On one of the pages on Substack, I saw a link to Senator Rand Paul’s page. I click on it and the first three items were mostly praise for the following people: Tucker Carlson, J.D. Vance, and Alex Jones.

If we want to see where our problems arise from, we might start by looking at who Americans send to represent them. We have met the enemy and found it is us.

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Thank you Steve. If Americans think Auschwitz can’t happen here, they are wrong. Another Trump presidency will promote fascism and people will lose their lives. There is absolutely no excuse for the “both sides “ media. The people in charge of newspapers, TV networks etc. know what Trump and the 2025 people plan to do. They hide behind their “both sides” pretense and bide their time. The NY Times has no excuses. Everyone in the NY/NJ area has seen Trump. We saw the Covid body bags. We remember the attack on our Capitol. We know about the bone spurs and his disdain for veterans. The Times trashed Joe Biden and is hard on Kamala Harris. There’s no “north star” for the media. Unfortunately, if Trump wins, we will all go down along with the MSM.

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Carol Gamm you are absolutely right

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If it were not for the bravery of two journalists, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, and the support of the Washington Post, we would have never known about Nixon and "Watergate". Where are the journalist like them, today? Have they become corrupt by power and money too?

What has happened to our universities and colleges? What are these professors teaching these young people; our future journalists, lawyers, teachers, etc.? I think of Cruz, Hawley, and others like them from the "ivy leagues", who should know better, but fall for the "orange satan" just as much as MTG, Lauren Boebert, and Matt Gaetz! We need to vote them all out in November!

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My heart is heavy. I recall seeing pictures of concentration camp survivors and trenches full of dead bodies - when I was a child. I am nearly 80. Those images are burned into my mind, forever. The world must never forget. 💔

Inconceivably we are standing on the precipice of yet another dawn of human destruction. Fascism and nazism are knocking at our doors. Our vote can stop it. Everyone must register and vote Dem down ballot to stop it.

Do it to remember Auschwitz and every other depravity of nazism.

May their memories be a blessing.

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A few months ago, I saw an interview with Carlson on some fringe right wing show. What stood out to me were Carlson’s comments about the lizard people among us. He couched it as incredible to believe, but likely happening. I realized then that Carlson was extremely dangerous.

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Was Tucker one of those lizard people?

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You’re preaching g to the choir Steve! Anyone who takes Carlson seriously is in need of severe deprogramming services. These people may be too far gone, but still worth the effort (maybe).

My only question is whether Carlson understands he’s the most nefarious and obtuse of the Russian useful idiot’s, or is he being paid for the privilege?

His recent veneration of this pseudo intellectual historian, Darryl Cooper, speaks volumes. To claim that the reason millions died in the Holocaust was because the Nazi’s didn’t have enough resources to care for the people is rich by any standard. I guess Cooper and Tucker never heard of the Wannsee Conference, which took place in 1942, to decide the fate of the millions of Jews and other “undesirables.

Did the Nazi’s want to initially expel the Jews? There is ample evidence that would have preferred to expel them to Palestine, or possibly Madagascar, but those efforts were unsuccessful since the British controlled the seas and Palestine at the time.

That said, even if the murder of the Jews wasn’t their initial goal, the same couldn’t be said for all the “undesirable’s such as communists, socialists, gays, Gypsies, and any perceived or real threats to the Third Reich. And since the Wannsee Conference decided the fate of millions, any point regarding a “lack” of resources is rendered moot.

Additionally, the idea that Hitler wanted peace is ludicrous on its face. Yes, we all know that peace loving nations invade their neighbors as a sign of good will. In 1938, the Munich Pact (Germany, France, Britain and Italy) was signed and the west appeased Hitler by giving him the Sudetenland, a part of Czechoslovakia, but that appeasement was short lived as Hitler had his sights set on all of Czechoslovakia. And the rest is history.

Bottom line: Tucker is a traitor and his followers nothing more than empty shells for brains. This is the 21st century, we shouldn’t even be entertaining such nonsense to begin with; yet here we are!….:)

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I want you to understand that any person who says what happened there didn’t is an enemy of humanity. AMEN

Thank you for reminding me to never deny the truth. It’s a principal commandment of God and it is dangerous.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

The words above the entrance gate to Auschwitz read "ARBEIT MACHT FREI." Translated to English "WORK SETS YOU FREE" This cruelist of lies greeted prisoners although to the Nazis they had a double meaning--an evil lie based in truth. That is, after you are worked to death, you will in a very real sense be free.

Trumpism is built on lies. It is the fascist foundation. Hence the orange fake messiah's 40,000 + along with what you hear spewed from his minions everyday. No doubt many of those lies are based in some kind of perverted truth and have a double meaning as well.

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Thank you for your riveting brilliance, Steve.

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America has always contained and tolerated the original Big Lie that Hitler later understood as indispensable for fascism: total denial of objective reality by displacing it with the myth or socially-constructed ideology that some groups of people are biologically inferior to others -- for Americans it was black Africans, for the Fuhrer it was the Jews, having learned the theory and practice of white supremacist racism from the former. For Americans, the Big Lie about ‘race’ was deployed to justify slavery, for Hitler the concentration camps and the Holocaust, the twin evils of human history predicated on the inversion of truth and lies.

Americans urgently need to reframe the meaning of our current recrudescence of race-based fascism in Trump’s MAGA cult, because its deeper antecedents lay not in 1930s and 40s Germany but rather in American’s oxymoronic founding on the original, anti-liberal sin of racism at loggerheads with its vaunted universal principles of liberty, justice and equality.

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George W. Bush’s office said he will not be endorsing anyone in this election. 5,000 American kids gave all in Iraq and this man cannot even take a side.

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COWARD? Never was a leader!

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No, and his brother, Jeb, isn't saying anything either! If their mother, Barbara was still alive, I bet she would tell them: "Boys, I didn't raise you up to be cowards!"

Shockingly, the leaders in the GOP have shown what they are really like-greedy cowards! They all have their tails between their legs! That is why we respect Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger; because right from the start, they spoke up for democracy! Democracy over Party, why is that so hard to do?

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I couldn't have said it better; especially the part about Barbara Bush.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

Even his sidekick Dick Cheney (his handler and the shadow president) has the balls to call out this nonsense and endorse Kamela and Walz. Dubya once again demonstrates what a chicken$hit he is and always has been.

These are incredibly strange times we are living in.

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Complete coward and chickenshit.

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He is a coward and a war criminal. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and he knew it. Operation "shock and awe" was, in substance, no different than the Russian invasion of Ukraine or Hitler's Blitzkrieg.

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Do we assume that he will not carry out his civic duty to exercise his right and responsibility to vote. Great example for the youth of America. Shame on him.

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If he cannot take a side on saving this country, and encourage others to do the same, he merits his shame.

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The 'Washington Post" mantra: "Democracy dies in darkness." I would add that democracy dies in ignorance. Perhaps ignorance in fact is its own form of darkness.

In the Gospel of St. Matthew is written, "Evil lives in the hearts of men." I would add the soul to that; or, the soulless such as Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and an entire population of willing evildoers. Trump and his cadre of venomous vipers have gotten away with their tyranny because of, not in spite of, the freedoms we as Americans enjoy. Sadly, the Murdochs, the Sinclair’s and a host of other all-too-wealthy elites have poisoned the well of truth and integrity. They have intentionally manipulated truth to fact into a lie. Suddenly, left is right and right is left. I am reminded of Kellyanne Conway's "There are alternative facts." Wow. And, here we are. At the precipice where falsehood stings reality so severely that falsehood becomes the reality. November 5th becomes even more crucial and vital to the survival of our republic as we have come to know her. That day will be THE defining moment for our republic’s continuance as a constitutional democracy.

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Ignorance is a real problem today. A microcosm of this issue resides in North Carolina. We have two of the most ignorant people I have ever seen elevated to governance and near governance. One may be our next Governor and the other may be in charge of the entire public school system for the state.

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Dumbing down the system has been at the core of our educational system for decades. Much of that diminishing value has been at the hand of Republicans. Think Betsy DeVos, queen of the private school promotions.

I went to school in the 1950s in Maryland. My high school was rated #2 in the state, with the principal pushing to make us #1, I was an academic student. The general studies kids at that time were smarter than freshman year college kids today. I had a friend who taught at a college in Connecticut. She said the first year, the freshman year, was spent teaching 12th grade all over!

Your Mark Robinson is a disgrace not only to NC, but to our country as a whole. Yet, stupidity has been elevated to "intellectual" status. Remember how Sarah Palin railed against the intellects; the intelligent? And then there are the parents who try to tell teachers how to teach. The boundaries, the guard rails and basic common courtesy began to die in the 1980s with Reagan and then Gingrich.

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I much prefer your mantra than WAPO’s current one. 👏🙏

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

Thank you, Steve, for re-running your piece on Auschwitz. I am here, today, in Poland--nearly 6000 miles away from home-- because of it. Later this week, after spending time in Gdansk and Warsaw, we will see Auschwitz for ourselves. I will see where a great aunt along with her two sons was murdered. A few days before, we will walk the ghetto of Lodz where my great grandmother was murdered. Another great aunt was deported from Lodz and murdered in a gas van en route to Chelmno. The lessons of World War II live here, embedded in this country's soil, but also in my DNA that seems to have been rattled awake by current events. Yes, soon the few who survived, who lived to tell, will be gone. But we cannot--must not--forget that what happened before can happen again.

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May your loved ones' memory be a blessing to you! May they rest in peace.

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Thank you, Donna. ❤️

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As I learned of the Holocaust and watched Civil Rights unfold, the phrase "never again" was an inspirational challenge and collective promise to end genocide and oppresssion everywhere/anywhere.

Yet 60 years on humanity's dignity continues to be factioned, splintered and broken by tyrants, bullies and facists intent on eradicating human beings and destroying our planet.

Leaders must be unequivocal - there is no righteousness in human inhumanity and "never again" must be applicable to every culture, religion, ethnicity, circumstance to the very least and last of us.

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Here, here! It’s really pretty simple. Either you’re for freedom, or you’re not. When is the free press going to treat Trump like they treated Biden and now Harris/Walz. Don’t have to look too far. Trump’s diatribe re child care? MAKE HIM ANSWER THE QUESTION!!

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I think the questioner inadvertently damaged Trump simply by posing the question. His utterly incoherent response was far more telling than any coherent reply would have been.

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That hasn't stopped him yet!

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Imponderable, yes but it was a reality. There is no denying the Holocaust happened by anyone who has a soul. However, there are too many soulless people who hate with malicious intent. Their intent is to cause pain in the memory of the many beautiful souls lost through evil. My parents generation fought against the evils of fascism and authoritarianism in WW2. My dad's promising baseball career was detoured by injuries suffered during his service to our country. Now his children are fighting and arguing amongst ourselves about the same evils my dad caught against. I do not have any answers for anyone else who has family members on both sides of this struggle for America. My voice within my family has been silenced by being blocked. All I can do is shake my head and wonder. However, since President Biden made the sacrifice to pass the torch to Kamala Harris, I now have hope. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of hope but there is also fear because too many Americans are listening to narratives being dispatched by media outlets who are self seeking money grabbers. These corrupt outlets worship only money and do care how they acquire it. They knowingly spread lies and propaganda in the quest of the almighty dollar and their audiences are welcoming these falsehoods without questioning their true sources or intent. Truth loses when a lie takes hold and when truth is left struggling to breathe. Our voices need to stay strong and repeat the truth as often as they repeat the lies. Then and only then truth will have a chance at replacing the lies.

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Like you I felt a sense of optimism following Biden's slow and grudging stepping aside. Now I see the sad reality that this is still an even election, both in swing states and nationally, which is devastating for Democrats given the embedded Electoral College advantage for the GOP. I don't know whether people just aren't paying attention or they don't take Trump's words seriously, so give him an automatic pass for everything. The outcome is the same. I'm not confident American voters will do the right thing, to give the country a chance to survive and turn in a positive direction. There are so many critical changes that must take place, but in the hands of Trump, his Project 2025 implementers and fellow demento Elon Musk, the words "United States of America" will take on a new and dark meaning. It's remarkable to observe, in the very worst sense. SMH!

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The so called “ Free Press “ are capitulators much like the Vichy government was to France in WW2. They are hedging their bet that if Trump wins, he won’t throw them in jail ( he will anyway).

They really can’t comprehend that there won’t be a free press if Trump is in office.

Maybe they shouldn’t be considered a free press currently since they appear to be intimidated by the right. They are already censoring their content so as not to be hated by the right. But the MAGA world already sees them as lefty communists that can’t be believed.

The media has no backbone or integrity. There are individuals such as yourself that calls things as they are not through an opaque lens.

Steve, you and your ilk are fighting a gorilla war to tell the truth. Thank you and keep up the fight.

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You see the problem right in your middle paragraph. Too many of our MSM are self-censoring for "reasons." There will continue to be a semi-free press, even if (perish the thought) Trump is elected again. He enjoys the publicity too much, even as he lambastes any press that fail to provide him sufficient homage.

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It will be interesting as to what will happen to the "news" on CBS, and the local news channels owned by CBS, now that the person who bought CBS is also a MAGA!

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