First glad the trip is going well. Second so much to select from the Teddy Roosevelt speech. Call to citizenship, call to honest work, call to responsibility and the note on older democracies becoming plutocracies. Ouch.

Glad you mentioned his son and D- Day. Also how TR met so many Civil War veterans. Their memory of a divided country was still real. The Civil War veterans knew you could rebuild a broken nation. We have work ahead. Honest hard work our duty and responsibility. Best be at it.

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Steve always gives us a historical lens. Once upon a time our leaders lifted us up with intelligent aspirational speeches. We’ve never lived up to the American ideal but they helped define our narrative with a hope to be better. Visionaries with the values of goodness and charity, that we could look up to. How far we have fallen.

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We can go back to the visionaries and wanting us to be a better country. I look at this as a test to see if we really want to follow the vision seen by the Founders, or the other path shown by MAGA and other authoritarian regimes. It's up to all of us to redefine the vision of what we want the USA to be. Lincoln did it in the 2nd Inaugural. FDR did it with the Four Freedoms. Kennedy did it with Ask not, and Reagan (as as a life-long D it pains me to say this) did it with Morning in America. What narrative, what speech will move us out of the current darkness.

I think it will need to be a recasting of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, or as a thought, MLK's I Have a Dream. Not sure who, but it will be soon.

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Very well said!

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"Of course we need the right law; we need even more the honest and fearless enforcement of the law, enforcement in a spirit of absolute fairplay to all men, showing favoritism to none, doing justice to each.".... mic drop

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Agreed! Unfortunately, “honest and fearless” enforcement of the law is an oxymoron today. Consider the types of laws being passed in most of the former confederate states. My state of Florida alone has passed numerous draconian laws, including immigration, abortion, education and the removal of democratically elected District Attorneys. In these cases, I’d welcome no enforcement.

In Georgia, they just passed law allowing the state legislature to remove DA’s they deem not enforcing the law to their “standards.” Right now, Fanni Wiiis is on the chopping block for doing her job; however, according to the “right-wing” imbeciles in the GA legislature, she’s prosecuting an innocent man, and innocent co-conspirators. Go figure!

Perhaps we don’t just need honestness and fearlessness in executing and enforcing of the law; we need honest and fearless individuals to stand up to the demagogues who continually use their power and the law, to suppress honest Individuals trying to actually do their job; executing the law without prejudice.!...:)

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It is frightening to see this happening so quickly …with no pushback anywhere. Florida is indeed “Paradise Lost”.

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Well said...:)

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I thought I was a student of American history. I had never read that speech by TR. No wonder he is on Mt. Rushmore! That was a moving and eloquent exposition of why we have survived where so many other republics have failed. Character, courage and common sense. Beautifully put by TR.

Right now, we are seeing the absence of all 3 qualities in way too many of our leaders and our people. As much as I blame Fox News, et al., and Donald J. Trump for our current poisonous, hateful and yes, unAmerican climate, I blame our other “leaders” like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham even more. Demonizing fellow Americans and turning a total blind eye to the individual and collective moral, spiritual and political depravity of Trump and his cult followers, is a tragedy for our country and the world. History will judge them harshly, and it should. I just pray we still have that republic when those history books are written. If we do not, such leaders bear much of the responsibility.

“To whom much is given, much is required.” Luke 12:48. I blame the cult members for sure, but I blame the cult leaders and enablers so much more.

Steve, you are a treasure!

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I agree with everything you say. The Cult will not allow actual History books to be available. It all seems very overwhelming. Canada will be overrun with us.

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Glad to hear the trip is going well Steve. There are good people up there. I’m happy you’re getting to know some of them.

This TR quote gave me a laugh. Thanks for it.

“I do not care how brave a man is and how decent he is, if he is a natural born fool you can do very little with him.”

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Thank you for this brilliant commentary, again, the way to start my day.

You will find the Upper Peninsula (yes, we capitalize it, and commonly refer to it as the UP) a breathtakingly beautiful place filled with kind people. My daughter lives in and loves the wonderful city of Marquette on the southern shore of the glorious, unforgiving in her temperature and depth, temptress, Lake Superior.

Every few years, for as long as my 66 years can remember, the UP politics talks of secession from the lower mitten. It dies down only because the UP depends on the Lower Peninsula for just about everything. We still love them.

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And as an aside, the folks "north of The Bridge" are known as Yoopers, and they call us downstaters "Trolls" because we are "under The Bridge."

Also try a few pasties if you can, and let us Michiganders if you like gravy or ketchup.

Enjoy this journey. It is an amazing opportunity with to share with your son.

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I was there, in person, to hear Ken Burns speak at the Emily Dickinson Museum when he won their 'Tell It Slant Award.' When he said these words, I got chills which have NOT left me to this day: "Everything that happened in this country from the Revolution led up to the Civil War, and everything since has been a consequence of that War."

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A tiny window into the hearts of Ken Burns and Steve Schmidt together is undoubtedly one of the most illuminating concise moments yet here. It argues that there are no others but us to change or uphold what we deem our most precious American political legacy. And that those suffered the most who never held the seats of power should know and should act to tip the center of democracy back to the center of gravity.

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Thanks, May!

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Glad that the bonding experience is so amazing--in the end, THAT is what life is truly about.

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This mornings podcast is chilling in its veracity.

This beautiful concept of freedom is being stretched too thin.

And as regards the Republican Party’s mind numbing lack of leadership and awareness of reality , its astounding.

But , as was mentioned, unfortunately, it seems that these last six years are a study in fascism and how it emanates from tyrants , aided by a foreign power.

In this case, to be warned about Donald Trumps severe mental defects, we only had to recognize his manipulative mentor, Vladimir Putin.

But those that knew this covered it up.

Facebook knew it but did nothing to stop it.

Those members of Congress who , not only did nothing to stop it , but aided and abetted it, have not been held accountable.

Many ‘civilians’ have been held accountable, but not the people we elected and trusted to do so .

This is a failing .

We continually hear ‘no one is above the law’.

But not the legislators who continue to abuse their office.

And they abuse the people who elected them.

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That was excellent, and thank you so much for that interview with Ken Burns. What a blessing that guy is. We need more people like both of you in order for our country to get through this mess.

Enjoy the rest of your trip!

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Thanks, Ben!

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Thank you for sharing TR important words. All of us need to reread or rehear these words on citizenship in democracy. Can’t thank you enough for the education you provide me as I’m in my 70’s trying to learn what I was not allowed to learn. Not that I was restricted but rural upbringing kept lots from our view.

I hope your son treasures this time with you--it’s so wonderful and meaningful. Enjoy, stay safe and keep speaking for Americans.✊🏼

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Ken Burns comment "blind adherence to personality" is the genesis of what we are witnessing and experiencing in America. Adherence is blind loyalty in exchage for gain/profit.

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As usual, your writings, and the words of others that you post, keep giving me chills. Thanks for these gorgeous photos, and the history that is a tribute to the places and persons they represent.

I wish all parents were able to take their children on such trips, and have the ability to teach them the history of their heritage. We'd be a much stronger country if we open all eyes to the vast and beautiful place it is...and the good people who live here, everywhere, far away from one's own home.

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Railroad Park Resort is a family favorite. We have lots of good memories stopping there on the way to Oregon from our home in the Bay Area. I'm glad you were able to experience the hospitality and natural beauty of the area!

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Brilliant and thought provoking, as always..

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I hope you have a wonderful trip with your son. You and your son will always treasure this time you have together at the beginning of another school year, on a road trip, immersing yourselves in the beauty of this beautiful country. My daughter lived in Hampton NH for a year and, if you pass through, have a lobster roll at the Beach Plum, and some ice cream at the farm stand. Thank you for your commentary. Of course you will be recognized widely as you travel across the US.

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