Christine, my comments here are rarely contrarian and, of course, there is intense & valid interest in the too long delayed hearing of admissible evidence before a Jury that will make the verdict decisions but, my 30+ years as a litigator & Trial attorney say absolutely NO. Please do not assist the Defendant in putting up the Circus Tents. Please no popcorn
There are many superior legal analyst: Joyce Vance to name just one; excellent legal reporters, Kyle Cheney to name only one. Or do what I do --- follow the case on the Court's DOCKET & read the verbatim transcripts. How do you think Appellate Courts do it? Courts read the Certified Trial record.
As a psychologist for 43 years, I have a different point of view on how to reach through the noxious gases fogging people’s ability to see the truth. It’s of utmost importance for all of us to hear and see the case in real time, both sides giving their ‘evidence’. The preponderance of evidence that the government has and all of trump’s friends and confidants testifying against him will be powerful and overwhelming. It will be impossible to rectify for those that continue to believe there is something redeeming about the orange criminal sociopath. We have to reach through this morass of cult think and grab people by their humanity, their reason, their practicality - they need to see it for themselves and NOT have the truth spoon fed and tainted by the media or being required to read page after page of documentation (which we know they won’t do).
Sarah, this may work for some. Hopefully for many. But remember they think we are lying and that the trial itself is a lie. (Just like we would see it if they put Biden on trial). In addition to that, the personality type of the Trump cult CAN NOT be wrong.
There still are plenty of people sitting on the fence, it’s just that we don’t hear from them enough. I trust that there are more than we realize that can be part of the overwhelming vote against republican traitors who should be eliminated from office. These ‘independents’ are tired, maybe even sick to death, of the orange ulcer and are hoping for an alternative. They need to see and hear for themselves what a sick f*ck he is and what he has done, not be given more poisoned baby food mixed heavily with lies.
Sarah, 6 pm Eastern per Ari Melbar, MSNBC's Monday Show, the GA judicial Authority will permit televised proceedings. The scope of TV Trial is not clear at this time.
Grand Jury: GA Grand Jury is voting now after hours on Monday Evening GA time. The Media is camped out in Judge McBurney's Courtroom. Live on TV via a "Pool Feed" no sound.
6:50 pm Pacific: The indictment is being stamped by the GA Court Clerk now. and provided to Judge Mc Burney
Yeah, like the MAGAts are going to listen to Joyce Vance or Kyle Cheney. And lol they certainly aren't going to read transcripts. They're going to listen to Kevin McCarthy, MTG, Jim Jordan, and all the liars at Fox who are going to spin the crap out of it like they do with everything else. You think the judge is going to allow Trump to ham it up in the courtroom? He's not even going to be allowed to talk unless he testifies, which we all know he won't. People absolutely need to see it with their own eyes or a third or more of the country won't believe the truth of what transpired.
Thank you Ellen, my comments were aimed at Readers used to HCR's real time accurate History. Yes, the Trial Judge controls the Courtroom & everyone in it. I think I have posted "Don't mess with Tanya" at least 1/2 dozen times on several Platforms. Just trying to remind folks how we got here. Tfg continues to grift off his nonstop unreality show.
I agree. Tfg loves to be on camera! I fear he will spend the trial hamming it up to gather sympathy and distract from the serious issues in front of the trial. I might be okay with televising the trial if the camera were never focused on him unless he testifies.
good response, but there are many of us who will not read the transcripts - there is something about seeing it live and up front and personal that is important - no clown car just real time
I get that Patricia only a small cohort will read transcripts. I am old enough to recall the Trial Transcripts highlights of the Chicago 7 Trial in the New York Review of Books. Allen Ginsburg's testimony was virtually a poem & sizzling literature. Still is.
I respectfully disagree. At a time when the courts suffer (often rightly) from a serious credibility deficit, and at a time when people doubt (often rightly) the impartiality of the media, it is of the utmost importance for the American public—we the people—we, the actual victims—to be able to form our own opinion by witnessing, firsthand and in real time, prosecution and defense arguments about the (alleged) crimes committed by the past administration.
Public memory can be lamentably short. Video documentation of the Capitol on January 6 was essential in countering oft-repeated right wing declarations that Trump’s mob was just a bunch of peaceful tourists. In the same way, footage of the upcoming proceedings will stand as testimony—an eyewitness to events that will remind the voting public of what happened in the courtroom—even as the Right tries to denigrate the trial as political persecution and/or an assault on First Amendment free speech. This video evidence will also serve a broader purpose. It will become a record for history, so that future generations can see for themselves how our nation of laws dealt with an attempted coup and those who incited it.
This is a teaching/learning opportunity for a population that is woefully uninformed about civics, in particular about the workings of our federal government. Because this is an unprecedented event of international interest, the visual—and accessible—documentation of a US president on trial will serve as an educational tool not just for today’s voters but for future generations as well. We should never forget how fragile our democracy actually is. We should never forget this critical stretch of our history.
Christine, I am on a Monday morning must-do task but, I will carefully consider your comments As an ex-trial attorney, I am vividly aware of the need & cognitive power of visual information. I also, realize that the Defendant's attacks over the Weekend have brought the protection of Witnesses, Jurors & their families to a head. I have confidence in this particular Judge to make the necessary PTO decisions . The Judge has many, many tools. Goes double for Fulton County, GA. Back later.
In Fulton County, Monday at 6 pm Eastern, apparently The GA Judicial authority will allow some TV proceedings.
As an attorney and former COURT TV producer, I can tell you that the jury is always off camera and in many cases jurors' identities are also kept secret from the public unless they themselves choose to reveal themselves after the trial.
In my judgment, the trial of Donald Trump, in particular, should be publicized for the following reasons: 1. He is accountable to all the people precisely because he presumed to the highest office of public service in the Nation. The trial is basically about his abuse of the power of that Office; 2. He still has millions of followers who support him and over whom his hypnotic power can manipulate for continued division and chaos in governance at all levels. They must witness the truth based on his own words and actions judged by the facts and evidence, untainted by lies and politics; 3. the citizenry of the Nation must witness the entire trial, testimony and presentation of evidence. It is to all the people that he is most accountable in light of the Constitution and the federal laws set in place to implement it and sustain our democracy as a Republic. 4. Because this event and the factual events leading up to this trial are historic and setting precedent, it must be unmistakably clear that this process is not about political persecution of a political candidate. Rather, that it is about holding accountable a fellow citizen who established a contract with We the People to occupy the office of President, and to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution" but who seriously broke the most fundamental Federal Laws and provisions for a fair and just Electoral Process. It must also be clear that he put our National Security seriously at risk by his unauthorized removal and possession of boxes of Classified Documents. 5. To set a sound, fair, clear and historic precedent, this trial must be conducted in full view of the citizenry and of the world, for whom it will be a demonstration of the strength of our Constitution and of the Nation sustained by it under our democracy. It will honor and strengthen the ideal of public service to the Common Good as the purpose of any elected office, from the municipality to the Presidency.
You make excellent points but I disagree. For eight years, Trump has manipulated the press and the populace to his advantage and whim. I don’t think it is in the country’s interest to give him yet another opportunity to mock our democracy and judicial system and hold our attention hostage for the many months to come. We should treat him like any other defendant, go on about our lives, read the paper in the morning and let the system do its job. The American people and their press corps have shown themselves to be infinitely gullible and that the argument that seeing is believing is specious.
Let’s face it. He will be holding our attention hostage throughout the entire many trials to come, there is no avoiding that. Let’s confront it and finally have an experience of justice, that we can see with our own eyes. Don’t underestimate that there are quite a number of people who are on the fence about this creep also tired of his antics and troubles. There are enough of them who can be swayed by seeing and hearing live testimony like the Jan. 6 committee. We’ve been manipulated and ripped off by the orange sociopath and his enablers and we want the truth as it comes out for all the world to see.
Thank you for your comment. Personally, I am confident that this Judge knows very well the type of defendant who has been indicted. She has already demonstrated that he will not be allowed to control the room, the process, the prosecutor nor her. The Judicial System in place will discipline the defendant. Also, this defendant is not by any means just another defendant. He has been a massive and destructive force on our social and civic fabric as a democracy. It is vital to our democracy that through our established judicial process, he be held publicly accountable to the People.
ElizabethRTX: does not your Item No 2 argue against Trial in the Coliseum? Recall 2015 when "media" kept a Camera on an EMPTY lectern with the Chiron: "TRUMP TO SPEAK IN 10 MINUTES". Kinda like a unreality show.
This is to be a professional federal judicial process conducted under the authority of a no-nonsense, highly competent Federal Judge. It will not be a TV production under the direction and control of Donald Trump. He is the Defendant, not the Director, although I admit that will be a hard pill for him to swallow.
Sometimes privacy is needed, such as with minors, rapes, safety, or whistleblowers. However, for this historical moment, where America is in a international crisis, every minute of this trial concerning espionage, treason, insurrection, and derelection of duty by a sitting American President needs to be viewed and documented.
I think cameras are essential in this case, however my ONLY concern is for the safety of those testifying given the extreme violence of the MAGA crazies.
Steve. Still cameras or movie cameras, or both: that is the question. I favor both for this trial, for Trump and the entire experience.
Why: Trump’s message is powerful, fraudulent, frightening and dangerous, it is fascist, seductive, and fraudulent: visual evidence is the best evidence, and 70 million Americans seduced by or complicit with Trump’s message of pure evil fraud must be given the opportunity to see it, in court. The court is not on trial. Trump is on trial. America is on trial. Trump represents one of the worst offenders of his type, one of the most dangerous and effective. Ergo, let the SUNSHINE cover you trial for all to learn about themselves and Trump.
We are trying to save ourselves and our children and our nation. Education is needed.
The cameras will educate. The judge can position the cameras and determine whether the cameras are capable of recording the events truthfully.
Nuremberg put the killers on trial, after WW II and Adolf Hitler’s death. Allied forces had won. The trials gave some the needed closure.
Trump’s trial alone will not bring closure. Tried, sentenced, jailed, Trump will be more dangerous... if sunshine is denied.
Trump is us. Trump represents a side of us, a side of Americans today, the unresolved racist, prejudiced, intolerant side of America.
Jailed in solitary, head shaved, in a prison cell photographed daily, Trump may appeal to the racists of America.
Shame and life in solitary at his castle of corruption will not alter the adoration of his family of followers, his tribal ancestors and friends that are deeply troubled, angry and fascist, fearful and ignorant, committed to brutality towards those less fortunate - in their corrupted eyes.
Trial, conviction, sentencing and punishment will not change the fascist nature of his tribal empire of evil.
Americans must educate themselves and exorcise their love affair with EVIL.
Trial in Sunshine on every network is step one.
Truth must prevail. Shame must be shared.
We Americans must admit our shared culpability.
We must address ourselves before we can educate our children.
Sunshine is the best medicine.
Truth will set us free.
Justice is coming, one way or another.
An open trial is the way.
Hiding Trump will assure his future and will destroy us.
What do you think would be a alternative position in terms of punishment?
His followers are themselves men & woman who have suffered some sort of negative responses or acts from parental situations, as he has. They are not capable of knowing who they are following except that their experience in this life, early & beyond strikes a familiar note for them, therefore they think they must surge forward, even with such unwarranted circumstance. It is like a defiance of the past that they have no tolerance for, but cannot connect the dots!
The other issue is this man's behavioral difficulties. That all of this Maga crowd cannot see what they are following. He has very distinct psychological problems that no doubt parents could not even control. Never learned what it meant to Cooperate, how to deal with the word, NO, STOP, etc in the world.
He does not tolerate anything other than self, summing up a very damaged individual, which fits the severity of sick personalities that ruled parts of this world, & still do: Narcissistic Personality Disorder=Danger.
Yes. US jurisprudence needs to be seen Jurors should be off camera. The public needs to see without filters. Perhaps someone explains the technical aspects ( what did they do and what does it mean) Not a 3 rd party interpretation
Very good point, but there are proven ways that federal prosecutors have protected the identities of witnesses in previous trials, e.g. of Mafia members and bosses.
They can be shielded. You do not have the stream on the jury box
Another option is to mask them, or place them behind one way glass ( they can see-we cannot see them) or use avitars that they select to represent them on screen.
Out of the three the one way glass would be the best.
When the Judicial Conference first banned TV cameras in Federal Courtrooms, they stated that this was due to insuring fairness to all parties - to preclude grandstanding on the part of attorneys and witnesses (although judges are certainly not immune, viz. Judge Hoffman in the Rosenberg trial.) In addition, cameras at that time were enormous affairs, needing many large, heat-generating lights to provide an adequte and, to us, primitive black and white image. Their physical presence alone would have been a cause for disruption, irrespective of the actual courtroom proceedings.
Today, on the other hand, the camera in your phone has capabilities unimagined in 1937 and barely imagined in 2017. Today, High Definition cameras that pan, tilt, and zoom can be mounted unobtrusively on a courtroom wall and operated remotely through a browser interface. No special lighting other than courtroom ambient is required to produce a sharp, brigtht picture that can be streamed to a web browser on your phone.
There is no reason whatever to trust the judgment of the Judicial Conference in this matter. This is the body that has refused to intervene in the matter of SCOTUS ethics and is silent on the moral depredations of Clarence T. Irrespective of Sammy A.'s boasting about being ungovernable, our esteemed Judicial and Legislative branches have the power to mandate cameras in federal courtrooms absent a compelling reason. I have read recently that both Ds and Rs are in favor, as each believes live TV will play to its own advantage. In fact, cameras in the courtroom will play to the advantage of all Americans if we are to revive trust in the institutions that, for better or worse, make our civil society work.
There is so much distrust in our legal system that it is imperative that the country see it in action with the Trump trial/trials…it is the only way people will believe
There is risk, elevated with MAGA crazies, that some witnesses will need a security detail once they testify. However, there is a "social good" aspect to shining a light on truth. These trials will be revealing and enlightening, like the J6 hearings were. It comes down to measuring risk vs reward. For the election interference/insurrection trial, I would vote "yes": the benefits outweigh the risks in this case.
In this case, they should allow cameras. Everyone should be able to see who is testifying and listen to cross examinations. trump loves an audience, but maybe not so much when he's forced to shut up and just listen. It would be good for all the fools (esp. MAGA House members), who are involved as well. Justice shall prevail!
Yes, disallowing them gives the impression that it’s just one more way Trump is getting special treatment. Let us see the whole thing in real time so he or his flunkies can’t make any false claims later.
All U.S. trials should be public! The very idea that the Court can be closed for only a privileged few to view is basically autocratic, especially considering we pay for them!
Like the Electoral College, the Supreme Court’s unaccountability, and Trump’s private legal system, It’s all part of the veil between us and real democracy. And it’s not only surreal, it’s FURREAL!
I would watch, just as I watched the Jan 6 hearings and I can multitask. However, most people won't be home to watch it and most of the people at home that should watch it won't. I'm not clear on what purpose televising it serves. It won't happen during prime time but we don't see it live. I don't think it is worth breaking precedent if court transcripts are immediately available.
Yes, but the jury box should be off camera.
Agree! The angles allowed need to be carefully considered.
Christine, my comments here are rarely contrarian and, of course, there is intense & valid interest in the too long delayed hearing of admissible evidence before a Jury that will make the verdict decisions but, my 30+ years as a litigator & Trial attorney say absolutely NO. Please do not assist the Defendant in putting up the Circus Tents. Please no popcorn
There are many superior legal analyst: Joyce Vance to name just one; excellent legal reporters, Kyle Cheney to name only one. Or do what I do --- follow the case on the Court's DOCKET & read the verbatim transcripts. How do you think Appellate Courts do it? Courts read the Certified Trial record.
As a psychologist for 43 years, I have a different point of view on how to reach through the noxious gases fogging people’s ability to see the truth. It’s of utmost importance for all of us to hear and see the case in real time, both sides giving their ‘evidence’. The preponderance of evidence that the government has and all of trump’s friends and confidants testifying against him will be powerful and overwhelming. It will be impossible to rectify for those that continue to believe there is something redeeming about the orange criminal sociopath. We have to reach through this morass of cult think and grab people by their humanity, their reason, their practicality - they need to see it for themselves and NOT have the truth spoon fed and tainted by the media or being required to read page after page of documentation (which we know they won’t do).
Sarah, this may work for some. Hopefully for many. But remember they think we are lying and that the trial itself is a lie. (Just like we would see it if they put Biden on trial). In addition to that, the personality type of the Trump cult CAN NOT be wrong.
There still are plenty of people sitting on the fence, it’s just that we don’t hear from them enough. I trust that there are more than we realize that can be part of the overwhelming vote against republican traitors who should be eliminated from office. These ‘independents’ are tired, maybe even sick to death, of the orange ulcer and are hoping for an alternative. They need to see and hear for themselves what a sick f*ck he is and what he has done, not be given more poisoned baby food mixed heavily with lies.
Sarah, 6 pm Eastern per Ari Melbar, MSNBC's Monday Show, the GA judicial Authority will permit televised proceedings. The scope of TV Trial is not clear at this time.
Grand Jury: GA Grand Jury is voting now after hours on Monday Evening GA time. The Media is camped out in Judge McBurney's Courtroom. Live on TV via a "Pool Feed" no sound.
6:50 pm Pacific: The indictment is being stamped by the GA Court Clerk now. and provided to Judge Mc Burney
Thanks for letting us know! I don’t get a chance to catch up on the latest information until the evening.
What concerns me the most is how safe to tell the truth and how safe to hear the truth will the witnesses and jury feel?
However they choose to conduct the trial, I don’t want any truth to be altered because of such ways and means.
You right.
Sarah your comments were
Breathtakingly meaningful
Gratefully heartfelt soulful 🌹blessings 🌹With Love, Marsha
Thank you very much for your kind response! I truly appreciate it. Sometimes I feel that I am just talking to myself - Ha!
Yeah, like the MAGAts are going to listen to Joyce Vance or Kyle Cheney. And lol they certainly aren't going to read transcripts. They're going to listen to Kevin McCarthy, MTG, Jim Jordan, and all the liars at Fox who are going to spin the crap out of it like they do with everything else. You think the judge is going to allow Trump to ham it up in the courtroom? He's not even going to be allowed to talk unless he testifies, which we all know he won't. People absolutely need to see it with their own eyes or a third or more of the country won't believe the truth of what transpired.
Thank you Ellen, my comments were aimed at Readers used to HCR's real time accurate History. Yes, the Trial Judge controls the Courtroom & everyone in it. I think I have posted "Don't mess with Tanya" at least 1/2 dozen times on several Platforms. Just trying to remind folks how we got here. Tfg continues to grift off his nonstop unreality show.
MAGAts. Oh thank you for that. Maybe I’m behind the times, but that is the first I have seen that use. Thank you.
I agree. Tfg loves to be on camera! I fear he will spend the trial hamming it up to gather sympathy and distract from the serious issues in front of the trial. I might be okay with televising the trial if the camera were never focused on him unless he testifies.
I trust the judge to keep everything orderly. She sounds like a no nonsense kind of judge to me.
The defendant would be wise to respect that about her but this guys an idiot so we shall see.
good response, but there are many of us who will not read the transcripts - there is something about seeing it live and up front and personal that is important - no clown car just real time
I get that Patricia only a small cohort will read transcripts. I am old enough to recall the Trial Transcripts highlights of the Chicago 7 Trial in the New York Review of Books. Allen Ginsburg's testimony was virtually a poem & sizzling literature. Still is.
I respectfully disagree. At a time when the courts suffer (often rightly) from a serious credibility deficit, and at a time when people doubt (often rightly) the impartiality of the media, it is of the utmost importance for the American public—we the people—we, the actual victims—to be able to form our own opinion by witnessing, firsthand and in real time, prosecution and defense arguments about the (alleged) crimes committed by the past administration.
Public memory can be lamentably short. Video documentation of the Capitol on January 6 was essential in countering oft-repeated right wing declarations that Trump’s mob was just a bunch of peaceful tourists. In the same way, footage of the upcoming proceedings will stand as testimony—an eyewitness to events that will remind the voting public of what happened in the courtroom—even as the Right tries to denigrate the trial as political persecution and/or an assault on First Amendment free speech. This video evidence will also serve a broader purpose. It will become a record for history, so that future generations can see for themselves how our nation of laws dealt with an attempted coup and those who incited it.
This is a teaching/learning opportunity for a population that is woefully uninformed about civics, in particular about the workings of our federal government. Because this is an unprecedented event of international interest, the visual—and accessible—documentation of a US president on trial will serve as an educational tool not just for today’s voters but for future generations as well. We should never forget how fragile our democracy actually is. We should never forget this critical stretch of our history.
Christine, I am on a Monday morning must-do task but, I will carefully consider your comments As an ex-trial attorney, I am vividly aware of the need & cognitive power of visual information. I also, realize that the Defendant's attacks over the Weekend have brought the protection of Witnesses, Jurors & their families to a head. I have confidence in this particular Judge to make the necessary PTO decisions . The Judge has many, many tools. Goes double for Fulton County, GA. Back later.
In Fulton County, Monday at 6 pm Eastern, apparently The GA Judicial authority will allow some TV proceedings.
I agree that this needs no more publicity than what it will ordinarily get. I’m surprised so many people selected yes.
Me too Tracy especially after 2015-2016.
Dana, careful consideration is always a good thing. Nobody should worry, I will not come out of retirement to get back in the Courtroom
As an attorney and former COURT TV producer, I can tell you that the jury is always off camera and in many cases jurors' identities are also kept secret from the public unless they themselves choose to reveal themselves after the trial.
There are alternatives to having them on camera
In the case of Trump, they should be excluded when classified information is being discussed.
In my judgment, the trial of Donald Trump, in particular, should be publicized for the following reasons: 1. He is accountable to all the people precisely because he presumed to the highest office of public service in the Nation. The trial is basically about his abuse of the power of that Office; 2. He still has millions of followers who support him and over whom his hypnotic power can manipulate for continued division and chaos in governance at all levels. They must witness the truth based on his own words and actions judged by the facts and evidence, untainted by lies and politics; 3. the citizenry of the Nation must witness the entire trial, testimony and presentation of evidence. It is to all the people that he is most accountable in light of the Constitution and the federal laws set in place to implement it and sustain our democracy as a Republic. 4. Because this event and the factual events leading up to this trial are historic and setting precedent, it must be unmistakably clear that this process is not about political persecution of a political candidate. Rather, that it is about holding accountable a fellow citizen who established a contract with We the People to occupy the office of President, and to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution" but who seriously broke the most fundamental Federal Laws and provisions for a fair and just Electoral Process. It must also be clear that he put our National Security seriously at risk by his unauthorized removal and possession of boxes of Classified Documents. 5. To set a sound, fair, clear and historic precedent, this trial must be conducted in full view of the citizenry and of the world, for whom it will be a demonstration of the strength of our Constitution and of the Nation sustained by it under our democracy. It will honor and strengthen the ideal of public service to the Common Good as the purpose of any elected office, from the municipality to the Presidency.
You make excellent points but I disagree. For eight years, Trump has manipulated the press and the populace to his advantage and whim. I don’t think it is in the country’s interest to give him yet another opportunity to mock our democracy and judicial system and hold our attention hostage for the many months to come. We should treat him like any other defendant, go on about our lives, read the paper in the morning and let the system do its job. The American people and their press corps have shown themselves to be infinitely gullible and that the argument that seeing is believing is specious.
Let’s face it. He will be holding our attention hostage throughout the entire many trials to come, there is no avoiding that. Let’s confront it and finally have an experience of justice, that we can see with our own eyes. Don’t underestimate that there are quite a number of people who are on the fence about this creep also tired of his antics and troubles. There are enough of them who can be swayed by seeing and hearing live testimony like the Jan. 6 committee. We’ve been manipulated and ripped off by the orange sociopath and his enablers and we want the truth as it comes out for all the world to see.
Thank you for your comment. Personally, I am confident that this Judge knows very well the type of defendant who has been indicted. She has already demonstrated that he will not be allowed to control the room, the process, the prosecutor nor her. The Judicial System in place will discipline the defendant. Also, this defendant is not by any means just another defendant. He has been a massive and destructive force on our social and civic fabric as a democracy. It is vital to our democracy that through our established judicial process, he be held publicly accountable to the People.
Good points
Thank you.
ElizabethRTX: does not your Item No 2 argue against Trial in the Coliseum? Recall 2015 when "media" kept a Camera on an EMPTY lectern with the Chiron: "TRUMP TO SPEAK IN 10 MINUTES". Kinda like a unreality show.
This is to be a professional federal judicial process conducted under the authority of a no-nonsense, highly competent Federal Judge. It will not be a TV production under the direction and control of Donald Trump. He is the Defendant, not the Director, although I admit that will be a hard pill for him to swallow.
Sometimes privacy is needed, such as with minors, rapes, safety, or whistleblowers. However, for this historical moment, where America is in a international crisis, every minute of this trial concerning espionage, treason, insurrection, and derelection of duty by a sitting American President needs to be viewed and documented.
I think cameras are essential in this case, however my ONLY concern is for the safety of those testifying given the extreme violence of the MAGA crazies.
I believe this can be mitigated by shielding them from view or masking them in some way
Well said
Steve. Still cameras or movie cameras, or both: that is the question. I favor both for this trial, for Trump and the entire experience.
Why: Trump’s message is powerful, fraudulent, frightening and dangerous, it is fascist, seductive, and fraudulent: visual evidence is the best evidence, and 70 million Americans seduced by or complicit with Trump’s message of pure evil fraud must be given the opportunity to see it, in court. The court is not on trial. Trump is on trial. America is on trial. Trump represents one of the worst offenders of his type, one of the most dangerous and effective. Ergo, let the SUNSHINE cover you trial for all to learn about themselves and Trump.
We are trying to save ourselves and our children and our nation. Education is needed.
The cameras will educate. The judge can position the cameras and determine whether the cameras are capable of recording the events truthfully.
It is her decision and her court. Her discretion.
She will want the truth and sunshine.
Sunshine is the best disinfectant: Brandeis.
Might I suggest going back to the Nuremberg trials for an example The world needs to see this
Nuremberg put the killers on trial, after WW II and Adolf Hitler’s death. Allied forces had won. The trials gave some the needed closure.
Trump’s trial alone will not bring closure. Tried, sentenced, jailed, Trump will be more dangerous... if sunshine is denied.
Trump is us. Trump represents a side of us, a side of Americans today, the unresolved racist, prejudiced, intolerant side of America.
Jailed in solitary, head shaved, in a prison cell photographed daily, Trump may appeal to the racists of America.
Shame and life in solitary at his castle of corruption will not alter the adoration of his family of followers, his tribal ancestors and friends that are deeply troubled, angry and fascist, fearful and ignorant, committed to brutality towards those less fortunate - in their corrupted eyes.
Trial, conviction, sentencing and punishment will not change the fascist nature of his tribal empire of evil.
Americans must educate themselves and exorcise their love affair with EVIL.
Trial in Sunshine on every network is step one.
Truth must prevail. Shame must be shared.
We Americans must admit our shared culpability.
We must address ourselves before we can educate our children.
Sunshine is the best medicine.
Truth will set us free.
Justice is coming, one way or another.
An open trial is the way.
Hiding Trump will assure his future and will destroy us.
Hope you received post to you e.dyan
Hope you received my comments...might have been replied to an alternate post.
eva dyan please search...Thank You
What do you think would be a alternative position in terms of punishment?
His followers are themselves men & woman who have suffered some sort of negative responses or acts from parental situations, as he has. They are not capable of knowing who they are following except that their experience in this life, early & beyond strikes a familiar note for them, therefore they think they must surge forward, even with such unwarranted circumstance. It is like a defiance of the past that they have no tolerance for, but cannot connect the dots!
The other issue is this man's behavioral difficulties. That all of this Maga crowd cannot see what they are following. He has very distinct psychological problems that no doubt parents could not even control. Never learned what it meant to Cooperate, how to deal with the word, NO, STOP, etc in the world.
He does not tolerate anything other than self, summing up a very damaged individual, which fits the severity of sick personalities that ruled parts of this world, & still do: Narcissistic Personality Disorder=Danger.
Yes, you're correct...Thanks
Sunshine is needed.
I voted "depends," but certainly yes in this case, since we're the victims.
I also voted depends but now wish I had voted YES.
I changed my mind on that YES. Protection of witnesses and Jurors trump the video.
Yes. US jurisprudence needs to be seen Jurors should be off camera. The public needs to see without filters. Perhaps someone explains the technical aspects ( what did they do and what does it mean) Not a 3 rd party interpretation
Should not be used as fodder for F-x news.
That’s why I wanted first person observation. No reinterpretation
I think the Jan 6 and way back when Watergate were most effective when they were shown as is
I remember watching the Watergate hearings. Riveting. I would have loved to be able to record them like we can now. OJ, not so much.
What did they know, and when did they know it. Senator Howard Baker, (R) TENNESSEE, EVERETTE DIRKSEN”S SON IN LAW.
Very good point, but there are proven ways that federal prosecutors have protected the identities of witnesses in previous trials, e.g. of Mafia members and bosses.
They can be shielded. You do not have the stream on the jury box
Another option is to mask them, or place them behind one way glass ( they can see-we cannot see them) or use avitars that they select to represent them on screen.
Out of the three the one way glass would be the best.
Great idea.
When the Judicial Conference first banned TV cameras in Federal Courtrooms, they stated that this was due to insuring fairness to all parties - to preclude grandstanding on the part of attorneys and witnesses (although judges are certainly not immune, viz. Judge Hoffman in the Rosenberg trial.) In addition, cameras at that time were enormous affairs, needing many large, heat-generating lights to provide an adequte and, to us, primitive black and white image. Their physical presence alone would have been a cause for disruption, irrespective of the actual courtroom proceedings.
Today, on the other hand, the camera in your phone has capabilities unimagined in 1937 and barely imagined in 2017. Today, High Definition cameras that pan, tilt, and zoom can be mounted unobtrusively on a courtroom wall and operated remotely through a browser interface. No special lighting other than courtroom ambient is required to produce a sharp, brigtht picture that can be streamed to a web browser on your phone.
There is no reason whatever to trust the judgment of the Judicial Conference in this matter. This is the body that has refused to intervene in the matter of SCOTUS ethics and is silent on the moral depredations of Clarence T. Irrespective of Sammy A.'s boasting about being ungovernable, our esteemed Judicial and Legislative branches have the power to mandate cameras in federal courtrooms absent a compelling reason. I have read recently that both Ds and Rs are in favor, as each believes live TV will play to its own advantage. In fact, cameras in the courtroom will play to the advantage of all Americans if we are to revive trust in the institutions that, for better or worse, make our civil society work.
There is so much distrust in our legal system that it is imperative that the country see it in action with the Trump trial/trials…it is the only way people will believe
There is risk, elevated with MAGA crazies, that some witnesses will need a security detail once they testify. However, there is a "social good" aspect to shining a light on truth. These trials will be revealing and enlightening, like the J6 hearings were. It comes down to measuring risk vs reward. For the election interference/insurrection trial, I would vote "yes": the benefits outweigh the risks in this case.
In this case, they should allow cameras. Everyone should be able to see who is testifying and listen to cross examinations. trump loves an audience, but maybe not so much when he's forced to shut up and just listen. It would be good for all the fools (esp. MAGA House members), who are involved as well. Justice shall prevail!
Yes, disallowing them gives the impression that it’s just one more way Trump is getting special treatment. Let us see the whole thing in real time so he or his flunkies can’t make any false claims later.
All U.S. trials should be public! The very idea that the Court can be closed for only a privileged few to view is basically autocratic, especially considering we pay for them!
Like the Electoral College, the Supreme Court’s unaccountability, and Trump’s private legal system, It’s all part of the veil between us and real democracy. And it’s not only surreal, it’s FURREAL!
BUT: No cameras on the jurors; and on mute when classified information is being presented.
I believe this can be accomplished
I would watch, just as I watched the Jan 6 hearings and I can multitask. However, most people won't be home to watch it and most of the people at home that should watch it won't. I'm not clear on what purpose televising it serves. It won't happen during prime time but we don't see it live. I don't think it is worth breaking precedent if court transcripts are immediately available.
Please see my own Comment as my reply to you.