Wow! Thanks Steve, I did not know any of this; although, I agree Comey broke the DOJ’s own rules by denigrating Hillary, and announcing that while legally, she didn’t break the law, she was unethical in her actions; delivering the news within 90 days of an election.

I always thought that it was the FBI’s close relationship with Rudi in the NY field office that was the culprit; they wanted Hillary investigated as a favor to Rudi or they would revolt against headquarters created a rift within the FBI.

Now all my worst fears are confirmed. What’s worse is the fact that the media never vets these people, but always holds them in high regard.

We saw this when Rumseld and Cheney signed on to Bush’s team. The media claimed they were two moderate conservatives with decades of foreign policy and government service under their belt, and exceptional public servants.

We learned the hard way that they were actually neo-cons with an imperialist agenda. Bottom line: How’d that work out for America?

We were told the same about Barr, Kelly, Pence, etc......only to find out later, they were fanatical “yes”men and women who would continually justify the indefensible, for their anointed one.

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Comey should go down in history as someone whose actions obviated DOJ and FBI policy and procedures and, in so doing, submarined Clinton's 2016 election chances. He either lacked critical thinking and decision making skills or what he did was absolutely intentional. Either way, proves he definitely never should have been the FBI Director.

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I think it was both

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Never believed that James Comey was to be trusted......think he has lied throughout whenever interviewed....another ambiguous person that spoke from two sides of his mouth!

Never trusted him in how he presented himself to others...He may have not liked the ex-pres., but in him lies an anti-democratic person that finished the possibility of the Dems maintaining normality for our country!!! Deceitful in his own right, not far off from the ex-pres.......

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I’m sure the Vanity Fair article is a fascinating bit of recent history and important reporting. But given the Colorado Supreme Court ruling early last evening perhaps it could have been saved for another day. Amendment 14, section 3, vs. Donald Trump (via the Colorado Supreme Court) is pretty big news and deserves at least a breaking news mention.

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Although I agree with your sentiment, there is no way the Fascist Court will deny him his right to run for office. They’ll justify it on the same basis they handed the presidency to Dubya in 2000: The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment in the U.S. Constitution.

And the old conservative court, even without a 6-3 majority (5-4 in 2000), ruled under Scalia’s twisted logic that, "irreparable harm" could befall Bush, as the recounts would cast "a needless and unjustified cloud" over Bush's legitimacy.”

As though, counting every legitimate vote would actually cast a “cloud” over Bush’s legitimacy? So instead, we just hand the presidency to a person who may or may not be legitimate; as to not hurt Bush’s feelings since he thinks he’s president. Not to mention, the irony in finding a constitutional way, to actually justify an unconstitutional action in the process.

In the end, tens of thousands of legitimate votes were never counted as per the constitution requireds. And to add insult to injury, the per curiam opinion limited its holding to the case of Bush V Gore. Shocker, it’s not even a precedent setting case. Imagine a case that set a new precedent, but in its ruling, the court says it isn’t?

So don’t expect this new and improved SCOTUS to rule any differently. The new fascists are just as bad as the existing one’s, and that court just made it up as they went along. Originalism my ass! The only thing original when it comes to Alito, Thomas and the rest of the judicial clown car is there is t even one original thought in their obtuse minds!

However, what worries me the most is that this case will galvanize his base further; even winning him new supporters and many of those who were sitting on the fence.

Trump will milk every drop of “victimhood” imaginable, and his right-wing media ecosystem and cadre of evil geniuses, morally bankrupt political consultants and demonic politicians, will continue to disseminate falsehoods and lies; spinning Trump’s crimes and turning him into a modern day saint.

And when SCOTUS allows him to run for President, he will claim total exoneration, innocence and vindication; proving he was innocent all along, and it’s the democrats and the deep state that are trying to silence him and stop him from being president because he represents the people; not the global elitists and Jewish cabal that control the media.

Bottom line: this will only help him down the road. This is the prefect definition of a Pyrrhic victory, and it might just propel him into the Whitehouse.

Just some thoughts...:)

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Your history lesson,Trump and SCOTUS righteous bashing are all worthy. But this case has to reach the Supreme Court regardless of who sits on that court. Our Constitution requires this to happen. And no matter how they rule, and like you I’m not hopeful, we need the final answer to.....Does our the document of foundational laws have any meaning or relevance to these people. It’s a reckoning. As for MAGA, their grievances are fluid and will flow with Trump no matter what. That’s no excuse for not following the law. This all needs to come to a head, come hell or high water. Lastly, I was 50 in 2000, a Florida resident, and livid over that ruling. It still angers me.

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I agree, I just hope it doesn’t have the opposite effect of its intent; bringing an insurrectionist into the Whitehouse...:)

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If he hasn't been convicted yet, I doubt SCOTUS will rule Trump can't run in a primary. It's a perfect opportunity to punt.

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We should not close our minds to thoughts...

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They may be thoughts, but they’re based on past rulings of this court, before they jumped in the abyss. My point; this ruling could backfire miraculously.

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Ok, it is more than thoughts. We both agree that Trump will turn whatever the decision is into a win for himself. He will either be “vindicated” or he will be a martyr.. he is a nuclear power in his own right.

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Well said...:)

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Yes, although there is the possibility DJT may devolve into further desperate discombobulated rantings which expose his insanity.

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I'm not so sure. Courts are largely irrevalent in a dictatorship, and I don't see SCOTUS as willing to relinquish power.

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Courts are irrelevant in a dictatorship - but this Supreme Court doesn’t make much cover about the fact that several of it’s members are already being “supported” by friendly billionaires. So this particular Supreme Court might figure that most of its members would be safe in that upcoming dictatorship. What These people forget or don’t understand is that someone with Trump’s personality is like a spider that eats it’s young. When anyone is no longer of use.......

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You could be right, but we’ll have to wait and see. I don’t trust this court at all.

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When you want spellcheck to work, where is it? :-/

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I agree. They are smart enough (ow, that hurts) to see their future in a dictatorship. They will be tripping over each other to remain useful. And, if they aren't they will be replaced.

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That decision was horrifying. I could never understand their demand to stop counting votes.

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Point taken, but as background, I had a very early morning flight yesterday, so had written this piece for publication before the Colorado Supreme Court ruling came out.

I’m leaving it to legal experts to assess its viability in front of SCOTUS, but you obviously know what I hope they will decide 😊.


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I never knew any of this. But for a year every time I opened my kindle ray dalios stupid book cover was on it. He having paid whatever mini fortune it requires to get Amazon to do that.

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I agree. I knew this as it was going down and tried to warn people about the fact that this was all misinformation-- that everything she was accused of doing she did not do. But yet they overlooked the biggest atrocities committed by Trump and voted for him anyway. I wasted my breath I guess.

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Dear God, it just never ends.

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This why Steve is required reading for me.

Thank you.

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Thanks, Max!

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Thank you, Steve, for this "exposè". I have shared with friends my anger and outrage over Comey. He all but gave the election to Trump. One must wonder who is working in the shadows to put Trump back into the White House. The exceptionally well-heeled and well-positioned are poised to turn our constitutional democracy inside out. The failures of true leadership are astounding at multiple levels and layers

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Interesting about Jim Comey. I thought he was a straight arrow. Always wondered about the Hillary Clinton because it could have been accomplished without announcing it to the world. Yes, Hillary had it and would have been a better president than Trump just because she wasn’t Trump. So, the fix was in? That’s scary.

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Just bc she wasn't Trump? America would be so far ahead in the world if she had been elected you can't even imagine. Men & Republican women can't stand the thought of an intelligent "liberal" woman as POTUS. Their portrayal of Hillary was ridiculous. Don't forget Putin didn't want her in & he did everything he could to stop her. Hence: Russian interference in 2016 election.

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Thanks for the James Coney story. His deposition is what poisoned the Electoral College judgement - perfect timing. I wondered how Hillary could have lost so badly while winning the popular vote so handily. True evil at play here.

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Comey was a product of laziness in the vetting process. You can blame Comey for Hillary’s loss. That gem goes directly to the Democrats for running Hillary in the first place. Hillary, although absolutely qualified to be a good president, was a lousy choice. The 2016 race should never have been close. A candidate with any personality would have easily beaten Trump. Even Trump did not expect to win. He ran for the free publicity.

I personally believe, I have no proof of it, that Hillary was the preordained candidate as part of a bargain with the Democratic Party. She agreed to drop out of the running against Obama for the nomination if she was guaranteed the nomination in 2016. That’s another reason they sabotaged Bernie Sanders campaign.

Comey was the product of a lazy administration, a lame duck , that also sat back and allowed Putin to take Crimea without a shot, whetting his appetite for Ukraine. I’m a Republican of the old school that sees Trump and the party as the mentally ill being allowed to control the narrative because, again the Democrats are too lazy to fight back.

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I’m sorry but Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and lost by about 11,000 in each of three states (I may be wrong on my numbers but it was close). We had Clinton as a candidate because she won the most delegates, the same way trump became the Republican candidate. Clinton had garbage thrown at her from the time Bill was the governor of Arkansas and Republicans could see her intelligence, work ethic, background, and competitiveness that she could go places politically. They pilloried her for 30 years. She has done good things for our nation even though the good old boy network worked very hard to bring her down. She wasn’t a charismatic speaker because she was too guarded (I can’t imagine why). She is also a policy wonk with data which doesn’t always translate to feelings. The times she spoke freely Democrats were very receptive to her. Some day I would like to truly know if the three states she lost which were also states Bannon was giving polling data to Russia was about more than Clinton not going to those states in the last weekend of the campaign. That never sat right with me. Especially since trump kept referring to that just before voting began. My sister says that’s too far out. Probably, but we got Trump and who would ever think the United States would have such a putrid person for a president as him? The last thing, the media covered Trump like a glove but when they spoke about Hillary Clinton it was always on the subjects that Republicans had ginned up in the past to take her down. Especially those dang emails. She wasn’t perfect because nobody is but she was “perfecter” than Trump by a million miles. But she wasn’t elected and Donald was. I’m quarterbacking it so I’ll stop.

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Good question, but maybe you are thinking of Paul Manafort giving targeted polling data to Russian operatives? - Those actions were documented in both the Mueller report and also the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's report, as I recall -- "Some day I would like to truly know if the three states she lost which were also states Bannon was giving polling data to Russia was about more than Clinton not going to those states in the last weekend of the campaign. That never sat right with me"

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Thank you, John. I debated between the two men and got it wrong.

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No worries!

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Hillary was preordained by the voters. I was pissed when Oprah threw her support behind Obama. It took Hillary convincing her supporters to vote for Obama.

She deserved to be the next POTUS. I wanted a #two-fer. Bill Clinton was the only president that balanced the damn budget. Also She made a damn good SOS. One of the best this country ever had cleaning up the mess W left behind.

Jack smith is living proof that we are finally fighting back.

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Dear Steve,

I share your concerns about the state this country is in, and I agree something has to change, if our Democracy is going to survive. However, It is no longer 1776. We are on an entirely new planet and although the Founding Fathers anticipated change and provided for it in the Constitution, they could not have possibly envisioned what has transpired in the last hundred years.

We need a new Continental Congress that incorporates the original intent of the Founding Fathers and establishes a new format for a Constitution that factors in all the changes and the new challenges this country faces in todays world.

Today’s average citizens no longer have the power to direct their government. Not only are they being disenfranchised by the government, but even when able to vote, the choices they are being given are totally unacceptable.

People vote along party lines due to family tradition, or because they relate to the policies the party promotes. This is not disturbing, but when they vote for the party of choice, they are not getting what they are voting for, because the candidates being offered are no longer vetted by the parties or anyone, except outside influences who have a self interest agenda that is often in direct conflict with what voters think they are voting for.

The government of the people, by the people, and for the people has developed into a government of, by, and for the people of wealth and power. As a result, there is a complete lack of checks and balances as the institutions of government are systematically being dismantled with corrupt and incompetent elected officials. The political parties, influenced by the rich and powerful have divided the country into political packs, who do not embrace unity, vision and compassion, but hate, conspiracies and greed in the worship of the almighty dollar.

The 2024 election is no doubt a significant turning event for this country, but even if we survive it, the same outcomes are doomed to be repeated unless things change. The failures of our government are directly linked to incompetency and corruption. Too many people being elected to office have a lack of qualifications to serve. Although they hold the most vital positions, which shape the country and its success, the vetting process for these individuals is nonexistent.

You can serve in vital leadership positions and need not submit a resume, pass a test, or go through any kind of certification process. You have to go through more just to drive a car or open a small business. A certification process needs to be established for government officials that defines eligibility and makes restrictions. An impartial mechanism has to be put in place for the immediate dismissal of any government official who fails to do the job. The Justice system has to be reformed so that no one is above the law or is allowed to abuse it, because of status or devious representation. The courts must be obligated to prioritize those litigations that involve a threat to our democracy and make sure those convicted are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The news media must be better regulated to prevent treasonist propaganda rhetoric and the dissemination of misinformation. Social media platforms have to be better understood as to the effect they have for spreading hysteria and misinformation. A standard of conduct must be set. The use of the military has to have a better system of checks and balance, so that one individual doesn’t have complete control.

People with influence, like yourself, must take a broader view of what is and has been occurring. We as a country must look past the isolated distractions which are plaguing this county, and recognize the true problems. The country needs a complete face lift or it is doomed to be strangled by it own antiquated and no longer enforceable form of government.

Steve, I am asking you to put the above on your back burner, and when this current crisis settles, band together with others and push on to the job that must be done to prevent a future crisis like this from ever happening again. I will not be here to see it, but I hope to at least be a small spark that helps lignite the fire that promotes a new form of government to replace the old, producing an updated, stronger, and better Democracy for all. This country can not survive on its antiquated bandaid approach. Too many things are moving faster than the government can keep up with. We need a present day coalition of Founding Fathers with the vision to move this country into the future and beyond.

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Gerald, I so much appreciate that you're addressing the cause of what is happening in our country, as opposed to the effect that we're seeing play out now. As you say, "The political parties, influenced by the rich and powerful have divided the country into political packs, who do not embrace unity, vision and compassion, but hate, conspiracies and greed in the worship of the almighty dollar." I hope you'll continue to share along these lines of utmost importance. We must defeat DJT in 2024 and then we must address all of what you're discussing here, and I do strongly feel that Steve will be on board to assist. He cares! Thank you! Best, Lisa

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Thanks, Lisa,

I am not recruiting, just commenting. I am too old to recruit and head a movement, but all that I say needs to be considered, if we are to remain strong. We already have too many cults.


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Gerald, all comments related to what I wrote about earlier are being deleted now.

You can delete yours too if you want to. I look forward to reading your original comment here. Thanks.

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My thoughts regarding James Comey are not very nice. With Santa's visit just around the corner, I do not want to risk a Santa fly by in his sleigh so I will keep my thoughts to myself. I do not need another year of waking up Christmas morning and finding coal in my stocking. I have gathered enough coal in my stocking over the years to give the Koch brothers wet dreams.

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I haven't read the Vanity Fair article, but whatever we think of Comey's poor decision-making surrounding HRC, his subordinates at the FBI revered him, including, e.g., Jim Strzok and Andrew McCabe. Though many years ago, Vanity Fair's piece on Dr. Jeffrey McDonald was such a ludicrous piece of crap, I have to wonder about this take-down of Comey, irrespective of his continuing failure to own the damage of the October surprise.

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This piece from Lawfare by a former FBI employee illustrates how staff thought well of Comey. This should be taken into account when reading the VF article. https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/mood-among-my-former-colleagues-fbi

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This is jaw dropping. So glad you shared. I intend to research as I was very much influenced by this when it happened.

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