It can be argued that the conservatives on the Supreme Court are more dangerous to the life and well being of our country than ex-president Trump. Indeed, it is likely that Trump owes his success in no small measure to the wrecking ball “decisions” of the Court, chief among them those that gut our election laws and the refusal to deal with gerrymandering. What galls me is they have achieved their results using slippery language and tricks of rhetoric almost as crude as those used by carnival barkers and Mr. Trump himself. We were treated yesterday with examples in defense of the notion that our president needs immunity. Why is it needed? Some future president will create turmoil by ruthlessly using his office to squash his opponent.

Why do I object to this ruse? Well, it is simple to the point of being simple minded. It is a fake fear manufactured to frighten weak minds. The justices label it as a “hypothetical”. They used this same trick in arriving at the need to abolish the right to abortion. In that argument, you will find the Trumps of the world threaten the hypothetical of mothers strangling healthy babies fresh out of the womb. I’m sure Alito refers to this fear at times. What makes it a ruse is, first, the situations depicted are unrealistic and unlikely. But mostly because they willfully ignore real fears of the policies created by their rulings.

Here’s a list of my favorites:

• No fear has been expressed of the results of allowing Ak-15’s to be sold everywhere to anyone. How can that be? One might as well argue that bazookas, carrying only one charge, come much closer to the revolutionary war musket. Or the recently marketed flame thrower.

• No fear was expressed by the court about opening our elections to secret money and the warped world it has created where billions – BILLIONS!! – are now being spent in endless campaigns.

• Gerrymandering did not cause our Justices to quiver in fear of the drastically unfair elections that have been foisted on the populace by their unwillingness to with them. No hypotheticals were raised in that decision.

• We all know the chaos in our medical systems has been unleashed by overthrowing Roe v. Wade. Where were the hypotheticals?

No, frightening hypotheticals are only useful when near-lunatic justices want to carve out new laws from the bench. Similar objections could be raised against the phony claim that their lunatic laws can be justified by reference to some manufactured “original meaning”. How have we come to accept the loose, foggy reasoning that goes into their stupid and costly decisions? We have allowed a group of nasty, dishonest, corrupt people lead our country into a wilderness of folly. Guns, money, restrictive laws on abortion that maim and kill mothers, fake elections that define results based on dishonestly drawn districts. When will it end?

Maybe they have gone too far. They are attempting now to block the most corrupt politician in our nation’s history from being held to account by fake hypotheticals and twisted logic. Imagine the tar and feathers such behavior would have been greeted with in olden times. We are frogs and the water is getting hotter.

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Where is that interpreter that was in the room with Trump and putin in that meeting no one else was allowed to attend?

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Why are we skirting the fact that MAGA and its followers are 21st century Nazis.

They should be labeled as such…MAGA NAZI!

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But doesn’t immunity then apply to our current president? Couldn’t he, deeming the clear and present danger to our democracy by the TFG, just be imprisoned?

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Speak. Remember. Thank you. Bless you. WE are gonna take away his (DJT) license to kill. Supreme Court covered in shame. Don’t give up! WE can Stop this Insanity and let it be written in future books as a Divine hiccup that WE survived TOGETHER!

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Speaking of Poland volunteering to host nuclear weapons, Stormy Daniels in 2018 said Donald Trump followed her command in his bedroom five years ago but now she would have to say it in Russian. Even she was aware in 2018 that Trump was subservient to Putin. The implications were huge. It was obvious that Putin didn’t have to do anything as long as Trump was in the White House, because Donald was acting as Putin’s minion already. The video has 18 million views. https://youtu.be/5Ji8i7Wy4mo?si=LEnnlKGGQNH5RhAv

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The men of SCOTUS are bound and determined to destroy our democracy, it’s just that simple. Why is the only question because all their authority and power will be abdicated to the dictator’ whims. They simply become a rubber stamp. They will reduce themselves to simple figureheads.

If there is a history in the future, they will be lumped into the justice system that prevailed in Nazi Germany.

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Hey Steve,

I saw the reposting of part of the video discussion with Steven Beschloss today. When it got to your remarks about Colonel McCormick, I thought to look him up. What is astounding to me is how McCormick’s actions did not land him smack in the middle of Article III Sec 3 of The Constitution. I can’t believe he wasn’t tried after the war for treason..

Article III Sec 3

“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

After all this is what he did..

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About the Supreme Court's toying with giving Trump and future presidents immunity from being tried in regular courts for crimes they committed during their terms of office: Today's Senate should vote on a Resolution condemning total immunity for criminal acts committed by presidents. There should be two votes on this Resolution: The first vote should be by secret ballot and the second vote should be by public roll-call. The stalling for time by today's Supreme Court to prevent the remaining three criminal trials from being heard before the November general election will deprive the public from hearing the truth about the attempted Coup. At the least, the second roll-call Resolution vote will be useful for voters to make better judgments of the characters of their Senate candidates. Also, the difference (if any) between the secret Senate vote and the public roll-call vote will be a measure of any Senate Cowardliness.

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Dear Steve,

What is the point of subscribing if you get shut out of a conversation because you weren’t one of the first 100 to sign in - even though you made a reservation - as happened to me last night? The Warning did not warn us to sign in early because attendance was limited to the first 100 who signed in. Seems like The Warning should book enough capacity on Zoom to accommodate everyone who makes a reservation.

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Apologies. We accidentally set this one up with a Zoom product that only allowed 100 guests, and we only became aware of it through community feedback after the fact. We will rectify this moving forward. You do still have the opportunity to watch it at your convenience.


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Thanks for an informative conversation!

I’m also happy to say, Steve, I have streaming that brings me Scripps News, on Samsung + TV! Yay, a choice that informs with true reporting. Congratulations.

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That's several times now I've heard that over 500,000 Russian soldiers have DIED from the Ukraine invasion so far. This just doesn't sound accurate to me---I mean, it's unfathomable and I just don't believe that. I don't know what the # is. But my logical Spidey-sense says nowhere near that #.

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Not so sure about your Spidey-sense (LOL), but you might be on to something. Most official sources have it around 50,000 dead Russian soldiers. Could either be a typo, like a misplaced comma, or perhaps they're confusing this with casualties on BOTH sides, which there are certainly more than 500,000 dead and wounded Ukranian AND Russian soldiers. On just the Russian side, most sources have it somewhere around 350k dead and wounded soldiers. I mean, granted they force conscriptions so will just keep throwing bodies at Ukraine, but over 20k dead per month is not realistic.

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Yeah, my theory of this war is it's going to be ended by Russian mothers. Eventually enough will be enough. And that will come before 500,000 are dead. I wish they'd get fed up tomorrow.

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