUST Elon -- but there is something *very wrong* about the results of this election. And like you I'm reluctant to talk about what I really think is happening & what *did* happen -- because I wind up sounding like some Left-wing-nut version of QAnon. Nevertheless ...
Nice idea, but the election was close - check out those numbers. Trump "won' by about % of the vote. We can thank all of those people who sat on their asses and knew they couldn't vote for a BLACK, INDIAN WOMAN. Jesus no! They couldn't do that. So they chose the Nazi. This is what they voted for (as the saying goes)!
In general stupid clowns do stupid things and no harm done. In this case our stupid clowns, namely Trump and his ass kisser Musk—though it is uncertain who is the stinker and who is the stinkey—it is highly probable these stupid clowns will do more than harm, and our democracy and our lives, the lives of our children and grandchildren are in jeopardy.
Gee, do you think that Trump's sudden showmanship today hawking Tesla cars with the White House in the background as the official dealership of Tesla Cars had anything to do with the additional $100 million dollars that Musk donated today to Trump's campaign chest?
Although the people never elected Musk, a South African who only became an American citizen at the age of 31, I'm sure they understand that $300 million dollars in contributions to the President of the United States at least entitled him to take charge of dismantling our institutions, firing their employees, and insinuating himself in almost every crevice of our domestic and foreign policies.
After all, $300 million dollars is a lot of money.
They are hiding Elon from meeting the lawmakers to answer questions. During the meantime, according to the FT, “Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Accord risks undermining the global dominance of the dollar. That dominance is based not only on the safety and liquidity of US Treasuries, but also on the long-standing historic prudence of US economic policymaking and its support for a stable, rules-based global trading and financial system.
Mistreating our allies, breaking trade agreements, and undermining support for global institutions, as is now under way, will only encourage other countries to seek alternatives to the dollar. .. As the safest and most liquid asset in the world, US Treasury bonds are the bedrock of the global financial system — if they suddenly became less safe and less liquid, a financial panic akin to the Lehman Brothers and coronavirus meltdowns could ensue, taking the US and global economies down with it. The dollar might indeed fall, but not in a way that Trump would like.
All told, a Mar-a-Lago Accord would represent huge downside risk for approximately zero upside gain.“.
Looks like Trump along with Elon and Putin will not wait for something like Covid to crash the US economy, they are already taking down the bedrock of our country the economic might. Trump is no doubt in Putin’s camp. Rubles have been in ascendant at the expense of the dollars!
Remember when he said electric vehicles were full of shyite? Remember when he rolled back MPG ratings for vehicles? He did that so, or so he said, that American car makers can make competitive vehicles. Drill, baby drill.
Fast forward to Dumpster ( fire ) 2.0
In 2025 electric vehicles are the best! And Tesla is the best at making electric vehicles! Everyone should get one. But, don’t get a measles vaccine. Those are terrible. Just ask Texas.
Exactly how 49.1 percent of the country can’t see through this BS is beyond my poor little brains capacity. Have we lost our “ street smarts “ ? You know, when someone says, “ got change for a 20? Just give me three fives and two 10’s “ These folks wouldn’t know they are being suckered. “ Sure, here’s the three fives and two 10’s. Have a great day. "
Additionally, how’s about that Emoluments clause? The one that says the POTUS ( or any Federal official ) cannot promote a good, service or product from the pulpit of their office or station.
The interesting thing about the computer chip that operates a Tesla is it has a far greater intelligence than Tommy Tuberville and Nancy Mace.
Good laugh from your comment tooby toobville and macy daze parade of lameness good for a chuckle.
When I think of the caliber of people getting elected these days — in some Southern states there is not an elected Federal representative with a brain — it is an absolute horror.
President Reagan told the World that America was "the shining city on a hill". And the World believed him.
Trump shows the World that America is a shitty car lot filled with criminal, stupid, huckster turds. And the World believes him.
Is it possible for T**** to debase the office of the presidency any further? Meme coins, cryptocurrency, T**** steaks, water, university, perfumes, sham charities, and now this: car sales on the White House drive. How much further can he go (I actually do NOT want to know the answer to that question).
https://gettrumpguitars.com (I think this is for real. It only cost an extra 10K for DJT to sign a guitar -which is probably a scam, too. But maybe he just signs these all day and sends stuff out on Xitter all night?) I know you didn't want to know...yet...guitars!🤪
While Trump and depraved Musk are desecrating the front lawn of the White House by filling it with Tesla's, in Ohio, Republicans are preparing to eviscerate their Universities and educational system not to mention their economy by passing a sweeping DEI bill called: S.B.1.
Students and faculties, across Ohio demonstrated against this bill before. Now it has been revived after being killed once. Discussions and statements were scheduled for this bill, intentionally over spring break, when the government knows students and instructors will be away.
This action is just the first of many yet to come for our schools where critical thinking, all
safe discourse among a diverse community of thinkers will not be allowed to gather, will not be allowed to be taught ideas or the power of thinking outside the box, and will not be welcome in any of the Ohio higher education systems.
This bill threatens the very idea of the right to free speech and the right to be certified in certain healthcare careers because of the licensing requirements of DEI standards.
This is JD Vance's state. A Red state that is going to eliminate any form of DEI in schools.
Eliminate any chance for these schools to be funded, endowed, or supported by anything that doesn't meet the bill's requirements for the stamping out of DEI by this state's Red politburo and the Project 2025 playbook.
Steve, I hope you will mention this. Every state's education system is in peril. And Ohio
is the canary in the coal mine right now. They need support and a rallying call.
You said banned words, they are: ‘safe discourse among a diverse community of thinkers’ no longer allowed, so sorry.
We cannot give the emergency powers to Trump. No shape, form, or fashion. That is what President Paul Hindenburg gave to Hitler in 1933. That was the death knell of democracy in Germany. Fascism resulted. The CR must be shot down for that reason alone. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/dictatorship-is-choreographed?r=3m1bs
Leon can and will pay for it all inside dopey don’s dopey brain cell.
Whatever Trump sells goes bust. Remember Trump Steaks? Water and wine? In early 2016, when pressed to provide his tax returns, as presidential candidates have traditionally done, he showed empty file folders, and a pile of meat. The folders were purported to contain a clear view of his business acumen and tax history. Empty. And the steak business died, like every other great deal he had for the public, like Trump University. The meat business flopped. The huckster remains. He will sell no Teslas. His next ride will be in a paddy wagon.
Selling Cars on the White House Lawn like the smarmy Used Car Salesman he is!! Actually that's an insult to Used Car Salesmen. Just when I thought he couldn't go any lower. Un-f-ing-believable. WTG To Congresswoman Shaheen. Hope a few others get the message too. Lord what a clusterfu@#. The Washington Post is reporting that DOGE is planning on cutting off the phone system for Social Security. How insane is THAT?! No reply needed. 💔🇺🇸💙
🎯👍👍 "Lord what a clusterfu@#." 💔🇺🇸💙 Take best of care, Lisa!🤗
You too gf. You too!! ❤️👊❤️
When will Trump kick Elon out?
I'm thinking that the two of them share a secret that will keep them intertwined for a long time. I don't mean to sound like an election denier, but I believe there's more than a non-zero chance that (F)elon may have had a hand in Chump's "victory."
I agree. It may not have been Elon -- or JUST Elon -- but there is something *very wrong* about the results of this election. And like you I'm reluctant to talk about what I really think is happening & what *did* happen -- because I wind up sounding like some Left-wing-nut version of QAnon. Nevertheless ...
Nice idea, but the election was close - check out those numbers. Trump "won' by about % of the vote. We can thank all of those people who sat on their asses and knew they couldn't vote for a BLACK, INDIAN WOMAN. Jesus no! They couldn't do that. So they chose the Nazi. This is what they voted for (as the saying goes)!
Check out the work of Election Truth Alliance. https://electiontruthalliance.org/
Maybe when the battery in the Tesla runs out and strands him somewhere?
In general stupid clowns do stupid things and no harm done. In this case our stupid clowns, namely Trump and his ass kisser Musk—though it is uncertain who is the stinker and who is the stinkey—it is highly probable these stupid clowns will do more than harm, and our democracy and our lives, the lives of our children and grandchildren are in jeopardy.
Steve, I thought you would know that Elon Musk does not sell Nazimobiles. Elon Musk sells Swastikars!
Gee, do you think that Trump's sudden showmanship today hawking Tesla cars with the White House in the background as the official dealership of Tesla Cars had anything to do with the additional $100 million dollars that Musk donated today to Trump's campaign chest?
Although the people never elected Musk, a South African who only became an American citizen at the age of 31, I'm sure they understand that $300 million dollars in contributions to the President of the United States at least entitled him to take charge of dismantling our institutions, firing their employees, and insinuating himself in almost every crevice of our domestic and foreign policies.
After all, $300 million dollars is a lot of money.
Can a convicted felon be impeached?
You'd think. And not be elected to the Presidency in the first instance!!!
We are careening towards unmitigated disaster externally and internally. A second Trump presidency was inevitably going to end in a cataclysm.
They are hiding Elon from meeting the lawmakers to answer questions. During the meantime, according to the FT, “Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Accord risks undermining the global dominance of the dollar. That dominance is based not only on the safety and liquidity of US Treasuries, but also on the long-standing historic prudence of US economic policymaking and its support for a stable, rules-based global trading and financial system.
Mistreating our allies, breaking trade agreements, and undermining support for global institutions, as is now under way, will only encourage other countries to seek alternatives to the dollar. .. As the safest and most liquid asset in the world, US Treasury bonds are the bedrock of the global financial system — if they suddenly became less safe and less liquid, a financial panic akin to the Lehman Brothers and coronavirus meltdowns could ensue, taking the US and global economies down with it. The dollar might indeed fall, but not in a way that Trump would like.
All told, a Mar-a-Lago Accord would represent huge downside risk for approximately zero upside gain.“.
Looks like Trump along with Elon and Putin will not wait for something like Covid to crash the US economy, they are already taking down the bedrock of our country the economic might. Trump is no doubt in Putin’s camp. Rubles have been in ascendant at the expense of the dollars!
Anyone remember Dumpster ( fire ) 1.0?
Remember when he said electric vehicles were full of shyite? Remember when he rolled back MPG ratings for vehicles? He did that so, or so he said, that American car makers can make competitive vehicles. Drill, baby drill.
Fast forward to Dumpster ( fire ) 2.0
In 2025 electric vehicles are the best! And Tesla is the best at making electric vehicles! Everyone should get one. But, don’t get a measles vaccine. Those are terrible. Just ask Texas.
Exactly how 49.1 percent of the country can’t see through this BS is beyond my poor little brains capacity. Have we lost our “ street smarts “ ? You know, when someone says, “ got change for a 20? Just give me three fives and two 10’s “ These folks wouldn’t know they are being suckered. “ Sure, here’s the three fives and two 10’s. Have a great day. "
Additionally, how’s about that Emoluments clause? The one that says the POTUS ( or any Federal official ) cannot promote a good, service or product from the pulpit of their office or station.