80 Days of madness. Holy crap. I don't know if my nerves can take any more. I was finally starting to relax. Tell you what. I'll enjoy next week first then I'll buckle up and bear down but you're right, Trump has no intention of certifying this Election. Attorney Mark Elias has been warning us about this and fighting this battle for years. God help us all. Have a safe trip home Steve. 🙏❤️😘

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Lewandowski is just a thug. He is a creep like Stephen Miller, another human void of humanity. It’s no coincidence that Trump attracts the morally corrupt, amoral and unethical. Habba, Kellyanne,Jason Miller, Bill Barr, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel…Trump is playing political limbo… with the refrain being “how low can you go?” We will see new lows in political rhetoric to come. Promises that will never be kept…. absurd lies… and taking credit for things he never did…all wrapped up in Trump’s stupidity on full display.

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I just saw that Congress is now investigating Walz connection to China. Yet they ignore the obvious bribe Trump got from Egypt? Republican Congress is a bad joke. They need to be taken to task for the weaponization of Congress against Democratics. Oh wait, that Jim Jordan’s committee… I’m sure he’ll do the right thing. lol Vote the republicans out of Congress!

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Jim Jordan doesn't know how to do anything but attack the Democrats, and he does a terrible job at that too-thank God! The MAGAs are just grasping at straws-anything that sticks to the wall-because they know that they are loosing! We just need to make sure that they loose by a huge margin in both Houses of Congress! That way we can get rid of the filibuster, the Electoral College, and make gerrymandering illegal is all 50 states and territories of America! There must be no stone unturned, in order to clean up the unconstitutional mess that we are all in! People like Jim Jordan, MTG, Boebert, Cruz, Halley, they all must go! Not to mention our corrupt Supreme Court, thanks to slimy Mitch McConnell! (Wouldn't it be wonderful if he were replaced by a Democrat! Come on Tennessee!). They are all like leeches sucking the blood out of our democracy!

Vote "blue", up and down the ballots in November!

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Safe trip home Steve.

As much as I'm optimistic and galvanized by the Harris/Walz campaign, I'm still disgusted at the almost complete failure of our lawmakers, our laws, and the everyday character of our citizens, to prevent a proven pathological liar, sexual predator, and multi-felon from even being considered to be our president.

I would recommend a constitutional amendment to bar narcissists from holding office, but would we follow it?

I cherish laws, guardrails, common sense, and character, but these have all been abdicated to our last line of defense, Voting.

I don't like this all or nothing fight from the last trench, but fight I will.

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I’m not concerned about what the other side says or does because I have no control over it.

The best example of what MAGA is about was the killing of a puppy in cold blood by a MAGA politician. That’s what they are about, that is what they stand for.

November 5th is Garbage Collection Day. MAGA goes curbside and we go about our lives again.

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Trump is drowning, so he grabs on to Lewandowski, to save his life! Little does he know, that they will both drown together!

God bless Joe Biden! He sacrificed his wishes for a second term, in order to beat Trump and the MAGAs. It probably hurts him to see the crowds at the Harris/Waltz rallies; but looking back in a few months, he will realize that his sacrifice DID SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY!

I do agree with Steve, that Trump won't go down easy! He lacks the character do so. I think the next insurrection will be more violent, even more widespread! I sure hope that the FBI, National Guard, and whoever else has the power, have plans to squash Trump and the MAGAs; hopefully before anything violent and deadly happens! It will not be pretty! Trump will do anything to avoid jail time!

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I’m thinking the different National Guards will have a little extra momentum to help given their next Vice President was a former 24 year veteran of their service. And respected by his fellow Guardsmen.

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I didn't think of that! How great would that be, for the National Guard to stand behind the POTUS and VP Waltz, as well as the democracy that they pledged to protect!

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To say Trump "won't go down easy" is a very naive exercise in understatement. Clearly most people have absolutely no idea the lengths MAGA is prepared to go to either win the election or exact revenge if they do not.

You think Project 2025 is going away just because Trump loses. Really???

If Trump does lose, MAGA will blaze all new lows as far as what it means to be "stuck-n-steamin.' And the potential for that emotion probably quadrupled since not too long ago they were measuring the Oval Office drapes. They know if they lose this one, there's a very good chance they don't measure drapes again for another 8 to 12 years. Maybe more.

People often say when Trump talks, believe him. Well, do you recall him ranting about losing the election then punctuating the possibility with the word "bloodbath"? I suggest everyone prepare themselves for it.

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I agree, my statements might be naive sounding; however, my thoughts are definitely not! Could be because I am a retired primary teacher?

So, "True Tales", we know what Trump and his followers are capable of doing; so, what do the "average citizens" do to protect their families, properties, and themselves? How do we prepare? That is what scares the hell out of me!

I also agree with you, that even if Trump dies of "older" age, MAGA will not. We still have the evil minds of Bannon, Miller, Stone, and the rest, ready to groom another stooge, probably more dangerous, and definitely a lot smarted than Trump. They might already doing that with Vance!

I keep hearing from "experts" on MSNBC and sometimes, CNN, on what Trump and the MAGAs are capable of doing, and how they will not be making the mistakes that they did before-very, very scary; but they never tell the listening audience what to do to prepare themselves for the "bloodbath"! I'm pretty sure that the MAGAs are preparing, and have been for years, maybe even decades!

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Locked and loaded.

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Great comment! Would like to hear Harris/Walz start casually mentioning the lengths djt and team will go to hinder election results; determine and mention how the usg is prepared to respond to ensure a smooth transition; call out the possibility of violence and ensure America that another 1/6 will not be tolerated!

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If Harris wins the election Congress must impeach (and convict) at least two of the Supreme Court justices. We need to get our democracy back. Democracy cannot survive with any president who is above the law. Biden can then nominate two new justices and perhaps also increase the number of justices by two. After January 20th, Harris can appoint new justices to fill those seats. Then the Court's decision of July 1st can be reversed.

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Just the act of bringing Alito & Thomas into the well of the Senate and let America hear the actual grift they pulled should be a, “no brainer.”

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Impeach those 2 SCOTFGs? Absolutely. Expanding the court is a non-starter IMO as it's a thinly veiled attempt to get what you want. The court is supposed to be apolitical; this would just guarantee that it is nothing more than an extension of the executive branch and exactly the type of maneuvering we blast TFG for doing with Project 2025 - more power in the executive branch. If there is any honesty to these trials and pending trials about TFG is that they are not political witch hunts - he's a felon who has far too long eluded justice. Expanding the court would exacerbate that feeling that these are nothing more than political and would merely provide short term relief. The next R president would simply expand it to suit their desires. When would the cycle end - 17 justices? 23? Better legislation would be a more effective path to reverse the ridiculous immunity ruling.

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What surprises me is Chief Justice Roberts! I used to have respect for him! He is like a wolf in sheep's clothing to me now! I guess the poison that is Trump and McConnell, got to Roberts too! When he went along with the other corrupt judges, there went all hope of having a just Supreme Court!

If Harris/Waltz wins, reform must begin with the S. C.; term/age limits, maybe a law stating a POTUS is only allowed one nominee for the S. C., a term. A law stating that Congress has no right to deny a POTUS's nominee from getting a vote. Making it clear on the deadline a judge can be voted on to the S. C., during an election year!

I know that if Trump wins-God help us all-he wants to expand the S. C., probably with Judge Cannon as his first choice! However; I agree with you, Mike, where will it ever end? Of course in Trump's dream of being a dictator, there will be no more S. C. nominees; the same way he stated, that there will be no more reason to vote!

OMG! The thought of the trumps as being the dictators of America should make us all fight, and vote "blue" in November!

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Corey Lewandowski? Really? Will Bannon also be joining the campaign... once he is paroled? Is it possible that we are finally reaching the end of the MAGA/TRUMP buffoonery era? An exhaustion and bewilderment seems to be setting in with the former Republicans, now MAGA cultists. (Even the folks on Truth Social are less nasty and engaged.) As Trump continues his slide into the abyss and KH ascends, we now have a reason to be optimistic. In 80 days, our national nightmare ends.

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Hey, Steve, you want to send some of that Mackinac Island fudge MY way?!

BTW, the Repubs keep blaming the Biden administration for "inflation". Does anyone have video of Biden and Harris, sitting around the Resolute desk, saying,

"Okay, what's next?"

Kamala checks her list. "'Mayonnaise'".

"Okay, what was it last week?"

Again she checks. "$3.49 per jar".

"Okay, let's raise that to…what: $3.98?"

"Yeah, I think that would work."

"What's next?"


"How much were they a dozen last week?"


"Okay, how about……….."

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😆 😆. The thing that drives me bonkers is that inflation was rampant not only in the US, but also Canada, Europe and China. In Canada’s case, its inflation rate has fallen from a high of 8.1% in 2022, easing to 2.7% in June 2024. Europe’s inflation rate has also fallen from a high of 11.50% in 2022 to a low of 2.60% in June 2024. And as we know Covid was mostly to blame for the surge in inflation along with some likely price gouging along the way.

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Can you imagine the corporate moguls, sitting around a table, saying, "Can you believe what we were able to get away with, price-wise, when Covid led to a supply-chain disruption? Anybody for lowering prices, now that the supply-chain disruption is ancient history?"

"Not me."

"I can't find a reason to."

"As long as people are willing to pay the higher prices—yes, I know, they have no choice, since we're a monopoly—why the hell would we ever lower them?"

"Plus, we want Trump back in office, so, as long as we can get our buddies over at Fox and CNN and the New York Times to keep calling this thing 'inflation', rather than what it really is:'price-gouging', and as long as we can keep blaming the whole thing on the Biden administration, that has to go a long way toward helping Trump get re-elected."

And puh-lease don't tell me that that scenario—or something like that—wasn't playing out in corporate offices all across America—nay, as you detail it, CaroleAnn, THE WORLD!

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Yep, everyone wanted a piece of the big bucks by overcharging thereby inflating their prices, and this in addition to prices of goods that had skyrocketed due to the supply-chain issues that arose in the early days of Covid. The service industry workers were demanding increases to their base salaries, and tipping became de rigueur for workers who had historically been at the low end of the salary scale in those industries. I had a neighbor who would stand outside once a week to tip

workers who picked up his recycling bin as well as his trash. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

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If I remember correctly, it was Regan who started to deregulate things. When that happened, prices rose dramatically. Oh, and wasn't it Regan who brought the idea of the "trickle down " economy?! Look at what has happened since-the rich got richer, and the poor got poorer, the middle class continues to shrink, and homelessness is out of control! Then we all faced a pandemic, with another "actor" as POTUs/Trump! The GOP worshiped Regan, and now, the MAGAs worship Trump!

Americans love to keep repeating the economic cycle. The GOP ruined the economy under Regan and then G. H. Bush; then Clinton worked hard to lower the deficit created by those two. Then comes Bush Jr., again the deficit rises; followed by Obama, who worked hard to lower it. And, then we have Trump, who broke the record for having the highest deficit yet! Biden follows, getting us out of a pandemic, helping citizens who lost their businesses, got 50% of our children out of poverty-and gets no credit for any of the other good things that he did!

Anyone see pattern? Let's break that pattern, and vote in another Democrat to finish the work that Biden started, and wanted to finish!

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You are well versed in the economic history of the US. There is a definite pattern and it’s obvious for all who want to see it and all that needs to be done is look back at Obama’s presidency and how he and Biden got us out of one of the worst economic downturns of the modern era, and ditto for Biden and Harris working hard to get the US back on the road after Covid. The Dems always seem to find the appropriate way to get out of economic mismanagement created by the GOP.

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The Dems seem to be able to save our middle class, by the skin of their teeth, time and time again; and yet, the free press rarely, if ever, acknowledges that fact! I just can't understand it. I think capitalism has taken an ugly turn-profit above truth! It has been in the making since St. Ronald Regan. The press went gaga over Regan, so we all thought that "trickle down" economics was the answer to our troubles! I guess I was too young, too "into myself" during the eighties, to notice the corruption slowly and steadily creep in, and like a frog in a pot beginning to boil, not noticing until it was too late! We all have been living in this mess for decades! God bless Biden, he could talk to the middle class, as if he was a part of the middle class, and he worked hard for them to succeed!

I think that it will be great to have a former teacher and coach as the VP! He can hopefully, stick to reality, and fight hard for the lower and middle classes! And the way he communicates to the people, even the MAGAs might understand!

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MAGA ignoramuses have absolutely no idea how the economy works. They always act in emotional and uninformed ways. If the president had enough power to actually set prices, we would have a command economy; we still have a market economy with government interventions to dampen the grotesque inequality that would result from pure capitalism. In fact, with today's concentration of wealth due to industrialization, capitalism would destroy itself by devolving into private monopolistic control of the economy. We need more, not less, government involvement in order to lessen the capitalism-destroying consequences of the enormous gap between the ordinary working citizen and the capitalist "investors."

Trump's anti-union message in his talk with moron-musk, in which he alluded to firing striking workers, is not only illegal but would destroy capitalism by increasing the wealth gap between workers and owners. Without the softening of the rough edges of capitalism in a mixed economic system we would face revolution on the part of exploited workers unable to bare the unfair burden placed upon them, work your asses off and produce for those who own the means of production. Live on bread crumbs while they sit on their fat behinds in Maralago.

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This is silly. The economy is generally viewed as a reflection of policy. People will NOT take the time to inform themselves of the causes; they just know they're paying more for food and gas now than they were 5 years ago. Biden's policies have done wonders to bring rampant, world-wide inflation under control here in the US and our thriving economy is proof. But it doesn't change the fact that prices are up. Your example is like the difference between local weather and global climate.

Presidents get too much credit and too much blame; it comes with the territory of the job. The economy is on Biden and thus Harris (TFG supporters don't care one bit that our economy is better than any of the other G20 countries). The border is on Biden and thus Harris (TFG supporters don't care one bit that TFG directed MAGAs in congress to squash the bipartisan border bill). You want the Ws? Well, you have to take the Ls as well. ANd you have to consider the 10s of millions of misinformed voters who don't give a damn about facts, but just kneel at the TFG altar of lies.

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Yes, Mike. All I'm saying is there aren't ENOUGH don't-bother-me-with-facts MAGA morons to get Trump over the finish line on Nov. 5.

Yes, Trump will haul out the dog-eared "The election was rigged" playbook, and we'll go through the 60 court cases all over again (since the morons are the ones paying all the legal fees), and he'll call on his minions to once again "stop the steal".

But this time, he'll be faced with an overwhelming "been-there-done-that" vibe from those morons—especially when the latter remind themselves how many of their fellow thugs went to jail last time—so that Trump will be standing there with his mushroom-shaped you-know-what hanging out for all the world to see.

Yes, I hear you: "From your lips……."

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Good morning and by the way, David, it only has to be "ENOUGH don't-bother-me-with-facts MAGA morons" of a few thousand in a few swing states. I'd agree with you 100% if this was a pure popular vote process, but it's not.

Just yesterday, TFG said, "There would have been no inflation if I had been president. There would have been no wars either." Complete bullshit, but this kind of thing resonates with people who are ill-informed and who get their news from Fox and other far right outlets along with Truth Social, Facebook, and X.

Again, I hope you're right, but with voter suppression activities and lawsuits by MAGA, the RNC, and TFG acolytes and sycophants, I fear it's far from a done deal.

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Thanks David. I hope you're right. In fairness, the "don't bother me with facts" portion of our society and electorate predates TFG and MAGA. It's only worse and more vigilant now with him granting permission to his supporters to hate and commit or threaten violence and people stuck in their silos and products of SM algorithms. I'm not naive enough to believe the only people who are in the "don't bother me with facts" crowd are all on the other side. Sure, disproportionally perhaps, but not exclusively. And no, I'm not defending either TFG or MAGA.

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Re "granting permission to his supporters to hate:" was running down the list with my wife: "Let's see: the Republican party hates women in general; hates childless women in particular; hates cat-ladies; hates Blacks; hates the well-educated; hates affirmative action; hates LBGTQ+ folks; hates the illegal immigrants who keep produce prices within reason; hates Muslims; hates contraception and IVF; hates vaccinations; and ad infinitum.

And that's one of our two major political parties—built on nothing but HATE?!

How the fk did it come to that?

I can't remember DWIGHT EISENHOWER hating anything (except maybe the military-industrial complex); I can't remember GEORGE BUSH actually hating anything (though his Vice-President hated EVERYTHING!). Yes, the Goldwater crowd hated "normie" Republicans, Rockefeller Republicans, but I can't remember them hating any "outside groups": Blacks; LGBTQ+; Mexicans, etc.

I guess it all started with Ronald Reagan and his (Black) "welfare queen", driving her Cadillac from one welfare office to another, defrauding the American taxpayer out of thousands of dollars every month by collecting check after check. Of course, he didn't seem all that bothered by his corporate buddies—especially the ones responsible for the Strategic Defense Initiative (aka "Star Wars")—defrauding the American taxpayer of BILLIONS of dollars every month, for a system they knew WOULD never work because it COULD never work.

"Yes, Virginia, there IS hypocrisy, and its name is the Republican Party!"

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When Steve listed the many things Trump will do to stay in power, he left one out...KILL.

He's already done it once. And absolutely no doubt he's ready if necessary to do it again.

People often say when you hear Trump talk, believe him. Well, he's said he can shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it. Be prepared for and do not underestimate the utterly desperate measures a stuck-n-steaming Trumplican party will stoop to. For them, there is no bottom. None.

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Steve mentions "floating" things like AI imags subbing for a Harris crowd. Well, how about floating January 6 and for all intents getting away with it. Seems impossible but last time I checked Merrick Garland was still bent over with the Supreme Court and Aileen Cannon's feet up his ass.

Oh, Trump is definitely ready to cut loose his paramiliary and other assorted MAGA death squads. You think that's hyperbole. Really? Think again.

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Trump's latest lie: "... and no one died on January 6th." I have heard that repeated several times, but no "expert" has picked up on it! Strange, indeed!

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I've heard it mentioned a few times. But what I have absolutely not heard is Dump is effectively shitting on Ashleigh Blabbet--the greatest MAGAt martyr of them all. WTF is up with that? Eh, MAGAt Nation ????

On a related note, Blabbet absolutely deserved to be shot. She was climbing though a smashed out door window wearing a BACKPACK (could have been interpreted as carrying a bomb), and if they let her through there were scores of raging violent MAGAts ready to follow behind her. The House of Congress literally onl\y a few feet away.

She was shot in the shoulder. Absolutely not a kill target. And who can deny she would have received medical attenton A LOT faster if only the bulding wasn't overrun by of hundreds of violent MAGAts. So instead of bleeding out on the floor with a shoulder wound, she might very well be alive today. Yes, she needed to be shot but certianly not to die. Still I have no sympathy for her. She had to know she was asking for something. Sure, being a typical clueless MAGAt, she didn't understand what that somethng might be. But she got it anyway.

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You are absolutely correct, True. Now is the opportune moment to remind short-term memory Americans, over and over again, that Trump is morally responsible for the mass death of hundreds of thousands of fellow Americans by dint of his perpetrating default pandemic democide fueled by an admixture of incompetence, science denialism, overweening hubris and psychopathic sociopathy, etc.

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Thanks Ken. As usual, most Steve followers are too wimpy to like or comment positively on such a "dramatic" or "over-the-top" comment such as the one I posted here. They mostly run and hide under their Warning beds when faced with the cold truth. Of course that truth will eventually become known. Best be prepared.

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Why haven’t we heard more specifics of the “assassination attempt”? I put that in quotes because it seems very strange that there was literally no scab or mark on his right ear a day or two after. Also, we have heard nothing more about the shooter - just the failures of the Secret Service. They are the ones falling on the sword while the public learns no specifics. Honestly, does anyone think that medical personnel actually put that maxi-pad on his ear? At this point, the “assassination” story literally stinks to high heaven!

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Correct….when the SS can erase all the content on their phones Jan. 5&6, 2021…….they failed again.

Read Carol Leonnig’s NY Times best sellerbook….”Zero Fail”….published by Random House.

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I remember when all this nonsense started, Sarah Palin as a VP choice the my way or the highway tea party.... back then many of us were shocked that Palin was ok and people were so anti- Obama. Ugliness started and we started to grow further apart from our neighbors. For much of the time since the Docrstic leadership has been asleep at the wheel while (far right groups and wealthy donors/PACs) played the long game. We now have the result of a completely hijacked former Republican party. So many of our neighbors have been lead to believe the maga lies because it's the world they've lived in. Even the Evangelicals have sold out! So we are left with Trump's steady 46-47% support and we have to do all we can to convince the sliver of the population that the emperor wannabe has no clothes! 80 days, 70 days.... 4 weeks... if you haven't done something / anything like donating, writing campaign or perhaps you're in a swing State, NOW IS THE TIME!

Thanks Steve

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Evangelicals did not sell out. They got exactly what they wanted and now hunger to achieve their untimate goal, implementation of everything called for in Project 2025. Evangelical leaders are grifters, unscrupulous manipulators of the gullible, who believe not one word of the Bible and seek only power and wealth for themselves through the establishment of a Christian theocracy.

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Excellent piece Steve

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In my opinion the return of Corey Lewandowski is a superb win for the Harris/Walz Campaign. Harris/Walz recruited David Plouffe. The Trump Dumpster Fire recruited Lewandowski. We’ll take that deal any day.

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My impression is that Trump has already said so many demonstrably false statements about her, that any further statements will be seen as just more of the same. The sputtering cries of an angry old fool, who is losing to a girl.

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Every now and then In Canada, the French separatist movement in Quebec raises its ugly head and holds a referendum. I was born and raised in la belle province. But I'm always appalled at how close the vote margin is to separate from the rest of the country. In 1970, nationalist terrorists kidnapped and murdered a government official. All in the name of preserving the French culture. Sometimes I think OK, why not, go ahead, separate, see how that works for you.

Before there's more civil unrest and to keep civilians safe, any chance you can pile the MAGA goons into their own state where they can live out their fevered dream? Shut the door, be done with them and see how they manage. Of course, I would never want my country to break up but dang! What's the cure?

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