Considering the material you've been publishing on The Warning recently, he's not necessarily wrong on this one.

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Where did the 5X impact offer link take you? Perhaps a hackable fundraising website that can be disrupted, redirect the donations to the NAACP or a LGBTQ support org..

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He told me I was patriot of the month. How is it there are two of us😁

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MAGA have devised an entirely new calendar system?

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Presumably everyone on Trump’s email list gets this “award” (I got it too! Hooray!). How can his supporters not be offended to be taken for fools, unless….

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Steve- it would be funny if it wasn’t so sad and tragic. Our culture and politics are irretrievably broken and, while there’s always room for levity, the undercurrent of anger and vitriol is profound. God help us.

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I used to get this kind of stuff from "W" when he was getting our troops killed in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. I never sent him a dime; I just returned his surveys with all the "wrong" answers.

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The lying never stops, and a sucker is born every minute.

It's quite sad that so many people are so easily duped. Truth be told, this is the only thing Trump is good at — bilking people.

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Omg. I just cackled. 🤪

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Trump often makes me think of of Hunter Thompson who wrote this about Richard Nixon (in The Great Shark Hunt) after Nixon resigned in the Watergate scandal. "He was dishonest to a fault, the truth was not in him, and if it can be said that he resembled any other living animal in this world, it could only have been the hyena ... If there were any such thing as true justice in this world, his rancid carcass would be somewhere down around Easter Island right now, in the belly of a hammerhead shark." I don't know what the late great Thompson might write these days of Trump. There might not be enough acid on the planet to fuel him. But we do have Steve Schmidt, and I'm grateful for that.

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I too am grateful to and for Steve Schmidt. Crazy how he came up on my radar, through the book then the movie ”Game Change”. Began seeing him on election coverage on MSNBC then on Deadline, White House with Nicolle Wallace. Then The Lincoln Project, and the rest is history..Thank you Steve, for who you are and all that you do..

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So that’s the rock the maggot crowd hides under, they have obviously co-opted some people that should know better and are using their talents to promote that shit, it’s sad to think that a lot of people fall for it, not a good sign for our democracy.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022

Or our education system. Or our media/news/pundits/commentators.

Or concern for fellow human beings as well as the planet and all that it contains and maintains.

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His defense fund is in bad need of contributions now!

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How much do you have to "donate" for this honor (cough cough)

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I am assuming that this award was accompanied with a solicitation to contribute to TFG’s fund to overturn the Election.

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Ooooh and last year I won a fresh-baked tray of brownies! But sadly was not also acknowledged as a (half-baked) patriot with a capital "P".

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I got a text similar today. I wondered how I got on a DFG text list!

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Congratulations! You deserve this title! I’m assuming that a generous cash prize wasn’t included.

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No, as with everything trump wants the $$ to flow only to him.

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I won an iPod shuffle at a raffle once! But it didn't come with an Official Presidential Certificate <tm>

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I am so excited for you! What an “honor “ to have been chosen as a top donor. I notice they called you Stephen.

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I would love to see this message on some outdoor ads in very red states…like that movie called ‘Three Billboards’ with Frances Mc Dormand.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022

OMG! 😂🤣😂🤣 I failed to open up the text I got today, 👀 what I missed in my haste. Rats!

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Treasure you… you are The Prize

POSITIVE you Steve deserve CNN Hero

Award category and Medal of Honor for

A true patriot and personally I am honored

To Respect and treasure your thoughts and

Value how feel about nature & the planet !

Pray everyone VOTES thanks, Marsha

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Peeps on Social, say do not promote trumpf by continuing the the propaganda.... Thoughts?

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So funny, yet sad!

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Not even close. This is big news Steve. :)

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I received an email from the Trump people a few months ago. I was horrified to see my name linked with him in anyway. I wrote back to them and said, “TAKE ME OFF YOUR LIST!” They replied saying they would remove my name and they did!

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I knew I should have stayed on that mailing list!

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I guess it was a gift. $$$. many years ago that I tried to return as a mistake had been made . But dealing with 2 different agencies was not easy. No one wanted to say a mistake was made so after months I gave up and kept it.

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They forget the word "Former" ahead of "President."

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They always do. 🤬

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Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Samuel Johnson, April 7, 1775

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“There’s a Patriot of the Month born every minute” - P.T. Barnum

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I have a friend who gets this crap, in the wrong name, and shares it with those of us who are just gob smacked that people lap this crap up...heavy sigh...

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Don’t know if this is legitimate. The requisite image of Trump with an adoring cupcake is missing, and I don’t see any misspellings or photos of guns.

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Your CrAzY! Typical Triggered Liberal.

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You must be so proud!

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Can’t make this shit up🤷🏻‍♀️

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😂 Garland said the U.S. Justice Department will pursue justice "without fear or favor."

"We intend to hold everyone, anyone who was criminally responsible for the events surrounding Jan. 6, for any attempt to interfere with the lawful transfer of power from one administration to another, accountable, that's what we do," he said.

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He needs to step it up.

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Damn, all i get are $500 costco gift cards and text messages from Nancy Pelosi. You're so special!

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Have to ck my Spam folder

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I bet there are many fools out there who have printed this garbage out on good paper with good ink, and carried the thing around in their wallet to show their fellow fool friends.

I hope so cause you know their stupid fool friends got them too.

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Wow...Congrats Steve! Did Orange Idiot ask for a donation?? Surely the nifty certificate can't be free!

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Terrifying that there are adult humans among us (apparently lots of them) who would respond to an email like this one and actually send hard earned money.

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Well you know, that's what scammers do. They scam.

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Pardon me Steve but do you really need accolades from the Donald. Lol, This is cult behavior turn away quickly and run. You brought a smile to my face. Live long and prosper and beware of evil bearing gifts.

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Act now and you'll receive a Beadazzler and Radish Roser with this offer!

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I hope you are going to print it frame it and hang it in your office - like 30x30 because it is so special. Keep up the good work, Stephen.

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As with everything that Trump touches, it is flawed! Really, he could at least have spelled your name correctly, unless, of course you got it by mistake because it was meant for Stephen Colbert!

That said, I’m sure that the realization that he actually got it right, you are the patriot of the month, just not in MAGA land, will cause several temper tantrums culminating in holding his breath till he turns blue!

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DAMN! You got one too?

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