Yes, it's disheartening. Mika Brzezinski's father is rolling over in his grave. I will not watch MSNBC for quite some time. Everyone tells me to watch Rachel and Lawrence but I'm having a hard time even doing that. Mark Cuban needs to buy MSNBC. We need some serious leaders with money to step up to the plate in order to counteract the scumbags who are in charge of all the corporations and media.

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Excellent analysis Steve. Happy to say I never was a fan of the show. I could ever get beyond the fact that early on in Trump's first campaign they helped normalize him. I'll stick with Rachel, Nicole and Lawrence though I've not been able to watch them since the election. I'm too broken. I've always been a fighter but the fire in my belly is down to an ember.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this!! Steve gives me hope again.

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Steve Schmidt should seriously think about running for President. Now is not the time for business as usual. I am a loyal, life-long Dem but we are rudderless right now. I would have voted for Steve for President 8 years ago!

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Imagine Nicolle Wallace telling her audience she went to meet Donald Trump- you cannot because she would not. I first “met”😆you and others there and was profoundly relieved to hear continued well articulated hammering of a lunatic president.

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They hadn't talked to Trump in seven years prior to their recent kiss-up Mar-a-Lago. So now, all of a sudden, Mika and Joe NEEDED to be "fair" and hustle down to FL to have an audience with Dear Leader. I, like you Steve, call bullshit. It was a lousy, unprofessional move and I am embarrassed for them. If it weren't for Rachel Maddow in particular, I wouldn't turn on MSNBC.

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You nailed it ! I'm sure she is a good person and so is he but they became impossible for me to watch long ago. For me I have found her to be insufferable for a long time. Know your value my foot. If she would have found a show of her own ..tv show or a podcast I might not have found her to be as insufferable as I do. That they cozied up to Trump is despicable . I read that they are losing viewers each day.

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Steve, I just listened to this and you are spot on! I was crazed when I heard what they had done and equally infuriated by their explanations! Do they think we’re stupid!!!

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I stopped watching MSNBC in June after they shitcanned a decent President after one, ONE, bad debate. The talking heads on all the "liberal" media outlets are responsible for Trumps reelection because they pushed Biden aside. Kamala Harris didn't have a hope in hell of beating Trump because she riled up his racist misogynistic base. And all MSM did was cover Trump to boost their ratings.

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Ugggggh this podcast! Hard Cringe. As if she was the only victim of a mean tweet. And maturely rising above it for us. And now “taking punches” from baffled viewers. Okay and oh well.

They wanted to reset communications or whatever that was with a sociopath which isn’t possible if I’m understanding sociopaths - and they spoke about it going well and I dropped my fake mic. It sounded like a brunch after a marital divorce going well. And zero information other than a great date so I felt profoundly cheapened as a former viewer.

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I’m angry with them because they’ve now strangled the rest of the great journalists on MSNBC as that network is now drawing its last gasps for oxygen.

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To them its survival welcome Joe and Mika Arnold.

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Mika is a vacuous dimwit.

Joe is a cheap opportunist.

That show ia done..

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Exactly. That's what I said. She's digging in rather than saying she effed up.

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She does indeed

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Steve, I wanted to give Mika and Joe the benefit of the doubt. I considered that perhaps they are trying to attract MAGA viewers so they can help convert them. However, you not only made some solid points but you reminded me that the news is what let the world of education down, which I’m certain is the number one cause for this take over.

I have given them and the media in general a pass because I know how complicated and unknown this connection is. Education is democracy’s foundation and stepchild at the same time.

My basis for giving them a pass is that I keep trying to tell you about education and get nowhere with you yet I do not doubt your sincerity. I gave them the same pass I gave you. Your statements today have made that harder while urging me to not give up on you because I know once you know my work you can save this nation. You must know our schools to know how this happened.

At WhiteChalkCrime.com you will hear teacher whistleblowers explain what crooks have been doing to our schools by grooming rubber stamping school boards. People can get on school boards on the platform of save democracy/end school shootings. We can build islands of democracy they can’t touch.

I know it’s hard to believe education is that lost and you don’t know but we didn’t know what the priests and Harvey Weinstein were doing for decades. It’s our schools that paved the way for autocracy because they are an autocracy that banished great teaching, the underpinning of democracy. Teachers’ unions folded as have most teachers. It’s a treacherous world because the media failed to report this. This is our deep state. This is what has caused so many forgotten men. This is what gave Trump his path.

Abraham Lincoln correctly said, "The philosophy of the school room in one generation, will be the philosophy of government in the next."

Once you know what it has been you’ll know I’m right to pester you to look into this and be the light down this dark path. There’s nothing transactional here. I’m too old to get my job back and no one who’s transactional becomes a teacher!

We can save democracy. We absolutely can take over our schools. The worst case scenario is we go back to teaching democracy and in time these children will grow up and make it happen. However, democracy is a powerful force and our schools can be the light that even when small keeps the darkness from taking over like a candle in a dark room.

The media won’t listen to people who were called to teach because on a transactional basis we are powerless. Since you must do what they failed to do, you must learn how corrupt our schools are. You must know the void they caused to fill it.

Here’s a story about my teaching days that shows why democracy failed:

From the time I was 21 years old, I was a teacher who absolutely loved my job. Each year I’d turn my classroom into a mini democracy since I knew that my job was to create citizens. What better way to teach democracy could there be than setting up a mini democracy?

I’d teach my students to see our classroom as a boat we had to keep afloat. They each had a job. Getting along together was it. Discipline was never a problem. My students were driven from day one.

What I learned soon after becoming a mother a few years later was I had had power in the classroom. I influenced my students to love learning and each other. But when it came to my own children, my ability to influence them was pitiful. It still is!

A story of my first days of teaching will show you just how much influence a teacher has.

Each morning my second graders would get to work on their daily assignments, writing on their wide ruled extra absorbent manilla paper as though they were paid by the hour. One day Sally vomited on her work, yet kept writing on the dry spots. Even those sitting close to her kept working.

I was astonished. I knew how much everyone hated vomit - children even more. Yet I had motivated them so much they soldiered on.

After the few seconds it took my brain to process what I had done to these children, I brought Sally a towel, told her it was okay to stop working, and had another student escort her to the nurse.

I then led the students in a game of Simon Says letting them know they earned some fun for their stellar performances as citizens of our little world.

I picture that room more than fifty years later as if it were yesterday because I learned what most people never realize - good teachers are powerful.

You know who did learn this? The people running our schools. Unfortunately many, if not most of them, made sure you’d never find this out by purging great teachers from education as the schools became their treasure chests rather than democracy’s foundation.

Do you think a student who’d work through vomit to do her job would have switched her allegiance from her teacher to a Kim Kardashian?

Do you think a child so motivated to learn would grow up ignoring facts and civility - what a democracy demands? Would she buy into Trump?

When teachers like me became the enemies of the crooks running our schools, so did democracy. My memoir, A Graver Danger, about my teaching days and how this corrupt autocratic system set out to silence me, shows you what good teaching looks like and why it and the democracy that it once supported become extinct. My book is a roadmap showing how we lost democracy.

To save democracy, you must read it so you’ll know what to do, which starts with filling our school boards with democracy lovers.

In 2008, I wrote a book about our corrupt schools warning we’d lose democracy if our schools weren’t investigated. Oprah’s researcher called me with my book in hand and then did nothing. Yes, media is transactional!

The media are the ones that handed democracy over to an autocrat by not listening to teachers. We must take over our schools and plant the flag of democracy where it belongs. Democracy was destined to die with the schools we have; our best path for resurrecting it is taking back our schools. Let this Change Everything teacher teach you how. Start by listening to the five whistleblowing teachers at WhiteChalkCrime.com.

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Not to mention the fact that curriculum is dictated by State Boards of Regents, like in New York, that have pushed STEM over the last 30+ years to almost the exclusion of Civics, Government, History (American and World). What happened to Home Economics, Personal Finance, Basic Accounting?

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Democracy is taught also by the way a teacher teaches and by example. Children watching their favorite teachers being trashed teaches opportunism not democracy. Good teachers also include things by need. No one told me to get my fourth graders efficient at their multiplication tables. A lot of what is taught is up to a teacher’s judgment. Once women’s lib happened those with good judgment stopped becoming teachers and they did nothing about this loss because those in charge are focused on power and perks, not educating children.

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Thank you for explaining why myself and others feel so betrayed by Mika and Joe. I can’t help but think they’ve mastered the art of lies, hypocrisy, and BS like Donald Trump. I don’t buy their supposed rationalization that the goal was to open lines of communication. I hope their ratings drop big time. I’m only one person but I’m out.

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