That rally was a display of the most frightening lies ever spewed by a presidential candidate and his supporters. Trump was nauseating as, in his 'sing-song' voice, he lied about our country being occupied.. So many speakers degraded and incited violence against the innocent , that Trump calling those who oppose him "vicious" and the "enemy within, fell flat.

And the Christians cheered as one speaker castigated Latinos for making "too many babies." He used all kinds of vulgar sexual innuendo. He said they "come inside" but "don't pull out."

Carlson cackled like the pathetic man he is as he condemned real patriots.

Musk looked and sounded like a waxen manikin that had been lobotomized.

Has-been Hulk Hogan and the disgraced drunken Giuliani would have been more at home as old fashion carnival barkers.

Dr. Phil, the phony psychiatrist, has always been and remains a gaping asshole.

If this evil man becomes president, we are finished as a first world country. He is the worst and most dangerous joke in the history of mankind.

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You did an excellent job explaining how pathetic this rally is. Does no one sitting in these stands at the Garden realize how ‘sick’ this all sounds. We have one week and I pray that it is a blue tsunami and people have rethought what will happen if Trump gets elected. I worry for violence if the election goes either way: they win…hunting the ‘enemy within’, they lose…much like a second J6 but possibly earlier. I will say I am scared and hope this goes sides with democracy and not autocracy.

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I don’t understand Trump and his followers worrying about terrorists coming into this country when the biggest threat to this country comes from homegrown terrorist like Trump.

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Because they do not see themselves this way. In their twisted minds, it is we who are the threat.

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The killers are in the house

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Alas so true

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It is a contest among them! Who can out lie the other! Who can be more vicious and deep down ugly. Who can act the most ridiculous and crude. Who can out pace the one they are following. Plus the audience laps it and laughs uncontrolled. Just ingredients of incidents for a nightmare! A waste of time and energy! Trump fully enjoys and repeats the same lines over and over. Voters SAVE our country from this Trump trash!

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And the venue was sold out. With 2000 people waiting outside. And maybe 90 weak protesters. The FIRST iteration of this nightmare in 1939 attracted 20,000 participants, but 100,000 protestors were outside. I was disheartened that so many people showed up for the desecration this time and the number of alarmed and defiant was so small.

This whole spectacle was grotesque and extremely frightening.

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It’s not like he would win NYC by a mile he will lose there and greater New York if anything Kamala gained there my opinion.

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That say a lot about the lack of quality in our electorate. It is so very disappointing.

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Last night I attended Trumps rally and remained outdoors for the purpose of taking history in the making photographs and videos. Eigth ave. was divided with Trumps Magas on one side and anti Maga on the other. The sick feeling I felt after seeing so many MAGAS in person was beyond words. However, on a brighter note, there was a group of about 10 carrying signs " Republican Veterans for Harris" and Republican Veteran, I am not a sucker or loser." The unexpected happened when a black man wearing a MAGA hat stepped over to our side.

There was a black man next to me who asked him, "How can you support Trump? Don't you know about the Central Park Five? And that he wouldn't allow coloreds to live in his apt. buildings?" "Yes," the black Maga man replied. " I know all of that, and I don't support him, I am paid to be here."

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Surprising, that MAGA pays people to be at their hate rally, but it’s a trick they have been deploying since the 2016 election. I saw the ads on Craigslist at the time.… still it shocks the senses! How much are they paid now? How much does it cost to hire one single person to “pretend” to support this fascist, anti-democratic, hate-filled spectacle… How much to urge a citizen to betray their values and their countrymen (IMO) for a few hours? Oh, such despicable dealings!

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Made it a little less than 3 minutes before turning it off in disgust. Voted already. Hoping this is the beginning of the end for these hateful, divisive, selfish bigots who DO NOT represent the majority of Americans that I have spent my 72 years with.

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Can't watch this video Steve. Visceral hatred for the deplorable rotten meat-sacks spewing their racist ideology is not good this early in the morning. To amplify a comment about defiling the Garden, I've seen too many wonderful concerts there to let the existence of this awful event taint my memory. Led Zeppelin, Neil Diamond, Peter Gabriel, ELO, among others, live in my mind's ear.

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I served 2 tours of duty in Puerto Rico while in the US Coast Guard. I loved Puerto Rico. My son was born in Puerto Rico and is considered a Puerto Rican by birth right. This event pulled all the madness into sharp focus and will cost this fool the election.......mark my words

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One can only hope.

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I fervently hope you’re right.

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Eight days and into the breach we go. Just when you think it cannot get any worse - this show of misguided miscreants shows up to defile Madison Square Garden and your living room. They are Americans, so I will not call them evil. But, they are nuts and no amount of "fairy dust" will help this crew. We cannot shoot them - so I guess we just MUST out vote them. Keep your fingers crossed, and keep smiling.

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Many of them are evil if being a racist and bigot makes one evil.

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Trump supporters in the Hispanic community might have snickered at the slur directed at Puerto Rico, thinking "well, that doesn't mean me. I'm not from there". Then, Tony the "comedian" removed all doubt, broad brushing the entire Hispanic community. Will anyone in the Latino community still pull the lever for Trump?

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...and I missed the watermelon "joke" earlier, which would have been dismissed by the writers of Amos n' Andy 75 years ago as way beyond the pail. The only silver lining is that this rally might be the one thing in nine years of Trumpism that equals Senator Joseph McCarthy's "at long last" moment of ignominy. We will see.

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Roy Cohen comedy hour?

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Cohen could not take gay jokes. He intentionally spread AIDS before dying of it. A truly evil person.

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It is interesting to note that no prominent elected GOP leaders showed up to stand with Trump, Hulk Hogan, Carlson, "Dr." Phil, Hinchcliffe, et al. Where were you Mitch, Lindsey, Ted, Marco, Scott, Scalise, Emmer, Stefanik....? Are you embarrassed by the man you endorse? Do you not want to be associated with Trump's coterie of racists, bigots, fascists and just plain jerks?

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The motley crew of speakers ranged from the has-been ersatz wrestler, Hulk Hogan to the soon to be penniless, Rudy Giuliani. Melania received her ample payment to show up and discredited Dr. Phil and sell-out and Fox-fired Tucker Carlson, enthralled the venal crowd with their toxic remarks. I won’t mention the rest of the shameless parade of anti-American fascists. We will need to buckle up and fortify ourselves for the weeks ahead. Expect nothing less than 2020 on steroids.

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This was a mixture of DEPLORABLES? Dreadful combo? So pathetic and sad in our nice country! Kick them out!

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There were plenty of others who were running for office that wanted to speak but NO, they were not allowed. So not only did this piss off any American worth their salt, but also made those watching this who were Puerto Rican or Latino. Discussing at best.

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Interesting how the Rick Scott’s of this country got upset about the slur against Puerto Ricans as if it is something new for MAGA. As with Mitch McConnell and others, they made their deal with the Devil and use selective outrage only when it serves their power lust.

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There is a political cartoon that circled the newspaper world the first time a fair election was allowed following the end of apartheid in South Africa. It was quite symbolic of what actually took place on voting day. Lines of voters extended for miles to cast their ballot for the first time in their lives. And beside the road at the end of the trail was a raised chained fist punching into the sky. The chain was hanging free, having finally been severed from its mooring to the ground. After years of political oppression, hatred and genuine reasons for fear of retribution for voting by everyone, Black South Africans and Afrikaners alike, Mandela was elected in a landslide. Look up and be hopeful.

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Steve, I know you meant well by providing clips of yesterday’s rally at MSG. I tried watching it, but had to turn it off at the mid point because it made me ill seeing and hearing idiots spew lie after lie. If this is what they’re saying now, what will we witness should trump win? The absurd assault on Puerto Rico demonstrated to all that racism will become the new motto in his White House. It’s out in the open, unabashed and confirmed by his acolytes, and it is but the beginning of his endgame to make America white again. Truly sickening.

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In her Substack, The Week Ahead, Joyce Vance had a link to a 6 or so minute video called, "A Night at the Garden". It's about the 1939 Nazi gathering at MSG. Between that and what we witnessed last night, I am beyond words, but deeply troubled:


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Mike, thanks for posting this video. Americans: Don't look away. Do not obey in advance.

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Thank you for sharing that link. I agree, and am sickened by this “fringe movement” which has grown and enthralled so many American citizens, some of my own family included. I find it necessary to quietly prepare my immediate family for a worst-case-scenario. We have an alternative plan.

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This is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Our nation is headed for an epic collision if every American who disavows Trump’s poisonous rhetoric doesn’t get to the polls and cast a vote for Kamala Harris. Letting the perfect be the enemy of the good is not an option here..

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After I went canvassing yesterday for some Democrats running for our local city council and state assembly, I was reminded why I was happy to have already voted for the Harris/Walz ticket. My canvassing partner and I were confronted by a fire-breathing MAGA enthusiast who started berating us with Fox News talking points. We were only handing out literature to registered Democrats and independents and when we passed his door, he asked what we were doing and we told him. That's when his tirade began. We told him to have a nice day and left. I'm sure he was intently watching that event at the Garden last night. The MAGA folks are so full of rage and hate and I just don't get it.

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Good God! Even the short clips Steve shares are painful to watch, and a terrible harbinger of things to come if enough Americans are seduced by these traitors.

Sadly, this isn't the first time. The 1940's anti-Fascism short film, Don't be a Sucker, could have filmed this morning. (If you're pressed for time, the segment beginning around the 4-minute mark is a reminder that we, as a country, have been here before).


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