In 1961 I was seven on a road trip from LA to Chicago to visit family. Our parents took us out of school and promised we'd have educational experiences along the way.

Our route took us through Independence, Missouri so Dad added a stop at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library.

The Library was closed to the public that day for school groups and when my Dad explained he brought his four daughters to see the Library the nice lady asked us to wait a moment.

When she came back she said they could accommodate us.

We were not told President Truman was addressing the school groups that day. Nor were informed she asked President Truman if we could be seated in the section for his guests.

It was President Truman who told my Dad he appreciated children coming to visit his Library. He shook our hands and thanked us each for visiting. He then asked my Mom if he could hold our baby sister - she got the kiss.

I've been to many Presidential Library's...they never live up to the magic of that experience.

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Rose Anne,

Thanks for sharing such an amazing story!


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Unfortunately, these times are over. Very Sad.

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Wow, how exciting that you were able to see & meet President Truman. What an event!! What a story!

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I have been to the Lyndon b Johnson Presidential Library and while Lyndon Johnson was a flawed person, the words on one of the walls of his library from his 1965 Inaugural address are worth reading and I think are applicable still today: "In a land of great wealth, families must not live in hopeless poverty. In a land rich in harvest, children must not go hungry. In a land of healing miracles neighbors must not suffer and die untended. In a great land of learning and scholars, young people must be taught to read and write."

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This. We have such huge wealth inequality now that you would have to go back to Feudal times to find a similar chasm. All done at the altar of tax cuts for high income people.

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I agree!

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I’m also a presidential library junkie. I have visited JFK, HST, Reagan, Ford, LBJ, Coolidge, and a couple more.

The best one - at least to me - was LBJ, because we also went to the Ranch, which was very cool. About an hour out of Austin, the Ranch had an airplane, and some great displays (though there were more at the library in Austin). But the best thing about the Ranch was the presence of this small, older woman who was leading a bicycle tour of the Ranch. She was energetic to the extreme and we enjoyed watching her interact with her fellow bikers. When we saw her at the grave site, we realised the “guide” was none other than Luci Baines Johnson. What a pistol she is.

The worst library by far was Reagan’s. There was absolutely nothing negative about him - and we looked. Supposedly Nancy Reagan curated the collection and didn’t want - among many other things - Reagan’s first wife mentioned.

The most interesting parts of a presidential library are the negative things, tossed in among the positives. I thought LBJ’s had the proper balance of positives and negatives.

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Thanks for the lovely post. I love seeing you on your trips and the pics were fabulous. I have not been fortunate enough to visit a Presidential library yet but I'd sure love to. I still have that lingering question of what's going to happen if Trump ever gets to jail. My prayer for him every day. That or I hope he keels over from a Big Mac induced heart attack. 😆 🤣 Hope you have a restful Sunday Steve. Take some time out for yourself. You deserve it!! Thanks for all you do. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Hi Lisa, I agree with you about Trump, but most certainly about what you said here to Steve:: "Hope you have a restful Sunday Steve. Take some time out for yourself. You deserve it!! Thanks for all you do. ❤️🇺🇸💙" Yes, Steve, enjoy a couple days of rest and do things you enjoy. Thanks for your incredible devotion, grit, knowledge, and for working 24/7 for Democracy. We have a pull ahead of us, and we need your powerful voice. Best, Lisa B.🇺🇸💙

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Perfect photos with lovely dogs. Glad to see you have recovered from the flu. This country is full of treasures.

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Thank you, May, and indeed it is.


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Love that you give us so much history when you write. That is why I enjoy Heather Cox Richardson’s writing as much as yours.

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Thank you, Mayme!


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Presidential libraries are a special gift to the American people. Obviously decisions it’s be made to include this, exclude that, but on balance they show what was accomplished in the context of domestic and foreign affairs during that president’s tenure. Have visited the FDR library 3 times and never miss a chance to do so. The Roosevelt home, Eleanor’s Val Kyl and Top Cottage nearby make for a very interesting stop in Hyde Park. The mighty Hudson nearby no small potatoes. I’ve also been to GWB 43 in my hometown of Dallas any number of times, usually to accompany out of town visitors who may be interested. The vignettes featuring the events of Nine Eleven are bone chilling. The interactive exhibit is Republican BS but interesting nonetheless. The LBJ Library in Austin is fascinating. The brutalist architecture fits the period rather well as it has a very Soviet vibe which turns a lot of people off. The recreation of the Oval Office is memorable due in no small part to a playable recording of a phone conversation he had with Katherine Graham, telling her what he’d be tempted to do if he weren’t married man. What a guy… Last, the WJC library in Little Rock seemed at first small compared to my expectations, but was certainly dense with detail. I came away thinking James Carville had the single most positive influence in getting Bill elected in the same way James Comey had the single most negative influence in defeating Hillary. I’m sure there are some eyes rolling by now, but that was my impression. Would not pass up a chance to see other presidential libraries.

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How anyone after being chosen to lead this great country, could miss so many chances to do good things, and instead use that trust to be so self serving is incomprehensible.. he should only get a footnote in the history books and hopefully cause the creation of laws to prevent anyone like him to ever again misuse the office of the president.

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Trump’s Presidential Library will be a jail cell. No written material on display as he doesn’t read, just a tv screen showing loops of his most spectacularly ridiculous rants. Visitors will be offered red Koolaid.

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And ketchup packets....

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...and a gold toilet where he flushed classified documents and took a dump on the U.S.A.

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There will be no Trump library, the man cannot read!

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There will be printouts of all his Tweets.

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Since you asked…Trump should be in a prison for the criminally insane

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Of course he should be in jail. With no parole!

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I sure hope you're right about breaking the MAGA fever..

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Steve, Turns out my farm is just a few miles from the Eisenhower home in Abilene, Ks. So the proximity gives me the opportunity and honor to stop regularly. It is a time to reflect on the personal modesty and quiet that exudes from the grounds and the man who grew up here, and, how this quiet determined man led our nation to defeat an insane tyrant.

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I have a question…why is Lindsey Graham, a hollow man who beliefs change with the direction of the wind even on Face the Nation. Lindsey Graham is not relevant. He only amplifies the nonsense we are engulfed in. Why isn’t Chuck Schumer or Mitch McConnell, Hakeem Jeffries, or some adult left in politics, not spineless Lindsey Graham.

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Very good question.


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It’s very sad that Herbert Hoovers profound words haven’t withstood the test of time. “Schooling” which was made available to most to alleviate society’s ills has been decimated by some red States. His unbounded hope has been replaced by anger, mistrust in government and a belief that guns supersede the right to life. What the US needs more of are Herbert Hoovers, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, not the likes of Trump and Nixon

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