Unfortunately, there will always be an audience for Tucker Carlson and FOX style "journalism". The MAGA crowd needs their state of perpetual victimhood fed regularly, otherwise they would have to take responsibility for the choices they made that resulted in their miserable lives. They NEED conspiracy. They NEED replacement theory. They NEED to blame someone else.

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Well, Biden announced he was running today so I’m guessing he feels up to it physically & mentally.

Let’s all go to JoeBiden.com and blow everyone’s mind making this the largest campaign donation on opening day in history.

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Very important to understand that he is gone like o’Reilly and Ailes but the Murdoch Fox machine is unrepentant. Nothing has changed. This is not much more than schadenfreud

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He's gone, that's what matters! Not interested in learning more about him or his agenda.


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Normally I want to listen to or read every word you publish but, unless you are you going to be telling me he has been exiled to a remote island in the middle of the ocean completely isolated from the rest of the world, I’m not interested. Sorry...

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Is it possible that he will run as Trump's running mate?

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