Kari strap on a Glock Lake, Marjorie Jewish space laser Greene, Kristi puppy murderer Noem. I’m seeing a pattern here.

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Rather than comment on the North Dakota misfit governor, I have a dog related question for you, Steve (if you’re reading) A few days ago you wrote about your worries and concerns for Teddy and were waiting for word from the Vet. I hope his diagnosis was not dire; that you and Teddy have a long time left to enjoy and love one another.

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Thanks for checking in (I always read the comments!). That's very kind of you. We still haven't gotten any news yet. I'll keep the community posted.


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Yes, I too recall your mention of Teddy..Hope it was good news..

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Shooting the dog- horrible and contemptible. Sharing the story as if it’s a badge of courage- deplorable and stupid at best. She must be mentally ill and should have to answer for this act of violence and cruelty.

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Sociopathic at the very least.

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Heidi is an excellent journalist and doesn’t deserve this criticism from a so-called religious leader! He has plenty of unresolved issues in his church to speak as a demagogue!

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My WWII Navy dad used to tell me when I acted badly, "Don't be a shitass. No one likes a shitass."

He's passed now. But I'll bet he would say that only a shitass would shoot a puppy.

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Reminds me of a line British soldiers would say about officers they did not respect:

Jumped into the gene pool when the lifeguard was off duty.

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Hilarious and Horrid. In a Larry David episode it would be funny— but in reality it adds to the growing, and out of control and public, animosity, acrimony — and and antagonism that we all have to put up with every day! Fitting and well timed piece, Steve!

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Unfortunately Curb won’t be on for another season.

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He sounds like a modern day Bishop Coughlin.

As far as the murderer, if it was a normal political party I would say she just eliminated herself. But since this isn’t a normal political party it probably enhanced her chances of being TFG’s vp choice.

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The insipid bastard is known not to like dogs, what kind of human being doesn’t like dogs, all you have to do is show them love and they will be your friend forever, which suggests that he is incapable of showing love, something that shouldn’t surprise any of us here.

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Narcissists only love themselves.

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Lest we get bad information here, as we continually do from one poster, here is something a farmer and hunter wrote:

The Gov of South Dakota claimed her GWP was a bad dog. That’s bullshit. Here’s the thing about pointing dogs like this: All you have to do is give them exercise and expose them to birds. That’s it, but you have to do it almost every day or they go stir crazy.

What puppy-killer Noem likely did was get a dog…lock it up like a prisoner for months, dump it into a chaotic situation and then brutally kill a young dog because it just did what any birddog would do. Too much energy and too little time to express it.

Any person that loves birddogs has a damn hard time swallowing her story.

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In my wildest nightmares did I ever think I would hear someone boast about shooting their dog. And goat. Karma? I don't know if it's real but this makes me fervently wish/hope/pray that it is so that in her next life, this horror of a woman, gets to experience the animal cruelty that she has imparted to those poor animals. Come back as a shelter dog in a "Kill" shelter! A dog that doesn't get adopted and then....well...and then....

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Kristi Noem is nothing short of mentally ill, as Kathy Perez correctly ponders. Watch now, that we hear of copy-cat incidences, which will take place in support of her cruel, hideous, actions.

Just as we see the Christian Nationalist come to the AID of those marching their fascist flag forward. Rational, empathetic, and humanistic behavior is over the heads of these people. They are narcissists, and hedonist who are using a hapless , empty shell of a political party, no longer able to solidify an actual reason to exist, by virtue of any kind of actual electoral representation, to spread, and foment a fascism about as home grown as we will ever see.

Its myriad endeavors,none with any relationship to each other, or with a better way of life for the Americans people, are here for one common reason, not just power, but Corrupted Power. That which takes, Denys, and never once strives for a better way of life for those it so dishonestly represents.

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What would KN do to a disabled person?

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Her mentor once mocked a disabled person. And now she proudly wears the dog killer appellation.

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Exactly what I fear most and what keeps me up at night...Heidi Pryzbyla. Really. The Boogeywoman. I've had "a thing" since first grade for a few Polish girls from Michigan, one of whom I married, but I never realized until this very moment that they are a very serious threat...to something or other. It's worth the subscription price just to get this warning! Thank you for your service, Steve.

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I've seen/heard Heidi for years and she is a "real" journalist, someone you can count on for the facts. Young women have been the heroines of our time. Yes, "Keep on keeping on" Heidi! You go girl! Will Pope Francis confront this guy?

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Frank Lee...go lie down!!

Anyway, Noem is a heartless, opportunistic, poorly advised, power seeking, hack. Blowing up her chance at VP is a gift to all of us. And re the Christian nationalist movement, why aren't we hearing more from the leaders of the Catholic church? Especially after they were implicated in the escape plans of Nazis after WWII?

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Another brilliant piece, Steve. Thanks for this. Can someone tell me how Trump still believes he can win this election, setting aside his legal issues and battles. From what I gather and understand, his cult is about a quarter of the country. I stink at math but a quarter of the country it’s not 100% of the country. This means that 75% of the country according to various news outlets, “support” President Biden. Now I do understand that turn out from both party followers and supporters, various demographic groups, is important and plays a huge role in deciding who becomes the next commander in chief. Can someone enlighten me then on how Trump believes that he has enough support of the country to win this election? I don’t see it. Am I worried and concerned about Trump and his potential winning of the White House? Of course I am. we all know what he wants to do. He has said it multiple times. “Trump 2025“ plan, the time magazine article yesterday. People must take what Trump says literally and seriously. He does what he says as we all know on January 6, 2021. now, of course, setting aside Trump‘s delusionary state of mind, and a narcissist himself, and his sociopathic make up. I hope all who read this. Have a good day today.

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Another incredible Warning, thank you again, Steve. I appreciate more than I can likely express how you stated so clearly that Christianity and Christian Nationalism are not the same thing. In these days I often think of how Jesus was offered all earthly kingdoms and their glory if He would submit and bow the knee to Satan. He told Satan to hit the road and affirmed that we must worship and serve only the Lord God (Matt 4:8-10). The billionaire puppet master Leonard Leo clearly didn't make the same choice.

I also think a lot about how, when Pilate asked Jesus if He was a king, He answered that His kingdom was not of this world- that's why His followers were not fighting to defend Him (John 18:33-36). I remember how he told Peter to knock it off when he sliced off the high priest's servant's ear, and then healed the man's wound (Luke 22:49-51). The spectacle we watched descending to threaten and physically trash the US Capitol had nothing to do with the spirit or mandate of Jesus Christ. Neither does the attempted character assassination of Heidi Przybala, or the naked power grab that is Project 2025.

The truth matters more than the consequences, so thanks again, Steve and everyone here, for the encouragement you give to stand strong and not give up on the country and people we love.

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