The Israeli operations in Gaza and beyond over the past almost a full year have increased my fear of creating generations of terrorists. It is not making Israel or the world safer.

Peace. Shalom. Salaam.

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Exactly what I’m worried about. What are they thinking treating the Gazans like this?

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"Never do a great enemy a small harm." - Machiavelli

Killing nine and wounding upwards of 3,000 goes way past that point.

I can't see how this will end well. The question is, how bad will it get before it calms down again?

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The ever increasing threat of terrorism is almost uncontrollable! Thanks for your information & expertise!

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So, creating a superman is the new way to win in the vast world of Intelligence warfare. Wonder if consideration has been paid to the subtleties of allowing the goosed-up lemmings to charge over the many cliffs in the game. Has there been considerate attention paid to the sometimes crucial pacing that sometimes allows the over-zealous to over-charge the curves?

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Humanity has suffered oppression, lack, want for millennia. While we struggle with humanity's "psychology" we're failing to meet basic human needs - food, water, shelter, physical well-being and emotional safety.

We shrug at the indignation of genocide. We tell emerging leaders to shut up and sit down, the "adults" are in charge.

There is no difference between a domestic or foreign terrorist. Terrorizing another human being for any reason is terrorism.

For example, Republicans create and repeat lies that incite and mobilize their cult to keep their hands clean enough to deny their cruelty and imposed feality is intentional.

Why would I expect justice when we cannot respect dignity?

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Steve, you must know as I know that the meeting of trump and Netanyahu at Mar-a-lago was all about an agreement to escalate the war in the Middle East to facilitate trump’s re-election and Bibi’s continued reign in Israel. It keeps them both out of prison and in power. Two monsters who think nothing of burning down the world to warm their hands. Future terrorists, future millions dead are but a mere inconvenience to both of them.

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We we give them weapons and money, so Israel must listen to us. If they get us into a war, heaven help us.

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You wonder what can turn this around. Acts of kindness? The US does many kind things but usually with an ulterior motive where US businesses profit greatly. What if we were just kind? We have the wealth to lift countries just for the sake of peace. Wouldn't this, as a long game, create more goodwill in the world?

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