I thought of my ancestors tonight who came to America with Lord Baltimore to found the Maryland colony. I thought of my great great grandfather who founded in 1850 the first college west of the Mississippi River to admit women. He left Grand River College to travel east to fight for the Union in the Civil War. I thought of my Marine Captain cousin who in Gulf War I in the dead of night with his fellow Marines took on 90 Iraqi T-72 tanks with just jeeps with TOW missiles. Vastly outgunned he told his men to fight and then retreat 1000 meters and he told me things were looking bad until the A-10 Warthog aircraft showed up and destroyed the tanks in 30 minutes. He lost 11 brave Marines that awful night and was awarded the Silver Star for bravery! I worked for the U.S. Department of Defense for 20 years and performed six War on Terrorism research projects after 911. I will honor my ancestors and cousin by giving monies and my vote for democracy to VP Harris so that my first grandchild due in October can grow up in a democracy! VOTE ALL BLUE!!!

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Wow, Mark! What a family history! We must make all the heroes of America's past proud, because, if we don't, their sacrifices will be in vain!

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Thanks Donna! When my cousin showed me his silver star, remembering that 11 of his Marines died that night was very emotional for him. Semper Fi!!! It is estimated over 1 million of our fellow Americans died in battle for this democracy. To think that a draft dodger criminal is putting all of this sacrifice for our democracy makes my blood boil!!! His attitude towards the brave fighters of Ukraine and his admiration for the war criminal Putin is all you need to know what he has planned for us!!!

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Mark, my blood boils too! Every time that excuse of a man wraps himself with the flag! When he calls the enemies of the state, who used our flag to beat Capital Police, who shit and urinated in OUR Capital -patriots- I almost wish that we could tar and feather people like they use to do! These people, along with their leader are traitor's; why no one in power called it as it, I will never understand! This has been a black mark on our history! However, if democracy prevails, history will also retell, that no matter how dark it got, the Americans who loved their democracy, rose up to fight against authoritarianism-and WON! We must vote! We must tell our family and friends to vote! We must vote not just for a president; but in order to kick out the MAGAs, we must have a strong majority in the House and in the Senate! We must vote for democracy, up and down the ballot-that will be the only way the MAGAs will die out-by not giving them any way to keep and/or get power!

I hope that our founding fathers, and the men and women who made the sacrifice, whether it was at war, or fighting for the right to vote, or fighting for the rights for themselves and for others, are praying for us as we struggle to keep our democracy! Their spirits will be there to help and guide us as we fight the fight!

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Well stated Donna! Semper Fi!

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It is hard to believe that the U.S. Army executed a U.S. soldier towards the end of WW2 for refusing to fight the Germans! General Eisenhower had to sign off on the execution. We have gotten way too soft because the Fascist Six on the U.S. Kangaroo Court forgot the 14th amendment about insurrectionists being banned forever from holding office. Win big this fall and then we can clean up the court as well!!!

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It is so sad how corrupt our system has become. I used to respect the Supreme Court; I even placed them above the other two branches of government. That was the only branch of government that was not corrupted by politics, or so I thought! Once again, the statement that Rick Wilson made so famous has come true: "Everything that Trump touches dies." I just didn't want to believe that the judges on Supreme Court would become just as corrupt as the rest! However, the fact that they are there for life, gives them the protection, that the other branches don't have. "Lady Justice" has had to take off her blinder, and has thrown it in the mud! God forbid, but if Trump wins in November, you know that Judge Cannon will be the next "trumper" on the Supreme Court!"

Last night, Biden mentioned reform for the Supreme Court. I sure hope that he does! Expanding the SC, setting term/age limits, would be a good start! Maybe the same "power/freedom" that the SC just gave Trump, will backfire, giving Biden that same power/freedom, to "stick it" to the SC! Now that would truly be justice!

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And to the orange menace, your cousin and his eleven fallen comrades…they were just suckers, losers.

Talk about a national mass psychosis; What the hell is happening when nearly half the country subscribes to such blasphemy.

It’s a dystopian sci-fi, come to life.

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They make the sacrifices of the past worthless and the future hopeless.

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Mark, you have much to be so proud of. Your loyalty to this country is long standing and to be admired. Long may you live! Enjoy this moment.

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This is why America is great.

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I’ve been able to sleep these last couple of nights. The torch was passed, peacefully and lovingly. What an amazing patriot our President is!!

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Jul 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

This is the most optimistic feeling I’ve had for our country in more than a year. It’s a beautiful moment, and a time to cherish and reflect on our future, and its possibilities.

We now have a lot of work cut out for us to make sure Kamala makes it past the finish line, and our republic not only survives, but thrives, and is much better for the experience.

FYI: Nice touch with the resolute desk, Steve. You’d make a great history professor; putting perspective on each important and critical moment in time, for our history…:)

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The pity is that these right wing neo-Nazi's have made America believe that Joe Biden has done nothing for the country in four years, is a demented old man who has no idea what he is doing.

Nothing is further from the truth.

Ronald Reagan had a decent first term as President, but not nearly as good a term as Joe Biden has had.

Yet he was on the way to landslide in 1984. Joe Biden was at 35% approval.

That's unreal. Biden should be on the way to a landslide- no offense to Reagan, but Biden's Presidency has faced much larger challenges and surmounted them.

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What Steve says goes for me too. We will keep our Republic and destroy anything and everything that stands in our way. That includes you Donald Trump 🫵

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and If the SCOTUS tries to give the election to Trump, Biden must arrest them.

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Without fear or favor.

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God Bless America and President Biden

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This is why I wouldn’t want to be anything other than an American. This was a beautiful moment.

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Glad you are feeling the new relief because I feel it, too! We must do our part in making it happen. A huge vote for Kamala is necessary to push MAGA out of our good country. Ship them to Russia since Putin would welcome them! Take Trump along!

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Jul 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

With eloquent elegance and selflessness our patriotic President has moved me to tears and brought democracy to the forefront. This speech will go down in history.

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Jul 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

I just have to say, and I’ve been hesitant to do so, but here goes…. I was disappointed and often angry at the shit storm so many threw Steve’s way these past few months. Not that he needs my defending. He doesn’t. But I hope everyone at least on this channel stops and pauses for a moment. It’s ok to debate, but the nastiness thrown at Steve was shallow, disturbing, and unkind. Now I hope we can all move forward together again, and when the chaos begins (which it will) we will all remember this amazing moment. 🇺🇸

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Jul 25Liked by Steve Schmidt


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Wow! What a family history! We must make them all proud!

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Sorry, CalWoy1, this comment was meant for Mark Lee Written. When I was typing, the comments jumped!

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Jul 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Wow. My emotions are all over the place. Thank you President Biden. Thanks for giving President Biden the props, Steve. I'm nervous about what's ahead; emotions all over the place. God Bless America and God Bless President Biden.

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Jul 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

President Joe Biden will be remembered in America's history with honor, respect, admiration, and with love! Just as all of the other great Presidents in our country's history!

Trump, on the other hand, will be quickly forgotten, unless history uses him as an example of what a horrible president acts!

President Biden has done what he set out to do when he was just a young buck of a Senator-he helped to improve America, and the lives of the American people, as best as he could. And, I say: well done, President Biden!

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be the doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith." Franklin D. Roosevelt

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He is truly a great man.

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Memorable day!

Dems can have a tsunami if they play hardball. Can she I think and hope so

This is one time vp matters Kelly is the guy, Shapiro on paper but I still burn when I remember gore and Lieberman loosing TN FL by less than 2% no one can convince 3% didn’t vote the ticket because he was a New England Jew

So Kelly pilot astronaut senator who has veritas, testasterone and brings Arizona in play.


+40 house

+4 senate

499 electoral votes.

Beat the fascist and his goebels roundly!

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Love the optimism.

Hope you are right.

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November Bluenami - all in!!!

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Excellent, Steve -Thank You!

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What I find most distressing about our current situation is the terror, the threats, the demonization, and the hatred being inflicted by every single MAGA politician on ordinary Americans.

From killing Americans with different views, to calling immigrants garbage, from describing women as skanks to saying gay people are filth — every word is violence and the threat of harm.

Reject it.

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Yes, the hatred and threats are distressing and dangerous and must be defeated.

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Be strong! Stand up against this hate and anger! We know who is the source of it!

VOTE Blue! Put your seat belt on and do not forget to smile! It will kill them!

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It has truly become a "fight" between good and evil! Let's have the courage to stay on the "good" side; because in the long run, good always wins!

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Jul 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thank you Mr president for putting the country first. Thank you Steve for keeping us in the loop and for putting together such an inspiring message

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Steve, I am waiting for the media to finally wake up and start reporting responsively. In an era of national threat, the media has placed story and profit before country. This behavior has been despicable and needs to stop. The opportunity has presented itself to make amends for all the damage that has been done. History presents its own storyline and doesn’t need any embellishments, just good honest reporting. Reporting is not writing a novel, it is recording a happening in real time. It is descriptive without fabrication. It is an accurate picture without editing. History books will be written later by scholars for educational purposes ,as all history books have been. They are not written during the event.

Trump and the Republican response to President Biden dropping out of the race is a perfect time to put that reporter hat on, and start doing the reporting job. The Republican response to this new situation puts their policies on full display. If they had real policies to run on ,the change in democratic candidacy would make little difference. Nothing would have really changed.

The problem Trump and the Republican Party has is they have no polices to run on except more tax cuts for the rich, tearing down instead of building up, causing more hate and divide, erecting concentration camps for deportation, and reducing women’s rights, all of which are unpopular and are kept unannounced.

Their number one policy, front and center, has been the fabricated demonization of President Biden on a personal level, rather than on a political comparison of policies. There attacks are based on lies and slander with no evidence. The accusations come from an endless supply, because they are drawn from the actual behavior of Trump and the Republican Party, of which there is an ample supply.

Trump and his party are in a chaos, because they have had all their eggs in one basket and that basket has now been removed, and they have nothing left but cracked eggs. It is as if they invested all their money in horse and buggy travel, and someone just invented the automobile and paved roads. This is not by accident; it goes along with the rest of their backward thinking.

They now have to find a new demonization strategy for a new rival candidate who is a woman. The trump model doesn’t exactly fit, but don’t fret, they will find a enough of a crossover, and since they live in the past, they will no doubt go back into their Hilary Clinton bag of demonizations.

In the meantime the whole Republican Party will splash around in the water like a kid learning how to swim with all kinds of inappropriate and improper maneuvers. They will attempt to master the proper strokes, only to find as they emerge from the water, they have once again forgotten to put on a bathing suit. They stand fully exposed.


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Beautifully written!

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