Did anyone expect anything different from the world's biggest moron.

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I did expect better from an entire party -the GOP, and the MSM. TFG should be in jail by now.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 18

Speaking of MAGA violence and depravity, MSNBC just reported what appears to be the first death directly caused by Donald Trump and every fellow Republican Christo-fascist theocrat who has helped to impose forced-birth on American women. The tragic victim is a 28 year-old Georgia woman named Amber Thurman who sought emergency OB/GYN-related medical care resulting from urgent pregnancy complications that led to deadly sepsis because medical staff at a Georgia hospital were apparently immobilized in saving her life by fear of prosecution under that state’s anti-abortion laws. Trump, the man who brags about having overturned Roe, along with Vance, six Supreme Court justices and scores of other Republicans who made this death inevitable have American blood all over their hands.

As Trump said in an interview when asked about legally prosecuting women for seeking and obtaining abortions, “There must be some sort of punishment.” True indeed, starting with the prosecution of Trump, Vance and the six Supreme Court Justices, et al for murder by overthrowing the basic human right of a woman to control her own body and get the appropriate medical care she needs to secure her own well-being and -- as it now turns out -- her survival.

While Trump appears to have a growing death wish, this violent, psychopathic monster has stolen this woman’s and millions of others’ right to life.

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The anti-women's healthcare is only political to Trump. He only cares about himself. What a tragedy for this innocent woman in Georgia. We must fight hard to beat those who exploit us.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Yes, Lisa, but Amber Thurman's death should be a tragedy and an outrage for all Americans who value both personal autonomy and collective freedom. We are all in this together and need to forge a sustainable solidarity often found in Europe and some other places. Trump, greatly aided by the complicity of George W. Bush who put Alito onto SCOTUS, has now killed a 28 year-old American woman by way of placing three more extremist Christian theocrats on the Supreme Court. Her blood is on all of their hands, and they must pay a hefty legal price for their inhumane depravity.

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I 1000% Agree.

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Thanks for sharing this story. It is a tragedy.

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We can say in all honesty that Trump is a convicted felon, rapist, tax cheat and attempted to destroy our Democracy. These are not insults or smears . They are facts.

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I stopped by a garage mechanic just an hour ago and the lobby radio was tuned to a Right-Wing Liar format radio station. I was captive to the conversation between the host (don't know whom) and a female guest spewing psychobabble about the dangers of violent leftist rhetoric. True Bizarro World stuff. I often wonder if these folks believe their own nonsense.

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They do.

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If about half of the Americans and the media don't wake up now, they will wake up in Hell.

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Unfortunately, Lisa, about half of America only hears or sees right-wing propaganda and that's particularly true if they're simply passive news consumers.

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Don’t get sucked into violence, let the military make quick work of them.

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No matter how much I would like to see people who commit violent crimes and crimes against the US held accountable, nobody should wish for the US military to be used on US citizens, except possibly to stop and insurrection. But your point about not taking the law into our own hands is well taken.

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deletedSep 18·edited Sep 18
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Technically, an insurrection is a violent uprising against the government. Your point is well taken that this is a kind of slow rolling insurrection following J6, which was an insurrection by any definition. But the precedent of having the US military taking action against US citizens in any circumstance other than an insurrection is extremely dangerous. It’s unconstitutional. And it sets the stage for a dictatorship, exactly the thing we are trying to avoid. We cannot depend on having a benevolent commander in chief who believes in the constitution wielding this power. If Biden can do it, so could Trump if he became president again.

As an aside, I’m sure many people wish the National Guard had been deployed sooner on Jan 6. It was justified in that case. But I recall when Seattle and Portland were dealing with riots, Trump wanted to send the military, even though the governors of Washington and Oregon very specifically did not want the military involved in quelling the violence. There is a reason we have states' rights.

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If not an 'insurrection', it is the ongoing MAGA-Coup. They are anti-Democracy.

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I’m so fucking sick of this daily rancidity. We have been doing this for NINE YEARS. Listening to this fascist bullshit and watching our “leaders”, one after the other, sink to their knees in front of Donald Trump.

In that hideous interview with Dana Bash and JD Vance (R Eyeliner), he talked down to her, cut her off, argued with her, and was toxic and condescending. It was nauseating. She should have muted his mic and terminated the interview when he really got going.

I am stunned that we are suffering from this putrid national sickness. And that there is an outstanding chance that we could point the gun and pull the trigger and elect Donald TRUMP again. National suicide. What an apt term, Steve.

What in the fine fuck has happened to the United States of America? What has happened to large swaths of the media? What has happened to the Republican Party??

I’m heartbroken. And you can’t talk to these Trumpers. They are vile and hateful and scary. And our neighbors and members of the community. People here in northern Arizona put up a Harris/Walz sign and within 24 hours, it’s been ripped up and destroyed. They’re intimidated and anxious.

I can’t even with what we have allowed to happen to us. All in the service of Donald Trump.

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Good questions. I ask these questions all the time. Why would people, for instance, elect a man Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina after he said:

1. School shooting survivors who speak out are “little bastards.”

2. Women who don’t keep their skirts down are to blame for abortion.

3. We were a better country when women could not vote.

4. If you disagree with me, you might need killing.

But a lot of morons here, including the women he criticized, voted for him. I don’t get it and I never will.

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We've been shown to be a nation sorely lacking critical thinking skills and therefore easy prey for cult leaders. Almost every presidential candidate has promised to increase spending for public education and educational reform, but it never quite gets off the ground. How do we change to a society that values a solid education and a return to reason, logic and common sense?

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Exactly. Education is Core to a high-functioning Democracy. I worked in the public schools in Montana and taught creative problem solving and critical thinking skills as a priority. Our programs were understaffed and underfunded. It was eye-opening...

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Also, I think a lot of people who will be voting MAGA don’t think there is any harm to the country from doing so. When you look at the state of people’s well-being financially — I think 40 percent of the country has $400 in savings — it becomes more explainable to some degree.

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I left out education and the economy -many factors. Puzzling to me, still.

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The trajectory we’re on is downward and it is virtually impossible to change that quickly enough to avoid societal damage.

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The fake news, calls to violence, non-stop insanity, lies, desensitization, the MSM, etc. A generation is being raised in this insanity. Can it ever be cured?

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Exactly. We have fallen down a deep, sick, Donald Trump hole, and I didn’t think this great country full of Americans would succumb to this shitshow.

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There is the cult-factor, ignorance, arrogance, willfulness,"Christian"Nationalism and sheer Stupidity. Desensitization. Technology. And is this partly human nature? Do we just love the bloody Colosseum, too? We need answers and solutions. Thanks.

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You speak for so many. Thank you!

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A look at just some of the people Trump has threatened with violence, and in many cases successfully incited violence against.

Non-violent protesters, Asian people at the start of the pandemic, immigrants, black and brown people in general, Jews (even though is daughter and grandchildren are Jewish), Palestinians, members of congress and their family members, law enforcement officers who protected members of congress, people working for the FBI, judges, prosecutors, jurists, journalists and their family members, his own vice president, poll workers, election officials. The tens of thousands of people who died unnecessarily from Covid because Trump would not implement the game plan for managing a pandemic the Obama administration left them or even warn that it was dangerous. All the Ukrainians who died unnecessarily while Republicans held up military aid, the people of Springfield who have shut down schools, government buildings, hospitals and media outlets. All the people who died in mass shotting because Republicans don’t want gun safety laws of any kind.

Do not forget all the women who died and will die or were harmed because they didn’t get needed reproductive healthcare. All the women who will not be able to get out of abusive relationships because some Republican lawmakers want to get rid of no-fault divorce because it’s unfair to men.

For those keeping score at home, democrats are not advocating assassination or violence of any kind. They are not calling in bomb threats, making up stories about immigrants, threatening to overthrow the government if Trump wins. None of it.

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Wickedly brilliant and dispositive comment, Christa!

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Again, and there are literally dozens of examples of this, every accusation is a confession. They fucking embrace, imply, and encourage violence and then when some whack job has intentions of committing an act of violence, it's the D's fault. TFG states "what the hell is wrong with this country?", (pointing at Harris in the debate) "they are ruining this country". Wants to shoot legal protesters, tribunals and imprisonment for political opponents, wants to execute Milley. TFG and Vance personify everything that a fascist is defined and categorized by, but saying that is "violent political rhetoric". I loathe the audacity, hypocrisy, and ease with which these POSs and their acolytes and sycophants so boldly and brazenly lie. Those effers in the 10 minute part of the video just spew BS and are smug about it.

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Beautiful piece of work Steve.....I wish we could see this message coming from the MSM

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Thank God for you Steve ....they have PhD's in gaslighting ... It is beyond frustrating .. It's completely insane.. And CNN let Congressman Donalds of Naples Florida go on and on how it's the democrats that are causing all the violence ... One positive thing I read ... Don Lemon wrote a response to Trump blaming the dems for the assassination attempt last night and it was excellent. I see these maga people down here in South Florida with the trump flag hanging off there cars and I want to scream ... How do they not see what Trump and Vance are doing?

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Why is not one GOP member speaking out against Trump? I don't get it

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So far only three Congress members. But hundreds of past staffers of the administrations of Trump, Bush, McCain, Reagan have come out against him. The rats will have to jump ship eventually.

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Job security and survival within the party. Those not interested in working in his 2nd term should he win are the only ones speaking out. Those not so affected have very clearly spoken out.

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When a Repugnican speaks, whether it’s Dolt 45 or one of his despicable elected supporters, you know the diametric opposite is true.

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To call Trump a fascist is to take it easy on him. He has crossed the line into Nazism.

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The guy in my neighborhood who has been flying the American Flag upside down since Memorial Day continues to fly it upside down. As he likes to tell us, the flag stays upside down until Donald J. Trump is our next President. He has his fans here.

“Never under estimate the power of stupid people in a large group.”

— George Carlin

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Perfect quote for our times. If only George Carlin were here today.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

“Let us pray for Donald Trump, that he may live a long life, free from the violence that he stoked and incited.”

Nice sarcasm, Steve! Wait. Was it?

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Pure Powerful Excellence, Steve! Way to hit hard! We have to HIT HARD 24/7 to persevere. Best!

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