Helllll, YES! Bring it every day!! Hard! And what is also fantastical is how successful these cretins have already been in rolling back rights and freedoms. Books have been banned. Our friends and family in the LGBTQ community are afraid. They have been confronted and shamed. These assholes here in northern AZ make every school board meeting a conflagration. The corrupt SCOTUS appears poised to ensure that The Stench will not see a courtroom for his January 6 travesty before the election, and seems ready to decide women can die of pregnancy-related emergencies at the ER. Senators and representatives have abandoned every principle they ever possessed to bow down to The Stench.

I don’t know HTF we got here. And we have been here for NINE YEARS. We know what The Stench will bring and what he has already inflicted upon this country. Tens of thousands of dead Americans thanks to his criminal COVID “response”. Tear-gassing peaceful protesters so he can hold a bible upside down. Hundreds of lost children of immigrants who haven’t seen their parents for 7 years. Tax breaks for rich cronies. Befouling of waterways and the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord. 35,000 lies.

And here we are with The Stench a breath away from the Oval Office once again.

It’s grotesque.

Kick some more ass tomorrow, Steve.

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Apr 26Liked by Steve Schmidt

Your message should be required viewing on every media platform. It's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. It couldn't be clearer. If there was ever a time to rise up and "ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country ", this is the moment.

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Apr 26Liked by Steve Schmidt

This was a good talk, Steve. I think it is important to frame it in terms of the very dark and patently un-American plan called Project 2025, which is a plan — let us be clear — to destroy this country.

This plan will go into effect if Trump is elected.

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Steve, today’s Supreme Court dialogue is terrifying. This weird bunch completely ignores the truth of our national purpose. They are flirting with fascism and dictatorship. It’s incredible.

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Steve, your Gospel is needed, your truths are clear, your message must educate the fearful ignorant and informed alike, the most wealthy and the sad impoverished, for prejudice is driving them all, the followers of the ultimate racist, a wealthy Queens racist Fred Trump and his sick son Donald, their children and grandchildren of massive intolerance and abject evil, rhetoric and hatred, the MAGA cult of personality and disorder and destruction, today’s Republican Party, US homemade fascists marching to Putin’s drum, swallowing his Russian lies and evil… Steven, your Gospel is needed, your truths are clear, your message must educate the fearful ignorant and informed alike, our most wealthy and the sad impoverished, for prejudice is driving them all, and the dynamics of prejudice are fear and ignorance… our whites are reading at a 5th grade level, and they are angry.

A massive intolerance is driving the country to fascism, a concept most foreign to many, but we are swept away by their ignorance and ideology, spoken and not.

The election of all elections is coming, and many seem not to care. Indifference is deadly in the face of intolerance and ignorance and prejudice.

President Biden must lead the nation in dialogue. Rep. Adam Schiff, Vice President Harris and President Biden must win big in November.

Coast to coast, voters must reject fascism with overwhelming majorities. The congress must reject the fascist GOP Big Lie fascists.

We must return to our founding principles and mean it.

We must be colorblind and vote blue this time.

Ukraine must thrive, Iran must find freedom, Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and others doing Putin’s dirty deeds must be punished.

Israel must shed Bibi Netanyahu, crush Hamas, Hezbollah and the Palestinians that support Hamas, teach Iran a lesson, and form a partnership with Saudi Arabia once they apologize for the murder of a journalist.

We must find the way to decency. It’s a long road.

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I met Rudy Giuliani back when he was Mayor of New York. It was on a professional basis and I remember coming out of that meeting rather disgusted with how he behaved toward his staff. At best it was unprofessional and at worst it was abusive. His true colors showed long before he tethered himself to a buffoon named Donald Trump and got what he deserved.

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Thank you for your energy and clear-sightedness, Steve. I don't have much to add to your passionate protest against the corruption of the American idea headed by a selfish, stupid man and his lieutenants. In my view Trump should have been arrested on January 7, 2021. Beginning with Chris Christy and Robert Mueller, too many people in high office were in a position to stop him, and froze at the crucial moment because they weren't brave enough--or foolhardy enough?--to say publicly what they really thought and carry through. Chris Christy finally spoke up--five years too late. Mueller's hesitance and fastidiousness about asserting Trump's collusion with Russia gave Bill Barr the opportunity to whitewash his Report. (It was not nearly enough for Mueller to protest that the Report did not exonerate the president.) Mitch McConnell could and should have led the second impeachment, but he ducked. Perhaps he thought he was saving his party; instead he has helped complete its corruption and disfigurement. Attorney General Garland should have anticipated the long delays caused by appeals and could have moved to indict Trump and some of his co-conspirators immediately after the House committee presented its research. No. He waited too long. And even the "mainstream" American media still indulges in magnifying Trump's every sneeze and blink, and instead of ignoring his tantrums and whining, has televised it, exploiting the commercial value of the audience they are still helping him build. All this has left me and many like-minded Americans feeling helpless, stuck and stagnating in the quagmire. Your voice and those at The Bulwark help me sustain some hope.

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Text from Winred.com this afternoon. I kid you not.

"Patriot, you've received a secure message from former Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani on his indictment." Links to "A Personal Note from Rudy Giuliani" whereby he begs for money. Using all the typical memes that trigger the MAGAs. Disgusting.

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Steve: Kudos to you for today's Warning; very powerfully stated. Please, please, please offer your talents and abilities to help Joe Biden to win his campaign, as you urge him to do, DECISIVELY!

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Scotus, especially Alito and Thomas, are now..officially..members of the Trump/MAGA crime family. We are on the precipice.

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Here’s a link to a song that speaks deeply to this time we are in. It's incredibly moving. (I have no connection to the singer/songwriter. ) It may inspire you even further to rid ourselves of this cancer.

I hope the link is clickable … if not, it’ll be worth your while to cut & paste.


It’s about a man with no shame. No soul. And “ no poetry inside to make him whole”.

I believe – if the right person/people hear it – it'll go viral. It's as good as the best protest songs that inspired us in the ‘60's.

The singer's heart is broken over the way this man has divided our country for nine long years. It’s time for us to stop him !!!

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Another great post. Steve, I wish you could do an ad in swing states that targets independents and disaffected GOP voters explaining to themd what you've discussed here.

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Here's my comment about the Supreme Court's tendency to give Trump and future presidents complete immunity for crimes committed while in office. The Senate should vote a resolution against granting this immunity. They should vote twice: The first vote by secret ballot and the second vote in public. This way voters can have knowledge needed to vote for candidates who really are on record for supporting and defending our Constitution. There will likely be a difference between the two vote totals. That difference will give us a measure of Senate Cowardliness.

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Why did Trump have 74 million loyalist ready to die for him? That is the question. All else is unimportant.

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