Steve, way to take down the corrupt Giuliani and Cruz! When Clinton was talking about a rising sun for our youth, my heart sunk. Do these MAGA leaders have children and grandchildren? Do they care if they go to war in Europe? They don't. They ONLY want power and money. They are Fascists. The sunrise for our youth has been corrupted by MAGA and foreign interference. It brings me to tears. I hope to keep hearing, loud and clear, more about the foreign influences that want to wreck Democracy. Keep hitting hard, Steve. We need WARNINGS to wake people up. Thank you!

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Over twenty years ago, I met Giuliani. I didn’t come away from the meeting liking or disliking him. I never met him again. As the years passed, I noted an excessively greedy man; then a man with a drinking problem; and then a man who willfully and cartoonishly tied himself to a buffoon and behaved like a clown and still does. Alcohol will do that to a person, but the seeds were planted long ago.

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Yes, Giuliani has plummeted to the very depths, but that may have nothing to do with his alcohol consumption. It is quite possible to maintain your ideals and integrity even if you drink. The fact that Giuliani has lost the plot in recent years could well mean that he never had any firm political convictions or ideals to begin with but was interested only in fame and money. He got those, but now his true character has been exposed and we can see just how shallow it is. His words are now meaningless howls, lost in the wind and signifying nothing.

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I agree. I just believe, and of course it is an opinion, that his alcohol consumption contributed to his general decline cognitively.

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MTG appeared, to me, to be quite drunk when she insulted Crockett. That so many people in the House were drinking before convening an evening session is disturbing. There should be some accountability for that kind of recklessness.

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Well I can't disagree with that, but it's speculative, we will never know

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Given the harm he caused the mother and daughter election workers in Georgia, he can rot in Hell.

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Steve, I have to say that Trump and Rudy are the low point of American politics….but Bush Cheney are running neck and neck with them. It’s absolutely incredible to say that George W Bush is actually smarter than Trump.

After GWB I couldn’t imagine another administration would be worse…but alas, here we are, and as unbelievable as it seems Americans may elect the dumbest person to ever hold the office a second time. God help us….

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W. Bush was the wild son; misunderstood before the awareness of A.D.H.D. Reportedly, his mother handled him with corporal punishment. Drinking and drug use frequently accompany people who were identified with A.D.H.D. Learning disabilities round out the diagnosis. Karl Rove was referred to as “Bush’s brain”. Reportedly, Laura threatened to end the marriage unless he stopped drinking etc. He was not a highly ranked nor good President, but he was not a malignant narcissist and sociopath like the current Republican presidential candidate, who is a clear and present danger to our Democracy.

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I agree, there is much to appreciate about Al, the Bush family. Thank you for explaining that.

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So what about the Bush Cheney war? When will historians castigate that duo for that incompetence? Unjust wars anyone?

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Fortunately for Rudy Giuliani, he didn't have far to fall. In 1993, there was a bombing at the World Trade Center. Six people were killed, and it was estimated about one thousand were injured. After the terrorists attack, a report was issued that recommended that the emergency communications should be moved out of WTC, as they were vulnerable if another terrorist attack were to take place. The mayor, Rudy Giuliani ignored the recommendations. It was a fatal weakness, a fatal flaw that left emergency services, the responders, the firemen blind on 9/11/01 to effectively evacuate the buildings more efficiently and safely after the attacks. Rudy owns that.

Furthermore, now we all know, the air was not safe for the days and months ahead and more suffering and deaths ensued as patriotic firemen, New Yorkers, responders worked the sites, as New York and it's mayor declared.

Rudy Guiliani was never America's mayor... he was always a small, selfish, unfocused myopic man and he cheated on us all.

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Well said, Sherri. I didn't know much about what you've explained here until now. Thank you.

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Evil and its minion have descended upon this country. People you thought would be strong seem to will in the presence of evil. I just saw that Nikki Haley will vote for Trump knowing he and his followers will literally destroy this country’s liberties and democracy for our lifetime.

The cult doesn’t understand they simply are human shields to protect Trump until he is in the White House. They don’t understand that they will be discarded like toilet paper as soon as he has no use for them.

Does Nikki Haley and MTG and Cruz Jim Jordan…that as soon as they are no longer needed they will be gone. Just as Jeff Sessions or Pence. The DOJ will simply enforce Trumps whims, arrest those people he dislikes, eliminate the “free” press and it will all be made legitimate by the rubber stamp Supreme Court.

Don’t be surprised if we join Russia to take Europe and China in Taiwan. If they give Trump enough money. In the Middle East who can pay Trump more, Saudi Arabia or Israel? So you know what side Trump will take.

Normal well adjusted adults even with different philosophies can see this coming soon.

The instrument in place to stop this got fat and lazy (the soon to be free press), the DOJ under the comatose Merrick Garland, the Supreme Court led by Alito and Thomas. The democrats are in hibernation. They aren’t even out there helping Biden.

The are big talkers on the House and Senate floors but ghosts outside their worksite.

But it’s really the public, undereducated, illiterate, illogical, lazy and simply moronic is allowing this to happen. In a year from now, when they find they are paying for the wealthy, prices are even higher, they are being exposed to more toxins , and education is nonexistent, it will be all too late.

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I really think that someone or several someones are developing the plans within the MAGA maniacs. I will absolutely never believe TFG has the brain cells to think anything through, figure out any devious ideas. He is the (disgusting) mouthpiece. But there are others pulling the strings.

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Yes, and if the next Fascist coup leader is a Steven Miller or a Steve Bannon, Democracy may be finished in the U.S.A. TFG is a blathering idiot -a pathetic stand-up comedian.

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MAGA-Cult. We should all be calling it what it is. Great comment. Thanks.

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Yes, morally bankrupt along with the entire MAGA movement. And now we add Nikki Haley to the wretched group.

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Hey, Giuliani, were you putting coffee in your hair by chance? It didn't work so well, even black!

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😂🤣 good one!

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So nasty

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Nikki Haley said she will vote for Trump. So she now is officially part of the Craven Three from South Carolina: Graham, Scott, and Haley.

What can you expect from someone who said government overreach caused the Civil War?

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Thanks to that f’ing freak Donald Trump and his Maga supporters, we have to worry about “Red Dawn” becoming a reality in this country. That movie should be required viewing for everyone since life is now imitating art.

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When Bush announced our going into Iraq, I said to a friend, "I support this action if it is for all the right reasons. Sadly, I believe it is for all the wrong reasons." People lost their jobs for speaking out against the Iraq War. Think about that. LOSING one's job because they dared to disagree with a White House led by a man who went AWOL for eleven months from his unit WITHOUT penalty. Oh. Well, there IS the Daddy Bush factor in all that. And, Dumbya really is not too quick on the uptake, which played right into Dick Cheney's nefarious hands.

Some years ago, when talking about the taking down of the Twin Towers, I told a friend that "they" knew about it beforehand. I have great enough faith in our intelligence community to believe those in the highest reaches of our land knew what was about to take place. Naive on my part., Perhaps. But I don't think so. We are, for the most part, told by the powerbrokers what the powerbrokers want us to believe. Human life has its value and worth only when it is one's own. We kid ourselves that the United States is this great benefactor to the "free" world. As Gaza burns and as Ukraine suffers the perils of the Mad Russian, one sees the weakness in our country; no longer strength. We were planted on this trajectory toward self-destruction by Ronald Reagan. Trump represents the sum of all the evil parts that have served to our ruin. The culmination of one political Party unloading darkness across our land.

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Yes, this storm was being whipped up decades ago. Our Democracy is on thin ice for sure.

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Giuliani’s father was associated with the Mafia. The chickens have come home to roost for Rudy. He is an alcoholic and a pathetic lapdog for Trump. He also deserves to be held accountable for his crimes and serve time in prison. He can share a cell with The Pillow Guy.

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I’m not at all surprised that the Saudis were behind 9/11. 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

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Neither am I. I always believed Saudi Arabia was involved.

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Now TFG is hosting golf tournaments with Saudi leaders. Dark. Dangerous :-(

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He’s a lot of things but I’m willing to bet he isn’t aware of just what a national joke he has become.

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Oh, Frank...so much delusion, so little time.

Anyway, as the Dems fiddle, the kindling is being placed and Rome will soon be burning. If there is a DNC master plan, now would be a good time to enact it.

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To borrow from Star Wars, the Dems are not fiddling, but there is sense they won't engage in the dark arts of evil being perpetrated by the gop driven by the 7 deadly sins, esp mammon. This is not a battle of Government size, regulations, and taxation. This is a battle of human rights and the gop want to dominate everything with cultural monotonic "whiteness". The wealthy want to drown the Sovereignty to exploit everything the Gov't is denying them, i.e. monopoly.

Star Wars asked by Darth Vader, "Come Join me" in the pleading of the dark arts with power. Can we win with law and justice? without accepting the offer to the dark arts? Can we win by resisting the ask of "this could all be yours? if you just...." ?

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The Republican Party is gone. I don’t know why I even refer to it any longer.

As an aside, I asked the senior US Senator for my state, Thom Tillis, why he is supporting a man running for Governor who hates women, gay people, and Jews. I did not want an answer as a US Senator — I wanted an answer as a human being.

He never responded to me.

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Keep asking, John; don't let down on these people!

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