Great analogy Steve to the Civil War! I watched the 1-6-21 insurrection from the start and became enraged when I saw MAGATs carrying the Confederate flag into the Capitol!!! Something that a Civil War and 800,000 deaths in that war did not accomplish! Tim Walz will bury the pompous fake hillbilly Vance and my guess is chickenshits Trump and Vance will not debate because it would be a slaughter!!!

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Harris is surging and has opened a 3-4 point lead nationally and that lead will increase after a successful Democratic Convention. Shapiro and Biden can win Pennsylvania for the Democrats! Walz can bring Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota! He will destroy the pompous Fake Hillbilly Vance if there is a debate!

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Yes, and it's time to start fighting for North Carolina and dare I say Florida and Texas too. The Harris/Walz ticket makes the electoral map a lot bigger.

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Definitely I believe NC can be in the mix mainly because of that horridly extreme nut case that’s running for governor, Mark Robinson.

That man is positively insane & sickening.

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Vance won’t show his face.

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I see compassion and decency. Very hopeful America will agree. Such a stark contrast to the other side. Completely exhausted from the hatred they spew at every turn. Vote 💙

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I was thinking the same thing: how negative the Republicans are compared to the Democrats.

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Trump/MAGA are already attacking Walz for programs in Minnesota that do atrocious things like guaranteeing a free lunch for students whose families meet income requirements and calling for a tuition free state university system for families earning under $80k. annually. What a monster! How can we afford tax cuts for billionaires and ultra wealthy individuals if we help people in actual need?

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Yes, the Maga ticket doesn’t feel good, it’s just all so negative. They talk about the importance of family, then they go against anything good that would benefit families in all walks of life. Universal healthcare, free school lunches and free university tuition have been in the works in other democratic nations for as long as I remember. I took it all for granted growing up in Sweden. Those things are normal and minimal requirements. But Magas they only want taxcuts for the very rich!! How can they not see how bad they look?

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IKR 😞 When you say it like that, it becomes crystal clear that not doing those things so that grossly wealthy people & corporations can pay less in taxes, it sounds like insanity….because it is insane.

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I think this is a good choice. There is no such thing as a perfect choice and I was not convinced that Shapiro would deliver his home state. I think Walz projects normalcy, which is what is needed most.

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Love the history. Thank you.

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Thanks Steve! Tim Walz was a standout on the White Dudes call. A NORMAL, smart, funny, cat and dog loving guy. He will kick JD's ass with common sense and passion for democracy. To the naysayers: There's two entrees available at the Election Restaurant this year. A chicken dish and a bowl of dog shit with broken glass sprinkles. The undecideds and naysayers ask, "How is the chicken cooked?" (Thanks to David Sedaris.)

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Kamala Harris chose neither of the “obvious”, centrist gentlemen. She is her own person, and my already-great respect and admiration for her has expanded exponentially.

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Make no mistake about it-women are leaders! Just ask your grandmothers and moms, ask the single-parent moms-ask the career women; they ALL know how to make tough decisions!

Most educators are women, because they have compassion, they can relate to their students, and yet make tough decisions; and they can lead! Women have been in the background way too long, walking behind the men, who so often takes their advice!

Kamala's choice for her running-partner is an example of her leadership! She could have listened to "the experts" and could have chosen Shapiro, in order to win PA. She chose from her "gut", not from the "who is next in line" people in Washington! That's a sign of leadership!

Best wishes for a winning Harris/Waltz campaign!

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Yeah, I’m about sick of the “who’s next in line” bs!!! Some of those old codgers who’ve been hanging around for 30-40 yrs waiting for “their turn” are absolutely not who I’d want as Speaker of the House or as President or VP. The Dems have a deep bench of younger, bright up & comers who are fired up to get sh*t done. ✅

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It is about time that the people have been given back the right to choose. The selection of Walz for Vice President has restored that choice. For too long the D.C. press and pundits have had too much of a voice in such selections. They consistently chase the shiny object and the stories that can be told, the predictions that can be made and the outcomes that can be influenced to support the stories, and the predictions. It is a self fulfilling process which elevates their status, but saddles the public with poor choices.

The D.C. establishment will not be happy with this choice, because it did not fit their narrative. They are on the outside looking in, but for the people it will be refreshing to see a real choice,someone who speaks our language, not hand selected and orchestrated by the D.C. insiders. The people who gave us Trump will have to find another story to tell, another shiny object, and a new crystal ball.


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So well said, Jerry.

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Primum non nocere (first, do no harm). Wise choice on her part. I’ve really come to like and respect him over the past two weeks. Teachers rock!

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My Minnesota relatives were supporting Walz for VP since the day that Biden announced he wasn't running.

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Steve! What a deft, compelling, and articulate stitching together of history, Minnesota’s role in the waypoints of American progress, and HOPE.

-That- is why I subscribe.

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Thank you! Steve

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Just a slip of the tongue, we know he meant the 2016 race when that damned SOB Comey wrecked Hillary’s chance of winning.

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To all those deflated/panicking Shapiro and Kelly fans. And I know you're out there. Let's be real. NO MATTER WHO the Democrats picked, MAGA would lable them a radical far-left, cop-hating, fake (insert any of 100 possible words here) freedom-destroying sick liberal who if elected will burn down the country. zzzzzzzzzzzzz....

And if you're worried about those undecideds or independents who can't figure out by now whether or not Trump is the wrong choice no matter if Harris chose AOC, then you're wasting your time throwing lifelines to people who are already 3/4 on their way to the bottom of the ocean.

The key is to attract new Democrat voters. And lots of them!

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I think Tim Walz is a great choice and “fits” well with Kamala Harris. They both seem to have very positive attitudes and laugh easily, which I also think is a great thing!! It will be a fine change of atmosphere to have the leaders of our country be serious about doing their job AND can have a sense of humor at the same time. I’m looking forward to that.

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When Pres. Biden stepped down as a candidate, I felt a huge surge of relief but worried about his replacement. As support for VP Harris exploded, I felt cautiously optimistic. Now, with the choice of Walz as VP I am genuinely optimistic!

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Trump came to Minnesota and praised what a great general Robert E Lee was. The MAGA audience obviously unaware of how Lee lost at Gettysburg and how the Minnesota First, all volunteers, helped stop him. Know your audience.

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Do I hear a Wal(T)z? Music to my ears

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Yes, beautiful music! xo

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“Mind your own damn business!” Exactly. Simple, right?

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I absolutely LOVE that line!! 👏👏

Walz is the bomb.

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