While I agree with the idea of banning certain weapons, I am coming to the realization that the only way to create safer communities is to increase the cost of firearm ownership. For example - firearm-specific licenses should be implemented. We don’t let people with passenger car licenses drive 18-wheelers, nor should we have one license for all firearms. If you really want an AR-15, then you must he licensed accordingly with separate training & education requirements, safe storage & mental health history. Your health and liability insurance providers must be notified of your choice and charge you for the increased risks involved. Don’t go after the guns, go after the money and things will change.

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Marlene I wrote a reply to an article just recently that does just what you have suggested. I agree with making the cost of any and all weapons so high that only rich collectors would be able to afford to own one of the killing machines.

I have been a hunter since I was 12 and now am 74. I would sell most of my hunting weapons if my suggestions became law.

Ideas such as outlawing the bullets will probably not be implemented but we can make the guns mute by treating the ownership of them very, very costly. Insurance ( liability ) coverage requirements, annual inspections of all weapons in the peoples ownership, licenses required annually, specific felonies for anyone allowing permissive use of a weapon that results in the death of a human being.

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See comment further down about how to sell ammo - base it on medical marijuana rules & sell only at state dispensaries.

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Al Ross III… blessings for your

Writing….you’re my evening

Gift of this day …❤️Marsha

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Marsha you are my gift for reading my thoughts and trying to understand me through it.

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I totally agree. I have advocated for ownership of these guns be tied to liability insurance. You MUST have insurance….high cost insurance if you want to own one of these ridiculous guns. Why do I have to have liability insurance to drive a car…but not an AR15 type weapon? It makes no sense to me.

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Agree. And, if we have any chance of loosening insurance cos stranglehold on healthcare, we need to offer up some alternatives for them to profit from. It would be an interesting show to watch the GOP tie themselves in knots as they try to serve both the gun lobby & the insurance lobby.

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Once you start playing around with costs and liability insurance, you still have those guns in our society and people will want them, and will steal them. Some people will shoot a bunch of people with one of these weapons and then commit suicide.


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I disagree. These are military-style weapons and they don't belong in our society at any cost.

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The WAPO article was a good start but that's all it was. A start. I am a nurse practitioner and I have been saying for years that we need to show actual photos of the damage these weapons of war inflict. Let Americans have a real look at the horror they condone. Make Republicans explain every day why a six week old fetus must be defended at all cost but it is perfectly acceptable to obliterate a six year old child to the point they can only be identified by DNA. Quit referring to the "also wounded" as if they're John Wayne who got grazed but jump right back in the saddle. These are life altering wounds. Many of the wounded will never walk or be fully functioning again. Calculate the cost of months or years of care and make Republicans defend that. Over forty years ago one of my first patients was a young police officer with a gunshot wound to the abdomen. After all these decades the sight and smell of his injury is still vivid. Every American should have the image of his feeding tube and colostomy bag burned into their memory. Everyone should have to watch as a robust young man in the prime of life breaks into a sweat and trembles as he struggles to take two steps from the bed to the chair. Picture that. Then talk to me about your second amendment rights.

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POWERFUL. Your comparison of repugnicants "horror" at the death of a 6-week-old pea-sized fetus vs. their being OK with fully grown children's bodies being blasted apart by AK-15's is something that needs to be SHOUTED FROM THE ROOFTOPS! Certainly, it must be shouted in Congress. And YES: SHOW THE PHOTOS!!!

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Kdsherpa you warm my heart as I read your comments my soul connects with you…KUDOS!!!

SHOW ALL PHOTOS make us live

The horror our country allows…

MUST Make changes🌹Marsha

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Kathy and Marsha, you both warm my heart! You have made a difference in my life. More love is what we need. To see this WAPO article today -I'm shaking and feel enraged, (but it still isn't a real photo -still removed from the actual person) this is such terror, horror, and needless tragedy and destruction. Children?! We must stop this. I'm praying and I'm shouting. Love you both. Lisa (I'm so glad you are here today.) Love Diane Arden, too! We'll stick together and do this!!

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So agree! There should be this kind of exposure after every single shooting incident, it should be covered the way war is covered. Remember that iconic picture of the little asian girl running down the street naked? It is seared into our collective memory. You are SO RIGHT regarding the Repubs saving fetuses and letting the carnage of little children continue to happen. Peo-lifers are not above showing pictures and videos of what happens to the fetus in the womb during an abortion and talking about the way the womb should be the safest place for a baby to be. Our schools should be the safest place for children of all ages to be. The carnage of children due to guns should be shown so often that the nation becomes sick, nauseated and outraged by it. We should protest this publicly and massively just like the Vietnam war was, or the way Right to Life marches on Washington every year. We should be marching en masse on Washington until this changes. Sign me up.

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The little girl wasn't just naked. She had been napalmed and was running down the street as her skin was peeling off of her body. I think that is the most horrible thing I have ever seen. I agree with you about how it is seared in our collective memory, and I believe that it played a significant role in ending the VN war, at long, long, long last. We SAW what napalm does. We couldn't un-see it. Protests at the "Right to Life" marches in D.C., and we will carry posters of what AK assault weapons do to children (as you say) OUTSIDE of the womb. Sign me up, too.

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Thank you kd. I was pretty sure ahe had been napalmed but not sure enough to document it. Thank you for the clarification.

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What we did in Vietnam was unforgivable. And yet, somehow, the Vietnamese people have forgiven us. (Did you see Steve's recent article about his trip to the northern part of Vietnam, and how he was treated with such warmth?)

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Yes I did, just amazing. And I agree with you that the picture of the napalmed girl had alot to do with ending that war. Need to protest the gun violence the same way. It actually IS a war ~ against our children and our citizens.

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Visualization of reality can make an ENORMOUS difference!

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Well said, Diane. Thank You. Sign me up, too. We need to march and show REAL photos and tell REAL stories night and day until this carnage stops. Pray and Protest!!

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Constance Story ..your words are

Prophetic WOW … show photos

When the young girl’s photo was on the cover of magazines with her skin melting off of her body from Vietnam

NAPOM BOMBS everyone took notice



FACE the HORROR You Live with ..

May you be blessed with loving caring

Souls …I Am a Mother who lost a 26 yr

Old son thirty years ago and a widow

Grief is a process and we live with empty chairs of those we have loved

BUT we are Blessed because we can recognize LOVE..🌹Marsha …

Giving and doing kind acts of care :)

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Diane Arden as I retire your words will

Beckon kindness and angels to surround my soul.. heartfelt thanks…

I’m blessed by you tonight 🌹

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Wishing you the sweetest of dreams. xx

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Kdsherpa…you’re part of my heart and soul and truly appreciate your kindness and sincerity…sleep the sleep of angels xo Marsha

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Thank you, Constance! We need to see more real faces, stories, and wounds because people don't understand the reality, the gravity, the horror of what is truly happening to people who are shot. If they survive, they will likely suffer long-term damage, as well as trauma. Time to STOP!!

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I read the WAPO’ s astonishing and detailed article yesterday. One of the most gut wrenching parts was the identification of two youngster’s pictures in life and then exactly where the bullets hit and how they were killed- their bodies ripped to shreds. I admire the courage it took for their parents to allow such destruction and pain. Similarly the step by step explanation of how the bullets function was crucial instruction. The article put in context the latest evolution of increased usage and sales of weapons and the motivation of gun manufacturers, which struck me as just plain evil. I think the anecdote about how much easier and “fun” gun buyers found the semiautomatic weapons compared to their heavy old rifles was and you know it was cool like owning a corvette was nauseating. The sorry American male syndrome of who’s got the biggest, fastest, most powerful dick, and the women who support them. I would like to see that article digitalized and run on each TV station simultaneously. I have held gasping dying, bleeding beautiful children in my arms and taken their bodies to the morgue. What in the world is wrong with these people?

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So sad that you had to go through this. No one should.

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Well said, Val. Thank you. Real photos of the carnage would make all this a lot less 'cool'.

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As nice it might be to ban all semiautomatic rifles (which is easier to define than assault rifle), I’d start where the 1934 machine gun law started, by registering all semiautomatic rifles and requiring an annual license fee. It won’t get them off the street immediately, but with tens of millions already in this country, there is no quick solution. With registration and license fees, we can slowly change the culture away from fetishizing these weapons.

I’m also a proponent of banning gun ownership from anyone with a domestic violence or animal cruelty history.

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I have lived my whole life without a gun. I am not diminished as an adult by this; I am not “less safe” because of thls; my rights are not being abridged by this; I am not “less free” because of this.

I have never harmed an animal or a person with a gun. I have never threatened anyone. I have never committed a crime.

I vote.

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Martha, I used to tell my sons this when they were boys, and would beg me to buy them toy guns. (They are now responsible adults.) in addition to making access to weapons of war more difficult, we need to create a culture where gun ownership is not seen as cool.

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Barbara, my Mom too (in the 1960’s) wouldn’t buy toy guns, toy soldiers - and made us - I was the baby - watch the Viet Nam news on Walter Cronkite every night. Coffins on airplanes. With her silent tears, we all knew - War makes Mom cry…. But she was fierce. She took us (I was not yet 4) to march at the ‘68 Convention, to see the Black protesters get hit with water cannons, she made us watch the Watergate hearings…. I miss her…

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Your mom taught civics by example. What a great job of parenting.

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The 'cool factor' around guns is a huge problem. Military style guns need to become 'not cool' -i.e. "it is cool to keeps our schools safe", "it is cool to stand up for Love".

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Great thoughts and words.

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Holy sh*t. The most chilling thing - in the time it took me to read the article, is the timer at the bottom indicating how many people were killed during the time it took me to read it.

We are in anarchy. And a sizeable portion of our country want it that way. Dear God.

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Steve, I learned for the first time why an AR15 does what it does yesterday in the Washington Post. I wish a family or two, or all could be brave enough to let the actual pictures be published, and used in Congress, and at bus stops… until these jag offs see the actual carnage it’s not real to them. I also agree to tax them 100%, and require insurance like on cars. No insurance, the manufacturer becomes liable. See how quickly ‘somethin can be done about it’ despite the douchebag Representative that comes from Nashville

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Mike, you mirror my thoughts exactly. Big changes in people smoking when cancerous lungs were revealed to the public. Yes, on busses, billboards and in front of Republican eyeballs.

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Manufacturer sells the gun and sells the insurance. No insurance or the policy lapses, the manufacturer becomes liable. What about the seller? Some responsibility there, also. Complete package: gun, insurance, locked storage container, trigger lock mechanism, maintenance kit, legit will forms to file with your lawyer.

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I don’t disagree with anything you cited. However, I’d like the manufacturer to keep the dealers it sells guns to to keep them legit. So there is a clear line of liability

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Military-style weapons don't belong in society at any cost. They need to be banned.

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I've never owned a gun and I've never hunted. I have lived in areas of the country where a lot of people hunt but most of these people prepare and eat the animals they hunt. One of my uncles was an avid deer hunter. However, after reading The Washington Post article, it's obvious that these guns are not really for hunting as they destroy whatever they hit. These guns were designed to kill people and we must ban them. In the meantime, I agree with requiring specific licenses, registration, limits on ammunition and insurance. I'm also tired of hearing the argument that putting gun control laws in place won't stop "bad" people from having guns. These are the same people who pass laws against abortion even though their laws won't stop abortions.

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There would be no deer left to eat.

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I feel we need to show more videos and real photos of the carnage day and night and protest non-stop until these military-style weapons are completely banned from society. Thanks.

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Thank you for your insight, your suggestion of adding all high velocity weapons to the ban list is definitely a step in the right direction. Now, we have to shame Republicans into action to get this legislation done. Thank you again Steve, for keeping this a relevant topic for discussion. Keep shining a light on the malignancy of the Republican party. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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Think about it. WHY do the Republicans get a thrill out of these horrors? Why do they “give up” and block any legislation that would out-law and take control of these deadly practices?

Is it the financial blow back from their donors and the HUGE return they receive from the NRA?

Is this ALL money?

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Yes it is money and fear of their Magate base. It really is very simple. Change the discussion from "Banning" anything to legislating safe ownership of all weapons, even hunting weapons of which I own several. See my past suggestions.

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The greed in this country is deafening. All for me and none for thee!

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Nay, What's thine is mine, and what's mine is mine.

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Yes, Al Ross. It is ALL about $$$ -- and the POWER it gives.

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I agree but keeping up pressure to their necks is the only way you will get change. It will either get them to say uncle or it will become politically unfavorable when their constituents vote them out of office.

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Right On!! Thanks.

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But the poll listed Independents as the largest proportion of owners of military style weapons.

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Please let me see the poll linda. Where may I read it since I am unaware of this analysis. Even so, creating safety measures for weapon ownership would go a long way towards resolving children being mutillated no matter who owed the weapons.

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As you read Steve's article you might have noticed the reference to the Washington Post article. Click on the link to WP and read the article, view the animation of the damage to bodies, read the poll and results, watch the videos from gun owners about why they own long guns.

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Thank you Linda but as a hunter I have seen the damage that long guns do to flesh.

I think that because gun ownership is so prevalent in this violent society we must take a different approach than simple banning.

Whether you are a crazed gun nut, an independent or of either political party, creating safe use of weapons with strict laws and costs most would agree that it will become a simple part of the ownership process just like owning an automobile.

Just my humble opinion.

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Hopefully you did read the WP article and notice the poll results. Some of the results did match my expectations but overall, I did learn some new aspects about the "why" of this type of gun ownership. The only hunting reason was for killing feral hogs which we have an abundance of in Texas. Now, I suppose the killing of feral cattle will be included as a practical use for rapid fire automatic weapons.

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Patrick P your words are powerful…

Why is it that embryos developing

With in woman’s uterus have

More value than a woman’s life than grade school children being killed by

Weapons of war with bullets so powerful they explode the interior of all organs brains and interiors of bodies weapons of war don’t belong

Parents of murdered children show !!! destroyed bodies SHOW PHOTOS

Nothing speaks louder!😓marsha

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To go further, Republicans are more interested in gun rights than they are in human life. Their childlike belief of this won't touch their families is not understood by me.

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Someone .. hugs for caring :) Marsha

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It's not complicated. Republicans don't care. Period. Look at Congressman Ogles (the House member for the district where the latest mass school shooting happened), who just for the 2022 holiday posted a photo of himself and his family in front of their Christmas Tree, armed with assault rifles (if you want to find the image, it's very easy to do so, but I refuse to link to it). What says "Holiday Spirit" and "Peace, Love and Goodwill towards all" more than a bunch of people holding assault rifles??????

Again, REPUBLICANS DO NOT CARE. They profess to love the children and to want to protect them, but apparently that "love" doesn't extend to making sure that those kids come home from school alive, or at least without bullet holes. Their "solution", then, now and forevermore, is to offer useless, meaningless "thoughts and prayers" and to then call for MORE guns. Because, the fact that this is the only so-called "advanced democracy" to have this type of carnage happen with mind-numbing regularity is just A-OK with them. It's vomit-inducing and infuriating.

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yes... the Gun Groomers! We need a compilation of all those horrific gun toting "jesus" lovers (not any Jesus I know... but clearly they have an all white, gun toting god... so weird). They celebrate Xmas by arming their kids and grooming them to hate and to be violent. It's beyond comprehension.

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"the Gun Groomers!"

Perfect description !

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Yes, indeed, an absolutely accurate description! Well-described, DeeDee, I couldn't agree more.

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As a nurse of 40 yrs— I know what a bullet does. But since many do not follow the science of Covid, the mitigation measures needed to protect oneself, I doubt America will listen to doctors explain the destruction of their child’s head after a gunshot wound. This country is broken.

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I think that repugnicants whose own child's head exploded would listen. Otherwise, no way. "Thoughts and prayers." Yes, this country is broken.

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The sad thing is that the only way something will be done to get rid of assault weapons is when the kids of rightwing politicians are being killed.

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Steve, how do we get this presented to Congress? I think it would make a powerful visual aid. I hear the Dems are considering forcing a vote soon.

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Now maybe Chris Rocks exhortation about bullets and ammo costing $5000 per unit could become law! Take away the ammunition that cause these wounds is a start you lazy, unethical immoral douche bags in congress!

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Like marijuana, let’s sell ammo only in state dispensaries that track every bullet and every shell.

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Anything that will stop this madness! 🙂

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Great idea of many being suggested here!

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I deeply feel that this will make gun owners more angry and more violent (higher costs, liability, etc.) Military-style weapons need to be banned from society. If people want military style weapons, they need to join the military.

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I read the article yesterday. The way the body of a human being is exploded is even worse than I had expected. There were a half-dozen articles all on the same subject in the Washington Post. Every single person in Congress should be made to read ALL of them.

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So sad and pathetic that our great country has come to be known for these shootings?

Around the globe!

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Tourists don't travel to the Congo or the United States.

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Literally true. Last time I was in Europe I couldnt find one single person who wanted to come here... each person stated its because of our gun violence. Every. Single. Person.

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Steve, thank you for recommending this article. Many of my questions have been answered. Congress has a duty to provide some measures to protect all of us. No ban would provide 100% success. So we continue to kill the most innocent among us because adults can't find agreement.

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Almost all American adults are in firm agreement. It’s the right wing gun livers in Congress who refuse to act. I want them to explain why they believe they are so incapable. (We KNOW its because theyve been purchased by the NRA or Putin - same thing) but we must hold their cowardly feet to the flames and force them to admit why they refuse to do their effing jobs!

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