Never vote for a crazy man, me boys!
PLUS: Trump on trial and why the jury must uphold the justice system that he attacks daily
“Never fight up hill, me boys” is something that Robert E. Lee never said because, despite being a traitor against the United States and a cruel slave master, he was a fluent English speaker.
Donald Trump, on the other hand, is barely literate, usually incoherent, and profoundly ignorant. His grasp of the English language has always been tenuous, and it raises a question that must be asked on this, the second day of The Donald’s hush money/porn star/business fraud/election interference trial. Perhaps America’s most prolific serial liar just made the quote up — like he invented it out of thin air on the spot?

Donald Trump is approaching his 80th birthday, and he is incoherent. Utterly.
Furthermore, Donald Trump has repeatedly tried to raise the issue of sentience in the presidential race. Incredibly, he has been successful at smearing his opponent Joe Biden as hovering at the edge of senility to broad swaths of the country.
Let’s attempt an intellectual exercise and apply it fairly, seriously, and weight it towards Trump’s advantage. What would the reaction have been by the MAGA media if President Biden said the exact same thing that Trump did? In fact, what would the reaction have been across the whole of the American media? Obviously, you already know the answer. So do I.
At some level, the jaw-dropping ignorance is comical because of its supernatural absurdity. Though it takes place in a different dimension than this (you must watch this if you haven’t seen it yet!), it is the same thing. It is beyond the beyond.
Yet, Trump isn’t funny, even if you can’t stop laughing at him.
What happened at Gettysburg in 1863 saved the United States of America and broke the Confederate states. There was a moment on the second day of the battle during which our nation came within two minutes of dying. The end was at hand, and it was initiated by the incompetence of a New York congressman turned general, who actually did shoot someone in broad daylight and got away with it. One hundred and fifty-seven years before Donald Trump said he could shoot someone in broad daylight and not lose support, Daniel Sickles won America’s first insanity defense after shooting his wife’s lover in Lafayette Square — which in another amazing coincidence, was the exact place where Trump would order a gas attack on St John’s Church 161 years later, so that he could desecrate the Bible on TV, but I digress too much.
Tens of thousands of bloated human and animal bodies littered the killing fields for weeks after the July battle that turned the tide of the war. Even in the moment, the magnitude of what had occurred there was obvious.
There are a thousand books that have been written about Gettysburg, but there are no words that more clearly, directly and gloriously tell us all what happened on a day that so many died so America might live. This past weekend, I visited the Lincoln Memorial, and read these words etched in marble that were the basis for America’s rebirth and reconsecration:
Donald Trump is a demagogue and a buffoon, who is ignorant and dangerous. He is also deadly serious about his plans to seek retribution and vengeance against his enemies.
It is just one more example of why he is permanently anchored in a bay of ignominy 180 degrees opposite Abraham Lincoln’s greatness. There, in the muck, dreck and nastiness, dwells a low man who leads a lower cause that stands against Americanism.
At the end of the war, Lincoln said this:
With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ~ to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
Donald Trump is more than a clown and a buffoonish performing artist. He is Lincoln’s antithesis and a vessel of a recast Confederacy that seeks common cause with the world’s tyrants, murderers and dictators because the bonds of affection between the groups are forged by power, not liberty.
Donald Trump tells the American people many lies directly, but also many truths between the lines. He told us all something important in Gettysburg. Robert E. Lee did, in fact, order an uphill attack that destroyed his army and saved America. Let’s just hope that Trump turns out to be as overrated in 2024 as Lee was in 1863. One thing will always be true about Donald Trump and Robert E. Lee. Both men desecrated their oaths. They raised their swords in violence against the greatest nation ever created in mankind’s long history for the advancement of human liberty, freedom and dignity.
There are 203 days to go.
TRUMP ON TRIAL: Why the jury must uphold the justice system that Trump attacks daily
For the first time in American history, a former president will be facing a criminal trial. I explain the responsibility of the jury, made of up Donald Trump's peers. There should be no rooting for political outcomes, but rather upholding of the law. The criminal trial is not a proxy for an election. This is a moment during which Donald Trump's fiercest critics must be his most vociferous defenders for a fair trial:
“Donald Trump, on the other hand, is barely literate, usually incoherent, and profoundly ignorant. His grasp of the English language has always been tenuous, and it raises a question that must be asked on this, the second day of The Donald’s hush money/porn star/business fraud/election interference trial. Perhaps America’s most prolific serial liar just made the quote up — like he invented it out of thin air on the spot?”
All very true Steve. Not only has Trump managed to murder the English language, he’s also managed to kill the art of satire in America. That in itself, is a catastrophe!
What’s interesting is how so many power hungry republican politicians who still believe Trump instigated the insurrection, believe Trump is still fit to serve, just because he’s a running as a republican. Trump has no moral standards. He doesn’t represent the conservative wing of the party and was a democrat before he sought office. He inspires hate and retribution against anyone who has the audacity to stand up against the man.
Now we have some smart politicians like JD Vance and Sununu that have abandoned ship and joined the Chump Train. Do these people seriously not understand it’s a runaway train; about to derail?
What does it take for these power hungry idiots to actually stand up for America? All of them are morally bankrupt scoundrels who know better, but crave power more than they believe in our republic.
True profiles in courage; if they lived in Russia or N. Korea. Traitors to the Constitution and unfit to represent America and its interests abroad. These people are the problem, not the solution.
Good times!….:)
When I heard trump’s remarks in a place far from Gettysburg, I laughed out loud at first but then remembered that this criminal buffoon is a candidate for President. His cult members must have undergone an alien procedure to remove their cerebral cortexes. They are as ignorant and ill equipped to cast a vote for President as a 5 year old child. Still hopeful that the dominoes will continue to fall on this man as he faces a reckoning in court for his crimes.