Jan 4, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

We’ll done but in describing Piers you left out at least one descriptor--Douchebag!

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The one thing guaranteed to make a racist cry, is to call them out on their racism.

Anyway, being blocked by evil is preferable to a potential twitter war. which makes no one look good, imho.

I'm curious... did you block him back? Or will he still read what you write on twitter?

My personal POV is that you should completely ghost him. Never mention him again... as if he doesn't exist. He will wave his metaphorical arms around wildly trying to get your attention again, begging you to make him more important than he is by talking about him. He will attempt to savage you, as he does the Duchess... But you will ignore his taunts and his writhing ego... and he will not only be withered and shrunk down to the size of his heart (is it even in there?), but he will become a mere wisp of humanity, vanishing into the ether. As he so richly deserves.

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Let's take the intellectually honest, non-compromised folks who inhabit the universes of politics and political / mainstream media (stipulating that it's not a large number). If even 20% of them had even half your rhetorical gifts -- your ability to marry facts and insight with moral outrage -- MAGA-ism would have been smothered in its infancy. The putatively sane but still silent and cowardly Republicans and other media figures would have found voice and courage by crowd osmosis. It may still happen, but not until a lot more damage is done to the commonweal.

Thanks, Steve, for another scalding, necessary, and witty (Piers Morgan, Galactic Prophylaxis?) article.

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In this piece, Steve captures the essence of bullying when committed by one's use of power in pursuit of money. The stigma surrounding mental illness forces silence and empowers those who find ways to profitt from the silence. Hurray for people with their own power who speak of their depression in an effort to defeat the stigma that enriches people like Piers Morgan. Hurray for the celebrities who risk everything to denounce stigma and support their own mental health. Shame on those who monetize the stigma that brings tragedy into the lives of so many. Shame, also, on those who stand by and do nothing to help destroy the stigma that can be defeated if they simply spoke against it. Like Steve Schmidt. Bravo!

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Your description of Piers along with the toxic British media and Royal family is exactly what needed to be said!! "Silence is betrayal". Calling out and standing up to bullies is what we ALL need to do, you have been phenomenal in doing this.

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Piers Morgan is an execrable human being who feeds on petty gossip and spite. It's quite telling that the Queen Consort Camilla invited both Morgan AND Jeremy Clarkson to a holiday luncheon. The royal family as currently constituted is a rotting carcass, and Morgan, Clarkson and their ilk are the vultures.

Harry and Meghan are better off without all of it.

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Rumi: “The lion is most handsome when looking for food.”

Sam Vaknin: “The narcissist devours people, consumes their output, and casts the empty, writhing shells aside.”

Thank you, Steve, for shining a light on Piers Morgan, the 'brittle bully', and other narcissistic abusers.

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How sad that after a luncheon with Camilla Shand that hate should be spewed. She above all else should understand the hate of the press. She had to have a PR team to rehabilitate her infidelity. The character of these people is displayed in plain sight. The more Harry and Megan get their story told the more it verifies the sick relationship of the Monarchy with the tabloid press. If Camilla is gossiping with Piers then I guess there is no real reason to believe that the King Charles wants to reconcile with his son. They need to hate Megan and Harry to deflect from their lack of substance.

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Narcissists want and need attention. Deny it. Only when we stop fawning over these horrific sociopaths will we begin to heal.

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

I am a deeply scarred person. I am 59 years old, so this is no surprise. But since Steve has begun his spiritual journey and moved away from the toxic influences he once found and identified in his life, I have had a similar timeline and discovery. His writing, nowadays, is like a balm and a salve for my sanity and my soul. I appreciate the thought, the reflection, and the scholarship of which your writing is evidence. I pay for 3 Substack subscriptions. Yours is one of them. Thank you, and happy new year.

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Like I said...only one way to deal with a bully..Stand up to them, punch them in the face and break their nose..This piece is a form of that without raising a hand..

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Piers Morgan is an ignorant puff piece. He’s nasty and opinionated.

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The best biscuit with my coffee this morning: "he blocked me on Twitter..." The bully showed his hand that all you say about him is true. Frame the block, Steve and take the W! 👍🏻😅

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

New subscriber here. I came for Steve's writing, however, the comments are the digital frosting. A real treat to read them.

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Thank you again Steve. On point again. The current King & his heir have failed as human beings in their refusal to rally behind Harry & Megan, failed as human beings, as father, as brother, as important influential men in roles of power & influence to protect their family - as Harry & Megan & their children are their family - to protect from brutal & cruel bullying. I have no respect for them any longer. And that Camilla, the Queen, continues to pay honor & respects to the likes of this infamous bully & his friends, one can only wonder what monstrous horrors have gone on for Megan & Harry in the past with her full support. Despicable.

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Apologies for this non-sequitor, but Steve, what's your take on where Putin stands now... within Russia, and within China, and within the GOP?

How much has he succeeded in damaging our democracy? Gaetz, MTG, et al sure appear to be working for him. (I'm still trying to work out why trump was so subservient to him. That level of debasement couldn't just be about money. Could it?)

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